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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Good Morning Girls!!

    Lady - I am so pleased you are getting the Topa - as Play said - the Topa has far reaching effects - boobs will get saggy! I personally do not think that the 12 week plan is long enough for the Topa - I found that out the hard way! I had to go up to 300mg to finally have it actually 'work' for me BUT on the 300mg I hit a really bad depression - although my doc wondered if it was being AF that was making me depressed or the Topa - anyway I decided to come off of it - I had been AF for 8 months at that point. I then broke my foot. now, I have no idea if it was being at home bored, or if it was being without the Topa - but I started drinking again - and it was as if I had never been on the Topa - all the cravings were back. It took me a week to be where I was at the beginning. You CAN take Topa indefinitely - people take it for seizures and at a much higher dose than we are on, so in my opinion, NO, the 12 weeks is not long enough. I am still on it and last night a fleeting thought went through my mind about coming off it and then just as quickly I thought "no, I am not going to". I am not sure it has contributed to my going AF but it might be part of the jigsaw that has helped - so I am going to continue on it.

    re your cravings - or are they really cravings? I sometimes think about AL - but don't have cravings as such - I mean, I think about it! But I would not have one - don't even want one - just think that 'this is where I would have used to have one, so what can I have instead?' type of thing - I usually go for water. We all took a long long time to get where we were - and old habits die hard - but we have to replce them with new. This is one reason it is so hard to quit AL. It has been part of our lives for so long.

    The HRT - you were lucky being able to get the Bio-identical hormones - I can't take anything along those lines due to having had BC which was hormone positive - and went through an awful time with sweats etc, both during chemo, then again once my body had worked itself out from that (which put me in meno) then again, when I actually went through it a couple of years later! We have a walk in fridge at work, and I scared a new person silly one day when i was in there - he hadn't seen me go in there - everyone else knew I often went in to cool down - he opened the door and there was I !!!!! then I freaked him out even more by asking in an English accent "are you alright?" he has never forgotten our first meeting!! LOL Anyway, I am pleased they are working for you - I couldn't find anyone who would prescribe them for me.

    Hi there Play - We have so many apartments where I live, it is really easy to get a new one. Sorry you will have a hard time of it - can I ask which city you live in? or have I already done that and forgotten the answer? LOL For some reason I thought you lived in a house......I cannot imagine not having a washer in my basement! I have a dryer but it sounds like a cement mixer and I refuse to buy a new one 'cos I hang my washing out in the garden on the summer and in the basment on lines in the winter - it helps put moisture in the air! hubs keeps wingeing about getting one but unless I do something about it, he won't - so we carry on the way we are!

    Re the eating - I have been thinking about that and actually looked at why I was wanting to eat - and when I do think I am hungry - I listen to my body - I am not actually hungry - but just getting bored - so either have some water or DO something! My eating is totally back to normal again thank goodness. Yes, the Carr book really helped me - as I said, it doesn't do for a lot of people but for BOB (big Older Brother) and me, it is excellent. I talked to BOB yesterday morning and he is still on track - has lost a few lbs too so he is pleased. That is great too that you have lost 7 lbs - how much do you want to lose? you know not to lose it too quickly I am sure

    I am so happy that you two are both posting with me - it does help - and does reinforce it for me. I usually post on the journey thread - but we rarely talk about drinking there - it is more of a social thread unless we have a problem then everyone rallies round, so this thread really is helping me no end - thank you both of you for posting - it is so good that we can all support each other in this. We are all doing so well I think!!

    Play - I hope that your cold gets better - I take Oil of Oregano when ever I feel a cold coming on. it is magic stuff - last year EVERYONE at the store got the wicked one that was going round - except two of us - and we were both taking Oil of Oregano. It is a bit odd when you first try it, but it really is magic. Once you have the cold, it doesn't take it away, but shortens it and lessens the symptoms. I take the actual oil in a drop of water - not the caps. And you have to make sure you get the right stuff - let me know if you want to know more.

    Well, I work the mid shift today - YUCK. 11-7.30 which is my least favourite shift! And it being a saturday it will be all customers and no projects too. Chin up and a smile on my face....... talk later - hugs to you and keep on keeping on

    Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Lucky Day 13 for me

      Good morning All.

      Very snowy here today but not too cold, a winter wonderland. Not much going on here. Still feeling like drinking but I think this is just because it's only been 13 days. And I'm only on low dose Topa. Next week I'm going to be on 100 mg and I think that should be enough to help more. The suggestion that I stay on it longer is a good one, except it's quite expensive. I pay $170 for 120 pills from River, and it takes 3 weeks to get them, and have to involve a friend in the US, which I hate to do.

      Saturdays and Sundays are always hard as I get bored but I'll be off to the library as soon as the snowplows have gone through. DH have found a writer that we like so I'll get some of his stuff and just cozy up with a good book.

      DH always goes out with his pal on Saturdays for music and beer. When he gets home then I always feel like drinking because he's always had a few and acts goofy. I don't know why that bothers me so much but it does. He's always so stupid then. I love my husband very much and he's usually a really nice fellow - but when he's been drinking he's just a fool and I hate it. So that's a real danger for me.

      As a matter of fact I feel RIGHT NOW that I want a drink!!!! Weird eh? What a trigger!!!!!! I won't drink though. I'll make sure I'm well fed, well watered, and have lots of GABA in me, and that I've taken my afternoon dose of Topa about an hour before I expect him home. I will also have a nice snack - maybe some chips and salsa!!!!

      I had a nice chat with my sister yesterday. She's trying to stop drinking too. But I could tell she was not at THE QUIT. She was telling me that she drank last weekend, and on her daughter's birthday, and when she went out to dinner with a friend. She also said she didn't think there was anything wrong with having a glass of wine with dinner every night - in other words she is nowhere near quitting. She may get to the point where she will really buckle down and really do it. But she's not there yet. She has had a very troubled life and self-medicates with alcohol like so many of us. We talk about this a lot and support each other. I think when she realizes that I can do this she may want to come along for the ride!!

      Well that's all from snowy Canada. Have a great day everyone.
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi all - I will catch up with your posts later today when I have some free time. For now, just wanted to pop in and say hello. I had a TERRIBLE time over the holidays because I had too much free time to drink. Drank WAY too much and realized that my health was too important for me and my children to continue this way. My counselor recommended 7 weeks to sobrietry, which I read in like 2 days. Made me SOB!!! The biochemical thing has been lost on me. Of course I've been taking my Topa, but it has been SO many years since I read MWO in the first place, that I haven't been taking any other supplements. So I have been busy collecting vitamins again. This week I started just on the All One again, and like a Miracle, cut 1 1/2 beers out of my nightly drinking!!! Can't believe it. I feel so good. Down to 3 or 3 1/2 a night, and on weekends no more than 4. Sometimes pushing to finish THOSE drinks. Just received the rest of the supplements and will see if I do even better. I think my counselor was hesitant to give me the book because she realizes that she isn't helping me in the least!!! I feel so good. It is nice when you read something that clicks with you, that biochemistry is off, and even something like taking the All One can improve your condition! Anyway, gotta go before S.O. wakes up and wonders what I'm up to. I'll go read about what you guys have been up to and maybe I can post more later.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          MIDNIGHT So lovely to see you again! Sorry about your holidays being so full of drinking - but you can get back on track again now. I actually used the 7 weeks to sobriety book's recs for a lot of the supps the first week I quit. I didn't have the book but peeked on Amazon at the approrpriate page. I used the L-Glut - in the powdered form, the Chromium, the calcium and magnesium (found a really good one by "Now" that is called calcium Citrate and has the right amount of Mag and Ca in it), and the Kudzu. took them religiously! Plus of course, I take the All-One. I haven't been very good at the supps this week - I am never very good at taking supps, but have been having the L-Glut in my drink with the All-One. I so hope that it can help you too - I made sure I had all my ducks in a row and then just did it. And here I am! STILL AF !! And no cravings either - yes, I do think about AL - but not to the craving point - if that starts to happen, I will start all the supps again. Wonderful that you are beginning to feel it already - hope to see you back soon - Play and Lady are really doing well too - so this is all SO positive right now and it is great to have you back here.

          Lady - is it that you don't want the Topa on your medical record? can't you have your doc put it on there for migraines or something? That is expensive, but well worth it....I suppose I like to just have it there as it all seems to be working for me right now. I so agree with knowing when someone is at THE QUIT. But yes, have her check in on this web site when ever she feels like it - maybe if she reads some of the posts on here (not ours necessarily), she might see that she just might have a problem.

          I know what you mean about when our Hubs/SO have a drink - but funnily enough it doesn't make me want a drink - it just makes me SO pleased I am not drinking!! My hubs has stopped too - but don't think he sees it as a long term thing, but when I stopped last time and he didn't, he would be drinking and I would just think "Oh gosh, I am SO pleased I don't do that any more". Why do you want to drink when you have seen him drinking? You know how he will feel the next day...... and even if he doesn't get hangovers (my hubs never seemed to), you know how easy it is to get caught up in it again. Try and think about WHY you quit? And how hard it was - and then how long you have done and how well you have done.......and do you really want to spoil it and have to start all over again?

          Hugs to all,

          love, Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Play, Sun, and hi there, Midnight!

            Nice sunny day here. I may actually go for a walk...before I do anything else. As a retired woman I don't have to punch a clock. So what the heck, eh?

            Re my DH...I have not told him directly that I have QUIT this time, because I've said that many times only to drink again. I've tried moderating but let's face it that never works out....he doesn't really pay all that much attention to whether I drink or not. Even last night which was my day 14 he asked me if I wanted a glass of wine! Soooooo, I don't want to come out and say "you idiot!! Haven't you noticed that I have said no every single time you have asked me for 14 whole nights!!!!" I don't want to tell him because I'm still so fragile that if I cave I'll be embarrassed!!

            So I think I'll just lay in the weeds a little while and keep this to myself. My sister, and my best friend, and all you lovely people, know and are supporting me so I'm not completely alone in this, which is good. When I've gone a long time AF poor ole DH will finally catch on :H:H

            One day at a time. That's all we get really eh? So why worry about a future we haven't got yet . Hugs to all :h
            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
            (quote from Bean )

            Goal: Survival


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hey there - well, am feeling decidedly out of sorts today. Not really craving a drink - just feel slightly odd - was craving milk earlier and I hate drinking milk - like it in my tea or on cereal - but I downed a glass - YUCK. I haven't been taking my supps for days - I think I shall start them again in the morning. I was feeling so good last week, so have no idea what is going on with me. I don't feel ill or anything - just a little grumpy and - well, out of sorts!! Not like me at all. I WILL take my supps - maybe I should have kept going on them for longer instead of thinking I could just stop taking them - they were probably better than I had realised.

              Anyway I am going to get a cup of milky decaf coffee, a hot water bottle and a book and go to bed.

              See you all tomorrow, Hugs, sun X
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Sun, Lady and Midnight,
                Sun, please start your supps again, I bet they were doing more good than you knew. I'm exhausted and will try to post tomorrow night but I am keeping up with everyone and love seeing you all here, talk soon.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi Play - yes, I am starting taking my supps again - last night was not fun at all! They obviously were helping me a lot more than I knew! Hope you got a good nights sleep. I am off to work early shift today! Have a good day all - how is everyone doing?

                  Midnight - are you around?

                  Hugs, sun X
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Good Morning everyone - well, last night was fine again - it was either the supps or else I just had an off day - I felt fine again yesterday, so I am back on the supps again! Daughter spent the night after having a tooth taken out that was an emergency extraction. poor soul - but she didn't wake me so she must have had an okay night. Early shift today - I am off to Georgie this weekend, leaving first thing Friday morning, coming back Monday afternoon, so won't be around. I must make sure to take my supps with me !!

                    Have a good day everyone - hugs,

                    Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Where are you Play? How are things going? I will be leaving tomorrow morning - it would be lovely to see a post before I go! I am back Monday late. Things are fine with me now I am taking supps again! Have a good day.....

                      Hugs, Sun X
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Midnight, Play, Sunshine, hope all you lovely people are well. I'm doing fine here. Topa kicking in big time - tingling all over - doesn't feel bad at all. It makes me know that it's working at least!

                        No cravings for a few days now - I don't think much about drinking which is great. Last night I actually did look over at the side table next to where I sit on the couch - where my wine glass usually is - but then I forgot about it. That's good!!! Old habits die hard I guess.

                        I'm going to have a lovely quiet day today. May go out later to do a little shopping but then will cozy up with a book. DH is taking his son out for a Birthday lunch so it will be peaceful and quiet.

                        Sort of quiet here too....hope things are ok with you all.
                        Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                        (quote from Bean )

                        Goal: Survival


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi there Lady - thanks for letting us know how you are doing - where is Play these days? I am off on my trip - back Monday night - no internet where I am going! The road awaits! Will post when I get back,

                          love, Sun X
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Don't have time to post much. Getting ready for work. Have done really well this week- supps rock! Have hardly been able to finish my three beers each night which for me is big improvement down from 5. One night had 2.75 without any effort, so perhaps I will even try a little.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi Midnight. I guess sunshineD will be back Monday. And Play is not posting much. I'm a bit down but not too bad. Hope to be better tomorrow. Still not drinking - no cravings at all which is GREAT!!

                              Midnight you seem to really be doing well - good for you!!! Easy does it - and you'll get there eventually.
                              Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                              (quote from Bean )

                              Goal: Survival


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi All, sorry to be out of touch, missed you all, but I have great news to report, I have an adorable new apartment, YAY, this has kept me so overwhelmed all last week, working and looking, dragging around on public transportation, bone tired, not finding much, 50 other people ahead of me for each one, then , VIOLA, The Universe Looked Down on me and said, ENOUGH, and brought me the sweetest, specious studio apartment, large kitchen, bathroom, two large walk in closets, and a BONUS, a cute patio balcony with a partial view of the bay with the sea gulls flying around, I am in heaven. So far I am sleeping on the floor, not moved in yet, but living in it.

                                So, I am back with you, I have actually kept up with all of you but just have been too exhausted to post. I have been doing well, but am finding myself having one or even two glasses of wine every single night. I don't have any craving but I go ahead and have the wine and do enjoy it. I am still at 25 Topa AM and PM and am thinking of going up to mayby 50 AM and 25 PM to see if it makes me just indifferent again. I know that I need to exert a little bit of "will power" but it seems like I don't really have any. Some nights I only have one glass and some nights two glasses and never more than that. It's wierd because I don't crave it, it just seems like the "habit", and I don't have trouble stopping. I never drink in the middle of the day like I used to do and I never even think about alcohol during the day like I used to do, so I am still doing well, just a little wierd. Guess we will see how it goes here. I just received a new supply of Topa so I was waiting to make sure I had more before increasing it just to make sure.

                                Yesterday I saw a new person called Baby Girl, I believe, who asked a question about Topa on another thread and I encouraged her to join us here, I saw Bruun there also, haven't seen her here for awhile, so I hope this person shows up.

                                Sun, I'm so sorry I missed writing before you left for your trip and hope you have a great time, it sounds nice being where there is no internet, although not sure I'd no what to do, it's been along time since I did that, if I was in the mountains I would be able to handle it. And Lady, you just sound so good and peaceful and like you are really in the "zone", I'd like to get back to feeling just like that, I need to concentrate on that now that the stress of the apartment hunting is off my shoulders, it really was a nerve racking ordeal. Midnight, that's funny that you have to try so hard to finish those beers.

                                It's very comforting to see you all here at the end of the day when I get home after a stressful day on the floor, it helps to ground me and I feel blessed to have you as friends, thank you for being here.

                                hugs, play

