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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    bkyogagurl;1131374 wrote: DYD~ I am reluctant to talk with him about the Nal. He told me my last visit that he did some research on the Topa and didn't like what he found. I was doing pretty good then and told him I thought I could handle it on my own. Next time I go in, I will make a decision. I am kinda thinking of ordering overseas. I was also thinking of seeing a counselor.

    I am so glad to see you are doing so well. It truly is inspiring. I really need to take that next step. I really want to get control of this. You take care of you.

    Mimi.... great job! I am glad the Topa is working for you and I hope the SE's subside. Keep us posted.

    Christi~ I will scan the page and PM it to you. Because typing it out was taking to long.
    Thank you so much. I apprecate it!
    AF July 6 2014


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Topa alone wasn t enough for me.

      I strictly followed the titrating schedule and had pretty good results. But started drinking again. That "drinking over topa" thing.

      Thanks to some posters here, I ordered naltrexone and baclofen.

      I (mmmhh, the irony) hate medicines.

      Anyway, after many, many experiments, with/without: naltrexone, topamax, baclofen, sertraline, fluoxetine, xanax, valium (and some other benzos); my best option has been a combination of drugs.

      I am taking topiramate (very low dose, but very necessary), naltrexone (half of the dose recommended), fluoxetine (only 10 mg), alprazolam (just 12.5 mg a day).
      I am feeling better than ever (...not that this is the best).

      When I skip only ONE of these drugs, my cravings increase significantly.

      I wish every poster or reader of this site, finds its own way to fight this horrible disease or however you call it.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I (mmmhh, the irony) hate medicines.
        Me too..... Airam

        That is why I want to try to find a way without them.
        I don't want to take them for the rest of my life.
        It seems when I am taking pharmacuticals, I am tired
        a lot??? I hate that.

        I had an AF night last night and I am proud of myself.
        I am going to exercise today. I would love to get to a place
        where I am addicted to that again.



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hallo everyone - yes, don't faint but it is me and I am back! I am so sorry I haven't been around - with my mum here and I also had a good friend visit too, it was impossible - since then I have been catching up on work and also my youngest daughter is moving back home for a month or two (she is 25), so things have been extremely hectic. I am still drinking my Guinness (now there's a surprise) and on Monday I am upping my Topa (again). i keep lowering it and that takes me back to where I was before so now I am once again upping it in the hopes of getting back to my two a night - without getting to the point where the Topa depresses me. Apart from that I am really doing well - I am feeling good!!

          BK - I hope you enjoy your trip - as for the trying to do it without meds, I understand that but I think, for me at least, I need the meds initially - as soon as I don't have them - my intake goes up. I was hoping that once I am off AL for a LONG time then I can wean off the meds. that is the plan anyway, but being very lucky with hardly nay SE's from Topa, it is okay with me if I continue to take it too.

          Airam - my friend - I am so pleased to see you posting more. Your cocktail of drugs seems to be working wonders for you. Strange mix but hey if it works, don't change a thing!! How are your parents doing? Where are you at with the AL now? this is indeed a long journey isn't it. I am so pleased that i have you all here to journey with me.

          Neveah - if you read the book, it has the titration schedule in it although it is on this thread SOMEWHERE too! Let me know if you need it - either PM me or something and I can type it out for you. Topa has worked for me - I get mine from my doc but have super insurance so it is all in there and life insurance isn't a question so it doesn't matter. hubs gets little if I die. ROTFL He is the one worth a lot when he dies - not me. I told him all he needed was enough money to have me cremated!! Anyway - back to Topa. LOL Re getting it cheaper than the on-line prices here, I really don't know. someone on here might have some they don't use or need any more and could PM you........At least to get you started and see if it agrees with you. I do understand the issue with hanging with Hubs and his friends and the social drinking thing - that would be hard initially, and all I can suggest is to miss those occasions to begin with. have you considered antabuse? If you take that, you CANNOT drink - you would be VERY ill. Just a thought.......

          Mimi - how are you doing? I am sorry that you are having such awful SE's. What dosage are you on? Maybe drop down a little and stay on a lower dose and get your body used to it - that is what I would do - then go up again in a couple of weeks. Awesome on the 16 days though - well done you !!

          Christy - the titration starts at 25 mg for the first week, afternoon or evening
          week 2 2 x 25mg in the afternoon or evening
          week 3 1 x 25mg in the am, 2 x 25mg in the pm
          week 4 2 x 25 mg am, 2 x 25 mg pm
          week 5 2 x 25 mg am, 1 x 100 mg pm
          week 6 1 x 100mg am, 1 x 100 mg pm
          week 7 1 x 100mg am, 1 x 100mg plus 2 x 25mg pm
          week 8 1 x 100mg plus 2 x 25 mg am, 1 x 100mg plus 2 x 25 mg pm

          Hope that helps!! It is way best to stick with the schedule - you can go slower but never go faster! It doesn't help and doesn't work. Please stay here with us - there is often a bit more activity here - honest!!

          DYD - wow - you are doing so well! the Nal really seems to be working for you - how are you feeling? I am so pleased for you. I feel bad that it is so long since I was here - please catch me up on how you are doing. i sounds so positive for you - I am really happy!

          Illum - haven't seen you here since that one post - I have hardly been here since then either. please pop back and let us know how you are...... I wasn't surprised to read of your leaving your hubs. Was he surprised? Are you happier now? What is going to end up happening with the other chap? yes, it is hard times - I think it is a brave thing you have done. sometimes it is easier to stay put and just continue with life. Only you can know what is best though. I hope that you are feeling better about things - I will have to PM you with my new e-mail - my other yahoo one was giving me grief - bouncing back e-mails to everyone. How is the drinking going???? you didn't mention that at all.....

          I must get going but really wanted to post and catch up - everyone, lovely to see you and I won't be away so long again!!!

          hugs and love to you all,

          love, Sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi all, I have been pretty busy lately but good. today is day 22 AF and about day12 on the topa.
            Sunshine I dropped back to 25mg of the topa but the se are still pretty severe. I am going to stay on the 25 mg for awhile and see if my body won't get used to it. I am supprised that I am having so many SE after reading everything I can on topa as the SE usually come from taking higher doses and also as you go up in dosage but for me they came on instantly.
            The desire to have a glass of wine (or two or three) usually hits in the evening but I haven't had that lately. I don't know if that is from the topa or not but it probably is. If I stay on the 25mg I have about a 100 day supply. I don't know if I will have to wean myself off it after that or not since it is such a low dose but I do know I don't want to take this med for the rest of my life.

            Take care everyone and I will try to check in a little more often. i appreciate any and all feedback on the topa issue.
            Day 1:4/4/2014


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi Mimi - I would stay with the 25 mg - as you said, let your body get used to it. I had no SE at all at the beginning but we all are different. SO WELL done on 22 days AF - that is awesome. You won't have to take it for the rest of your life - plus - don't worry about the rest of your life - for now, just worry about today!! If you are doing fine without the Topa - I mean 22 days AF, and on day 12 of Topa, do you need the topa? How were you doing for those first 10 days? Just wondering? Stay on the 25 mg and see how the SE's go. some folk have none (like me) and others really have them badly. I think you are doing so well. Yes,the desire that is gone is probably from the Topa - which must feel good. I am chuffed for you. Hang in there my friend. Don't worry about weaning yourself off yet. My doc said that one can stop taking it with no trouble as long as you are not prone to seizures.

              hugs to you,

              love, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Day 23 and I felt better today. Maybe dropping back down to the 25mg was a smart idea. i don't think I will go back up as i still have no desire to drink. Maybe for me 25mg is enough.

                Take care everyone
                Day 1:4/4/2014


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Good to hear from you, Sunshine.

                  I'm doing pretty well. I was pretty darn proud of myself because I went camping last weekend and only drank one bottle of wine and one beer the whole weekend! Before Nal I could have had one bottle of wine per night at least!

                  However, I did drink an entire bottle of wine last night. I just wanted it. Now that I am on Nal I'm always afraid in the morning how I'll feel because I've had some terrible hangovers on it. But fortunately (or not), I felt okay today.

                  Mimi, it's great that you're doing so well on 25 mg. I got way up there on the dosage and didn't have the benefits you are feeling. That's great!
                  Do Your Dream


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    :happyheartay 24 and feeling a little better today no desire to drink and still losing weight so 25 mg must be a high enough dose for me. the numbing in my foot and leg has gotten better and some of the other SE have lessened as well.
                    Day 1:4/4/2014


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi DYD - your camping weekend went well for you - that is so good - you know how you usually do, so to cut down like that is great! I do know what you mean about drinking the entire bottle just 'cos you wanted it though - 'sigh' - my Guinness consumption is back up there again!! This is so frustrating. I sometimes wonder if I ever will get control of it - STOP the negative thinking Sun - of course I will!!!!!!

                      mimi - sounds like you are doing so well - and yes, stay at the 25mg if that is what is working for you. That is amazing and your body will hopefully get used to it - sounds as if it is already. 24 days - WELL DONE. Hang in there - I am so proud of you. How are you doing with the weight? Do you need to lose weight, as it is easy with the Topa for some so be careful won't you?

                      Hope the others pop in soon... Christie - Neveah - how are things going for you? Illum - are you ever coming back? BK - I can't remember how long your trip is for - I think you said a week.....hope you are enjoying it. Airam - hope that things are still going as well for you too.....hugs to you :l

                      Need to start getting ready for work - closing shift today. Love and hugs to all,

                      Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi all,
                        I've been away for a long time, can't even remember the last time I posted. I stopped taking topa for a while because I thought it was making my hair fall out, but apparently that wasn't the cause b/c it's still shedding. Anyway, starting back on now. Noticed some of you are combining meds. I tried naltroxene and the TSM and stayed with it for almost a year but it didn't work for me. Also tried baclofen and quit b/c of the horrible SEs. I'm wondering if adding topa to nal would help. I don't know, you're supposed to drink on the TSM so that sorta defeats the purpose. My husband has had it with my drinking and I can't say I blame him. I "only" drink in the evening, always wine. Every day I say to myself I'm not going to drink tonight, but then I cave. Anyway, I'm back to sqaure one. Well, I never really left! Hugs to you all. Nice to see you, Sun!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Hoping! Good to see you back! Where did you get to with the Topa last time? Have you started on it yet? Just remember to follow the schedule won't you - it doesn't help if you try to titrate up too quickly. Do let us know where you are with it and how you are doing - so good to see you back!

                          Hugs, sun X
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            I just don't think I can do this without meds....

                            Had a rough camping trip and am terribly ashamed of myself.
                            I am trying an AF stint but really mean it this time. I have to stop
                            drinking for my well being in my mind. I am reading this very interesting
                            book called "Women conquering depression" don't let the title fool you.
                            There is a lot of great information about drinking in it. I would recommend it.

                            Today is day #1 AF for me. I am considering taking Topa to help me along for a while.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Sun, I can't remember how high I got -- maybe 100-150. It wasn't helping with the cravings, or maybe I was just drinking over them. I hope the nal/topa combo will work. I did 25 mg of each last night and I only had 2 glasses, one of them made the wine taste bad. And I just didn't really feel like drinking. Had a hard time sleeping though and am sooooo tired today. What about you? How are you doing?


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Oh Hoping - I could be doing better - I am down to 150 mg of Topa - and I need to be higher. I get up to 250mg and I get to my usual 2 Guinness. then I get up to 300mg and stop the Guinness but get really depressed, so go back down - and the depression goes but I start drinking again. I have to find that fine line between the two! Most frustrating. SO, today I started on the 200mg again. and off I go on the merry-go-round.....again!! I did only have 2 last night which was good but then i worked til 10.00 so it wasn't too hard. I just need to try harder. I almost find it comical. i think I am lucky in that I never get drunk, never drink to excess, never get blackouts - so it could be a lot worse. I keep plugging away at it and am on my way back up again. Thanks for asking. Yes, you can easily drink over the Topa - it isn't magic!! But it does help. Why did you stop at the 100 - 150mg? It didn't help with me and the cravings until I got up to the 150mg - 200mg? Were you having bad SE's? Airam has had good luck with a mix - maybe PM her and talk to her?

                                Hugs to you and so good to see you back - well, in a mixed way - you know what I mean - LOL

                                Hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

