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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I GOT THE TRANSLATION JOB!!! Thanks for all the crossed fingers everyone, you can release them now. :thanks:

    Well, gardening is good for the soul. If the doggies (details about dogs pls) bug you too much and you like some herbs you can always use the kitchen windowsill. We have a ginger cat and a grey cat and a large brown dog (no recognisable 'brand') and they are tough on the garden but luckily the previous owners were landscapers so the garden is settled and quite tough.

    I love apple blossoms. Blossoms are my fave part of the UK as it reminds you that winter will not last all year long. Orange blossoms are my absolute best as they smell so nice.

    I'm glad you're going to take a picture for us and that you're thinking of taking part in Lets, it is something I really enjoy.

    As for the rest of you, talking about cakes - can we start a birthday list please. Then space can bake each one a birthday cake and take a picture but unfortunately she will have to eat it herself at this stage

    Here goes:

    Dizzy - 20 November (am a very evil Scorpio)



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Space 8 July (homeloving Cancer, hard on the outside with a soft centre)

      Big congratulations on the job YIPPEE of DIZZY:happy: :yay::yougo::woot::cheering:


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Thanks, you're so kind. *blush*

        Can we also determine what times we are on as I think Space and road and I are light years ahead of everyone else which makes it a bit lonely. For instance, its 5pm where I am now. (just state your time where you are before you post and we can compare it to the time stamp of the post I think, unless someone has a better idea)


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi all - 1st february - Aquarius - (eccentric, quirky, loyal but unemotional!!).

          Diz - you are 7 hours ahead of me and I am in central time USA. Space is 6 hours ahead of me in UK. Unless you were behind me when we chatted last night???? It was Sunday evening for me......

          I had just started writing a post about everyone feeling down when we started chatting and when I came back I accidentally closed the window so didn't end up posting it - I am glad I didn't as everyone seems in happier frames of minds now. Diz - SO happy you got the job - just absolutely wonderful for you. Yes, I love gardening and was out there for hours yesterday - I do veggies and flowers - daisies are my favourite flower for all time - shasta - white ones! I also love Nicotiana and plant those near the back door so when I come home after working evening shifts I can smell them as they have their scent at night - lovely. I keep the dogs out of the beds with use of fences mainly!! This year have put down raised beds for the veggies so will see if the dogs don't get in them - instead of a fence around the veggie patch. I have a small house and a small garden but make the most of what I have. Most people can tell I am English when they pass my house 'cos the Americans tend not to garden as much - or not as much different stuff anyway. I am always out there either weeding or pottering. Put a cherry tree and an apple tree in this year - also two kiwis although i am not sure if they will survive our winters. have ordered a dwarf peach tree too.

          Houtx - instead of trying to post on here, why don't you just write your post in word and then cut and paste it? that way you won't lose it - EVER!! LOL How are you doing anyway - we are all just longing to hear from you and know!!

          Space - I have 2 girls - one 28, nearly 29 and one 26. The eldest has two children a 4 year old and a 2 year old. She is the one that has left to move 13 hours away. had a text from her last night saying they had arrived and the 4 year old said it was a bad idea to move there. Poor dear!! I understand about the Health people in Uk - such a shame about the cakes - can't you sell on a market stall or something? Do they check those out the same as they check out anywhere else? Oh - you mentioned local stalls - I assume you meant market ones?

          Sorry - just seen it was Diz that asked about the children - yes Diz you still have plenty of time for them!! And I loved dressing mine up - Mothercare had some beautiful dresses dresses when mine were little!! And no, the mucky drink tastes wonderful - when I was in UK and was drinking it everyone looked at it and said YUCK - it is green - and at work too - but if I can get people to try it they are pleasantly surprised! In fact two people from work now get it. LOL at me having weird taste buds Diz!! yes, I am feeling good again and I do think the mucky drink has a lot to do with it. When I don't eat properly, it gives me all the nutrients I need, plus as it is the green one it gives me extra stuff!

          Space - I do understand how you got to where you are and think you are doing so well. It is hard when we don't have the AL - AL does make me feel better - when I have qwuit in the past I don't feel wonderful how everyone says we should and have no idea why. Maybe one day I will work it out myself....... I used to meditate and do my yoga - I know I need to get back into all that. I have divine discontent !!! ROTFLMBO !!!

          WTE, I started reading your post and when you said you pulled over, I thought you were going to say that you were going to drink the wine - it blew my mind when you said you poured it out - GO YOU !!!! That is wonderful!! Sorry you are feeling sadness 'cos of your buddy - it must be hard for you to feel that about him... when someone has been there for so long, even if we aren't with them, it is always a possibility so to have that possibility taken away, must be so hard - I feel for you my friend :l As soon as you get your powder, we will work on recipes for you. The main thing, and I can't stress it enough, is it must be blended well!! I have mine as a meal often - either breakfast or lunch usually. Maybe as Diz says, I just have weird taste buds!! I am pleased that the Topa is working on something in you. I am still on the 200mg a day - taking 150mg am and 50 pm. I shall try going up to the 200mg am in a day or 2 but am a tad nervous about it. never taken a 200mg dose on it's own. I don't see my doc until the 24th and I do have enough to take the 150mg until then but the way my insurance works I wouldn't be able to continue the 150mg and then 150mg twice a day for the whole time - not sure if the pharmacy can change them out - I doubt it.

          Applecat - hi there - just a hallo for when you pop in - we are very vocal here these days - it used to be days sometimes would go by and no-one would post but right now we are all very chatty. So just post when you can. I would still like to see Play again too - I know you are out there my friend and am looking forward to seeing you too :l

          Need to go and shower and start getting ready for work. Closing shift today but then off tomorrow. We had really bad storms here last night and two inches of rain. Good job I got a lot done in the garden yesterday eh? Fortunately no tornadoes - lots were east of us so we were lucky.

          Hugs to all, Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Space ? Sorry you were feeling poopy yesterday! Guess we all have some of those days. I get nasty back aches from time to time as well but put it down to getting a bit on with age and not as much activity and exercise as I used to do. Heck, the last time I bathed my Golden in my big shower, in a crouched down position for however long, the next day it was WTH did I do to my legs?? HA! I used to be an avid skier until I broke my collar bone 2 years ago. Still do ski but not as often. Used to white water kayak often and fly fish while ?dirt? camping and ocean kayak weekly, rock climb, etc ? stuff like that. Funny how I just don?t do much of that anymore being single and while I have gone alone many a time ? it?s not the same. I digress ?

            I wish I could be like you in the eating department! But I have never had a big appetite and really don?t care for sweets much at all ? never have. I wouldn?t stress too much about your weight right now as you?re doing so great with the AL and that?s a great focus. Remember ? baby steps.

            As for the Topa, 50/50 I suppose is still a pretty light dose for most. It was right around there and then I went up to 50/75 that I saw my last ?success? almost 2 years ago.

            And I hear you on our bodies just going through changes and also just getting clearer and facing things that perhaps we ?buried in the bottle? before. I keep on waiting for this energy level to ?pop? back up ? and it?s not happening! Never being a bender drinker, I can?t relate to that part of the vodka, but I SURE CAN relate to sipping away a huge amount topping off a glass with cranberry juice through the day! Funny, my Dad was an alcoholic and my Mom used to always say that he got ?mean? when he drank vodka. I think I have that gene as well ?. Not mean, mean, but not my normal sweet and patient person most know me as.

            Houtx ? What are we going to do with you??? HA! Do you have Microsoft Word on your computer? Are you game to call me some evening, we?ll share a glass of wine and I will show you how to do this so you don?t lose your posts. We miss you!

            Dizzy ? Fisrt ? CONGRATS ON THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            You sound wonderful! I can certainly understand why you want to show up in the UK at your very best and how frustrating it must be. Best of luck if you decide to start the new diet. Does your BF drink heavy? If so, that has to be a handful of a challenge in itself considering what you are doing! I can understand your concern. Is it next month you go?

            And yes, I am the ?business head? type. Up until a few years ago, I either owned, was partnered in or invested in and helped run 7 companies at once. How the heck was I doing that on 2+ bottles of wine a day? HA! We have the same strict health laws about making foods at home and having the facility licensed ? although I don?t know the details about dogs. I bet there is a way around, but I have zero knowledge of such laws other than stateside.

            And yes ? perhaps it is a touch of the AF blues. I bought my home and property (2 acres) almost 13 years ago. It?s A LOT to keep up. Gardner here too! (organic) And while I have never lived with anyone here, there was always ?my buddy? (who moved in down the road with his young daughter) and after that a 5 year plus relationship, and then a killer heartbreak 1 year relationship. In between lots of dates and friends and another guy I saw for about a year but we both knew it was right and remain friends. And now, I have suddenly become overwhelmed with my home. My buddy can?t come and visit as he used to (because of his new GF) and I don?t feel like I can?t just pick up the phone anymore and ask him a question like I used to. This past week I have been trying to hire some help for irrigation (although I know how to do it ? just overwhelmed), someone to remove some blacktop and replace it with sod, my driveway needs to be replace and I am considering pavers at a silly cost, My only 4 year old hear/air system is having ?issues? and they have been here 3 times without a solution and it?s making me CRAZY! And it goes on. I haven?t even STATED my spring garden which is NOT like me! And I am laying around thinking: I am getting older, I am alone, how the hell am I going to handle this property when get just a bit older? Southern California is known for having the WORSE workers in the world! They don?s return phone calls, make promise they don?t keep, do sloppy work a nightmare! And I named my home Journey?s End thinking this would be my forever home. PITY PARTY! HA!

            Oh, and all my children have always had 4 paws and wet noses! Never got the 1st part right. And I?ll let you know about the Yucky Drink! HA!

            Birthday ? August 30th = Virgo (Actually Triple Virgo so I make even MYSELF nuts. HA!)

            Current time: 9:08 AM on Monday Morning


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hey WTE - you must have been writing yours while I was posting mine - so you are two hours behind me! which means you are 9 hours behind Diz and 8 hours behind Space! The ironic thing is about 4 legged kids as opposed to 2 legged ones is as I was growing up that everyone thought I would have a house full of 4 legged ones - everyone was amazed when i had 2 legged ones! me too!! And pity parties are needed sometimes - hugs to you :l:l

              love, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                I wanted to answer all your posts but I am so tired tonight I just cant get my head round it, I went back to bed this afternoon which is something I was really trying not to get back into and now I am waiting until 10 so I can go back to bed again. I am dreading this day out Im going on tomorrow, I wish I hadnt booked and payed for it now, I was feeling so good last week with energy and doing stuff I hadnt been doing for years, whats happened to me? ugg I will up my gabapentin in the morning and see does that help



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Remind me whats happening tomorrow, Space?

                  I just found out my mom's swinging low. She's bipolar and she's been high so this means she's going to be really depressed for the next month and I'm going to be really stressed out. It may be different but in the past she did try suicide and have refused to leave the house. This time my dad is ill, she is changing his post colon operation bag (he cant reach it properly) he has to go in for another op in 3 weeks and I got the big project and the move in a month on my mind. Add to that the fact that I have boundary issues and a very big feeling of guilt that I'm going away and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.

                  So excuse me if I'm going to just have an early night instead of entertain thoughts of drinking. My mom's health is a big trigger for me. I'm fine though, just tired. I did actually buy some wine but by some act of God I managed to pour it on the compost heap. It would not have killed me but I have loads to do tomorrow and starting with a hangover will just result in a pity party and feelings of poor me and lets postpone the work another day etc. I'm on day 19 of 30 and I'm going to do the other 11 if its the last thing I ever do.

                  The rest of you hang in there, have a pleasant evening, I will give a full update and feedback tomorrow.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    This must be a really tough time for you dizzy, i hope your in bed and get a good sleep. I hope your mum is ok, and your dad and of course you

                    Goodnight xxxx


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hey all - let me test a short one and see what happens! lol


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Ok...will try again. Y'all kill me: "cut and paste" advice. I do not cut and paste. I can barely send attachments...WTE, I may have to take you up on the wine tutorial, but then thinking that's part of my problema! Plus I need to see and scroll back to what everyone's said. All you great peeps who refer back to what everyone has posted...takes me forever to formulate those thoughts and posts and then get them down...hit send...

                        POOF - gone. I hate it. Anyway, we'll see how it goes tonight. Last night really was a fluke. I just hit some random "shift" key or something and in trying to get the post back, vaporized. Who would y'all laugh at if I figured it out anyway?! lol

                        So gee - everyone is doing SOOOOOOO well for the most part! New jobs, AF days, controlling it, taking the supps and L-glut. Families struggling here and there, relationships too, ups and downs and all the musings - too much for me to comment on. But I LOVE reading everyone's posts. From the mundane to the painful, to the elatedness...this is such a great place to come and get recharged, and I am so thankful to have it!

                        Now wondering if I should "send" - just in case


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          HAHA!! I am such a dork - anyway...

                          I am so motivated by so many of your posts. Everyone's really! I have just been too involved and self-absorbed with mine and my kids' lives lately to get online and order TOPA. Plus have not looked it up and done the math to see what I need to start it off again. I did go to Whole Foods the other day, which is near my house, to purchase L-glut. OMG - $35 for a 16oz jar I think. Can't put a price on a cure, but sheesh! So will go to GNC, etc and look around.

                          WTE - your resolve and success has been so motivating and impressive!! I am thinking "if she is, I need to be!!" but like the others, pouring out good wine is a bit more than I can bear! lol But I applaud you!! I am one to just leave it in the frig and keep til the next are a wonder!

                          I love the diverse "love life" topics here - from the long married to the engaged, to the hit & misses. UGH - I truly think we have a destiny. All in good time. I wish I'd find someone to just divert me. No hits in forever.

                          Otherwise all else is pretty good. My college kids have moved in with me and my daughter is here every weekend. I am trying to act sober when she and my son are here...Most nights are better than others, but I am a lush and wake up wishing I were better. Nothing horrible, just not the "normal" mother I wish I were. They will forever associate me with a glass of wine on my desk and in my hand.

                          I've now made myself feel incredibly bad so will sign off and think about that for awhile and figure how much TOPA I need to get started and shop for it. THX all, for being here - send me good tech vibes as I am about to hit the send key!! LOL



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Morning all

                            I?m not going to talk bad stuff. Nothing bad has happened yet so I?m just going to follow Dori from Finding Nemo?s motto and ?Just keep swimming? Awesome advice peeps.

                  [/video]]Finding Nemo - Just Keep Swimming - YouTube

                            Thanks for all the well-wishes. I have so much to do so I?ll probably be hanging around the thread less often but I promise to update at least once a day. If I?m honest I often stop and wonder what either of you guys are up to.

                            And Wildflowers, I was reading a thread last night and saw my name come up and went ahhh, she remembers me. You should come back here, we miss you!

                            I wasn?t quite fair on Scorpios. Scorpios don?t have thousand of acquaintances but when we do make friends we are very loyal. We are problem solvers. People often say we can keep everyone?s secrets especially our own. We are said to be mean and very sexual but lets not get into too much detail.

                            Space, we chatted quite a bit yesterday. I can't believe what those people said to that Golf doctor guy yesterday. I read the thread before I fell asleep. That was really mean and left a bad taste in my mouth. Remind me again what you had planned for today that you werent planning for? Are you sure you have to up your meds and that you werent just tired last night. :l

                            ? Yes I am where the sun comes up. Well until someone more East joins the thread. Have you ever read ?The Little Prince?, ah I love that book. There was this lamplighter on one planet who never slept as the sun came up every four minutes and he had to keep switching the lamp on and off. There is also a drunk in the book who is ashamed because he drinks but he cant stop drinking because he drink because he?s ashamed. Quite simplistic ? a bit like The Toa of Winnie the Pooh if you know what I mean and judging by your avatar and general quirkiness I think you do Just teasing, and I?m sure your taste buds are OK too.

                            Your garden sounds awesome. I like functional gardens. As in I don?t really like little silly things that just sit there. I must either be able to eat it or use it or it must smell gorgeous or be lovely. So I have quite a bit of herbs and some veggies. My veggies aren?t great but I think now that I?m drinking less and more vigilant they will be better. My herbs are great, they are so hardy and not everyone knows how easy they are to grow. I have a whole patch of Arum lilies that come up this time of year when it rains, so gorgeous. In Slough I?d like to add lots of fragrant elements like jasmine and frangipani and stuff but I?m not sure if they?ll grow there? You know what, gardening is almost just as good as yoga, well for the soul anyway, whether you stretch enough depends on whether you cheat and let hubby do the heavy lifting.

                            ? Wow, you are full of surprises. Quite the adventurer, broke a collar bone?? Jeez. The dosage thing is weird as I started Topa on 12.5mg and that already hit me like a hammer. I?m now on 50mg and it takes away all my cravings and makes me hyper as a jackrabbit in springtime. I know what you mean about vodka and mean. I used to be a happy drunk ? I mean when I drank at weekends I would be giggly and funny etc. The last couple of months I ended up crying so many times when I got tipsy. Sometimes like you I would just sip so then I wouldn?t get tipsy really but I would still get tired the next day. But if I was at the office I would ?gulp? as I would have missed it the whole day and then for some reason I would pick fights and end up in tears. I think it was just my body?s way of saying enough, enough, enough.

                            My bf drinks quite a bit. I want to show him how much healthier and happier I am, and I think a 5kg drop in weight would help make the point. I think I?m going to go AF til the 27th, then take that weekend off as I have two parties. Then I?d like to do a two week Paleo Diet thing AF ? I lost about two kilos and that should take care of another 3 and its actually a very healthy way of eating ?the diet of the cave man? ROTFL. I?m leaving mid to end May. I want to make sure that my mom and dad?s OK when I leave. I know I can?t always be there for them but I want to leave after my dad?s second op and I don?t want to leave when my mom?s on suicide watch. That may happen while I?m away but I?m not going to leave in the middle of such a stint.

                            You remind me a little bit of this woman I used to share a house with. I lived with her for a year and we are still friends but when I turned 30 I had to get out and get my own little place. Even though its MUCH crappier than her place its mine and I?m proud of it. Anyway the point is she is your age, also broke up with someone (even worse, he was a builder) and also had the same concerns with upkeep etc. so I understand where you?re coming from.

                            Glad to hear you are organic, me too, even though it *bugs* me sometimes ? HA! . Not often those business ladies are so involved in their gardens. You are a girl of many talents, you are. Did you say what type of shop you have at the moment, I know you sold stuff for Easter but I?m not sure if it?s a gift shop?

                            Have you ever considered getting a tenant? I mean just an idea ? I can just see the ad ? Tenant needed ? hot male tenant in their twenties, live rent free in return for gardening and ?maintenance? duties. Only replies with topless pictures will be considered. Just teasing honey. But you know what you are not old yet, you are young and you are full of life and gusto and fighting spirit. You have made amazing progress. You have built businesses and are capable of so much. You are not just going to turn into the little old lady from Great Expectation overnight. You?ll be fine. But keep fighting with the wine. Are you exercising enough to keep the good old endorphins up? That mucky drink will help you (just ensure it doesn?t turn you batty like it did with Sun) Hahaha, I don?t know why but I love teasing that one.

                            Houtx ? We?ll have to sort you. The good news is cutting and pasting is WAAAY easier than sending attachments (trust me, I have tutored my dad, he is 65 so I know how newbies thing) I just go to the thread copy and paste everything from my last post into a word document. Then I have everything together and I can relax and comment without waiting for anything to disappear. Can I email you a beginners guide to Word?

                            And whats that I hear in the background ? COLLEGE KIDS
                            ? It will take them 5 minutes to show you how to copy and paste something love.

                            Anyway, I really miss hearing from you and I?m really sad that you are making yourself feel bad. Please let WTE pop you some Topa in the mail. Damn, if it was up to me we?ll be posting you mucky drink and L-Glut as well, just please don?t give up. We are just like you, we are just drinking pills and vitamins and mucky drinks. And you know what, I betchar ass you spend more than $35 on booze So come on teach, in the words of zombies everywhere ? JOIN US.



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I love finding nemo, and I also love happy feet. Real feel good movies.

                              I havent gone on my day out, I got up at 7 but just couldnt get myself to get ready, my back is hurting, in fact Im aching all over and I just feel pretty crap and also so tired. I hate this depression, I dont know if Im physically ill or its the depression or my meds but anyway I am now back in bed. I am sick of having no energy and spending my life in bad.

                              Last night I did end up going out to buy lager 2 cans, I dont know if Im drinking them because Im scared to go AF and then end up back on the vodka, Im felling pretty confused about the whole thing at the moment.

                              Do you have a house to move into Dizzy, does it have a garden. I must be exciting for you to be moving continents, but also scarey I would think, remind me of why you are moving, is it for work.

                              I like your idea of the sun coming up where you are, I am just confused by the different times zones peeps are on here, I just cant get my head round it, but if I think of it that the sun comes up over here right, then carries on over to USA. is that right, so they are later in the day than us. Its 11.45 her now. I also dont understand the times it says on here either, I feel like a bit of a div not knowing this stuff.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Yeah, maybe you should watch Nemo today

                                Sorry to hear you are under the weather hon. You may be coming down with something, it may be the blues or perhaps you just need to be kind to yourself today. Don't do anything stressful and just watch a cheerful/sad movie depending on whether you would like to cheer up or first let go of some tears.

                                I'm moving to the UK to be with my boyfriend. But as he is a drinker that is another element of stress. He is also very busy at work so I'm a bit mad at him. He is supposed to go view a house and I'm not even sure if he's going to make it. I'm only looking at semi houses with gardens as I already have to live in bloody Slough and rent is relatively cheap there. At least Mr makes money. Sorry, I'm quite mad at him an no, I dont love him because of his money. I'm also said cos its his birthday on Saturday and I won't be able to see him.

                                You're not a div (love the word though) I asked because its helluva confusing. It would help if the bloody Americans ( ) would just stick to one timeline but nooooo. Just remember the sun starts in the east and sets in the west. We have a local rhyme that says As the sun sets in the west, the drunk is at his best - will that help?

                                If I was you I would stay in bed today but get up and do something tomorrow even if its just baking that cake for us so you can post a pic. Or doing something new in the garden. Energy creates energy and staying in bed creates the will to want to stay there.

                                :l :l :l

