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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Go for it Sun! You can do it! Focus on filling the voids, treat yourself to a chocolate instead of a cigarette, and another for the beer sub at nite. I find it helps.

    DYD, I feel your pain, I'm struggling right there with you. I can't go AF without serious planning to make sure I'm ready for it, and that I am not at home in the evenings if possible. Tonight I went to the dogpark for an hour, which broke up my routine and got me tracking in the right direction. I realize that's not viable for everyone but changing the pattern is the secret, not the actual dogpark. When I have to be at home, I make myself a seltzer with cranberry or grapefruit juice. I was home tonight at 7pm, had one beer and a big dinner. Seems to help to have the blood sugar fully loaded.

    Welcome 8 of Cups! Even ten years ago, we had nothing. Thus, many of us are ten years later to the support and that much more into the addiction, unfortunately. Wish I could have stopped this in my twenties or thirties. Even having 2-3 glasses of wine a night, or a couple of beers, is too much for the brain and liver/kidneys long term. And for me, I don't think it's good for my health, my body seems to be very sensitive to everything. Being AF for two weeks was a miracle in change for me, that I want to get back. I lost years from my attitude and looks in days. I'm really going to go back there, and stay longer next time.

    I read on Amazon (in a book review about how to become financially secure) that a certain author says there are basically ten roads to riches, and one is to "marry well". So I better get on that train, because I'm late to the show. Another is to "be famous". I guess I could run around nude in downtown at lunch - and get arrested? I would alert all the TV stations first, of course.

    Is it ironic that the financially insecure situation causes such anxiety about my job security that I have panic and go to the wine store or xanax to self-medicate? And ironic that one of the road to wealth most of my friends used was marrying well and I was taught to be financially viable on my own and that also being a SuperMom working plus a family was just too hard to do both so choose the job? If I could have stopped the drinking in my early twenties, I might have had a clearer view of life and felt that I could introduce kids into this violent world, but then again, maybe not.

    Sorry if I'm a roller coaster here :bonkers:


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Welcome 8cups~ you will find an unconditional support here and wonderful ladies who really understand.

      Hi All~ Just wanted to stop in and say Hi! Things are good for the most part on my end. I had a small glass of wine on Sunday and that's it. Haven't really had a craving either. I am feeling really good since my procedure and am not sure if its the procedure or the Lexapro that is making me entergetic and balanced. My hair is still falling out quite a bit and its not my thyroid. I don't what's going on. I read back awhile on Bruun's posts that her hair fell out when drinking heavily. I am hoping that is it for me. I may ask my doc for an estrogen patch cause I have heard that, also, can contribute to hair loss.

      I have exercised everyday this week, so far, I know its only Wed. I am officially 10 lbs heavier than last year. BOO HISS... I am planning a regime of hard word and better eating habits. I used to really be fit. I don't know that I will ever get back there. Oh well, I have 3 healthy kids and a supportive husband. Life is good... today anyway. With my hormones bouncing all over the place... anything is subject to change... LOL

      Well, Sun... we are going on our 1st camping trip of the season. I don't know that I will stand true to AF. THat's sounds negative I know... but honest.

      have a great day everyone!
      hugs, BK


        New here and starting Topa and with a question


        I am thinking of you and wishing a warm day of sunshine in your heart.
        I know how hard it is when some people are going AF and you just can't seem to imagine the thought of a day without a drink or 7. Sometimes its hard to jump on the thread and see people succeeding and think how come I can't or don't want to do that. I used to get mad at myself. Just stay here and I will try to check in on your personal thread, I lurk there sometimes. But to be honest... I have to get off my computer after this thread because I would be writing all day to people and my kids would not get an education. LOL.



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Thanks BK, I really appreciate that. Also glad you lurk on my thread, I do worry that the name of it is off-putting because it could be, if I read the name in a vacuum, but I have my reasons for naming it and decided that was my decision. I'm so tired of worrying about other people's opinions. Thusly and therefore.

          I had four beers tonight and one last night. Tomorrow night won't have time/oppty for more than one or two due to travel schedule.

          Really trying ... really! Good for you BK, keep it up, it helps to see people struggle then go AF. One of the things RJ said in her book (I think it was her book that said this) that one major reason people fail at sobriety is THINKING THEY CANNOT DO IT. So putting the thought in your mind "I can do it" is really foremost. Seeing people fail actually helps me fail, I'm so suggestible. I need to work on that!

          Keeping it real - sort of.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Sorry few posts from me - later part of the week is always bad - work shifts - easier for - me from Sunday through Tuesday. 8cups - so good to see you here - I am a Tops user - feel free to PM me or ask on here - will post a much longer e-mail when I get more time. Today closing shift - tomorrow might be better - 9-5.30 - a really odd shift for me LOL

            Talk later everyone,

            Hugs, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              still drinking, no progress - but my mood is better the $$$ I could save from not buying AL. Best again to everyone!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey there Girl - good to hear from you - are you going to start taking the calcium/magnesium so you don't have a repeat of last month? But you must take it regularly. It was good to hear you sounding in a better mood....

                I am still doing fine all and will try and do a proper reply - promise!! LOL Hope you are all doing well - hugs to you,

                Love, Sun xx
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Thank you so much for your kind words and support - you are all smashing here and have been so supportive here of me lately - where has everyone gone? Hope you are all doing well - BK - you said you were going camping - I wonder how long you are gone for? Hope you are enjoying/have enjoyed it. And that is fine if you do/do not have AL - this will all be here when you get back!!!

                  8cups - are you still with us? Are you starting the Topa? I am still not drinking - I actually went out today and bought some Guinness but it is still sitting in the fridge and I am off to bed shortly - I think the Topa has actually kicked in. After a few days of No AL, I think I have allowed myself to 'feel' the Topa. I kept thinking about the Guinness sitting in the fridge and thinking now that I had it, I should have one, but I really really didn't want one!! go figure.

                  Bruun - how are you doing Flower? I do agree with you that seeing other people fail makes one think they cannot do it - does seeing me do it make you think that maybe you CAN do it? And isn't 4 beers and only 1 or 2 a much better amount than you were drinking? So that is really good then! You sound as if you really are trying. You need to think "I can do this" or "I am doing this". As you said - we have to be positive. I still can't believe I didn't even have One drink tonight!! It was my day off and usually I would have started with one around 3.00 or so and had maybe 3 - possibly 4 at the most. So I am amazed.

                  DYD - how are you doing? Are you still having your 4-4.5 glasses of wine? Or are you down from that? I think you said you were trying to keep it down to 3 but always wanted more. I thought with Nal that if you took it an hour before drinking, it helped you to not crave it as much? Is that what you do? I agree that when it is just me sitting and drinking, it is so easy to pour that next drink. anyway, yeh, I sort of agree that TSM does seem to take a long time to work, but if it works - well, it is worth it. What is the test that Bruun was on about - the GG test that tells you if you are a good candidate for Nal? Is it worth you seeing if you can get that - whatever it is?

                  Airam - how are you doing? Thank you so much too for your support and kind words - I feel for you having to start yet again - but it seems that this time it has kicked in for me. I did go AF before I knew that it had, and the first two days were really hard - but today has been so easy - no cravings at all. I also cut down on the level I was at - I was up to 300mg again - but could feel the depression settling in once again (that magic 300 for me) and the past two days have just taken 150 mg so maybe I need to get up to the 300 mg for it to work, then I can cut back - I am not sure but today worked. I might go back up to 200 or 250 if I feel the cravings coming back but for now am fine. i feel no depression and no cravings. Where are you at? I am trying to think - is this the third time for you? i think it is the third time for me that I started again.

                  Anyway - Illum, if you ever get back - drop in and catch us up - hugs to you. girl - hope all is well with you, best as it can be.

                  8Cups - please post again and let us know how you are doing?

                  Hugs and love to all,

                  love, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi Sun,

                    I can't drink 4-5 glasses any longer. If I have more than 3 I feel bad the next day.

                    And on Friday night, I didn't get home until 10:15 and then had 3 glasses and I was so SICK yesterday - all day long and felt tired until I went to bed at night. It was terrible. I guess I can't drink that late or that quickly even if it's my "safe" 3 glass limit. I don't know what happened but it was awful. I didn't drink last night, though!

                    I guess my cravings are a bit better or the fear of feeling sick the next day gives me some control. I usually am fine these days with 3 glasses.

                    I think long term the Nal will take away my cravings completely, hopefully but it is a long process. But at least now I am drinking less. Before I started this journey with MWO, I could drink a bottle or up to a bottle and a half a night. So that's 5-7.5 glasses and now I'm in the 3 range.

                    I'm not sure how to find the test that Bruun was talking about. I've seen people write about it on the other forum.

                    Sun, I want you to be cautious about going down too quickly on Topa. I remember reading that if you go down too quickly that you can cause a seizure. Maybe read up on it or ask your doctor. When I titrated down I went down 25 mg. every other day.

                    I'm so glad you're feeling better and good for you on your AF days.

                    I found in the past that once I got a day or two under my belt AF that it was kind of easy to keep going. At least for a while. ;-)

                    I can't believe you are also working on quitting smoking at the same time. How is that going? Seems hard to try to quit two addictions at once.


                    Do Your Dream


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi DYD - that is great that you are down to 3 glasses! And that if you have more - or even the 3 too quickly, it makes you feel bad - so something is working - right? Hopefully, the not feeling well when you have it too quickly will work as a deterrent - my Topa brain won't let me think of the word - so much for three years psychology at college!! I am really pleased that something is moving for you.

                      I did check with my GP last time I went down on Topa and he said it is fine to go down quickly unless you are prone to seizures (which is one of the reasons Topa is given), and I am not, I was fine to come down to a lower amount faster. I have taken my 150 mg this morning but might take a 100 mg this afternoon anyway, and keep at that for a week or so, and see - I just could feel the depression coming on, which did happen before at the 300 mg level. thing was last time, it didn't go away - until I came off Topa AND started drinking again - I seem to have caught it early enough this time to stop it before it started.

                      Oh and I have caved with the smoking - bah humbug - but there is always tomorrow.

                      Hugs to all,

                      love, Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Sun,

                        It definitely is working for me. Here are my stats:

                        Pre-TSM 35+
                        1 32.5
                        2 23.6
                        3 31
                        4 30.5
                        5 28.5
                        6 17.5

                        So, I'm definitely down from when I was drinking 1-1 1/2 bottles per night.

                        I'm glad you checked with your doctor about the seizures. And I think it's wise that you're watching if you're getting depressed and backing off. Do whatever gives you the most success.

                        And I also think it's fine to attack one demon at a time. I think it's really tough to try to stop drinking AND stop smoking all at the same time. You can move on to the cigarettes once you feel better about where you are with your drinking.

                        Way to go, you!
                        Do Your Dream


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi, I am new to this thread.
                          I want to try topamax but didn't want to talk to my family doctor about it so I ordered it on line without a prescription. Probably the dumbest thing I have ever done since I don't know if it is safe.

                          I am willing to listen to all advice on this subject. Has anyone ever ordered on line prescriptions without a prescription? they come from new Zealand.

                          Will keep an open mind to all of your advice since most of you will tell me I am crazy to even consider taking something without a prescription.
                          Day 1:4/4/2014


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Welcome Mimi - I understand where you are coming from re not wanting to tell you doctor and I think you will be okay with the Topa - are you going to take it re the titration schedule in RJ's book? Just ask if you have any questions - someone here should be able to help you - I have had success with it and so has Airam, so please keep posting. Share a little about yourself if you would like to, with us? Hope to hear from you again,

                            DYD - that really is good - so the Nal really is helping you then - are the cravings lessening? Well - they are, and as you said, when you drank more than the amount you had got to, you didn't feel good - it sounds as if the Nal is good for you. I am so pleased that it is. Got to get ready for early shift - take care,

                            hugs, sun X
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              sunshinedaisies, thanks so much for the reply. I really appreciate it. Yes, I will follow the schedule in RJ's book.

                              I am 46, a mother of 2 and a mimi (grandmother) of 1 amazing, adorable, sweet 23 month old. She is her mimi's girl and looks exactly like me at that age. We have such a great bond and she hates to be separated from me. I am also fortunate to have that wonderful relationship with both of my children.

                              Okay, enough braging for today. Here's my story. I was a teenage bride, been married 27 1/2 years. All of our married life we were focused on God and family until 6 years ago when my husband had an affair, then I found out that my teen son was going to be a father, my mother took an overdose of drugs and almost died, my son go ill and almost died, I had major surgery (that's when I discovered the affair), got pneumonia, my sister in law abandoned her husband and children and ran off with someone 25 years younger, I had another major surgery, got very ill and ended up in and out of the hospital for 3 months. The baby was given up for adoption. this is just a small part of what took place in about 3 months time.

                              My world had come crashing down. Our life style changed, our friends changed and I started drinking. However, we survived, I once again have my faith back and plan on giving up the alcohol. Easier said than done but I will do it no matter what it takes.

                              I don't drink every day which helps but still I have those triggers and then I give in.

                              This is more information than you probably wanted but it sure feels good to get it written down and now maybe I can let go of the hurt and pain.
                              Day 1:4/4/2014


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Wow, Mimi - that is a lot!

                                Good for you for working on your drinking issues. You'll find a lot of support on this forum.

                                Keep posting!
                                Do Your Dream

