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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    To all my friends,

    I have not read any posts.l? I'm sorry.

    I am not Ok but not bad.

    I wish I could write more.

    My friends here are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    I m still taking topiramate, and feeling better. Not as well as I wish, but really better.

    Please say a prayer for my loved ones, if that s ok with you.

    I ll be ashamed tomorrow for asking for your thoughts and prayers after so long. I am sorry.

    I am always thinking of you. ....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      AIRAM How wonderful to see you! I am just so pleased - you can't imagine - of course I will say a prayer for you and your parents - are they okay?? What is going on -please either PM or e-mail me - you don't sound like you at all. I am just so happy you are okay. And never ever be ashamed for coming back - it doesn't matter how long - big hugs to you my friend :l:l:l:l

      Love, Sun XXX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Airam - We don't know each other, but I wanted to say hello and "hang in there", keep posting when you can.

        Otter;1084337 wrote: Bruun
        I am not sure what is going on. Are you on Topa or Bac? You seem to be posting on the Bac thread.
        I have read some of the posts here and it does not seem that Topa works very well to stop drinking. Hair loss?
        I don't get it.
        I don't know why anyone would be scared of Baclofen. You can start at a low dose and some people find it works at 30 mg a day which is nothing.
        I think the problem with medications that don't stop the drinking urge is that it is the alcohol talking and making you think it is ok to keep drinking. Until you become indifferent you don't realize that it is the alcohol talking and not you.
        Just interested really, we tried Topa and it had no effect.
        Hi Otter, I started posting here because I've been on and off Topa twice, and the hair loss was psychosomatic. Now wait, that's right, there was actual baldness. Evidence! My boyfriend noticed too and people started staring at my hair line. it was real. I guess you didn't experience that SE. If you read the Topa threads, you'll see hair loss is an occasional issue, Roberta Jewel noted this too - she and I discussed it a couple of years ago directly. Some people get those "rare" side effects, and some people are more sensitive to meds than others.

        Using Topa, along with the hypno CDs, the book, the All-One helped me to get to a short period of AF, notable because it was the FIRST TIME IN 20 YEARS. So yes, Topa makes a difference for some of us - it does help with appetite suppressing like bac does, and is being tested as a diet drug today. So that may have been the full extent of the support it gave me, the ability to eat/drink less due to my body not craving sugars as much. I don't know. It wasn't a miracle switch but it had a small effect. I would have stayed on it and had more to share but for the balding. For me, as today, it still required willpower, but I'm using willpower now and alot of other tools. (I still have RX topa lying around from my doctor that I don't know what to do with).

        I post here also because the people on this thread are particularly supportive and kind, and never question why I post here even tho they know I have a thread in the bac area. They welcome everyone who posts, with open arms and true caring. A very special environment they've created.

        By the way, alcohol binging also makes me lose hair, but it doesn't affect everyone that way. (Perfect example of why baclofen may have different side effects for you vs others). I guess I'm a delicate flower. :flower:

        I continue to post on the bac thread - because I've become part of that community and I'm still on 15-25mg most nights for anxiety. I asked in my thread if everyone would like me to stop my thread because I was no longer seeking the high dose bac cure, and they said no, keep posting here, it will be a good history of your story. Which I think was a good idea. Plus I really like alot of those people and would miss them!

        Regarding your point, that no one should be scared starting bac - I'm not going there. I think the posts on that topic here speak for themselves very well. And in the spirit of curiosity, why are you looking at the Topa thread if your wife had no success with it, and you're not a drinker? You have alot of input considering you are not a drinker and have never had a problem.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Good reply, Bruun.

          But when I got to the end I was surprised to read that Otter isn't a drinker?! Otter, I assumed that your comment about how easy Bac is tolerated was based on your personal experience.

          Now I am very confused.

          Airam, I've heard a lot about you and it's nice to see you back. People have been asking about you. I think everyone is here with open arms. Don't feel bad at all!
          Do Your Dream


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            I suppose the problem is that it is my wife who takes high dose Bac for an "extremely" serious alcohol problem which nothing else touched. I am also on Bac for an anxiety problem for which I used to drink. I stopped buy my anxiety remained until Bac.

            I fully understand what you are saying about side effects. If you can beat Al with something else then all well and good. I also think that for some, low dose Bac is perfectly adequate.

            What I am not sure of is what the scientific basis of other medications in relation to alcoholism. My investigations of other medications tended to show that other drugs such as Naltrexone and Campral either worked over a period of three months or they did not. I had not heard of the Sinclair method at that point.

            I had found out that Topamax was being used for alcoholism about 4 years ago and bought some over the internet but it just did not do anything. It seems to be an anti-convulsant like Baclofen.

            I agree, the side effects of Baclofen can be pretty bad. What I meant about being afraid of it is that if you take a very low dose to start with the side effects are not significant. I am not one who agrees with the way in which it is used by a lot of people on MWO. My view is that you have to take such small doses that you don't get these side effects and you go up so gradually that you never get them. My wife has been on the wrong dose for two years and only recently embraced the treatment and has no side effects at all with a dose of 150 or so a day.

            I still, despite the SEs think it is the only chemical which actually addresses the root cause of alcoholism at a molecular biological level.

            Anyway, look, forget I said anything.



            Olivier Ameisen

            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Otter, glad your wife is doing well. I think there's something to be said for your very very slow titration, but beatle is proof it doesn't work for everyone I think.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Bruunhilde;1085473 wrote: Otter, glad your wife is doing well. I think there's something to be said for your very very slow titration, but beatle is proof it doesn't work for everyone I think.

                Yes and no. It may not work for some people because of the side effects or possibly because there may be other things that we don't know about yet which make some people more resistant to Baclofen. I don't know. But, the theory behind it is that it replaces a chemical which is lacking in the brain and which, if replaced with Baclofen, makes one indifferent to alcohol. That is the same for everyone as are the side effects. I think it is more a question of finding out why it does not work for some and how it might work for them and, of course, avoiding side effects. It is something which needs more study.

                Of course, Beattle is still using Baclofen and it has taken two years for my wife to say, two weeks ago, that she is "cured". And, that is not to say that she might not have a relapse. No one said it is easy or perfect because it is not. All I say is that I believe the science behind it is right and that the science behind other medications is not the same, even though some other medications may give some relief to underlying symptoms and help those who don't like Baclofen and may be able to "right" themselves without Baclofen, which, of course, is entirely possible. Each to his/her own. If it works, great. Any road out. I gave up by reducing my daily consumption over a period of two years. I wound up with a nervous disorder for which I now take Baclofen and deal with the side effects.

                Just out of interest here are the searches on my site over the last few hours. It goes to show how wide spread the interest in Baclofen is and how many people are trying to find help getting hold of it. I don't think anything is going to stop this now. It has developed a momentum of its own.

                London, The United Kingdom 2
                Daventry, The United Kingdom 2
                Gourhel, France 1
                Houdeng-goegnies, Belgium 1
                Bournemouth, The United Kingdom 1
                Marietta, GA, USA 1
                Birmingham, The United Kingdom 1
                Boise, ID, USA 1
                Schenectady, NY, USA



                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi everyone....

                  Bruunvery interesting comment about having hair loss when you binge drink.... I never thought about that...

                  I would not being interested in trying Bac either. No offense to anyone.

                  I think I have finally come to a place where I really feel like I need to cut way back. I have decided to make a whole hearted effort to be AF during the week. M-F. period. I am putting it into to writing because I feel like poop today. My girlfriend's 40th birthday was last night. We went to dinner and drank a bunch of wine. My husband was a sweetheart, picked us up and carted us home.

                  I just want to be a better me... A better mom...not hungover. I am so tired and I feel bad not addressing your posts. I just needed to get on here and put this in to writing so I can be accounted for.

                  THanks for being here.:l

                  I am not drinking tonite so hopefully tomorrow I will be more talkative.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi BK,

                    Just checking in to see how you're doing with the M-F abstinence. I hope tonight is going okay for you.

                    I called my doctor and asked her to prescribe Nal. I've been reading the site and it looks really exciting to me. Thanks for sharing about it, Illum.

                    We'll see how long it takes her to reply to my voice mail. I thought about finding a doctor more responsive but I'm not sure who to go to so if I can get the RX from her, it will be a lot easier.

                    I hope everyone is doing well. Sun, are you feeling better?
                    Do Your Dream


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      DYD Thanks for checking in on me... It means the world right now...

                      Surprisingly... I'm doing good... Alittle grouchy but since I applied my mind to it.. its like I am in another world. I haven't had a craving??? Ok its only been a few days but still I usually am "jones-ing" for a glass.... I have been really tired. Funny the first night I had a dream I was offered a beer which I took a couple sips of then threw away then went to another place in my dream and was offered a bloody mary??? bizarre since my fav thing to drink is wine.....

                      I wish you were closer to me... my GP is fabulous... He was so proud of me for coming in before I lost my life, meaning my husband, kids and finances. He told me that he usually sees people after they have lost everything... He is a very special doctor. I was ashamed to tell him that I had fell of track... but he didn't judge me.... he just said let's get you what you need to get back on track.

                      I will be so excited to hear how you do on Nal? Maybe I would consider switching. Good luck!

                      I have enjoyed my few days AF so that is an encouragement.. I have looked into going back to yoga but am thinking I should detox for a few more days. I am going to start walking and try to get in shape that way alittle. I was in such good shape a year ago and took a good look at myself in the mirror just recently.... what a shame I have wasted all that work.... I imagine it will be a little harder to get back what I had... like my husband said at least I'm not looking for a date :H

                      I enjoyed playing hangman with my boys instead of drowning in a bottle of wine...
                      yeah! I hope this is the beginning of the end for me. I'm happy.

                      Where's everyone else at??? Did Otter scare them away, Just Kidding Otter please don't be upset. I am just in a teasing mood today. It feels nice.

                      Have a great day DYD
                      thanks so much for checking in on me...
                      keep me posted..

                      :l BK


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        BK I'd be curious to know what your doctor thinks of the gene test posted by Coalfire in the NAL thread. I'd rather not have NAL in my health history if it's only use is AL suppression because that could affect future insurance premiums (it's hard to predict what will happen in healthcare in the next twenty years!).


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I totally agree Bruun... my insurance is touchy as it is... they won't cover diflucan for a yeast infection without a preauth... amazing.

                          so I would have to find a way to obtain other than thru my local pharmacy.

                          I will look up gene test by Coalfire... thank for the info. :thanks:

                          How's thing's with you?


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Why am I here? I feel like I have become some sort of evangelist for Baclofen. Very strange. Hmmm....



                            Olivier Ameisen

                            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hallo everyone - sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days but here I am!! I was supposed to go up yesterday to my next dosage but have decided to leave it til tomorrow 'cos I forgot yesterday and didn't today - and now it is too late in the day. So, it will be tomorrow. The Topa is starting to kick in a bit - I can feel it - I am still drinking but am not wanting the drink as much - those who have taken Topa know what I mean.

                              Otter, the reason I wouldn't take Bac is because I like knowing what tab I am supposed to take when - I would hate to worry about the SE's of Bac - I hate that no-one seems to know how it will affect them - I know the same is with other drugs too, but Bac seems so fierce in it's reactions. I take my Topa am and pm the same, every day. My doctor followed me with it. when I take it properly it works. It is quite simply, my choice. As it is your wife's choice to go the bac route. My AL use has never been a really serious problem for me, just something I want to control a bit more. I am really pleased that Bac is working for you and your wife.

                              BK - that is wonderful that you have had some AF days - and are feeling well with it too. I used to do yoga all the time and have let that go. Such a shame - I still meditate but only when i haven't had a drink. I need to get back into the whole lot!! It always made me feel so good. So, what did your GP suggest to get you back on track? I am glad that you have a great doctor - mine is super too - his mum was an alcoholic so he understands!! How did you manage to have your AF days - just sheer will power? Whatever it was - I am so proud of you - that is wonderful and you sound so good for it too!

                              Bruun - how are you doing with the diet and the AL free and all? how are you feeling? It must be particularly hard for you doing both at once. Especially after the first week or so when the novelty has worn off and reality sets in and it is just slog now.... Bruun - I liked your reply to Otter - oh, and I had no idea that binging could cause hair loss!! And I enjoy your posts and hope that you will continue to post here. Unless you have posted on another thread somewhere, you haven't mentioned how you are doing re the diet etc. I already spend so much time on the computer - if it is another thread, you must tell me which one so I can check it out rather than go searching..... Anyway I do hope that all is going well for you.

                              DYD - my friend - how are things going for YOU? I will be really interested to see how things go for you with nal. And yes, thank you so much - I am feeling totally back to me again thank goodness. I have no idea what the downer was all about - it was so not me. I usually manage to cover any down feelings that I have and that was a really hard one to deal with but I am back to my usual sunny self!! I also found I was drinking more when I was going through that which contributed to my downer - so now am back to my 2 or 3 an evening which feels much better. Still too frequent I know......

                              Illum - hope you enjoyed your weekend away. How are things going? I know you will catch us all up when you have the time. I look forward to hearing about it and also to getting your writings that you said you were going to e-mail me.

                              I have been wondering about me and my drinking and you lot are the only ones who will answer me honestly - or give me your honest opinion anyway. I am wondering - and I wonder if any of you feel the same - if I REALLY want to quit? This evening for example, I had had 2 Guinness and really didn't want another one - but in the end went ahead and poured that third one - even though I really didn't want it - once I started it, I am fine with it, but I am wondering how do I get out of the mindset of drinking? It is SUCH a habit with me. I know I was AF for 8 months and looking back, wonder how on earth I did it. I do remember being quite down for that time and am wondering if I am putting off the evil moment 'cos I don't want to go back there? Any great thoughts anyone?? My life looms ahead of me and I wonder what is going to happen either way......

                              Love and hugs to all,

                              Sun XXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hey everyone,

                                Regarding the Nal, I am a little nervous about getting an RX because I see it is also used to treat people addicted to heroin, etc. I'm afraid that I will be tagged as a junkie and wonder if that will interefere with my getting insurance in the future. But on the other hand, I really want help now so I think I will risk it.

                                Still waiting for a call back from the doctor's office. I think I'll call again tomorrow. Last time they apologized and said that the reason for the delay was that the doctor's mother had had a heart attack, the assistant's husband had died and during my last appt. I learned that the doctor had to have an epidural (not sure why). Anyway, they all seemed like great excuses but now I'm thinking - Sunday night to Tuesday night is too long. I really do need to find a new doctor but it's hard not knowing if I go to someone if they'll prescribe me what I want.

                                Sun, regarding your question about drinking a third Guiness when you didn't really think you wanted it - I think for me it's a habit. If I open a bottle of wine I'm compelled to keep drinking it. Maybe it's the same for you. If you have two you want a third? I don't know but I know it's hard for me to stop. Is there something else you would enjoy? Sometimes I may try a bowl of ice cream or something instead.

                                And BK, I hope you can keep with it. When I have stopped for a while I have found the first few days the hardest and then I'm out of the habit of drinking every night and somehow it gets easier.

                                I'm single and I sometimes wonder if it would be easier for me if I have someone here to support me in making changes. Although I know that all relationships don't work that way.

                                Glad to hear from everyone!
                                Do Your Dream

