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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    You are someone to inspire so many of us!

    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hey, Play, is your plan to moderate, or are you going to eventually quit? If you are going to quit maybe you should make a tiny effort to drink only one if you don't really FEEL like that second one???? Only askin' :h

      I'm so glad you found your new exciting eh? It sounds great - and to get a balcony too!! That's all important and it makes a small place just grow into a huge place - and fresh air!!!! WOW!!!

      Once Sun comes back on Monday let's get this thread up and running what do you say!! I'm going to start doing some nice things for myself next week - so watch out!!!! Here I come :H:H Today is day 20 - not that i'm counting or anything. I'm pretty high on Topa these days but feeling good too.

      Hi to you too Midnight and Ladylush!!
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi LL, nice to meet you, I'll be very embarrassed if I'm not the one that inspired you but if I am the one then I am pretty humbled. And Lady, what a perfect question that you just asked about what are my intentions, well, how quickly we forget our intentions, gee, OMG, thank you for bringing it back to my mind. Ok, remember a little while back when I drank 4 glasses of wine and didn't even know it and was horrified and haven't done that since, well, now I have been having one or two without a second thought. After my first week on Topa my plan was that I wanted to moderate, really my overall plan has been that I just don't want to drink every night, after fifteen years of drinking morning, noon and night (when not working) and being mentally tortured, I was sick of it, and for some reason still want to be able to drink in some situations, such as when I visit my extended family in Spain where they drink morning noon and night (I don't want to drink morning noon and night while in Spain , and I just enjoy a glass of wine with dinner but don't want to do it every night, but already I have forgotten my plan of not drinking two nights in a row. I wonder how I could forget my plan so easily. Thank you Lady for bringing it to my attention again. I guess the day might come that I might have to consider quitting altogether if the moderation doesn't work out. I don't have trouble quitting so far after one glass of wine, but I don't want to drink every night, so I'm upping to Topa tomorrow to help with that, but my worry is that Topa does not solve the problem long term, it seems that only something like BAC actually kills that in the brain, but I don't think I ever want to take Bac on my own without a doctor and I can't do this with a doctor supervision because I am a nurse and also because I live in the good old USA and can't have it on my record or will forever be banned from having health insurance if I am not covered by work which could happen at any time, just love our system.

        Yes, definately want to keep this thread going, what do you have planned for your "SPA" treatment? j

        Must close for now, early shift in the morning, love and hugs to all,
        xoxox Play


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hey everyone - I'm Back!! had a wonderful time - was in Helen, GA. visiting a friend from this site - and another friend from here also joined us - it was wonderful to meet up with them both - we had an AF weekend - ALL of us which was great too. VERY long drive though - about 10 hours. But it was worth it.

          Lady - so pleased to see you doing so well - that is awesome! I hope you are feeling better than you were - you said you were feeling a tad down. Is it just life or is it to do with the AL? Anyway that was a few days ago so I am SO hoping you are feeling better. You really are doing well with the AL. Go You!! I think you are taking the same supps as me - or I am taking the same as you - or some of them anyway. from the 7 weeks to sobriety book - yes?

          Play - GREAT on the flat - it sounds just wonderful - exactly what you were looking for too - and it sounds just so perfect with the balcony as well - although you wanted a ground floor didn't you? It really sounds nice though and I am so pleased for you. Re the couple of glasses of wine a night. Just my tuppence worth here - BUT, after I started again after I had quit, I decided that as long as I just had a couple every now and then I would be fine. but it slowly crept back up - even if I wasn't really thinking about it, it soonb got to be a nightly habit again. Then from just having one or two, it got to three or even four some nights. I have since come to the conclusion that I cannot mod - but that is just me personally. Others can with no problem, but many of us can't. I decided this time, that this is IT! I am now officially a non-drinker. I totally understand your feelings about Spain - it is like UK - everyone drinks. (LOL except my mum), and I CAN understand how you would want to be able to have wine with your dinner, but from what I have gleaned here, one should try and go 30 days AF before trying to mod. Of course, please feel free to tell me to butt out - I won't be offended in the slightest. Actually that was way more than tuppence worth!! But then you know that I waffle a lot. LOL Topa CAN solve the problem long term - IF you allow it too. From what I can see, although I might be wrong - those who take Bac have to keep taking it to have that indifference. So, if the Topa does work, I think Topa is a far better choice! The Tope seems to really work well for you. You just need to listen to it and think about that wine.

          Now - ME! I took my L-Glut with me and all my supps - took my supps every day but could NOT find my L-Glut anywhere. (found it the morning I left - today) under the lettuce in the fridge (in the baggie I had put it in). I guess when the lettuce got put away they didn't see my L-Glut! anyway I did fine - I did think about AL once or twice but didn't have any cravings. I am going to keep taking the L-Glut and the supps though - it does make it that much easier. Hubs still hasn't started again either which has quite surprised me. I am really pleased for him. Oh and BOB is doing well too - I will be chatting with him tomorrow via Skype and see how his weekend went.

          Well, I need to go and shower and wash the journey off. lovely to see you both here and Hi there Lady Lush! Nice to see you here! Come and post more often!!

          Hugs to all, Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Well my little pals are all present and accounted for in the playpen!! So all is well!! You all sound so cheerful and that's great. Today is day 22 for me and I have no intention of ever going back to day 1 again. Topamax and my sups are working wonderfully well. That's all for me - had a busy day and I'm a bit tired more tomorrow...
            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
            (quote from Bean )

            Goal: Survival


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi all! Sun - so cool you met up with people from here! Play - I am happy for you and your new space! I also know what you mean about the medical record. I didn't tell my doctor at first. I had her prescribe topa for migraines which I do get. But she wouldn't prescribe higher, so I finally made her promise that nothing would go in the charts and told her real reason. She still writes migraines and gives 250 mg topa. Mwolady- sounds like you are doing well too. Question for you and everyone else- what supps are you taking and how much, and time of day? I am still doing well - 3 during the week and 4 on weekends. I think I can do better though. I am not very happy in my relationship and trying to cut back on alcohol is not easy!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Midnight - when I decided to quit I looked at the different supps out there - peeked in the 7 weeks to sobriety book on Amazon and ended up taking as supps:

                2 Kudzu (from here) three times daily
                I chromium picolinate three times daily (to stop sugar cravings - it works - or something does anyway)
                1 Calcium citrate (has 600 mg Calcium citrate and 300 mg Magnesium in it) 3 times daily
                2 tsps L-Glut in the beginning three times daily but am down to twice a day now.

                I also swear by the All-One - I get the Green Phyto base one and if you want to buy some I have a coupon they just e-mailed me. I have the All-One every day in my mucky drink. I also put the one dose of L-Glut in that too. The L-Glut never worked for me before but I think it is 'cos I wasn't taking enough and not regularly. I am feeling really good and don't have any cravings. I really feel this time that i have turned a corner with AL. Changing ones mindset, taking the supps, and having a plan - all that together - plus I am still on 150 mg Topa but am not sure if that makes a difference or not. It isn't broken right now and I do not want to fix it, so the Topa stays! I am so pleased that your Doctor went along with you and gave you the higher dose. That is wonderful. 3 during the week and 4 on weekends is a lot better than you were doing - so you are on the right track - good for you!! Sorry you are having trouble in your relationship - that can't help at all. buit you also know that AL would make it worse don't you? :l

                Hugs to all,

                Sun X
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  OH YAY, we are all here, love it, will write more tonight, feel happy as a Lark, Sun, Lady, please
                  " KEEP BUTTING IN", makes me think more.

                  hugs till later,


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi All, first of all, Lady, I just can't believe you are on day 22 AF that is just wonderful, you are just kind of sitting there doing this very matter of factly, and you too Sun, I have to give both of you a great big CLAP, CLAP, CLAP. It makes me think of that story of the turtle and the hare, well, I was the one that started out so quickly here with the TOPA as I remember, day #3 I was just indifferent to alcohol, and Sun you were struggling with working up to quitting and I didn't even know you yet Lady. And then Sun you quit and you came along and quit Lady and here am I not using even one ounce of WILLPOWER!!!!!

                    So, I am turning out to be the turtle here, ha, ha, but really I am laughing because I am still doing quite well. I've had a very stressful time since christmas when I originally started this whole business and have actually also been sick and yes lately have had 1-2 glass a night, but compared to 1-2 bottles a night, well, it's still good. Excuse Perhaps, but now that I am in my new apartment I feel that I can finally settle down a bit and focus again on the agenda at hand and tonight has been AF for me also. I still want to moderate, might not be in my future, but still in my hopes, but I definately have to have a plan and stick to it, so wine only for special occasions, period.

                    And yes, the TOPA works really really well for me, no doubt about that and there is not any thought of me changing to Bac even if a doctor would rx it for me, I'm not interested in it. I do hope with long term use it can actually change the brain. One interesting thing is that I don't notice the same effect from having a glass of wine, not the same pleasure feeling, so kind of why drink it, very interesting observation, perhaps that alone will extinguish even the desire to moderate. I also love the "All One" and want to get more motivated to take more supplements.

                    Midnight I really love your avatar picture.

                    Hope everyone is feeling cheerful and hopeful and in good health.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Well done Play for having an AF night - that was my hardest thing to do - have that first AF day - SO hard for me but once I had made up my mind - that was it! I loved the analogy that you used - but in the end of course, the turtle won the race didn't he? I think we are all going to come out winners here though. I agree that now you are in your new flat, you can start to get serious and yes, it is funny how the Topa works - you drink the wine and it just isn't the same - so it really is just a habit. You have had lots of stress but now things have evened out for you - so no more excuses eh? I love how we are all doing this together and it so helps to have this thread to come to and chat about it.

                      got to get ready for work - it is 10 to 6 and I need to get my food ready for the day! Have a wonderful day everyone - hugs to you,

                      love, Sun X
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Sun, I just wanted to pop in and say EXCELLENT job on the AFness. I'm doing well off and on with that and it IS a great accomplishment. I'm not posting/reading this thread much anymore because I'm not on topa, so don't take it personally! :l


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          So Sun - some questions...I've wondered about some of the timing of the supps (even Topa sometimes...). Why Kudzu three times per day - is it one that needs spread out, or is it more for cravings when you want to drink? Same with L-Glut? I am only taking Kudzu (one capsule from here) at 4:30, about 30 minutes before I get home and want that first beer. Same with L-Glut - one capsule from here right before my worst craving time. Do you think I need more of both? I take the L-Glut with B-50 as I read it works best with vitamin B6. Also, what made you take the Green Phyto All One versus the regular All One? I don't eat enough vegetables so thought maybe I'd get some greens, but other than that, I was following your advice. Before on MWO, I just did regular. My supp schedule is as follows: Milk Thistle (175 mg extract) in morning to help my liver in general. Evening Primrose Oil because I think MWO said so but can't remember what it is good for. Topa, 100mg. Mid-morning All One with GABA (think this needs to change time as it is making me very tired). Lunch have considered taking the Amino Acids from this website but haven't started and don't know what they are good for - however, some of the amino acids seem to be useful as stated in 7 weeks to sobriety book but clearly I have not educated myself on this one yet. 4:30 p.m. L-Glut (can't remember dosage - 1000mg?), Kudzu from this site, and B-50 (7 weeks says I need more B vitamins than 50 mg though). Evening, 150mg Topa and 5HTP (calmness and sleep and I LOVE this one). As I'm still drinking every night (although less) I think I still need adjustment on something. Thoughts anyone on any changes to the routine? Besides some willpower and improvements to my relationship which absolutely blew up this morning before work...sigh. And Playland - I think 1 to 2 glasses of wine rather than 1 to 2 bottles is FANTASTIC!!! Your liver is probably thrilled too! As for my avatar, I love cats obviously. I wish they had a few other cats to choose from and I could update it sometimes. BTW - long post as my 2 year old got sent from from daycare with a 100.4, but my thermometer says 99.4, so we are just hanging out and I finally get to post on a computer rather than iPhone! And I'm at home, actually not drinking as I type this. Yay! Hope everyone is having nice days...


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hello everyone - I used to post here ages ago when I was on TOPA. I went back about 10 pgs and caught up with Sun, "PLay" & "Lady"...and Bruun & Midnight's posts.

                            I'm worried about myself & thus back. I seriously do not think any meds are going to help me, but maybe willpower, supplements and the therapy of you guys might. I'm a night-time only drinker...I teach middle school so that explains alot! lol I so identify with having to be "on" at work when I took TOPA last year I had the horrible SE of the "dopa" early in the school year and decided to stop. It's late here in Houston, so don't want to get too much into this, but I hope you all will accept me back as a friend even if I'm not on TOPA, and I think you will. It really helped to have a forum to come read what others were going thru.

                            I was one of the original posters on thesinclairmethod site...and then here for a long time. Sun, you remember me! Anyway I tried NAL for almost 2 yrs to no avail. I have seriously thought of going back on it as the SEs are nil...and who knows what the 2nd time around might do for me. Have always wondered the "what ifs" had I'd stayed on it for longer. Have heard from several ppl that it did finally kick in. But ick - I was up to 100mgs NAl and nothing. Then tried BAC...I can't even remember what I got up to. Not very high b/c the automatic weight gain was more than I could bear!! Seriously - 8 lbs in 2 wks. No thanks!! I'd rather drink than be fat. There are no guarantees it would work either...the SEs were that and being tingly, some "dopa" also - I can;t remeber exactly, but I hated it.

                            I was SOOOOOO excited to start TOPA for exactly what "Play" has described...that miracle at a low dose and miracle weight loss along with it!! LOL Alas, no...

                            So I gradually gave it all up and just hoped to live life with will-power and self-control. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            My college-aged kids are about to move their living arrangements to my new condo as their father's situation has changed. I'm looking forward to it, but also scared to death I will be "obvious". I just want to moderate. I live alone, am an attractive, single, busy, fun-loving 58 yo who manages life with this freaking addiction...and am worried about myself. This online therapy was a godsend...and I need you people again. A friend from here PM'd me a day or so ago from out of the blue and it touched my heart. We all care about each other because we "know"...

                            So good to catch up with the posts - hope some others will resurface again too. I just downloaded "The Easy Way To Control Alcohol" by Allen Carr. I also took notes on the supps you all mentioned ( I have "7 Days to Sobriety" so know what you're talking about...but OMG!!! sooooooo many he recommends! I can't afford all that, it was so complicated! I know I know - making excuses, but still - seemed sooooooooo freaking complicated!!) and plan to get some kind of supplement regime...what is this "ALL One" you mention? Curious -



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Houtx - I had read this thread from the beginning so I totally remember you. Sorry you are not finding something that helps. The supps do seem confusing sometimes. If you read (reread) mwo you get one list and 7 weeks to sobriety goes through an insane list with great detail. People on this site modify it to their needs but that seems complicated too. I am in week three of adding the supps which I think has helped me cut back. I think All One has helped a lot! Go to I think or from this site directly to buy. I have to get ready for work but post again if you need more info.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Wow - Houtx! Great to see you! What has been going on with you??? As you can see, I FINALLY got to my AF wish!! And this time I am NOT even going to try to mod. I know I can't 'cos I end up in the same place I did before. I am feeling good - except this morning - I didn't take my supps yesterday and it really does make such a difference. I didn't have a proper meal last night and made up for it with Cadbury Fruit and Nut chocolate, some mini mint 3 musketeers and some other stuff - this morning I feel hung over!! The supps, I agree with you - too many! so I chose carefully. The All-One is a powdered supplement that has everything in it you could possibly need vitamin wise unless you are wanting extra of anything. I buy mine on line and get a coupon - I bought 2 x 66 days supply, got free shipping and paid $123, which is good when you think how much little bottles of tabs cost. I DO have a coupon right now for 30% off (I think it is) if you would like it. When I don't have it in a mucky drink every day I can feel the difference. I did take my extra supps from the 7 weeks to sob. book - peeked at Amazon - and just chose a few that I thought would really help. And they do. I am going to reply to Midnight and she asked some questions so don't want to repeat myself - so read on!! It is lovely to see you back here - although it is sad that you are back here - you know what I mean. :l Stay with us - once again, we have a nice thread going here. Very supportive and also accountable - see how we gently suggested to Play that she cut down her drinks?? LOL

                                Midnight - the timing, I personally chose just because I work retail and it had to fit in with my different shifts - so I just take them am, noon (or around then) and evening (early). I take the Kudzu 3 times daily 'cos that is what 7 weeks said to do. It is for cravings but helps with other things too - not sure what!! I need to order more actually. The L-Glut I take two or three times daily, 'cos it also helps with sweet cravings - so i do think the timing of that is important - and if I do feel a little thought of AL coming on, I take 2 tsps in water immediately. It completely takes it away. I take the Green Phyto All-One 'cos I am veggie and just felt it was the right one for me - i really love it. Again - I can tell when i don't have it - I feel so good pretty much all the time - tons of energy and feel happy. The evening primrose Oil is a GLA (Gamma something acid) and unless you take a larger dose, I think it isn't doing much good and it is expensive over here. I used to take it in UK for period pains and such. I tried to get a different type (can't think which one) of fatty acid but couldn't get it and decided I didn't need it. The gaba I tried but it didn't agree with me - can't remember why not - I took it as couple of years ago - that is the supplement right - not the RX. 5HTP I can't take 'cos I am on an AD. I have managed to get my supps to 3 different lots which is much easier for me. And of course, I have the L-Glut if needed. In my stopping, I felt the Carr book helped - but again, that is just me. it was part of my jigsaw puzzle - the pieces all fitted at the right time. I have no idea if I have answered your questions - post again or PM me if you want to! Glad that your little one is okay even though she/he was sent home with a fever! And nice that you can post on a computer - I don't have a phone that I can post on, which is why you always get waffly posts from me LOL

                                Bruun - you don't have to be on Topa to post here - and it is lovely to see you - please pop in more often!! How are you doing with everything??

                                Anyway, I am doing a clopen tonight (close tonight, open in the morning) and have some errands to run this morning. Super to see some real activity here! Good luck to everyone - you know if I can do this, YOU all can too!!!! I used to hate seeing that on someones post but I now know where they are coming from :H

                                Hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

