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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    houtx;1016371 wrote: ...we all need to TRY!! Keep ourselves together....No matter what meds we are on/or not - just TRY to drink less...agreed?

    agreed houtx!
    i get so wound up in the what if's & becauses....
    but yes i will try. to the best of my ability.

    as for your "reunion" - hmmm. go with the flow perhaps? not sure the background but if you're not hurting anyone....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Had a very busy but wonderful day celebrating my beautiful, talented and tempermental daughter's 7th birthday. Culmination was taking her and a few friends to see the rockettes and it was a fantastic show! they were all really well behaved too. tomorrow night I get to see my very own 'rockette' perform her own dance. she'll be doing a tap dance performance of 'Santa Baby' at a major public park in town. should be a lot of fun. Too bad I have to work all day prior.

      Hope everyone is doing well!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi Clare - lovely to see you again - how are things going? Please post more and let us know okay??

        Anne!!!! So good to see you too!! As far as doing it with Hubs that drinks - he and I don't drink the same stuff so it is easy. I will only drink Guinness - if we don't have any in the house, I would either go and get some or not drink - I don't like beer which is what he drinks - or whatever else he has hidden away!! so it really isn't a problem - plus, as we work opposite shifts, it is only on his days off - if my shifts don't coincide, that we see each other and then we will have a drink together - but then I have my Guinness. We go out (again work permitting) once a week after I get off at 3.30 on a Thursday and split a pitcher of Guinness (roughly 2 glasses each) and then we leave 'cos I won't drink more than that and drive. So it really isn't a problem at all! Sorry - I do waffle on don't I? You will have to let us know how you are doing with the Bac. I also take melatonin - isn't it great stuff?

        Airam - have you started the nal yet? You will have to let us know how that works for you. Are you still taking the Topa? I have found that at 250 MG a day, I keep my Guinness intake to 1-2 a day and even then don';t often finish the second so feel quite happy with that. not sure if I really want to go AF. I think Hubs likes that I can still go out with him on a Thursday - we see so little of each other as it is. It wasn't the same when we went and I had water! LOL

        Beagle - you know that you can do it - just give yourself a limit maybe? Have you tried any of the meds for drinking? i could look back over your posts but it is probably easier to ask!! (I am not really lazy !!)

        Houtx - how did your date with your old friend go? You DO know that I live vicariously through you don't you? Why were you worried about it. old friends are often the angst !!

        Illum, dear friend - hope that your daughters performance went well - she is so talented eh? I loved watching her dance in the stuff you posted - and she totally ignores the noise - I would have been up and yelling at everyone to be quiet!! Hope all is going well with you. I too enjoy reading your posts!

        Joe - how are you doing? Are you going to go with the Topa? Let us know won't you.

        Well, I am off today and so far have met friends for breakfast then cleaned the bathroom, and sorted and done some washing. so I am feeling quite pleased with myself. now I need to get some stuff wrapped and ready for the P.O. some time this week! Dreading that!! talk later all - take care, hugs to you,

        love, Sun xx
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Sunny - I love it how you manage to mention just about everyone in your posts! I must say to all you people, keep posting! I love reading everyone's updates, even though it's impossible to respond to everything.

          Joe12, you are welcome here for whatever reasons, as is everyone...we shall continue to ignore the negativity.
          Airam - hope all continues to go well for you. Glad your boss got reprimanded - he sounds like a real dick.
          Illum/Claremont/Beagle/WTE and all others who are reading and too pressed to post: love hearing from you! I think even a little bit from people every now and then helps keep the post alive. I get so much positivity (?), energy and determination from coming here and doing the "kumbaya" thing with everyone. We are all on this to help and encourage each other in our quest for "normalcy" as far as our drinking numbers go.

          I'm not sure I will ever be "normal", but I feel better about things since my DR visit and just in general. Anyway - as far as my weekend & getting together w/ my was alot of fun. But we both drank like fish and I felt kinda bad about that, but then not really. I dunno - you know how it is when you KNOW you're going to drink too much, know you're in a safe place and just feel like letting go...that's what happened. But I didn't get shit-faced drunk or anything. I just needed to decompress and drank like it was a Saturday night and who cares. He certainly didn't! It was fun. Good food, good drink, company, etc. Watched a movie, talked and laughed, drank wine, then spent the night...and all that that entails :-)) It was fun.

          But I know this guy really likes me and I don't want to give him false hope. I don't think I have. We have a good relationship...friends first. But I just have to be careful of his feelings...I know he'd like more.

          Enough of this - hope all continues to go well w/ everyone. I am going with sheer will-power and absolutely nothing has changed! LOL Does it count that I THINK about my numbers and intake ALL the time?! LOL. No. It will be ok - I like to tell myself.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            LOL Houtx - loved your post! It was everything I thought it would be. So pleased you had a good time. I know though what you mean about having a friend like that - many years ago, I did too, it is really comfortable and feels so nice, but when he would like more, it just sort of has an edge to it - you don't want to spoil what you have - i.e. a great friendship . I also understood the just going out and knowing you are going to drink mentality! It all sounded as if you had a great time to be honest.

            Re you not knowing if you will ever be 'normal' - I am not sure if I ever will be - I still drink every day - sure, it is only 1 or 2 drinks - BUT it is still every day and that, in my book, is NOT normal. For this website, it is considered good, but let's face it, it is not a normal drinker! However, I am happy with me just drinking that - yet again, forgot my PM Topa - had the closing shift and took it with me but forgot to take it and by the time I remembered it, it was too late.

            I laughed at you asking if you THINKING about your intake and numbers counts? You crack me up! anyway, I am not long in from work - have fed the dog, then came on the computer. Should go and start getting ready for bed.

            As Houtx said everybody - please just check in - I agree with her saying it gives energy, positivity and determination doing the "kumbaya" thing with everyone!! (loved that!!) So even a little bit helps - just a teeny tiny post! Really !!

            Hugs to all, God Bless,

            love, Sun xxx
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              sounds like fun houtx. don't sweat I hooked up with a friend like that a while back. Kind of felt bad because I know she's into me more than i'm into her. she told me as much, but said it wasn't a big deal if we were just friends afterward. I must admit it is kind of weird now. we basically only communicate though facebook. very cool chick, just not the one ya know? of course I partially blamed it on not being over another woman who I was really over, (well most of the time)

              I'm having to accept that the TSM "cure" has eluded me. I think it has helped but not as much as I'd like it to. I got plastered sun night with a bunch of friends to the point that I was throwing up and having to duck out to puke at work the next AM too. I don't usually drink liquor for this reason, but I lost control after several beers. it's a horrible feeling I've only had once since starting TSM. and that was the last time I went out with this same crew. I used to puke all the time at work and drink myself into this type of state weekly, if not more often. so there has been a difference, but not enough. I lost control. I drove. shameful. I need to try something else and will keep taking the Nal before drinking until I do and maybe even after I start a new treatment.

              oh and thanks Sun too, I haven't started topa yet calling my shrink and making an appt as I type. I really am thinking I may try bac first as it seems to be working for people here, but since the shrink is a fan of topa, I bet she'll talk me into topa first. I'll check in about that soon.

              so how does the topa treatment work? I know nothing about it, when/how much do you take? do you titrate up and try and hit a switch like bac? where can I find info about it. I'd rather not have to get another book and explain it to my shrink and I'd like to think she'd know how to do whatever treatment topa requires for alcoholism
              is there a book on Topa? and is there an online version of the book on Bac?


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey Joe - thanks for the comments about the girls...yeah, I am still partially hung up on a "thing" from 3 yrs ago, but regardless, I do not want to start again with this friend. He is just a great guy (but too many "buts" I could add in here about him not being right for me), but ultimately, I am still looking for that elusive "one".

                Sorry about your drunkenness...ugh, we have all been there! I haven't thrown up in years, but certainly done some oober-stupid things. I really must take this opportunity to YELL at you to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call a cab - do anything!! Not only will you and the rest of the city be safer, but should you be pulled over and arrested...???!!! OMG - speaking from experience, it will be THE MOST humiliating and EXPENSIVE stupid act you have ever done. DON'T drink and drive!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, do you have $10,000 lying around?? That is what it will cost you. This year. Next year the fine will be another $X, Texas they kill us for 3 years in the fines alone.

                Not to mention should you be in an accident, injure or kill someone....JAIL!!! But jail regardless if you are pulled over, not a fun time. In the money it will cost you to survive a DUI, you could practically take a taxi to NYC and back!! So call a cab...OK???!!!

                Alright - I rest my case on that subject. BAC vs TOPA?? UGH - hated BAC b/c the switch was sooooo elusive and those who hit it, were upwards of 300 mgs, gained weight and suffered the freaky brain fog much worse than what I experienced on TOPA>

                I gained 8 lbs on BAC (and that was a TON in my book - others have said from 10 - 25 lbs), and felt like I was on PLanet X all the time - totally weird. PLus OMG the sleepiness was too much. I HATE HATE HATED it. I cannot justify the unknown torture of titrating up to who knows where, and maybe not hitting the switch. Plus I am NOT seeing too many people on the other threads shouting from the rooftops...kinda falls flat.

                TOPA...I actually felt the "EHHHHHH" feeling at 100 mgs and 150 mgs. It didn't last long, but I was/am expectng miracles. No other SEs except the brain fog at 100 and got more intense the longer I was there, up to 150 mgs. I am still trying to "wash it" out of my system. I still am having brain/recall problems. I need to get off it all for a long while, I think. But I'd say go for it...start slow, like the book advises...but coming down I dropped pretty quickly with no obvious SEs.

                Anyway, enough from me..sorry I post too much...I just get on a roll! LOL

                Hope alls well out there!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Oh Wow guys, I've been gone longer than I thought. Tried to catch up tonight but there's a bit more info than I have time for. I skimmed it all and I'm happy to see there's lively activity again!

                  quick notes - my Nal supply ran out and the shipment is taking a REALLY long time. I was thinking the MYO plan alone should be working fine as designed, but my drinking has gone up and I have gotten less diligent at keeping track and I'm not sure if that is just a factor of how stressful and busy my life has gotten with both of my kids bithday's happening right now and xmas coming including travel to the midwest and major work conferences and contracts.... Blah Blah...

                  I feel a little diferent - let me try to sum it up... not driven by cravings... still driven by habit. Will do a much more proper check in when I have a chance.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hey Illum - have you travelled to the mid west or are you travelling there - where in the midwest?? PM me

                    sun xx
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi everyone! I have enjoyed reading all the posts. I am wondering what happened to the dad in Wilmington NC that was depressed-are you still out there?? hang in there! Well I have had a hard 6 weeks or so but have decided to go on topa and have taken my first dose yesterday-no drinking.....but I do not generally drink every day just generally too much now when I drink..not good it is effecting my life VERY NEGATIVELY!! I have lost interest in life and want to get the old me back. How did this happen??
                      Reading all the posts is encouraging thanks to all of you,:h


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi there - Joe - the Topa works by lessening the desire to drink the AL - you start off by taking 25 mg once a day for a week, then the 2nd week you up the dosage. it is a set dosage, unlike Bac. If you get SE's from it, then stay at that particular dosage and often the SE will go away as your body gets used to the Topa - not always but often. With some people the Topa works quickly - with others, it takes a higher dose - it is also quite subtle - sometimes just a sort of "oh, I don't really want to finish this drink but I will" that gets more pronounced. My doc and pharmacist (who were/are wonderful with me) told me it would take 6 weeks to work/kick in - so if it works sooner - great. I just carried on drinking as usual and when the feeling that I didn't really want to drink kicked in, I was quite cross! You CAN drink over it - so you still have to use some sense! There is a book that you can download - if you go to the healthstore on this website - it is the Roberta Jewel one - it gives the titration schedule, SE's - ideas to counteract SE's etc. I think the titration schedule is posted on this thread somewhere, if not and you don't want to download the book, we can repost it. Oh - and ditto what Houtx said!

                        Welcome Britches! I think the dad that you are referring to is Zac? Trapped dad? He is fine - has had stuff going on - not sure how his drinking is but he is okay. He will be back I am sure. I am amazed that you are not drinking already - how much were you drinking and did you do cold turkey? You will have to post again and tell us about yourself. It is nice to have another person here who is on the Topa path - we are few and far between and it is good to keep this thread going. Not all here are on the Topa path - but they all started out that way and we have just all ended up trying to keep the thread alive for anyone starting Topa or anyone having questions about it. I think we all ended up wondering the same question that you did - How did I end up here? but here is a great place to be!! Welcome again - and do post. Ask questions if you have any too!

                        Illum - have you got your Nal yet? How are you managing without it - things going okay??
                        You never did say if you were in the mid west or not - PM me if you are okay?

                        Hugs to all, Love, SUN xx
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          a titration schedule would be great. I can't find it myself. but if I just knew what the standard amounts were where it starts working I'm sure I could work my way up fine. I tolerate drugs well.

                          What is the set dosage? how far up can I go? is there a "switch"?
                          thanks so much


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hello Sun and all:
                            Thank you for the reply this is my fourth day without a drink and on topa. As I said I usually do not drink everyday but if I do I usually drink between 3/4-full .750 bottle of wine-I will be drunk at that point. I am heading to a bunco group tonite which is sometimes referred to as "drunko" :Hby husbands here as a lot of drinking goes on! I did not start drinking until I was 35 and divorced, I met a man whom I married and we share an interest in cooking and wine some how I am now 60 (just this month- a young 60 though I have to say!!!) the drinking has increased my daughter (only one) is quite ill getting a divorce and has a 14 yr old son-it has been hard. I think the drinking has gotten to be too much and I found this web site and I believe this RX can work as it seems to have helped so many!
                            Thanks to you all for allowing me to take this journey with you.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Oh Britches - thank you for joining us - the more the merrier! I will look forward to hearing about your experience with Topa so post as much as you like! I have just got in from work - it is 11.00 and I have to be up at 5.30 to be back at work at 7.00 (I closed tonight and open tomorrow) so will post more next time.

                              Joe - I will find and post the titration schedule for you - you start with 25 mg for a week - there is no point on going up any faster - it doesn't work any better in fact it makes Topa NOT work. There is no 'Switch' per se with Topa - there is a subtle change that one feels and it happens at different levels with all of us - for me it took to about the 5- 6 week mark for it to really really kick in. for some it kicks in earlier. But you can't rush it - it really backfires when you try that. I saw someone post that they had taken 400mg of Topa and it did nothing for them - Topa doesn't work like that - it seems to be cumulative. Anyway I need to get to bed. over the next few days I will either find and copy and paste or type out and post the schedule for you. Either way you start with 25 mg for a week.

                              Hugs to you all,

                              Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Okay guys, still haven't had a lick of time to read anyone's posts post's so I'm coming in blind and hoping to give a much better update tomorrow. Teeing up for a fantasitc weekend. The boy is having a sleepover tomorrow night and the girl is having a guest over with a babysitter and dh and I are finally shopping for bday gifts for each other and having dinner which is WAY overdue, but the big point is that we had a long talk and it included my meds or treatment if you will and he was totally cool with it from a scientific standpoint. Anyway it was positive progress and real communication so I'm happy.

