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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Way to go Hoping - we are making progress! Don't you feel that? I really do so am now trying to think how I am NOT going to go down the same route that I went last time once I was AF. I have to get all possibilities covered here. I am feeling sort of scared but excited - scared that IT is actually beginning to happen - losing my blankie!!

    Hugs, Sun xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi everyone! I'm still here. I was out of my laptop during the weekend but I read the boards from my phone (& unable to post) and was kind of scared when no one was posting! :egad::

      Houtx :fingers: for you date! Did you finally had that second AF day?

      Hoping, drinking less is great, these are you own words and they are so true: "even one less glass is progress." It's really one step ahead to success. I hope this drug will work for all of us.
      ETA: Hoping, I read your post after posting: That IS great progress!

      Sunny! Is seems it's kicking in, doesn't it? That is great!!!!!!
      The first days I took 2 pills of Boiron Sedalia to help me sleep, instead of drinking alcohol. Boiron USA - Products - Sedalia? They worked very well.

      Today (I hope) it's going to be my consecutive 6th AF day.
      2 AF days
      1 AL day
      3 AF days
      1 AL day
      6 AF days

      I'm still on 150mg. I feel if I go up to 200mg I'm going to fall asleep at my job or driving. I'm really very sleepy. That's the main SE I'm having right now.

      I hope everyone else is doing well. Hugs!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Way to go Airam!!!! Wonderful! The closest place I could get Boiron is in St Louis which is a drive away. I am familiar with it though. I will check out locally and see what else is around - can't take anything like Tylenol PM or I would be asleep for days!! LOL Wonderful news Airam - SO pleased for you!! This is working - for all of us!!

        HUGS to you, Sun xx
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi Houtx - Claremont here! I received my Topa yesterday and took my first 25 mg. today. I packed away the book when I moved last year and have no clue where it is. Can someone post the dosage schedule PLEASE??????

          I do remember from the book though that RJ was on Topa, like FOREVER. Is there anyone out there that has been successful with Topa and then maintained that after titrating off? I really don't want to be on anything forever.

          Still going to take the NAL until it is all gone, it's paid for anyway.

          Look at my join date in this forum - yikes. MWO was the first method I looked at, ordered the Kudzu, etc. but felt like barfing on all the supps, geesh. So, explored Bac and Nal books as well. Took Nal as the easiest route and after almost 1 year - NADA NADA NADA. Bummer.

          So, anyone, please post the titration/dosage schedule when you get a chance. Much appreciated.

          Wish me luck:-)
          343633 27
          25 28
          1 year of Nal November 24. Started Topa/Nal October 5


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Claremont.

            This was posted by Luciasraising in the other thread. Thank you Lucia.

            WEEK1: Morning Dose 0 mg WEEK 1 Afternoon Dose 1 x 25 mg

            WEEK 2:Morning Dose0 mg WEEK 2 Afternoon Dose2 x 25 mg

            WEEK 3:Morning Dose1 x 25 mg WEEK 3 Afternoon Dose 2 x 25 mg

            WEEK 4: Morning Dose2 x 25 mg WEEK 4 Afternoon Dose2 x 25 mg

            WEEK 5: Morning Dose2 x 25 mg WEEK 5 Afternoon Dose 1 x 100 mg

            WEEK 6: Morning Dose1 x 100 mg WEEK 6 Afternoon Dose 1 x 100 mg

            WEEK 7: Morning Dose 1x 100mg & 2x25mg (total 150 mg) WEEK 7 Afternoon Dose: Same as morn.

            WEEK 8: Morning Dose 1x100 mg & 2x25mg (total 150 mg) Week8 Afternoon Dose: Same as morn

            WEEKS 9-12 all the same as week 8, giving you a total of 300 mg a day


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi Claremont, I took Topa and was AF for 8 months but I chose to drink again - I don't think I gave it long enough - I am taking it again and this time am going to be far more aware and in tune with my body and not let the same thing happen again - Sidney has been on it and off it and does fairly well - I think if you look back through this thread, you might read her posts, also Waiting to Exhale too - although she did start again - she has started taking the Topa again and is doing well. Welcome and hope it all works for you.

              hugs, sun
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Claremont!!
                Welcome back & good luck!

                Airam - WOW!!!! Your AF days are sooooooooooo awesome and inspiring!!
                H4B - So are you pouring out a bottle?? I have never been able to do that - I see it as pouring money down the drain. Same as when I was smoking. I always think in terms of when this one is empty - silly me!! But good for you!!

                Sun - you sound like you are doing great as ever -

                I am drinking a little less, I guess. I had my AF day last week and during the week I drink less. Otherwise, I am just not happy with myself. There is a demon inside me that will not let me go. I am being weak-willed and I just feel bad about it, but I don't know. I'm not really motivated 7 days a week. One day at a time. Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement. I will continue to try and drink less...just that little bit right there. I really have been. And the fact I have had 1-2 AF days here and there and they feel sooooooooooo good....I can do it. And want to do so more...

                And thanks for wishing me well Thursday night :-)) I'll let you know. Keep posting. We like Topa better than BAC!!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Thanks so much to all for the welcome and Airam for the dosage! For the record, I don't want to be AF, I want to be a controlled drinker - not 4-6 glasses of wine every day of my life like I currently am. Some AF days here and there and a few glasses (1-2) would be fantastic for me.

                  Sun - were you on Topa the whole 8 months you were AF?

                  Day 1 was great. Felt a little funny 1 1/2 after taking 25 mg. Kind of spacey, light headed for a brief time and a little yawny later on but other than that A-okay.

                  Houtx - Best of luck on your "meeting". Be your charming self:-)
                  343633 27
                  25 28
                  1 year of Nal November 24. Started Topa/Nal October 5


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I wonder why there are (almost) only women in this thread?

                    2Run, Sassy, Havefaith,Tay, Mum and everyone else, hope you are doing well. We miss you!. WTE, sure you are having a great time!


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Joining In

                      Hi Ladies (I think I saw this was all ladies on this thread),

                      I'm taking the plunge. Just came over to this site from TSM (Thanks Houtx!!)

                      I've been poking around this site for a while but haven't fully engaged.

                      I read MWO yesterday and just spent a ton of money ordering everything. I was getting really confused, but just read a bunch of this string again and told myself to just get the Topa, follow the original book and see what happens. I had thought of trying the BAC but I got way too confused on all the dosing and didn't want to buy another book!!

                      I want to be a casual drinker like RJ, so thought best to start with her original formula and see what happens, since so far after 10 months TSM hasn't progressed me as far as I'd like.

                      Wish me luck and I look forward to getting to know you all here!



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi all - first of all welcome Illuminae ! Have you been taking Naltrexone? My doc gave me some 'cos I asked for it and for the last two days I have taken one and I am not sure if it 'cos I went up in dosage with the topa but I really didn't want to drink. be interested what you think. I too felt really confused about the Bac, plus it seems to have so many SE's (side effects), and although Topa can too, it seems they are way less and also less severe than Bac. So, welcome - it is great to have you join us.

                        Claremont - I was on the Topa for 7 of the 8 months that I was AF. I really didn't NEED to start drinking again - I chose to totally. The cravings weren't really there - it was more that I hit a stumbling block and wanted something (my old friend) to help me through the patch. It was more of an excuse to start again than anything. I can't blame the fact that I wasn't on the Topa - it was all totally down to me. I think, if I could go back, I shouldn't have stopped. I (personally - not a medical opinion or anything like) think that this time, once I have stopped, I will stay on the Topa for at least a year AF, THEN, try and titrate down V-E-R-Y slowly and see how I go. I will not let this happen again. I could kick myself for letting it happen at all. I think that we all hope that we can 'handle' it - but I know for a fact that I cannot. I don't drink to excess even when I do drink, but I am not a 'normal' drinker. So, sorry - a long answer to a short question.

                        Airam, - maybe we scare the men off? Don't know why - we are such a lovely bunch!!! Maybe the men go more for the Bac? But as Houtx said in her post, we have to keep this thread going - we were nearly lost the other day in amongst the Bac threads and were WAY down there!! We Topa users NEED this thread. SO, GO US!!! WE CAN DO THIS.

                        Where is everyone else? LOL

                        Hugs to all,

                        Love, Sun xx
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question


                          Yes I am on NAL and have been since December. I have definitely stopped my during the day sneaking/drinking with that method but I am still drinking almost daily though lower. I think I'm struggling with habit most of all. I'm not having huge cravings or anything (some cravings though) and I'll even not particularly like that first sip of wine, but then I still get kind of warm and fuzzy and end up finishing th bottle. Often it's only that one bottle though which is also an improvement from before. I'm just ready to step this effort up to the next level and see if it works better.

                          So I guess I'll be hanging out watching the posting, etc. until all my stuff gets here.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Houtx, no, not pouring down a bottle, not ever! Just a glass that I looked at and thought, why the hell did I just fill that? And out it went. Hope you are doing well.

                            Airim, interesting observation. Other med forums include both men and women. Might be something to that.

                            Sun, glad to hear you are feeling like you did the last time, hopeful signs.

                            Claremont, I don't know you but looking forward to doing so!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Oh YAY!!! So Glad to see you here Claremont & Illuminae!!!!!!!
                              This site is so different from the TSM is just this one thread. So we just all post here. Very simple & easy actually. No monthly updates on anyone & no graphs to follow. LoOp does lurk here so no telling when he will pop up with his famous charts & graphs tho! LOL :-))

                              I am sooooooooooo glad you ladies are here with us! I think TOPA is the next better med to try than BAC. BAC was sooooooo hard w/ the brain fog and weight gain. Topa has some SEs but nothing you can't handle. Not too many of us have had that hoped for SE of the weight loss issue! My appetite has dropped off & I've been eating & drinking less, but I sure haven't lost weight! I honestly don't know what's up with that. I've posted before how frustrating that is...won't dwell on it. But as long as I'm on a damn's the weirdest thing and kinda making me crazy as I am seriously trying to lose 10 lbs. for some functions this month & sure would've liked to have had THAT SE!!

                              Anyway - The main thing is this drug works kindof subtley. At certain increments you feel this dull feeling of not wanting to eat or drink. That may be the signal to slow/stop. Your reason to be here may be to stop/slow/reduce...whatever...I think TOPA may be the drug for you. I need to let it work for me more. Am at 200 mgs for about 3 wks now and have sometimes gone to 250...but have felt that ehhhh feeling towards eating and yes, drinking sometimes but not so strong. Just a little. But enough to where I have definitely reduced. It's the habit that draws me in every day. Just shoot me :-)) ACK - I am trying to keep on and just keeping on day by day. Not really trying to be AF for a long time, just would like more AF days than I have. 1-3 during the week and work up from there.

                              So ladies, glad you are here!! Let us know how you are doing. Again, this site is different than what you are used to on TSM, but hope you get comfortable and post often. Good luck!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Sorry, as one of the Bac folk, I'm not looking to squeeze ya'll out. I'm rooting for you all as much as I'm root for me. I know that Topa works for some people; I just wasn't one of them.
                                * * *


                                ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                                - Vernon Howard

