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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi guys
    Just popping in to say 7 days AF today Whoohoo and thanks Topamax!
    Will check back in tomorrow with a real update.
    Have a good evening.
    Lots of hugs,


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi everybody! I haven't posted in months but still check in and "lurk" reading everyone's posts. Just wanted to say that I can so relate to everything that everybody posts! I felt like I was doing so good when I first started on the Topamax 50 mg but then I guess my body got used to it and now I am right back to drinking like I was before. I am going up to 100 mg. but it makes me so tired!!! I am feeling kind of discouraged right now but just wanted to take a minute to say that I am really grateful for this list! My life is very chaotic between work, hubby, and a mentally ill 16 year old daughter, but being able to come here for support and help is comforting!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi applekat26,

        Glad u came back & decided to post. How long have u been taking the 50 mg? It does take some time for it to take effect. I think it might be best to increase your dosage 25mg at a time for a week or two instead of bumping it up a full 50 mg all at once. Thus you may not feel so tired. Along with everything else your dealing with in life.

        I take my 50mg b4 bed so I don't feel as loopy in the am. I may start to increase 25 mg during the am over the next few weeks if the cravings start coming back. 75 mg was my maintenance dose a few yrs back & hope that this is where it will be again. Have been on 50 mg for about 3 wks. My 1st wk I started on 25 mg. Been AF for two wks. Drunk free for 3 wks. Still extra tired from Topa, but is worth living an AF life.

        Is this your 1st go with Topamax? Have u ever tried any other meds for alcohol cessation? Are u implementing any other tools into your program to either be AF or moderate?

        My goal is to be AF for the rest of my life. Tho I'm taking it slow & one day at a time. My 1st goal was to get the physical cravings under control & keep them at bay. Then I can slowly start to implement other tools into my plan. I've drank for many years. I don't expect to be well over nite. It's going to take work, patience, planning & time. But, I know it will be so worth it!

        This is a great non - judge mental site, with many different ways of becoming AF or moderating. There's tons of support, knowledge & wisdom here. There will be others who've been here longer that can offer better advice. So take a look around the boards. I've just begun exploring them myself.

        I've gotta run. I'll check back in a day or two.

        I'm glad your hear!



          New here and starting Topa and with a question


          It's wonderful to see everyone posting, not wonderful that we all have this problem, but "you know" wonderful that we at least have this place to talk and feel at home with friends that understand. I remember when I first started posting on this thread, it seemed that very few people were trying Topa and posting here ( of course you can post here no matter what you are trying) and it seemed at that time that the thread was just about to "dry up", but alas, it has blossomed again with all you nice people here to chat and share with, thank you.

          Thanks sun, as for the eye problem, I had problems before starting and knew it was also a possible SE but was willing to risk it, so now, seeing the surgeon on tuesday (tomorrow), surgery probably soon, interesting that now that I have totally stopped the Topa again, my eyes feel much better. Not sure if I actually will start on it again, perhaps I don't want to go blind, don't want to keep drinking but would like to be able to see for a few more years. And well, I didn't increase the dosage quickly, it's just that I went up higher than I had gone the first time and that's when the eye problems
          started manifesting, guess the dose was too much, but only 50am/25pm.

          Right now I am pretty flat, working, drinking again, fairly depressed and I don't seem to have the energy right now to fight this thing. I'm sure it is a combination of the family situation, eyes, people with guns opening fire in schools and offices pretty much every week in this country, guess I'm just depressed but since I am in general a very upbeat positive person, I guess it is bound to get better, just a phase.

          I will return to spain in June for my daughters surgery. If it weren't for her surgery and the visa stuff, I would jump on a plane tomorrow and be there to kiss my sweet grand daughter when she comes home hopefully in a week or so.

          Ok, please everyone keep up the good work, I will be checking in, tomorrow will be a better day, love you all, take care, I have given up on trying to remember what is happening with each of you, just know that I think of you and I send each and every one of you love, love, love.

          Love Is A Blessing, To Love Is A Blessing and To Be Loved Is a Blessing.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            8 days sober and I lost a kilogram. This is the first time in more than a year that I manage this. I went to rehab for a month last year in Jan and Feb and I drank on the second day I came out – it was just a sip and it was my own fault for not telling everyone. I was surrounded by all these women who told EVERYONE they’re in rehab and I only told two people. My mom was suicidal with bipolar at the time and I’m a private person and although I wasn’t sure at the time, I’m very glad now that I didn’t tell the whole world. In fact, had I found Topa, I wish I never went. I felt so much shame and anxiety and agony and no one there would even consider any other way but the way of the AA.

            It seems I’m leaving for the UK mid May so it’s a good thing I’m losing weight. Boyf bought me a Claddagh promise ring and silly cow me told him a size too small in the hopes that I would lose weight fast so it’s still a bit fast. He agreed to let me keep paying rent with my brother at the cottage this side so I can leave if we ever come to loggerheads. This is going to be a really stressful time though with visas and packing up and saying goodbye AND I have a huge translation project starting on Thursday. Good thing I’m sober otherwise I might have just cracked.

            I’m still doing well on the AF front, a few twinges but nothing I can’t handle. The nice thing about the Antabuse is that you can’t drink on impulse, you have to make a decision to stop drinking the tablets and then you can only drink in 3 days time. Now 9 out of 10 times if you’re on Topa you will change your mind in those three days and just carry on. I would not recommend AB on its own but its very good for breaking a lifetime of bad habits if your physical cravings is already under control but your brain is still nagging you at happy hour.

            My dad is back home and doing well but he’s got ‘the colon bag’ and my poor mom has to jump around the whole day to prepare special meals. Also he refuses to cut down on his 40 a day smoking habit and even though I smoke about 3 a day it KILLS me that he cant cut down after he knows they found cancer in his body.

            Sun – do you still have that bottle of wine in the house I didn’t mean you should beat yourself up about being slim, I just added it as a snide after comment as I’m jealous. I know too well we all have our own battles. Really glad the L-Glut is working for you. I remember being very excited about taking it but I definitely have a adverse reaction to it. The South West of England is much nicer than the South East and Slough is a bit of a tip at the moment but you know what for the price of what we would pay for a shoe box in London we can rent a 3 bedroom house with a conservatory, a garden, a fireplace and a newly renovated kitchen and bathroom. And once you close the front door you could be anywhere, right? I’ll be working from home and we’ll go on lots of weekend trips.

            WTE –
            Good to hear you are still doing better. Did the pictures come out well? Not sure when you should take the dosages, in the first two weeks I tracked my energy levels and moods (just simple 1-10 whenever I felt significantly high/low) and when I took the pills. Perhaps you can do that and experiment with what time is best? Perhaps the 50 at night as its still making you tired.

            Have you and Houtx met in person yet? I just ask because you seem to be friends on so many sites and I find it fascinating and cool. It’s really good that you’re getting out there and doing stuff. I rented a room from an American woman of around 55 for two years. She was much better than me at exercising and socializing and eating right and basically doing everything right but I know she also struggled to meet someone, I think the older one gets the more difficult it is to find ‘Mr. right.’ Even at 32 I find it much more difficult than I did at 25 as I now developed my own little quirks and I don’t take as much shit as I used to. Don’t give up, keep trying. Haha, I always said the perfect marriage is two adjoining houses with a gate in the middle…which can lock from both sides. My boyf gets really worried when I say these things – expensive mortgage girl

            Houtx – I use goldpharma and never had problems but I cant comment on US suppliers. People on other threads are saying River or In-house Pharmacy. Thanks for the encouragement. It’s funny how our family members affect our drinking – hey? Some of mine makes me drink in secret and others make me not drink. Do your children share a drink with you? My brother (who I live with) refused to drink with me in the last year and it really put me off even though I knew he was doing it for my own good. Spring is in the air where you live – a good time for potential romance.

            Wildflowers – we DO have a lot in common, I share a lot of your feelings around booze. The fake energy and fake mood. The drinking caused so much of the anxiety and then I had to keep drinking to just feel normal. Drink to get over a hangover, drink to relax after work, drink to get the energy to go out, drink to relax myself, drink to help me sleep. God, didn’t I used to do all these things by myself? And do/did you ever get that 3AM thing where you wake up because of the AL and you feel so damn wretched and GUILTY and you know you’re going to feel like crap the next day? Forgive my ignorance but what is hot buttered rum? I shouldn’t say this but it sounds yummie.

            Hi applekat -
            Whats an applekat?, a dizzy bee is a busy bee gone wrong but then again I just made it up as it wouldn’t take my usual username... Have you ever considered taking antabuse for a short period of time? No, I’m not a rep for them but it can help you out of a fix when you’re going through a bad patch. Otherwise try some L-glut, it works well for the others. I’m sorry you’re going through a stressful time but please check in more often to say hi, we can only support you if you make yourself visible. Hugs and positive thoughts coming your way.

            Hi Playland -
            If Sun is the mother of the thread Airam must be the absent lost father Wonder what happened to her? I did so many nights of working, drinking and watching movies and falling into bed. It’s a nice way of not having to think about things. I’m sorry about your eye problems and please be careful but as a nurse, I’m sure that you have read up on all the pros and cons etc.

            It IS great that everyone’s talking, I do love this forum to bits. Whats odd is that My Way Out is about Topa but almost all these threads are about Baclofen or Nal. I’ve tried both and all I will say is yech and blech. It can’t be easy missing your daughter and granddaughter. Be kind to yourself and keep in mind that you will soon be on the Topa again and doing it right.

            Lots of love and hugs and strength to all.
            :h :h :h


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh, and anyone experienced leg cramps on Topa. I havent had leg pain since I had growth pains as a child but last night it took me pain killers and an extra half hour to fall asleep my legs were hurting so much. It felt like the growth pain, my brother says I am growing because I'm finally talking so much less sh*t - ha!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Dizzy - WHOO HOO Dizzy on your 8 days AF! I remember how that felt a year and a half ago for me …. And it and been years and years for me since I had seen one AF day. Whatever works for each of us - I say go for it!

                Wow! May will be here in no time and you have a lot of changes on your plate! Hang in there in and enjoy your new found JOY!

                I’m glad to hear to your Dad is home but I can understand your frustration about the smoking. I’m also a smoker and just want to kick myself in the arse, but know I can’t control it until I get a better handle on this AL thing. I pour one glass of wine and my head says “oh what the hell” and I borrow a cigarette. *sigh* My sweet sister, only 2 years older than I died of lung cancer at 42 – you would THINK that would have been enough to make me quit! Damn addictive personality! Perhaps his DR can help his with patches?

                And yes – the photo shoot went well. Thanks for asking! The dang dog was more of an issue than anything. HA! He needed to be in the shots as he is at work with me every day and part of my business and people come to see all the time.

                Houtx and I have not met in person. We originally met here and then both migrated over to The Sinclair Method (Nal) and both tried that for a year – without success. Along the way we became FB friends. We’ve spoken on the phone and write each other privately from time to time. Being the same age, single and both pretty much living alone (her kids are just about adults now – and I have none) we have a lot in common. And yes, the older you get, the tougher it gets. I swear it is the WORSE in San Diego which is swarming with 20 something blonde beach body babes and any gent in his 50s that has any financial stability about him can snatch them right up. I LOVE the climate here, it’s really beautiful and so close to everything from the ocean to mountains the to the desert, but it can also be pretty superficial. Pick up a San Diego magazine and it’s all about Botox, plastic surgery, implants, lipo, teeth whitening, etc. BLAH! Hey! I already look hot! LOL Will not give up the hunt … but have given up online dating for now!

                Oh and Dizzy – leg pain (that feels like growing pain) can often be from lack of Magnesium! (from what I Goggled) I was having that about 6 months ago and bought some supps and within 3 days GONE! Exact same thing happened with a guy friend of mine and it worked for him as well. Worth a try!

                Playland – Perhaps chalk it up to just a bad day/patch. You have a lot on your plate. You WILL get your fight back! Can you take L-Glut just to give a touch of help right since you had to stop Topa for the time being? I “think” it’s helping me a touch.

                Know you are in my thoughts and prayers .. hang in there and stay with us!

                Applekat – Waving Hello! Glad you popped back in! I also find that increasing by 25 is much easier on the bod than jumping up 50 at a time and making me SO tired!

                Sun – DUH, buy one bottle? What a concept! HA! You would think by now that I would KNOW better! But it was early enough in the day that that old fear bubbled up of “running out”. I AM doing L-Glut about 2-3 times a day now, even in between glasses of wine. I think it is helping a bit.

                Yeppers – Time out with the girls (and other friends) is tough – but reality is there is NO SHAME in ordering a soda water with lemon in between glasses of wine. Sometimes I think it’s almost the habit now of sipping on something – more than the “feeling” of the wine. I think that may be the Topa talking to me again!

                So again – all in all, baby step improvements. Today is Day 21 for me and my 2nd Day of moving up to 25/50. Well, actually TOTALLY blew that yesterday and forgot my 25 afternoon dose so took 75 in the PM. Topa Dopa! Trying to stay on top of the L-Glut better and I think it is having an effect to some degree.

                Looking at my chart as I almost end Week 3, at this point I was
                Week One: 49 Units
                Week Two: 50 Units
                Week Three: 36 Units

                So that is no major shakes by any means but it means about 6 glasses of wine day vs. 8-10 a day. My next big goal is to be able to buy ONE bottle of wine (4 glasses), not start drinking so damn early and leave it at that! That still will be far from my final goal, but I have to put reachable goals in front of my face or I totally blow it. Just like telling myself, I will take lunch with a client at 1:30 or 2:00 (with wine) instead of Noon – because I DO drink about a glass an hour! Either that or I need to nap more! HA! HA!

                Happy Tuesday all. Off to the shop which keeps me a bit out of trouble!

                Hugs to all …


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I upped my dose of topa to 75 mg. 25 in the a.m and 50 in the p.m. Like eveyone else it is making me really tired. ugh

                  I am not alcohol free yet but so desperate to get there. Last night I made it to the door, purse in hand with the goal to go buy a bottle of wine. i stopped myself and ended up drinking two beers instead. Small victories I guess but I really want to stop drinking all alcohol.

                  Good Luck to each of you today, i will try and be AF and hope we can do it together.
                  Day 1:4/4/2014


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi, Play here,

                    Some great news, doc says will just watch my eyes for now, no surgery, thank god, I have a reprieve at least.

                    And it is very obvious to me now that I am really off the TOPA that my eyes feel much better, no blurred vision or pressure feeling, and I realize that I had been feeling it ever since I started the medication but it was so subtle for so long that I was able to tune it out and not pay attention to it until it became really bad. So now I will have to take a break and rethink my plan, TOPA? or no TOPA?

                    When I start to feel less depressed I'm going to try the hypnotherapy tapes again which worked so well for me to begin with early on (not the MWO hypnotherapy tapes, that guy sucked, to me at least), someone different that I like alot but have been too lethargic to start.

                    So Thanks Everyone for all the encouragement, it really helps and is so nice to know that we matter out there in "thread land".

                    Take Care and Carry On Everyone,
                    Hugs, Play


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi Everyone

                      OK so I’m not always bloody Pollyanna, lets just get that clear The Topa sometimes gives me diarhea, it makes me pee 20 times a day and I now have to take extra magnesium to stave off leg cramps (thanks for the tip WTE)

                      At the moment I’m feeling sorry for myself as I’m going into my first sober Easter weekend but I think its because my blood sugar is low and because I got a cleaning lady in today and she made me feel bad because my cottage is dirty. Now wait a minute, if it was clean, there would’ve been no point in getting her in, would there? And everyone I know always feel guilty about getting in help and then spend hours pre-cleaning. Urgh.

                      OK, rant over. I did have a very lovely dinner out last night with about ten people, half I didn’t know and I managed with just one diet coke and shed loads of the best sushi. I found it easy and the people were all load mouths. It was amazing because between us only 3 beers were consumed, two by one guy. This would’ve really irked me if I wanted to slip in my bottle in the midst of there.

                      WTE – I know about smoking, I don’t expect him to stop but cutting down from 40-20 would be nice! I guess although I smoke I’ve never really been hooked, I smoke a lot when I drink but when I’m sober I’m a one or two kinda gal. I did smoke a lot but followed my uncle’s technique by starting one hour later every week and now I NEVER smoke before 5pm and I NEVER smoke at work. They gave my dad patches at the hospital but I doubt he will do it now. He sustained a bit of brain damaged during his brain operation and he became a bit OCD so I’m not sure how much control he has over his habit and he cant use any anti-craving pills as they all can potentially cause seizures. Except Topa but it took so long to get his cocktail right I don’t think we’re going to stick our necks in that hornets nest for now.

                      The doggy photo shoot sounds cute What type of dog? I know what you mean with where you live – I used to live on the coast of Cape Town in a town where all the male and female models and especially gay men live. So if you go to the gym you are just surrounded by truly beautiful people and the chance of meeting a straight guy not mesmerised by the blonde next to you is nil! Not good for the ego!

                      You are doing good with the 36 units, you are halfway towards your first goal. Slowly does it, I believe in slow changes in general, I just took the plunge this time as the Topa was just working so well and made drinking no fun. (spoil sport) so I thought why not.

                      Playland, I’m not sure. I would be very careful about taking Topa again. They eye thing is a SE in some people just like it upsets my tummy and it makes some people’s hair fall out. I’m drinking shed loads of supplements because I’m not sure how much I’d give up in return for this freedom but I’m sure my eyesight is not one of them. Perhaps you should speak to a doctor off the record. Otherwise if you think its wise take 25mg split into 2 doses and combine it with the L-glut and the hypno but do not even think of going up to a high dose again. Thats my 2c.

                      Speaking of supplements – how many of you take the All One and does it work? Its really expensive if you don’t live in the US (postage etc) Does anyone know of an alternative in the UK or do you think its worth ordering it from there. I’d like to get it from me and boyf – he can also do with some TLC for his poor insides. I've taken many supplements and many good expensive ones but never felt a difference on any of them - is this one 'really good shit'?

                      Hugs and strength to all. I'm off to devour an easter egg to make me feel better. Hey I'm saving a thousand wine colories a day, thats quite a few eggs! Yum.



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hey there everyone! Lovely to see you all posting!

                        Play - really good news about your eye surgery - but bad news on the Topa front. I really don't know what I would do in your shoes. Only you can decide, and eyes are SO important !!!!! I too am feeling depressed and it bums me out when I feel like this - but more about that in a minute. What are the hypotherapy tapes that you liked so well? I have heard that the ones from here are annoying so would be interested to hear what ones you did like.......I totally understand the lethargy.......

                        Diz - I love your posts! They are always upbeat and interesting. It is ironic that they used to call me Pollyannna at work - but I don't feel at all like Pollyanna these days. Although I do put on a very good front at work. Here I can just be me. As for thr bottle of wine in the house - no, that is long gone - and it didn't go down the sink! I haven't been very good lately. I am a veggie and used to drink Guinness as most of you know and found out that they use issinglass to filter it but there is none left in the final product - anyway I decided that it wasn't right for me to drink it 'cos of that - then last night a friend told me they use issinglass in wine too!!!! I don't even like wine but have been drinking it. I may as well go back to Guinness and as I said to Play - it is between me and my conscience........ it isn't in the finished product and the veggie society say it is okay - but deep down I suppose it isn't really. I shouldn't be drinking anything but have started again. Since I was in UK. Sorry - I digressed - I was replying to Dizzy's post! I am sorry you are feeling down too - it must be going around! if you take magnesium, you probably need to take calcium with it - LOL. As for the cleaner - I am gobsmacked that she made you feel as if your house was dirty - after all, isn't that why you got a cleaner in in the first place?????? to get it clean so that way you can start from scratch??? Oh - and one quick thing - no-one makes you feel a certain way unless you let them!!! So don't let her !! Re me being slim - I laughed about your comment - I didn't care - I know I am lucky in that I have a wonderful metabolism - believe me, I do know how lucky I am! I would hate to have to watch what I eat so appreciate what I have!!! feel free to hate me all you want!!!! LOL :l:H Yes, I understand about the size of a place in Slough vs London. And a home is what you make it - plus as you said, you can always go on day trips. i was very lucky living where I lived and having my mum and brother still live there so I can visit them there. My other brother lives in Birmingham! I have never seen his place but hope to on my next visit! You asked about Airam - she has a problem posting a lot of the time, I hear from her very now and again and she still struggles. She does the best she can and last I heard from her she was on a cocktail of meds with Topa included in the mix and was doing okay. I wish she would post more...... You also asked about the All-One. I think it is the best supplement ever out there. I used to take it religiously. When I do, I can tell I am taking it. I ran out and within four days, KNEW I wasn't taking it. once I got some more, within four days, I KNEW I was taking it again. It is the best stuff as far as I am concerned - when I take it I never ever bother with any other vitamins at all. I need to start it again - it might help the way I am feeling. It really is good and if you can get a coupon, it doesn't work out that expensive if you aren't buying other vits. I def. recommend it but have no idea how much postage is so that is up to you, but yes - it gets my endorsement. I get the green phyto one and I love it - MUST start taking it again.

                        Mimi - goood for you stopping and not getting the wine - that is really good. Small steps - but every one counts - way to go you!!br />
                        WTE - hi there - I agree with you with the cigs - I need to stop - HA!!! Yes I do. I am hopeless. I think you are doing so well with yout units. I do understand and remember the fear of 'running out' so understand the two bottle thing! How much L-Glut are you having when you have it? I should have mine again - I just have no mitivation to take it - none at all. I need to read back on some earlier posts when I was so full of enthusiasm for stopping and try and get those feelings back. Since I have been back from UK I have been down - I am on Celexa and before I left my Doc asked me to go down from 60mg to 40mg as the FDA had said that they had found that some people had been having heart arrythmia from it - anyway I went down about 3-4 weeks ago. I am not sure if it is that or what - I also had to go in for an EKG yesterday to check and my EKG was abnormal - so they have taken me off the Celexa and put me on Lexapro which has completely thrown me for a loop. Basically I am feeling down and have started drinking again. Not good. No excuses.

                        Hi Applekat - Are you going to go to 75mg first or straight to the 100mg? Did the tired feeling ever go? Or have you had it for ever since you started the topa? It did eventually go for me. It didn't last that long as far as I can remember and I tried to time my dosage accordingly. Just come and post whenever you need to - vent if you want to - try not to get discouraged - easy for me to say after what I have just posted right? LOL Just hang in there - and keep trying! :l

                        Wildflowers - hi there. Yes, I agree with what you posted about timing the dose and also going up 25mg instead of the 50mg! I am so happy that you have luck with the lower dose. Have you started inceasing your dose yet? You sound as if you have a real handle on this - wish I felt as confident as you sound. AF for two weeks is so good!! You are doing really well.

                        I need to go and do some ironing - should have done it last night but never got to it. Hugs to all, sorry about the long post - I do tend to ramble at times - LOL

                        Hugs, Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hey all - so many great posts and I am not good at addressing everyone personally...always scared my posts will vaporize. I think I'm logged in firmly at this point tonight, though. Also my clock on my page always says it's the wee hours when I'm posting. That's totally wrong & it bugs me. I'm not up at 2 a.m. posting on here! lol

                          So great the AF days, Dizzy & Wildflowers! Love both your posts and all you have to say to everyone. It's very encouraging your resolve to quit. I'm pretty sure I don't want to quit, just be more in control, have more AF days and less the thoughts of "oh GAWD - I can't wait to get home/wine/relax..." etc. I am a middle school teacher so I should pretty much be mainlining vodka, or taking all kinds of pills just to deal...but I seem to be doing ok!! lol Still I need to back off this, have not gotten TOPA or L-Glut yet. I am struggling a bit financially right now...kinda waiting for some things to settle before I invest in the TOPA. But hopeful the 2nd time around will be more successful, as it seems for some.

                          My habit is highly-functioning, but I've noticed some not-so-happy changes in the last year or so. Physically & mentally. I work-out regularly, play golf, have friends, but do enjoy my alone time alot...and that's when the evil demon lurks. Have got to do something! I have nights, like tonight, when I'm only having basically a .750 liter bottle. But other times when I polish off damn near an entire 1.5 liter bottle - usually weekends & I start earlier. UGH - what happened to get me here? I am no betetr or worse off than anyone else on here, but I know many of us struggle with multiple issues: food, smoking, what!! LOL No one has mentioned that nasty habit!! LOL I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Ugh - I loved smoking, but am glad I don't anymore. I used Nicorette (mostly off-brands) for a LONG time when I decided to quit. I'm almost thinking of going and getting some b/c I tend to freaking snack too much now!! LOL I'd love to lose 10-15...and I actually enjoyed chewing Nic when I drank...altho it gave me hiccups ALOT. Still - Recommending!!

                          I'm glad so many of us are back on here. WTE & I go back pretty much the same way she describes, altho I was on here after I tried TSM, the site where I met her. That site was HUGE after the book came out. Vert therapuetic, as well, and lots of fun people and stories...but alas after over a year most of realized we were running in circles. I think she directed me to MWO...either way, we are the same age and share similar dating stories so pretty much bonded! Have talked about a meet-up, but hasn't happened yet. PLus the funny thing is, I'm thinking if we do meet up, we'd want to party!!!! LOL - or at least have glasses of wine and do what we do! Ya know?! lol

                          Anyway - such good posts from everyone! PLease keep writing about YOU! Love y'all!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            P>S> I did not proofread and correct mistakes b/c I feel like I am on a race against the clock when I am posting on here! So ignay!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Morning ya lovely ladies

                              I made coffee for the people at the abstaining group so I thought I'd make some for you too. Some fair trade Mika cofee. Not only is it yummy but a part of the proceeds goes towards funding veggie gardens for the local communities.

                              Topa (and the lack of hangover) makes me feel so upbeat in the morning. But then from 5pm onwards I'm Oscar the grouch and a half. Pretty much the opposite of what I used to be. Oh well, you can't have it all, eh?

                              Houtx - Are you one of those teachers who smack kids on the knuckles with rulers? Just teasing Hey, I don't want to quit either, I just want to lose weight and I know that when I go AF I lose about a kilo a week. I have a ring to fit in and may have wedding bells in the next year and refuse to be a fat bride. And as Topa makes it relatively easy for me to quit, now is as good as time as ever to give my liver and fat stores some breathing space. I may try the nicorette when I have wine again - my boyf is trying the electronic cigarette thingies.

                              Sex addiction is actually a bit nastier than ya think - and we girls tend to get the 'sad' kind where we get addicted to the 'love' bit and not the 'sex' bit. Any takers here for gambling or others, I mean as we're talking addiction? To risk my spotless image (ha!) At school I was obsessed with food and dieting. Then I smoked pot for two years straight as a student but quit as it stopped working and it made me paranoid. Then I cross addicted to slimming pills for two years and loved the energy but finally had to stop as even though I looked awesome I was a right cow as I couldnt sleep and I had a constant headache. Then the wine habit kicked in and no amount of reasoning or cross addiction has pushed this one out the door yet.

                              Ahhh Sun
                              , so sorry you are a bit down. It was really naughty of the doctor to mess around with your meds and it will take a while for you to feel your old self again - especially as you just returned from visiting your family. What is issinglass? Sorry but Guinness is actually nice and as you are slim the calories wont bug you and the fullness factor would actually probably slow you down. Well, thats my reasoning. If I'm on a roll I drink wine as its easier to glug a bottle to get a buzz than to do that with Guinness!

                              Yeah, I was just in a bad mood when I was writing about the cleaner. The cottage was fine, we just had a painter in on Monday and the silly cow wanted me to pay for her to come back on Saturday. She deliberately didnt clean half the windows I asked her too. She took 8 hours to do what I usually do in 6 and I feel she only did it for me to call her back. Now I dont know if I want her back at all even though she is really nice and a good cleaner. I mean the windows was the reason I brought her in. Ahg, never mind.

                              I think you should get some All One and L-Glut in that shopping basket of yours again. They charge $100 for shipping to the UK but if I order 6 of the 66 supply I get a 35% discount plus a 15% first time order discount so it works out to about 40 quid a big tin (for two people) Hang in there - lots of hugs.

                              Mimi -
                              :goodjob: for not going to get that next bottle. I know what a hard decision it is when EVERYTHING in your body is pushing you out that door except that 1% common sense thats left in your brain. Baby steps and Topa will work, you'll see.

                              Have a good day everyone.

                              :h :h :h


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

