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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Thank you very much Sunshine.

    You are right. I've to change my mind. One day at a time.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question


      Do you take the supplements that are recommended in the MYO book? Kudzu and L-glutamine I have found to be helpfull with the cravings. I was taking them prior to the topa and was moderating from 1 bottle of wine a night down to 2 glasses. I found the CD's recommended caused a hudge mind shift within me too. Altho not easy, I was AF for 2 months. I was on a very low dose of Topa (12.5mg) that I took in the evenings for 2 week. I then stopped taking it, as I'll confess to wanting my mind back!!

      Hope that helps


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Thank you kslc.

        I'm taking the L-glutamine, B Complex, Magnesium and Milk Thistle.
        I'm not taking the Kudzu yet as it's not sold in my country. I'm going to order it from here and maybe the Cds in the next few days (waiting for payday ).


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Go for it Airam!
          You folk's are an inspiration.

          Best wishes, G-bloke.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi all -
            I started @ 75 mgs this week (Mon) taken in the late afternoon in one dose, with no effects whatsoever. I am taking a boatload of vitamins every morning, and trying to drink in moderation, with ehhhhh, moderate success, LOL. I don't get drunk, but I start drinking wine when I get home from the gym about 6 -7p.m. and manage to get in 5 -7 glasses of wine (about a bottle??) by the time I go to bed by 11. The usual -

            The appetite suppressant thing hasn't kicked in w/ me either and I sure hope it does. Can someone enlighten me as to when I might expect changes? I've only been on Topa 2 wks and SunshineDZs assures me this is too soon to expect results & I tend to agree - can anyone else add their thoughts as to when this kicks in?? Obviously I am in it hoping for indifference to AL, but sure keeping my fingers crossed a few lbs drop off this frame as well - would be an added benefit!! LOL Any comments would be appreciated.

            I get so much encouragement reading your posts amid all the talk about BAC - which was a NIGHTMARE for me. Teaching summer school was bad enough being a walking zombie on BAC...I have appreciated being pretty much on my toes w/ TOPA. I find myself struggling for words but don't think tht's a SE at all - think that's being befuddled in general. It has really been great being off BAC - GAWD, I HATED my mind in the fog. Am happy others have found their cure...but think it has been a rare few who have ventured up there...and I take my hat off to you. The rest of us continue to be the guinea pigs - and I believe we will be rewarded! Hang in no matter what you're doing!

            Those of you on Topa, please post and let us know your progress and experiences. It helps! Thanks -


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi there - I am surprised that you have started at 75 mg! I also laughed at 5-7 glasses of wine being a bottle - who are you kidding? LOL The appetite thing kicked in with me umm, I think about a week or maybe two weeks in - it was quite subtle I think - I didn't really realize it was happening until I realized I hadn't eaten one day! so don't look for it - it will happen - I noticed a couple of days ago that I hadn't eaten and then I noticed that the Topa is kicking back in for me YEAH!!!!! So another few days and I should be back off the booze!!!!! Not that when the appetite thing kicks in that the booze thing happens a few days later at all - just that now I know the signs I know for ME the way it works!

              I had got up to 300 mg a day this week and am thinking that this week will be "IT" for me. At last. AGAIN. No more foolishness for me people. I will be your 'come to' if you even think of starting the drinking again - okay????? Okay!!! So - hope that gives you some ideas of when it kicks in - I thought it would never kick in and just when you think it never does!

              love and hugs to you,

              Sun xxx
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Thats bloody awesome SD, Im so happy for you. I just upped to 50 again today. Can feel the blood pressure problem creeping up again funnily enough, but Im gonna hang tight, keep calm and perservere with it, its gotta be better than what Im currently doing to myself.

                For me Houtx, Topa seemed to work initially by making me want to drink lesser amounts than I normally would, and not feel the strong desire to binge as strongly once I get started. I never made it to the required dosing (according to Roberta, secondary to some narly side effects) but Im gonna try again now tho and jump back on board with these guys and give it another shot before I end up killing myself or someone else with my out of control habits.

                I will take you up on the "come to" Sunny!!! Thanks sunny your a hunny!

                regards Indy


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  HI guys, I would like share my experiences with topa so far. Tommorrow wll be 28 days on topa. I started after being al for ten days. I had been on lots of suppls for quite some time as well so things health wise were starting to get a bit better. I started on 50mg in the morning. SE were sleepiness and feeling a bit spacey but nothing too drastic. I think I may be one of the lucky ones in that I felt the cravings for al go immediatley!!!! Initailly I put this down to placebo, but as the days and weeks rolled on and still no sign of a craving (and all the usual triggers and life hassles). I went up fairly quickly to 100mg in the second week. I started to feel the tingles in the hands and feet but didnt feel them to be uncomfortable, they are getting less and less. I am on 150mg per day...the tiredness is gone..the tingles only occasionally and I do tend to forget the odd word here and there...but thats no big deal.....I feel that this drug is a life saver for me!!!!! I will keep taking it for as long as it continues to work for me...I will keep posting on this is interesting to see how everyone else goes with it...good luck guys:h
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I'm on 50mg since yesterday. It's been exactly one week.
                    Nothing special with SE. I think I'm just a little more sleepy today.

                    I have question for you Sunny, or for those of you who were still drinking the first weeks on Topa. It's similar to the one houtx posted.
                    How did you know the Topa had kicked in? How does it feel? One day you simply didn't want to drink and that was it? I really dont get it. I don't know what to expect.

                    I have to admit I was very disappointed because I drank so much last weekend. I don't know why because I already knew this is not a magic pill and I had to wait for a few weeks. I was so in despair that I thought Topa was not going to work for me and I ordered Baclofen online. :huh: I'm going to keep taking Topamax. I think it's better for me. I'll wait 12 weeks. If by then I have no results, then maybe I'll switch to the Baclofen


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Can I jump in here? I am brand new to this site. I'm a stay at home mom to 2 little girls. My problem with alcohol started about 9 years ago (stress of a brand new giant city, new job etc.). Over the course of this time I went from hating the bars and being drunk to needing 2 glasses of wine every night...then 3/4 of a bottle, then a bottle and now a bottle and a half every night...sometimes a bit more. I am fully functioning (I run marathons!) and never have more than a glass while my girls are awake. I never drive drunk, managed 3 (lost a baby) pregnancies AF etc. BUT, I simply cannot seem to look in the mirror and say "ENOUGH!" anymore. So...I read the MWO book, am taking Kudzu, L-Glut, Bs, Magnesium and Liv-52. I'm currently trying to talk my GP into prescribing the Topa for migraines (I actually do get about 6 - 8 hormone related migraines a month). Have an appt with her on Monday to discuss again...
                      SO, I thought I might jump on here and (provided she'll prescribe it) take the topa plunge with some other newbies. I'm nervous about SEs. The most immediate worry being that I have a 10 mile race on labor day and don't want to be overly fatigued or have muscle soreness etc.
                      I hope I'm not hijacking...just wanted some buddies...
                      So tired of hating myself all day and drinking all night...
                      and p.s. Airam...I see you are hopeful...that's all we ever need a little hope and a little faith. need some myself. GOOD FOR YOU!
                      "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        HI everyone, just reading back through the thread and it does seem that most are starting the topa while still drinking. I am wondering if I had such an instant cessation of craving because I had been alcohol free for around ten days before taking it? I know that Roberta says that she was still drinking when starting the topa, but for me it would take longer I am sure for it to kick in, because when I drink the cravings are extremely intense (i can drink 6 bottles of wine and more a day when on a binge and that binge would not stop for about ten days)......when I summmon up the strength (or am too sick to continue drinking), the cravings start to lessen after about 5 days. So maybe for some people the topa would kick in faster if you are af for a time. Its 30 days today on topa for me 150md per day and I feel like my life has been saved!!!!!
                        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          sapphire1 - thank you...that is really helpful to know. esp since the "kick-in" period while drinking on topa can be as long as, what, 4 weeks? goodness...maybe i can get the courage up to go AF until the day of my race (9/6) and then start the topa. that way might have a better chance and also won't be worrying about muscle weakness etc... AF is scary though...
                          "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi everyone, so glad for this thread. I have tried TSM (The Sinclair Method -- naltrexone -- which I was soooo hoping would work but didn't), then on to baclofen (blech, can you say 10 lbs and not one drop less of drink?) and now topa. Hoping the topa will drop the bac weight, anyway! I am starting my 3rd week and taking 25mg in the am and 50mg in pm. Have already noticed an overall reduction in my wine consumption. Not every day -- last night I was really pissed at my DH, so true to form I turned to my frenemy chardonnay. And that other one, pinot noir. I am terrified I will lose my hair, though, and I keep thinking I am. Taking biotin, evening primrose, D, magnesium, L-glut, DMAE, blah blah. 2Run, I can relate to your world. (Except for the marathons, though I do work out!) I don't think topa will interfere with that for you.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I train and compete in triathlons. I take topa and have had no negative SE's!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                hoping4better - sigh...I've spent forever thinking that NOT A SOUL could relate to my world. really. thank you. and OOOOOOH my, my best frenemy is chardonnay. when DH (bless his heart) makes me crazy or it's been an especially stressful day, no one gets it like the good old bottle of white (napa chard or NZ sauvignon blanc). sad. i plan to take the biotin for hair and also zinc. maybe you could add that? just an extra precaution... So glad to hear that most of the time you're noticing a decrease in your wine drinking. that would be huge for me. and a few pounds lost wouldn't help. i have more knee pain running while i have my extra 10 lbs... do you see any weight loss at all?
                                techie - hooray! that is SO great to hear! triathlons...amazing! i am pretty crap at the bike so i stick to the running. i try though. ultimate goal is an ironman before i die. thanks for your insight on the SEs and training...
                                "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales

