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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Zowee Ghost, that's incredibly great news! Congratulations, you should be feeling quite delivered from the beast right now. Savor it and RETAIN it. This is a gift you've been given.

    I can relate to the experience as I'm having half a bottle of wine a night (max) which could be contrasted with six months ago when I had 1/3 - 1/2 bottle of gin a night. I started getting severely sick to my stomach such that it laid me out, and my esophagus felt like it was melting away. Now my stomach gives me pain if I drink more than that, and I'm slowly learning not to go there. Its not worth an entire night and next day of writhing in agony and vomit/diarrhea. But I've been here before, where I somehow lost the desperate need to drink, but I've lost this freedom twice at least. This time I realize that I have to work to keep it. The agony of iIllness has a silver lining for us both, eh?

    Kudos to you, keep on that plan you have, its a good one. If you have an iPod or other MP3 player, you can use that for the hypnosis CDs. Although I had a hard time copying them, if I recall (it was two or three years ago). I think I copied them to other CDs but couldn't get on the iPod? I can't check for you bkz my pod was stolen but I never used the pod to listen because of some difficulty there.

    Make it a priority to get the aminos in. And again, YAY!!!!!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Ghost - that sounds awesome - I am so pleased for you - you might be one of the lucky ones that a low dose gives very few Se's and works for you!!! I am so pleased!! It is sounding great - I am envious !!! I have to go up to such a high dose to get the Topa to work for me. I too, have the SE of no appetite - but you must eat! I use the All_One - it has everything you need in the way of vits, nutrients and stuff - I use the green phyto one and if I don't take it, feel myself not feeling terribly well - I notice an amazing difference in my well being when I stop taking it. I am just so incredibly tickled at how well you are doing. Please keep us posted won't you? I am SO thrilled!

      Bruun - if you are down to half a bottle, you should be well pleased with yourself too!! :l That is such an improvement for you. Way better than what you were drinking - kudos to you my friend!! Are you taking anything to help or have you done this all on your own? It doesn't matter either way - I say whatever helps, helps!! I have never used or heard the CD's - what do they say - just curious. I am back to re-reading the Allen Carr book as I do find he helps me, but I haven't looked at it for a few nights - it is by my bed and I need to pick it up again!!! he isn't for everyone, but he does work for me. I had some bad news re my dog Maggie yesterday and ended up drinking 6 Guinness last night. Wished I hadn't at 5.00 this morning !!! I wasn't hung over but knew that I had had more than I should have. It does NOT help - although at the time, we think it will - I suppose we just want to zone out.

      Anyway - where is everyone else - it is about time some of the others chipped in with their tuppence worth!!!

      Hugs to everyone,

      Love, Sun XXX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Just a quick check in to say that at 250 mg I drank 3.5 beers for 2 nights in a row and 3 beers tonight which for me is excellent. Haven't done that in a long time. Small step. Down from 5 or 5.5 or sometimes more.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Wonderful Midnight - isn't it good to have that feeling of not drinking as much?? I know that I feel that I am progressing with it.....slowly but surely :l

          Sun X
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Sun - yes!!! In the morning I wonder why I can't be like this all the time and drink even less. I feel so much better in the morning, even though I don't wake up with hangovers there is just a difference. And I am not suffering at night worrying about my next drink either. The 3 was plenty last night. It took about 3 days for the 250 mg to kick in. I just bought the Alan Carr book based on your posts from a while back. I hope I do ok this weekend!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              That's great Midnight. Very glad for you too!

              Sun, I'm still doing the gabapentin for depression and the baclofen at fairly low doses although I'm raising it slowly. I'm now on 60mg.

              Last night I had a bottle of wine and a bottle of beer, not so good. And I'm popping the diarrhea pills today. Ugh.

              However, something's better, I think its the gabapentin helping me not feel so desperate but I'm not ruling out the bac, nor the combo.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all - Bruun - are the diarrhea pills to stop you or start you - was just a tad confused. I am glad you feel that the gabapentin might be helping - or a combo of that and the bac - keep plodding on !!

                Last night I got home from work and poured my Guinness, then had another, and thought I had another - decided to go to bed thinking first "shall I have one more?" but thought No, 'cos I had already - so I thought - three. This morning, looked in the fridge - and I had only had TWO. So, with me I am thinking it must be a mind game - if I THINK I have had more, I won't have another one! LOL Anyway - I must try and make my mind work better for me on it - AND I have been forgetting my second dose of Topa for ages - so have just been on the 150 mg again - OH DEAR. I really must get my act together with this.

                Hugs to all - where are you??

                Love, sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi...I'm back!

                  Hello... I've been reading the entire topa thread and I've been inspired.
                  This is a supporitive and informative thread. Keep it up.

                  I'm starting topa today. A little about me-

                  I went on the MWO journey several years ago. Supps, CD, and topa on line. I did well the first time. SE were ok. First time worked up to 200 mg a day. Several AF days and many days when I would start and lose interest in wine. Lost weight! I was feeling in control again so I weened off topa. Within months I was back to a bottle of wine a night. :upset:

                  I then attempted Bac. Heard so many great success stories here. Bac was not for me! Could not handle SEs. Somolence, lack of muscle control, and huge and quick wight gain!!! I'm very happy for those who found success with Bac. Just wasnt' me.

                  Now, I've ordered the 7 Days to Sobreity program. Expensive and A Lot of pills to take several times a day. But, I've decided to add topa to me daily regiment.

                  I drink every day. Now, that I'm not working (I resigned) I find myself drinking at noon. I'm grosequing my self out! I have a great hubby, 2 fabulous boys, great home and lake home. All this idle time on my hands isn't good for my demons...which appear to be getting louder as my disease progresses. I drink too much. I don't want to drink every day. I want to be sober again!!!!

                  Bruun, the GABA is a part of the 7 Days plan. Helps with mood.

                  Midnight, I think I have Carr's book somewhere...I think I will dig it up and read along.

                  Sun, You really are a "Sun" Thank you for keeping this thread going and all of your warm support!

                  Hope, I remember you from my first round with topa. Glad you're still checking in.

                  I'll keep you updated. Gotta go and take my supps.

                  Blessings to all!



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hallo to you July!! Welcome back! You did what I did - the Topa worked, and you came off it. then you started drinking again. Daftest thing I ever did. I am pleased to see you starting again. Are you starting out on the 25 mg once a day? you know not to try and go up quickly? I found out from experience it does not help at all. It is so good to see you here - hopefully you will stay with us and share your journey? I still drink every day - but as you read, not a lot - but to me, it is STILL drinking EVERY day. Bah !!!!

                    I am off to work - great to see you,

                    hugs, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      HI Sun, :thanks:

                      Thanks for your warm welcome back. I use to be known as Bird of Paradise here a long time ago.. ( A favorite flower and yoga pose of mine)

                      Yes, Sun, I know to stick to my titration schedule. I couldn't find MWO book, but thanks to you I have the schedule you posted. I have enough Topa for a month. Thank goodness! I will soon be ordering on line. Look forward to another step at a time.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi July, gabapentin is not gaba the supplement, its an rx. I read 7 Weeks a couple of times years ago, I have my second copy in my bedroom and I have My Way Out which you should read because instead of all the supplements, RJewel determined the All-One powder has most of the aminos/vitamins we need and most people need something simple vs all the supplements in Seven Weeks. I tried the Seven Weeks regimen but it called for a different handful of pills like every two hours, and was a beotch to administer. I lasted four days.

                        Sun, the diarrhea pills are to keep me from vomiting/diarrhea'ing all day/night. Something's wrong with my stomach, I'm getting worried there's something bad in there causing this type of constant upset. The good news is it keeps me from drinking too much. The bad news is I'm basically sick with the flu all the time. And the pills make me sleep, much moreso than topa or baclofen ever did. Its uncontrollable.

                        Anyways, I'm gearing up for the week ahead and eating tons of carbs to help me avoid the AL.

                        Sun, you ARE a light here, thanks.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          AAwwwwwww Bruun - you and July are making me blush..... I see me as the one on the merry-go-round with Topa that is always here 'cos she can't get off!!! ROTFLMBO !!! One day I will - but I will still be here for others!! I like being here and I liked when others were here for me.

                          Sorry about your gippy tummy - I am not sure what to suggest for it. If it was the other way round, I would have suggestions - gosh, that must be miserable for you. and also not good for you either - it drains the body of nutrients, making you feel weak. Do you take the All-One? I do - and feel SO good on it. Have you talked to you Doc about it although I would rather go a more natural route myself. try Googling and see what you come up with........ to try something more natural. hope you feel better soon... :l:l

                          Hugs and love to all,

                          sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Its the alcohol - I think over the years, it rotted out my guts. My stomach became my weak link about ten years ago, around the same time my hair started falling out again. It got better with prevacid and I'm now taking a ton of that. If I could avoid the wine, which makes me feel much better for the evening but much worse in the AM, I'd be healing. Two glasses of wine, seems like not much, right? Makes my face red and makes my stomach feel better. For a while.

                            Keep on shining Sun. I'll get better and you and I will both get stronger.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Bumping us up here. Bruun - is all you are having now 2 glasses of wine? that is really good I think. But it still has that much of an effect on your body? Can you get it down to one maybe - or try a smaller glass to fool your mind into thinking you are having two still? Just a thought.... hugs to you my friend :l:l

                              Love, Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hey - bumping us up - where is everybody?? Brown was asking on another thread about where to get Topa on-line. Anyone know??

                                Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

