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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    Hi all -
    Meggie, I am fixated on retiring. Need to go to Austin and meet in person w/ someone from the TX Teacher Retirement System (TRS) and get the low-down. I can retire now but at 30K less than what I'm making...less taxes, health care, etc. I can get a partial lump sum and then even further reduced pay-outs, but that appeals to me. Then I could get a job as a receptionist, file clerk, admn asst, ANYTHING that would bring in $30K to make-up for the loss. Seems cinchy. Scary tho -

    I'm overwhelmed with the load this year. 200 students in 8 classes (4 each day) is crazy. Then there is the stupid testing every 3-4 weeks, filling out data sheets on the results after, a computer program to award or delete points on behavior, it's ridiculous. I just don;t give a shit. My priorities are to plan lessons, prepare for them, grade and record grades. It pisses me off I am bringing work home on a regular basis plus staying til 5-6 most days. UGH - I just want to scream and claw my face!!!!

    Drinking was not as heavy this week - vodka tonics are much better for me than wine.

    Stuck, the guy I just met is a PhD teaching masters level courses in business & entrepreneurship. He says he records his lectures the first time he gives them and then plays them to subsequent classes in 20 min increments so he doesn't have to repeat himself! Plus making sure every class gets the same info. I think that sounds lame as hell. He also talks too damn much. But he's cute, drinks copious amounts of vodka, plays golf, and has a boat! HAHA! He also said kids today can't write worth a shit.

    It's universal. Schools are just passing kids along...the dumbing down of America. I can't imagine how stupid the clientele is at most community colleges! My daughter took a class this summer and the prof misspelled and wrote so horribly, it was a joke. I dunno - what do you call the kid who passes last in his med school class? Doctor! sheesh

    TGIF - hope we all enjoy responsibly :-))
    Last edited by houtx770; November 6, 2015, 10:26 PM.


      How many years do you have in. This will be 31.5 for me. I am going to retire this year or next. I also, am sick of the crap. Our fifth grade scored horribly on the state test. It was based on a growth score. Our principal is mad, even though he is trying to stay cool. How can we make kids and families want to do well. We don't have testing as much as you. How do you ever have time to teach?
      I have come to love vodka, I can't even stand the taste of wine anymore. I did ok this week. Most days I did real well, still no AF day. Two days I drank my usual. I am hoping that this Nal will work for me. I need to quit this drinking. I want to travel, and not worry about drinking or having alcohol around me. Can you see me in an African school looking for vodka.
      When I retire I will get 60 percent of my pay. With difference of taxes and other things taken out, it will be a difference of about 12000. I am allowed to earn 35 thousand a year extra. This decision is really scary.



        Olivier Ameisen

        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


          Meggie, I am like you - don't like the taste of wine any more since being on high(ish) dose of bac, currently 150mg. However, I find vodka "dangerous". It's virtually tasteless & combined with a mixer such as Red Bull or fizzy orange it goes down very easily! I think this is how the drinks industry gets teenagers hooked on alcohol with their so-called alco-pops. I have reluctantly decided (only in the last 24 hours!) that I have to stop buying it. I have realised that there's no way I would open a bottle of wine these days, but I still really look forward to a vodka & something.

          Maybe try just having a bottle of wine in the house? That's what I plan to do from now on, & I'm fairly sure I won't be tempted.


            I drink my vodka with flavored water. I do have good dry white wine in the fridge but it doesn't taste good. What does the bac do?


              You mean how does the bac affect your taste for alcohol? I don't know generally, but I think others have posted on here that it makes wine taste less appealing. Sad really, it would be nice to be able to "enjoy" the odd glass, but I'm not complaining, it's a small price to pay.


                I wonder if it works like Nal, Nal is an opiate inhibitor and is suppose to help me not like the taste of alcohol. I have been on the medication for 3 months. I think it is starting to work. I am drinking less.


                  I took BAC for awhile - over 5 yrs ago. Can't remember what doseage I got up to...not way high like it took for those who hit the point they quit. There was a buzz word for that, I've forgotten. I just gained about 10 lbs for no reason in a 6 wk period and it did nothing for me. I did NAL, BAC, and then TOPA. Good times. Nature has taken it's course. I seem to be drinking less during the week, which is good...more on weekends, of course.

                  Concerned about my brain farts: speech problems & not being able to pronounce, find the words, etc. Much like TOPA DOPA, only just a result of brain damage probably. I've really been fighting off depression lately. I've NEVER been prone to depression. I wake up and just can't get out of bed (weekends); feeling blah/ scared/weirded out about what's to come, money, getting older, where I'm living, being alone, all kinds of vague shit. I put up my C'mas tree this weekend ( just plain, not decorated) and some other holiday decorations. I thought it would lift my spirits...ehhh, a bit but not much.

                  I need a new boyfriend!! The professor hasn't gotten in touch. His hours are crazy & we didn't exactly click. He talks too much & didn't make me laugh. UGH - my Plenty O' Fish profile expires in Dec. & thinking I will get back on match...we shall see.

                  Tah tah for now


                    I also worry about the same things that you do. If I retire can I afford to live on the pay. I won't be able to take ss for about 3 years. Also, I will need to find something else to do. I was bored yesterday. I also worry about health issues and health insurance. Will I be able to pay the bills.
                    I kinda went into shock when you said you put up your Christmas tree. I usually wait until black Friday.
                    Try Match, I hear lots of people have had fun on that site.


                      No posts in a while, I'm going to send this and see if it flies


                        Ah, good! Alls well. Nothing much has changed with me. I haven't seen the Professor guy since our Halloween night date, altho we've texted that alls well & we do want to see each other again. I've played golf w/ my ex- the hot Irishman a few times. He's heavy in love with his former gf. UGH - I'm over it but occasionally bugs me. Where is mine??

                        Still obsessing over retirement, still drinking the way I normally do: daily & my opinion. I'm doing fine. Had an ok trip to SF for my nephew's wedding, got my C'mas decorations up way early this year, but doing so was comforting & now I'm done & enjoying them.

                        Alls pretty well w/ me - hope so with all of you!


                          very quiet here, I have been posting in the Nal post. I don't know if this drug will really work. I was sick in November with the flu and had some AF days. I haven't had one of those since 2011. I also drank 1/3 of what I usually do. However, the last week I have been drinking more. I know what I need to do is just quit.
                          So how is life with houtx



                            For what it's worth, I have done much research on Nal. Don't know what your background is, but the sinclare method (TSM) seems to work best for those of us who aren't hard core.
                            Last edited by Mom21961; December 8, 2015, 01:05 AM.


                              I don't know what I am. I just know I have quit before and at some time I need to do it again. I can do without drinking. We don't go out much and when we do I drink. I have not drank in public for years. I don't know if it is just a habit and I reward myself at night with a drink. Are you going to try it.


                                Originally posted by meggie View Post
                                I don't know what I am. I just know I have quit before and at some time I need to do it again. I can do without drinking. We don't go out much and when we do I drink. I have not drank in public for years. I don't know if it is just a habit and I reward myself at night with a drink. Are you going to try it.
                                I'm on the Baclofen wagon, but was very interested in Nal. I was concerned about the length of time it took when reading the TSM message boards, so decided to go with Bac. However due to SEs, it's taken me forever to get to a decent level. Seems to be working though.

