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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    BK - how good to see you again - I was worried about you - sorry for being a bit of a Mother Hen!! Just pleased that you are okay! I haven't posted for a few days 'cos it is the same old stuff. I am assuming it is the same for everyone else? Anyway, still the same struggle - but still trying. Just nice to know that you are all here with me. :l

    Love, Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question


      I would pay you to be my mother hen... I love ya. I will write more soon.
      Been trying to get caught up from our trip and get ready to go on the next.
      Be back soon.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hey everyone! Trying VERY hard to be up! It is hard though. I have decided that I can ONLY buy a four pack of Guinness at a time. if I buy more than one four pack I am drinking more than four. Darn it. I have to get back down to my two drinks. I am still on the 150 mg of Topa. I need to get back up there. I am my own worst enemy. Just me talking. I hate to be a downer - I am always trying to be so up here and usually am. It seems as if I am just going in a circle and not getting anywhere. I am not really bad - no hangovers, no blackouts, but I never seem to improve. I AM SO SORRY. Hate to whinge - you all have your own troubles and I know that - I want to be the glue that holds us all together. But there has been personal stuff going on and that combined with the drinking more than I would wish I was - well, I am feeling slightly less sunny than I would like.

        But you know what? tomorrow is another day - and tomorrow I will be fine again - I know it!! So, hold on everyone - I will be back to my sunny self tomorrow - really. Where is everyone anyway - I am probably talking to myself anyway.

        love and hugs,

        Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          You're not talking to yourself, Sun!

          I haven't posted lately because there's nothing new to post but I am definitely interested in what is going on for you and others on this forum.

          Since you feel like you're not making much progress, would it be worth trying something else? Another medication or maybe another type of alcohol? Just thinking out loud. I obviously don't have the answers or I wouldn't be here myself!

          And I'm sure nobody on this forum expects you to hold us together. You're here because you're working on your own issues so please don't feel like you can't speak your honest truth. It's not your responsibility to hold us together.

          As for me, I noticed my totals going up but I felt so tired the other night, I didn't drink at all. And last night I poured my 3rd glass of wine and realized I felt tired and it wasn't tasting good so I poured it back into the bottle (I wasn't going to waste it by pouring it down the sink!). So, maybe things are going as they should on Nal.

          Hugs to YOU, Sunny!

          Do Your Dream


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Sun,

            I've had good success with gabapentin on mood elevation. It's effective quickly too. You might give it a try... Hang in there! Everything will be okay.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              i went to doctor yesterday and asked for topamax but she said she wasn't qualified to prescribe to me, she prescribed klonopin which a variation of valium. But in research, i see it can be addictive. I do have anxiety so self medicate with on zoloft

              how does one go about getting topamax and does anyone have experience with Klonopin????
              I just won't anymore


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Jen,

                I have tried both. Klon didn't help me not drink, but it helped me sleep sometimes. Topa helped me not drink and I got it online AND from my doctor. Try Alldaychemist, 4RX or Golpharma, I hear these are all widely used.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Jennie - what sort of doc did you go to? My regular GP prescribes my Topa for me - others get it on line I know.

                  DYD - I know I wasn't talking to myself really. I suppose I was just feeling petulant - not a nice way to be. I apologize! LOL I don't get like that much - guess I really was feeling bummed. Anyway I am feeling better and if I would ONLY take the Topa the way I should I would be much better - so why don't I? I DON'T KNOW! maybe because I am scared of it actually working?????? Like it did last year? I am being a fool to myself. I need to get my act together once and for all. Instead of playing with it. And I know I shouldn't think of myself as needing to be here for all of you, but I suppose it helps if someone is. I like to go to a thread and see a friendly familiar face. Which is what I would like to be to those who come here. So hate when I am not. I really do just need to get my act together ....SIGH.... Which I will do. Today I will take my 2nd dose of Topa and I promise faithfully that I will do so every day this week, then NEXT Tuesday I will go up in dosage and take it faithfully!! there - in front of you all, I vow to do that. Please hold me to it all of you!!!! Thanks DYD - you gave me the shove I needed.

                  Bruun - thank you so much for your sweet Pm - and like you said, I should share my troubles more. I just think everyone here has so much more strife in their life than I do, that I don't like to. but you are right and I will try to. it did help me doing so - look at the outcome!!!

                  thank you all for being here for me - Love you all!!

                  Hugs, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Cross post Bruun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Okay - well, I have been PRETTY good at trying to remember the second dose......well, sort of good.....I need a kick in the rear. I am just going to take my second dose for today now.

                        Hugs all

                        Love, Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Can you put the bottle of RX in the kitchen and take it with breakfast and with your first step into the kitchen of an afternoon?


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Or how about putting it next to the Guiness?! I'm only half joking.

                            If you tend to forget your evening dose, you can put a reminder by the glass you drink out of or the bottle, etc.

                            Hey, weren't you also trying to quit smoking? How did that/is that going? (Or am I remembering correctly?).

                            Same old, same old here. Sometimes I find myself sleepy all day which I hate. I've had two AF days in the past two weeks which I feel good about. I hope that trend continues.
                            Do Your Dream


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Oh DYD - that is funny - sort of !!! I agree. I take my first dose in the morning with my tea so that is not a problem - but then I noticed when I took it later in the day it seemed to work better. so took it to work with me. So now I am trying to take the 2nd dose when I get home - so yes, taking it with my first Guinness makes sense!! Not so funny then!! And yes, I am trying to quit smoking....BUT I have decided that I need to stop both AL and cigs together. Although to anyone that does both it seems hard, for me it is easier. When I drink, I want a cig. Once I stop drinking, it is easy to stop smoking.

                              Thank you both of you,

                              Hugs, sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Just read this thread from the beginning! Took quite a while. I had/have been on topa for a while - I think since around 2007. Had to get off during pregnancy. But back then it had been working really well for a while, then not as well while I was trying to get pregnant - I think I partied hard knowing I wouldn't be able to for a VERY long time! So, went back on after nursing ended, but new doc would only give 100 mg for my "migraines". This dose not so effective for me so after about 9 months on 100 mg, finally told doc real reason as long as she kept out of my medical records. She agreed and upped to 200 mg. (I also DO get migraines too!) Been on 200 for a couple days and cravings reduced but not really drinking less yet, just not starting as early. Beer for me, about 5 per day. Today is noticeable though as I am home alone with 4 year old and 21 month old baby and on a weekend I would normally have cravings starting at noon. Almost 4 pm and just starting to thinking about one...

