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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Sun, I'm oon 50mg of nal. You are supposed to start off with 25mg. I did that for a couple days (not enough) and bumped up to 50. Frankly, I am surprised that it's still working. It's 8:18 and I'm still nursing my first glass of wine from 6:30. Unheard of. I may even stop there. I'm not jumping for joy yet, though. This can happen on nal (but it's never happened to me, and I've been on it before...hoping it's the addition of topa. Maybe?) You should try it, you have nothing to lose! There are really no side effects other than the initial nausea and drowsiness. But that goes away pretty quickly. The first two times I took nal, I didn't have either SE but for some reason I do now. Weird. I'm glad to see you still hanging in there! You are always such a bright spot for everyone, even when we leave and come back. {{{{h u g s}}}}}}}


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Oh, Sun, I forgot to answer your questions. I take nal a la Sinclair Method: an hour or so before I drink, with the topa. Usually around 4 or 5pm. Hope this helps.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi there all - Hoping - actually I think the higher level of Topa that I started is actually kicking in as the last few nights I have cut way down on my Guinness - just not wanted it - so I am feeling better about it. One night I had closed, so it was 10.30 when i got home so can't really count that night but yesterday I was off, and still only had three - poured a 4th but ended up tipping it out. Was so pleased - but I really didn't want it. Had sweats in the night and am wondering if it was 'cos I had cut down.... I still might ask my Doc when i see him about the nal but as it is going to be a new one, I am not sure what he will be like. It sounds as if things are happening for you too- still nursing first glass almost 2 hours after pouring it - how lovely for you!

        DYD - hi there - yes, we just have to hope it is a process and hang in there and like me, and the Topa - it kicks in eventually.

        Happy Independence Day to you all,

        hugs, Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Sun, good for you! I don't think the sweats are a result of not having a 4th Guinness. It's not like you're drinking 24/7 and you suddenly stopped. THEN you would have the sweats and much more. Going from 4 to 3 glasses is nothing. You have already gone through menopause. right? What dose of topa are you up to now? Could that be it?

          The nal/topa combo is making me feel the alcohol sooner, so two glasses (well MY two glasses, which in reality is probably half a bottle, lol) feel like four. I don't know if you have these in the U.K. -- the big, round, stemless wine glasses -- but they definitely house more than a glass!

          I hope the topa keeps working for you!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Ok - none of you know me - I was here about a year ago. When I first took Topa tiny amounts totally killed my desire to drink but at the same time, I had side effects like muscle weakness that was NOTICEABLE, Anyway - went off the drug - maintained drinking at lower levels for about a year and then my dad died in March. Drank heavily for a week. Went backii on the Topa at low dosages but was able to drink small amounts. seemed to have less of an effect. I know that I dont' drink NEARLY as much, but with a drug - I don't want to drink at all. Ideas?


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi Funny Girl - were you on this thread? I remember your name - but that could be from seeing you just on the MWO site. When you first took Topa and you had the muscle weakness, how long did you stay on it? Sometimes if you stay on that level and bear with it, the SE go away. The thing is with the Topa, that I have found, through trail and error, that if you mess up, the only thing to do is to go right back to the very beginning. Back to the 25 mg for a week and so on..... You can't jump in half way through - it doesn't work. IF you work with the Topa, you CAN get to the point where you don't drink at all - I did last year. and quit for 8 months - then stopped taking the Topa - and started drinking again. Topa isn't a magic pill - you can drink over it. It still requires a modicum of willpower, but if you can overcome the SE's - which, if you go up slowly - when you come to a SE, stay at that level until the SE goes away, then continue titrating up, you can get to the point where the desire to drink, goes away - but you have to listen to it !!! I have no idea if that helps you or not - but that is just my opinion. PM me if you need more info - okay? wishing you all the best for it!!!

              Hi Hoping - I am currently on 200mg and yes, have gone through Menopause but sometimes the night sweats still kick in - so it could have been that too. I have only had two Guinness tonight and don't want another which is so good!! Oh - even though I am from UK, I am in USA. And yes, I do know the big round glasses that you mean! BUT as long as you use the same measure for YOUR glass each time it doesn't matter what size glass you use - if you have gone from 4 to 2 then you have cut your consumption in half, no matter the amount - follow me?

              And now my friends, I must get to bed. I had to work today and got in from work about 1 1/2 hours ago - so it is time for bed! love and hugs to you,

              love, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all - where did you all go? I know - you have a life. Has anyone heard from BK? I am worried about her. I have been e-mailing and PM'ing her and haven't heard a word. She was in touch with me and it has suddenly stopped mid sentence as it were. I really am concerned about her. Please let me know if anyone hears...okay?

                funny girl - I am also waiting to hear from you too - when you get a minute....if you want to that is - not being pushy or anything - LOL. Gosh I sound like a mother don't I?

                Hoping, how are you doing? Well, I hope? I am still keeping my Guinness down - although not to the 3 - having 3 or 4 most nights, but that is fine - i was up to 5 or 6 some nights, which on those days, I was starting earlier so I was fine, but I hated that I was over my 3 or 4. Anyway I am back to 4 at most so am getting there. Not good but BETTER. I hate to do it, but must make an appt with the new Doc - yuck. I want my JOHN back! Can't believe he has gone. The military has really good health care but you pay for it in other ways.

                Bruun - if you are checking in, please let me know how you are doing - I do think of you and wonder how you are getting on - so i hope you see this - maybe I will PM you. Once again, doing my mother hen thing. I just worry about you all.

                DYD - and how are you doing too? Are your units going down at all? How are you feeling? If you read this, let us know - we love to keep this thread going..... hugs to you.

                And I need to go and shower - have been out in the garden and am glowing something terrible!!!

                Love and hugs to all,

                sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Sunny,

                  I'm lurking, trying to stick to my diet and my AF DAY ONE today. Trying to distract myself. Need to eat something but the diet ... very restrictive. However it's the way I'm rationalizing not drinking, so....

                  How are you doing? Regarding your night sweats, it could be the weather and too many blankets, since it's summer where you are. Get naked and turn on that fan! It's too hot... Are you still having sweats?

                  As for me, I had two beers last night and moderated for the first time in months. And they didn't even taste good, but I think it was because I've been drinking gin for so long, the beer tastes murky. That's helping me today as I tell myself it won't taste good and I'm not able to catch a buzz lately anyways.

                  Lots of stuff going on with your coffee clatch (sp?) here, or should I say ours? Illum, BK, DYD, you, me etc. I'm sure BK's okay, but I guess we all have our episodes. Thanks for worrying about me, and her, I know she appreciates it and I do too. And Illum's in love, which is so nice.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I've also wondered about BK. BK, where are you?! Come back!

                    Sunshine, you made me laugh with the "glowing" comment. I imagine that's a British way to refer to perspiration but it's cute.

                    I wish I could say my units are going down but I think it's the opposite. They're slowly creeping up. Where I had less desire to drink in earlier weeks, I find that that's not the case any longer. I sure hope it's just part of the process because it makes me question if any extinguishing is really going on. I'm at about 4-5 glasses of wine per night.
                    Do Your Dream


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Funny Girl, I remember you. I remember your name, anyway. Welcome back. I, too, have been missing for awhile and started a new med cocktail (topa and nal) of my own doing so I'm back. Very sorry to hear about your dad....that would send me over the edge as well. Life is filled with so many challenges and heartaches.

                      Hi, Sun, I'm still here. The nausea and total apathy toward drinking is gone, as I thought it would be ("honeymoon period"), but I am still drinking at least 50% less pre-nal/topa. I still can only take 100mg of the topa b/c of the hair loss, dang it. I notice the nal makes me feel alcohol much sooner -- by the first glass. So by the second glass, I'm done. I do remember this from taking nal before, but I just blew past it b/c I wasn't really ready to quit and I drank through it.

                      I hope everyone is doing well.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi guys, back again. I had such an awesome visit with Z and the kids and then it got even better. His flight home got delayed so that he would have had to spend the night in Salt Lake City so then we just decided he should come back to my place for another night and go home the next day, which was the same day I was flying back East and got to spend 4 more days with him.

                        Meanwhile things are going fairly fine with my husband and the divorce. Pretty much all business now, no anger, no rollercoaster of emotions. We're dealing with the kids, getting settled into our new lives.

                        I get to see Z again in two weeks from tonight. We're meeting in Lake Tahoe to attend a big swimming event with a lot of my classmates from College.

                        I have noticed my drinking creeping up a bit in the last couple of weeks so getting a little worried about that. I ordered more NAL a few weeks ago and can't believe it isn't here yet. Think it would be a good idea to go back to that. My drinking seems to now be kinda worse again when I am alone. The nights I don't have the kids.

                        Z and I have plans to get together at least once every month through December, assuming all is still going well with us, which I think it will be. He gave me a beautiful "promise ring" which sounds silly when you're in your 40's, but it is still very nice. Sterling silver, ruby (my birthstone) with white saffire accents.

                        I started exercising again today and I'm going walking with my mentor tomorrow and we're going to try to do it every Friday. That will be good. She got to meet Z when he was here and it went really well.

                        That's it for now. Love you guys!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          HI Illum! Great to hear you so joyful. On the alone nights, can you get out of the house and see a movie or make sure you eat an extra large dinner? If you eat too much, I can't have that much beer/wine usually. I figure the calories I'm saving avoiding booze make up for the extra splurge on dinner. Hang in there!

                          Z sounds very thoughtful, to have your birthstone put in the ring, which sounds lovely. Happiness!!!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi Sunny - Hi Hoping4,

                            Glad to hear from both of you. I'm going to get my act together again & get back on the Topa. I still have some & will start over again as sunny suggests. I'm hoping that it will help me curb the desire to drink pretty quickly. Took 25 mg yesterday & then again today, so we're back to the starting gate. I'll just ramp up a little more quickly, I think. I never did get over 75 mg really. At that level, I'm pretty good, but we'll see how I do. Hopefully, I won't get the muscle weakness thing this time. I'll keep you all posted. Never did do any of the other drugs that people take on here - just the topa & the supplements. I'm hoping that will be enough.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi Funny girl - DO NOT ramp up quickly with the Topa! It doesn't make things work any faster! It doesn't help - really. Please just stick to the titration schedule. I know it is tempting but I have found that going up faster or higher just doesn't work - so - I mean, you do what you want - but just my opinion - don't. No more time right now - will be back probably later tomorrow or Sunday - hugs to all - great to see you Hoping, Illum, DYD and Bruun - talk later - bye for now,

                              love, Sun XXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                My wonderful friends!!! I do apologize.
                                I hit a very low spot of sorts then took a trip for a couple of weeks
                                I have SO much to tell you all. I will write tomorrow cause I am writing
                                On my tiny iPhone without my glasses.
                                Goodnight xoxo

