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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I didnt even realise I had the name wrong:H:H I am actually getting used to the taste now when I shake it with cranberry juice, but will still call mine a yucky one


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      spacebebe01;1302155 wrote: I didnt even realise I had the name wrong:H:H I am actually getting used to the taste now when I shake it with cranberry juice, but will still call mine a yucky one
      ROTFLMBO !!!!

      Love ya girl!!
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        what on earth does ROTFLMBO mean?


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Sunshine Glad your back and sounding good.

          Good luck at your mom's today. Sending good thoughts your way.

          Relaxing today while paying bills and doing laundry. Don't like doing it but I like it when it's done.

          Trying to find my summer clothes and get them ready for my 5 days in Palm Springs. It will probably take a good closet reorganizing to find my summer clothes because they are mixed in with winter, spring and fall. It will be nice to get the winter clothes in another closet once again. Yay summer and sunshine.
          Day 1:4/4/2014


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            spacebebe01;1302191 wrote: what on earth does ROTFLMBO mean?
            Rolling on the floor laughing my boobs off (I had BC and don't have any so wear fakes and they can come off - LOL) sick humour - sorry!!
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Happy to hear your home Sunny & feeling better! Don't over do it except for the laughs. It's so positive that you can joke & laugh about your BC. There is no better way to carry on! PS. I did eat some protein. But I notice right b4, I crave chocolate, or maybe it's all in my head. Just ate a little dark chocolate. I've read there is magnesium in it that we gals that are pre-meno need. Tho I do take supplements. My girls have called me the witch Dr. in a loving way. As I've spent too much $$ & time at our local organic health food store & on-line.

                Good 4 Space & DB that u aren't letting ur Mom's triggering u into an eclipse of the crazies. Many yrs ago I hid a little flask of Vodka in my trunk as a bad way out of dealing with her & my own reactions to her voice in my head.

                Super glad DB that u r rising above ur BFS ~ PMS. ( Putting up with mens stupidity) LOL. After all he is missing his lovely lady & surely he can't be blamed for this part of it. Thanks so much 4 the survey link. Read to pg 7. Third day of 25mg increase no headache. Yeah! Just more tired, but think it will pass after a wk or so. Love ur plants. I have 27 house plants. One of my cactus's is giving birth to a few babies & I need to give her a new home soon & let her babies grow into kiddies.

                Mimi, have fun on vac! Plus u will now be organized & ready for more summer fun when u get home. Maybe adding a new outfit or two to ur summer wardrobe. Strutting ur beautiful self!

                WTE, I think she may have drove by & picked up Houtx & they are at the Havana ~ Cabana having fun.

                Play let us know when ur Topa arrives. Stop by again & say hi when u have time.

                I went for a walk this am, ate healthy, weeded outside. I have leftovers 4 ~ 2nite. Yippy Skippy! I luv 2 cook part time. LOL. I'm going 2 sun myself for just a bit, as I love to have a bit of a glow. Drink a fresh strawberry lemonade. No green yucky drink. Pooh. Dream of being at the Havana ~ Cabana

                If I can get my hubby to start thinking about bldg planter boxes for our deck, as it's a goal ~ dream to have raised herb garden. Or heck I will just find a way 2 do it myself, now that I'm getting stronger. There is so much shade in our back yard now with over growth of lg conifers. I've only grown tomatoes & bell peppers in one area that is sunny. Wished I could have a big veggie garden & lived in the country with acreage. At least I can dream. Maybe I should get to know that magical Seer guy.

                Hugs to all


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi all, just a note to say that I'm OK. I have a deadline to meet in the AM and a pity party planned in the PM. I would invite you to the latter but then we all know that unlike all other parties the success of pity parties declines with every extra person that joins in, so it'll just be me.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Awwww Dizzy I hate to see you sad, I wish there was something I could do:l


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Oh Diz - I am so sorry you are not feeling chipper - but you have been keeping things rolling along and had extra on your plate too, so you take a rest okay? Hate to ask when you are not feeling too swift, but was it you that posted about the bad effects of AD's? I was thinking about new NEW AD last night and wondering if that might be a contributing factor and wanted to go to the page that someone had posted, but am now wading through pages of posts trying to find it...... I thought it was you, but am not sure..... feel better my dear sweet friend .......

                      Wildflowers - I have always joked and been positive about my BC - it was the way I handled it - my onc used to get cross with me because he didn't think I was taking it seriously enough!! I do things my way and docs don't like that. I am feeling good this morning - but will try and nap before I go in to work at 2.00. Closing shift today. they have put an extra person on for me tonight as I called yesterday to see who I had and was pleased when I heard I had a good crew but obviously the manager decided I wasn't sounding 100% so has put another good person on for me!! YEH! I feel for you with the shady back garden - we actually ended up paying for some trees to come down as ours was very shady and the trees were making nasty cracking noises in storms and now I have a lot more sunny areas. I love being out in the garden. How are you feeling? you sounded really good and positive......

                      Space my dear - Hi there!! Glad you are getting used to your yucky drink! It is so good for you..... how are you doing and feeling now you have been having it for a few days? I do hope everyone feels better on it - I just feel so good when I have mine - says she who hasn't had it for four days!! LOL I will have it this morning for breakfast.

                      Off to do some searching about the AD's. I am thinking about maybe trying to come off them - I am on a very low dose of the new one and am feeling fine. thinking of coming off them and using Rhodiola instead. I am thinking if thet were the cause of the episode I had, now I am over the withdrawals, it might be the time to get them out of my life - but we shall see.

                      Hugs to all, Love, Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I worked up to now and upgraded my plans from pity party to D-i-z-z-y time. So I'm fine I just haven't spoke to bf yet and I need time to think things over. My mom's not too bad yet, I got her a cancellation app this morning and last night's lasagne was YUMMY. Strongs to everyone. :l


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi All!

                          Shezzz! I hate when I miss a few days and try and catch up- and it’s just not going to happen this morning as work calls soon and I’ll be dashing here in just a few.

                          I think with feeling a bit better I have just gotten my butt a bit more into gear and am getting things done that I have been putting off rather than laying around feeling over whelmed by it all. So it’s kept me away from the computer a bit more – a good thing!

                          Puttered around the house for the most part over the weekend, saw a friend and played with the pup and worked a bit on the garden. May have found someone to help with some irrigation issues – will know later today. So THAT will create some more inspiration!

                          Yes Sun – drinking my Yucky Drink every day! HA! I think it was me that somehow started calling it that – not sure how because it looks and tastes yummy! And yes, I have been drinking it every morning and would actually miss it now! I LOVE berries so tons of them and the banana with the powder and it’s really quite filling and tasty in the blender (don’t like the cleaning the blender part – but I’ve got it down. HA!) I do think it’s helping me feel stronger and I do feel more balanced with everything in general. And I am so happy you are good and already able to go back to work!

                          I suppose the reduction in AL and now adjusting to that a bit (about a 1/3 of what I was drinking less than 6 weeks ago) as well as getting used to the idea of “buddy” and that whole situation changing is also helping. He is trying very hard to remain friends with silly emails and the occasional calls. We shall see how it all plays with time ..

                          Dizzy – You hang in there and glad you are feeling better! Hey, I have forgotten how to post photos here. I have a Flicker account, but it’s expired and I now use Coral to manage all my photos. For the life of me I can’t find the “properties” any longer when I file them there to create a URL! Grrrr. May just have to pay to re-up my Flicker account unless you have another suggestion.

                          I wish I could answer and comment on where everyone is at! I have final paperwork to complete for this STUPID court case in the morning and I will fret about until it’s all fine- tuned and I feel like I can walk in with total confidence blow her little butt away! HA! I KNOW I will win- still stressful and I will confess to fighting a touch more with the AL, BUT, I am still averaging 3.04 glasses per day as I just about end Week 2 of my second “month”. So I am pleased about that and also contribute the L-Glut to part of the success that is slowly me moving along.

                          Hugs to all of you and if I manage to sneak out early today (it’s usually my day off) I try and pop in again!


                          PS: Wish I WAS in Copa Cabana! LOL


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            One of the wonderful things of removing Alcohol from my life is that positivity returns to me. No not all the time, but it's more prevalent. Helps me 2 keep going. It's sneaky as its still early days. I do hear it calling me back. I know Topa is also used to moderate & I have to reaffirm my commitment. It's hard as I see others here enjoying wine & beer in moderation. So my mind is playing tricks for different reasons & different angles. The sun is out & I'm beginning to feel stronger. I've drank for so many yrs. They weren't always so bad. Had many times I was able to moderate as well. Tho also fell down drunk too, etc. I drank for every reason imaginable, positive & negative. It helps to read other forums as I see my journey, my struggles. Ruby reminded me here in this forum to not test the waters & that I was on the right path. Yet, it's not easy. Tho many good things in life aren't. I have to work hard for them & be willing to make sacrifices, for the better good. This is where my mind gets confused am I really making sacrifices or am I talking about saving my life & living it out in good health & real happiness. I'm still working thru this. Oh how I hate this bargaining. I thought I was done with this part. Sometimes I tend to over think things. One thing that helped is reading the link Ms. DB posted about Topa survey~dosage. Some peeps that were moderating, were saying that they drank right thru to the point that even on high doses the Topa stopped working 4 them & they ended up being right back were they originally were. I ended at pg 7 or 8 yest. Maybe I need to bring all this up in a different forum? But which one? Maybe leaving out the Topa part? I don't know. But I do feel like I need help. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

                            Sunny, I'm glad that your mgr cares about you & is making sure you have a strong crew at work! I would hope with what u recently went thru that they do appreciate that u are coming to work & just as a precaution let some of your co-workers do a little of the extra work. Who knows one day it may be your turn to pay it fwd. I love your positive attitude about life & it rubs off on those around you. It's a whole lot better then being the opposite. Tho it's OK to be that way too at times. I personally just don't like to stay in that place for too long. As I said with Alcohol removed, it greatly helps me in this area. After all it's a depressant.

                            WTE: Good Luck tom. I think it's tom? I'm posting on the pg b4 ur post. With my topa increase I'm having a little topa dopa. Ok, I can use that 4 an excuse for a while. LOL

                            Now I can't remember what else is happening with our lovely group of ladies? Pause.... Yes I could cheat & open a new window, but they say it's good 4 almost old folks to tease their brains. Pause.......... Oh, Ms. DB Good 4 u on re-scheduling ur pity party. Yeah I've had 2 do that many times. We can always change course anytime we feel like it. We are woman after all. hahaha lalala.... Oh & I didn't 4get Earthday yesterday. I did some extra recycling yesterday. I've always been big into this anyway.

                            Space hope u & all the other gals r having a good day

                            Take Care xoxo


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              So glad Sunny is back!! So many other posts to comment on here. To clarify real quickly - I am sortof -upset seeing my aunt with mild dementia and incredibly bad teeth. She has not gone to the dentist in decades..says she was flossing one night and 2 lower teeth popped out.

                              I just am sad a once vibrant, talented woman is a shadow of her former self. She's at the negative extreme - others at eh positive extreme. No matter.

                              Will come back soon and comment on so many posts. Yay, Sunny!! Hang in there - other comments as I get to them!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                sunshinedaisies;1302207 wrote: Rolling on the floor laughing my boobs off (I had BC and don't have any so wear fakes and they can come off - LOL) sick humour - sorry!!

                                Love your sense of humor. I haven't had real breasts since I was 27 years old due to breast cancer and I always say I'm lucky because they will never sag, lol. I had reconstruction.... Awe, so much humor after breast cancer but you have to have a good sense of humor.:H
                                Day 1:4/4/2014

