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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Morning all

    Sunshine - I am glad, in a way, this thread is just hanging by a thread as I would most likely get overwhelmed trying to keep up!!

    I am on day 12 AF (and now have had more AF days this month than drinking days!). No cravings and feeling great on that front. However, the side effects this time round are getting a bit niggly, so much so that I am going to my doctor and, if he agrees, an optometrist. My headaches come and go in waves, which I can suffer, but I guess they have to be looked at. It is my eyesight, however that is getting worse. From the first week it got really blurry and now there is constant pressure behind one eye. So I shall definitely get this looked at (no pun intended!) I am now on 75mg/day which I believe I could taper down a bit; I just wanted to be on the safe side - last time I went up much higher (can't recall exactly how much) but not worth it this time around I think. I am monitoring my blood pressure daily which is staying normal, which is good, but again is something I'd like the doctor to have a look at. Well, that's my medical round-up for the day! All-in-all, am feeling much better, happier, no anxiety, no lethargy (though very tired - sleep 8 hours every night!). Went out for dinner the other night and had no desire to drink at all.

    Play - hope you have a safe trip home.
    2Run - hope it all clicks into place for you.

    Will keep you posted on my medical dramas:H


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi all - been awhile since I've posted...busy with my college-aged kids moving in & what not.

      Sun - so happy for your success! It is a mindset for sure...I'm not sure I will ever stop completely. Would just like to have a few AF days in the week and control things better otherwise. I have been "controlling" but not by very much! lol

      2run - very interesting about your now 3rd try on TOPA! Inspiring!! I never got the weight loss thing or any other SEs other than the "DOPA" and tingling. Are you going thru your DR or an online pharmacy? I think I'd order online this time around. Having it on my insurance still bothers me. I can't remember the dose I was up to before...75 - 100 maybe?? The L-glut powder is something else I think I'll definitely go get. I've used the tablets but OMG - they are like horse pills!! Anyway, I really want to take charge again. I loved being on TSM as well...but it bothered me taking NAL and having my pain receptors or whatever it was in jeopardy should I be in an accident. But I think being on NAL helped with my numbers. I dunno...I don't want to do NAL & TOPA both. Still thinking about all this -

      Blondie & PLay - sounds like you're both doing great! Continue to post - I love hearing the updates!

      I think about this "affliction" a lot. A sign I really do have a I ever had a question in recent years! lol I hate beating myself up about it and just want to have a couple and go to bed. Or none at all and go to bed! I have done such STUPID shit...anyway...glad to have you people hear to talk to!! At least we are aware and trying!

      Hope all else is well -


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Quick hello to say I am still around. Got a new phone and page not bookmarked. I have had a very rough couple weeks, just feeling down about the AL and a bit hopeless. Must have been just some weird emotions because I had a good night and am feeling quite a lot better today. Sometimes such a rollercoaster and I should really jump on here to discuss but I dont. I will try to catch up on your posts later. Hope you guys are ok!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I'm new and just finished reading the book "My Way Out". I was so encouraged and now trying to gather all the supplements, CD's and topomax to get started. I would love to have a "no interest" in drinking. I can't even imagine that feeling. I will have to get mine from the on-line pharmacy and was just about to click order when I decided to come do a little more reading. Now, I'm scared to even try it. Has anyone been successful with doing everything except the topo? I really need to cut back alot or just quite totally. I've been drinking everyday for 30 plus years except for the 3 times I was pregnant.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            houtx- Interesting that you liked TSM. I don't know much about it or NAL. Because of the way my pharmacy works, and the fact that I went off twice for a period of time, I have a crazy stock pile of the generic topa. My script is only for 100mg a day but it seems like they send me more than I need. Nice to have on hand though. Tomorrow is my first day on 50mg. Hoping to feel something!
            Midnight- I hope the good turn continues. I go up and down too; sad to happy, discouraged to hopeful...
            needingchange- :welcome: I think some have had success with just the supplements. I know Sun loves l-Glut and kudzu. Topa is definitely no joke but if you're careful with it and take care of your self, it can be a God send. It gave me the gift of a migraine free life and I was able to moderate my drinking fairly easily. I did get a little dopey and irritable at times though and I lost 25-30 pounds. I also lost some hair after about 6 months but that doesn't happen to everyone (neither does the dopey or the weight loss) and I had a time of stress and travel where my dosage wasn't consistent so that may have contributed. Is it the side effects that worry you? This is a great board so stick around, even if you just do the supplements!!
            "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              thank you for the comments. It is the side effects that are worrying me, but I would love to just not have the desire to drink as much or not at all. I'm still gathering information and reading. It probably would not hurt for me to give topo a try. I'm just finishing up my BA degree and on my last semister. Not sure I could deal with confusion at this point, and I sure do not want to loose my hair. The weight loss would be viewed as a positive side effect as far as I'm concerned. Do you use the CD's? This is also something that I haven't bought yet, but feel I should probably invest in them.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey everyone - I feel badly 'cos I am not posting as often as I should. I am still doing well AF but am noticing the same thing as I did last time I quit. My general mood is going downhill again. It was fine for the first 2 months - which is different to last time but it has started to go down now. Last time my doc wanted me to talk to someone about it saying it was that I needed to find out why I needed to AL - I am fine with the not drinking - am not craving it - plus there is no-one around where I live that I could talk to! I hate feeling like this - I am used to being up beat. I am already on anti-depressants. I am fine during the day and at work - it is when i get home - all I want to do is to go to bed!! Anyway - that is where I am at!

                Needing change - not everyone gets the SE's from Topa - everyone is different. I had no hair loss at all. I am still on the Topa, but at a reduced dosage and am not sure how much I am taking is contributing to my being AL free. I loved the Carr book and reading that plus taking L-Glut and the Kudzu that they sell here helped a LOT. I had no cravings hardly at all. But for once I took the supps religiously! I had to change my mindset, which is what the Carr book does for me.

                Blondie - I do get overwhelmed sometimes with the website - I post on a few threads and often think i should just stop - I spend so much time here. But if I can just help one person - like I was helped when I came here - so I keep coming back. Your eyesight is bothering me though - is that since you have been on the Topa? Have you need to the doc yet? you do need to. It can be a SE - although extremely rare. I am so happy that it is working for you otherwise but please let us know how the eye appt goes!

                Hi Houtx - good to hear from you - how long are your kids moving back in with you for? My 25 year old moved back in with me for a while - she has since moved out into her own apt., but while it was nice having her here, it was nice when she moved out. we get on really well, but we laughed about that it was nice that she was moving out - she only lives a mile away which is great! I do understand about the wanting to have a few AF days a week but as you know, I have decided I can't do that - got to be all or nothing for me.

                Hi there Midnight - sorry you have been on an emotional roller coaster too - just hate it! Anyway glad you are feeling better - what is your next move or don't you have anything planned?

                Play - you should be back in USA now - hope your flight was good and you are back safe and sound. It will be nice to have you back here and once you get sorted from your jet lag you must let us know how you are doing. Will you start on the Topa from the 25mg again?

                Off to do stuff,

                hugs to all, Sun X
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  philiprambo22;1272490 wrote: Thanks for sharing good stuff.hope you will keep posting in future also.

                  And we hope you
                  don't keep posting. This is not a site for advertising your products. Now be a good boy and take a hike. And don't forget to wear one of those skirts.
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    hi guys. how's everyone doing?
                    Sun - I'm sorry for the way you are feeling. That just plain stinks. Do you think maybe your meds need adjusted? It couldn't be the topa, could it? Maybe you need something to look forward to at night...a new ritual or hobby. Yoga or ready or just tea and a hot bath?
                    I don't know what's going on here. I'm on day 3 of 50mg and I don't feel ANYTHING as far as appetite, migraines or AL. I just feel sort of flat and spacey and blah. Shouldn't the topa effect me roughly the same as it did the last time around? Anyone with repeat topa experience, please chime in. Thanks.
                    "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi All, so glad to be back home, I'm good but exhausted, need to catch up on all the new posts let you know my thoughts and how I'm doing. For now, I'm starting over on the Topa, 25mg per day for this week, and will follow the schedule just like the first time. Anyway, I'm finally moving my stuff into my new apartment tomorrow and I will try to catch up and post tomorrow night.

                      I've missed everyone and am glad to be back, plus I need to be back, I've started to drink more now that I'm off the Topa, quite an interesting experience.

                      Hugs and Love,


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        The topamax does help and also helps with weight loss. But I had such severe memory loss I could hardly do my job. I couldn't remember names, streets, and started having testing for dementia. I was about 75 mil. I am on campral and I don't think it is working, can't stop drinking.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Oh Meggie, I am so sorry - it does affect different people different ways and I had to get up to 300mg before it made a difference to me. I am still on a dosage of 150mg but am thinking of coming down as I am AF now and did it with a number of different things. Folk here will be bored with me telling them - but they worked for me so it might be worth a try. I found that the L-Glut powder was amazing for the cravings. 2 tsps in water - but I took it religiously !! It really did work. I also took the Kudzu from here. I also read the Carr book, which resonates with me - it changed my mindset. I was still taking the Topa but I don't think the dosage was high enough to make a difference so really did it this time on the other stuff. I also took a few other supps - not a lot as I am not good at taking supps but did take the L-Glut three times a day and the Kudzu - plus if I thought the cravings were coming I could always take another 2 tsps in water. It is worth a try - isn't it? Good luck to you friend :l

                          2Run - I am fine thanks - back to my usual bouncy self. Other threads said that this is often what happens when you get to certain points in sobriety - we have to adjust to life without AL and our bodies are still adjusting. I feel great again and will weather it when it hits next - I will NOT drink again. Topa affected me so differently each time I started taking it - did you start at the 25mg or just jump in at 50mg? I had to go back and start at the 25mg when I would 'start again'. Each time was different. quite surprising really as you would think it would be the same every time.....

                          Play - good to have you back - glad that you are on the Topa again. Hope fully it will work as well for you this time as it did the first - but as I just said to 2Run, it can be different each time - I so hope for you it isn't!! Anyway, good luck on getting sorted in your new apartment - how exciting - a new life and a new apartment! With a nice view!! LOL

                          Hugs to all,

                          sun X
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi- want to try the program very much- little concerned about cognitive effect with topamax- I am a nurse practitioner and need to be on my game EVERY day- any input? Will I not be able to make decisions when I need to? Granted with lack of sleep that occurs with alcohol it's amazing I do so well but i know if I can control my after work wine I will be so much better in every way-


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              PS do the cravings return if you stop topamax after 12 weeks or do not get to desired dose level?


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Sun - Phew! Glad you are feeling so much better! How do you mean the topa was quite different each time. Do you mean your "switch" was a different dose or your SEs were different? I started back at 25mg and am doing the same 7 day titration schedule. Currently on day 4 of 50mg. Every day is different! Yesterday I felt sort of ill and down all day, today I'm starving and a little short tempered, three days ago I felt totally normal. What gives?!?

                                Mochalatte - Welcome! Everyone has different SEs on topa so you will just have to see how it effects you. Drinking lots of water and taking your supplements can help minimize them. I loose words here and there (where you are can't think of a word for a second or two) but that SE isn't nearly as bad this time around. For some people the cognitive SEs are bad, some don't notice them at all. The first time I took it I slurred some of my words a little but it went away after a few weeks, as did the forgetting words. Keep us posted on what you decide!
                                "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew." -- St Francis de Sales

