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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Oh, what a sad bunch we are.... WTE, you and yout Topa Cobana better swoop in and cheer us up. Even Houtx and her colourful words would do.

    I had 2 glasses of wine last night. *sigh* I couldn't have more as I still had some Antabuse in my system even though I quit it a while ago. I didn't really feel anything except a headache - thanks for that universe! :durn:

    It was always my intention 30 days AF, a break and 30 days more AF. Topamax takes away all my cravings so the only 2 times I missed drinking was once when I was REALLY happy and once when I was REALLY sad. So its not really alcoholic thinking, well it is, but I think with training I could learn how to handle my emotions in another way.

    I probably shouldn't even have to say it but this but please don't let my pattern affect any of yours. I didn't have fun last night. It was nothing more than an anticlimax really. And all I have to show for it this morning is a headache. So to all your abbers, stay with your path and do what is best for YOU.

    WTF WTE... It seems that the Topa is finally kicking yer ass. One of them days you're going to look at the wine in your fridge and say 'PFFFT, WHOSE YOUR MOMMA?' As in its your bitch not the other way around.

    Oh Sun, you don't always comment on how well the Topa is doing for your drinking but I'm assuming its working for you in general. As for an extra Guinness or two after the week you had honey, its OK. I know other people will judge me for saying that but I *think* I know you well enough to know what kind of drinker you are and that you're not going to be totally irresponsible here. Were you ever in the past or is it not something you'd like to talk about? Its just that you sometimes sound to me like a *normie* and thats a compliment! :l

    How is Mr Sun treating this, I take it he is being loving and supportive as he must see the strain you are taking as he is suggesting a puppy. All our animals are rescues but the two cats were kitten rescues so that way they are less emotionally damaged. The doggy is very damaged but we get on fine. Take some time out to heal and I think your DH is right, get a puppy that can last you a very long time. Or even better - get two! It won't help now, nothing will. Just perhaps try to think of this in a Winnie the Pooh kind of way (or read the Little Prince book over the long weekend to cheer you up) Perhaps dear Maggie needed him.

    And you try to get some sunshine and daisies today. And a guest post on my garden blog won't hurt.

    , wow, your story is intense. Never worry about soundy looney here. You are among kindred spirits. Well I know I have some strange ideas about how the universe works and Sunny also has some of her own concepts. It turns out most of us are open to various concepts of God and the universe which is great as it makes me feel more comfortable. You are safe here. We do not judge. I cannot speak for the lurkers but no one has ever said something here that was not said in the spirit of support, love and care. So please feel free to share whatever you like.

    The story about your dog gave me goose bumps. I'm a bit more of a cat person, probably because I'm a bit more like a cat. I do like Spaniels/Bassets though, they are super cute. Perhaps you should work with animals then. That way you can be close with them without having to worry about bonding too much.

    , like I said. I think the Gabapentin did make a big difference in your mood and your cravings and it worked for you like Topa do for us. I don't know you THAT well and this is the last time I'll say this but if you want to consider Topa or read the MWO book, let me know. Otherwise, be kind to yourself and please ensure that you speak to your doctor if you are feeling extra down.

    So how is the annoying Mr Oliver treating you in his DVD's. Don't you just wish you had his garden though (even if it is in Essex) Remember that if you like tomatoes, peppers and chillies, just pop the seeds in some pots. I bought a bad of peat moss and now I use potting soil, a cm of peat moss, a sow the seeds, and add another cm of peat moss. The moss is super excellent for making ANYTHING grow but use it scarcely as I don't thin, its really good for the environment to use to much of it.

    Also, do you know this website: Compare supermarket prices | Online supermarket shopping | Save and compare on Health and Beauty products - I signed up because I thought I was/maybe still am going, it seems to have quite a lot of savings potential.

    Cheery bye everyone. And no, no news from the one we do not mention yet.



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I have got the MWO book somewhere Dizzy, havent read it for a while. As things are where my drinking is concerned what Im taking seems to be doing the trick, I just not obsessing or craving AL anymore, over the past couple of weeks Ive just had that one night when I drank more than I intended and during the daytime which was my drinking time not a problem. My depression however is a different story, I would do anything right now for something that would lift my mood, well not anything but you get what I mean. I am so fed up with asking docs for help, yes the meds do help some I couldnt manage without them but I still have bery little zest for life. My daughter rang me this morning and told me she misses me, meaning the girly times we used to have together, going shopping, to the cinema and stuff like that, that makes me sad, I have lost my mojo and want it back I used to be so active without thinking about it,for a long time I blamed the drink for being like this but I always knew it was more than that. I am too scared of the topa se's the eye thing terrifies me, and on a way lesser scale but still mega improtant to me the hair loss one, also you all get it of your docs and I dont think my doc would prescribe it for me, so in answer to your question dizzy yes I have thought about it.

      I have planted up a couple of pots this morning and like the idea that I am helping nature a little bit
      and have got my mumg beans ready for me and my son to start sprouting over the weekend

      Love to all xxx


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        :upset:I fell flat on my face last night. ugh and i can tell you it's not]worth it. the head ache, the red eye's I'm tired, I have a lunch I have to go to today but am too hung over to handle, all I want to do is sleep. stupid, stupid me. why do I do this to myself?
        Day 1:4/4/2014


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Oh poor Mimi dont be hard on yourself we have all done it, thats why were here. Just look after yourself today, do something nice for mimi if you cant make the lunch then will it really matter.

          You will be ok go and have a big drink of cold water, Im not sure what youve been doing, are you on toppa? I will read back and talk to you soon



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi all!

            Been lurking a little while and just wanted to surface and say Hi! After 15 years of stupidity and recklessness I am 100% serious about eliminating this demon from my life!
            This is my 6th day AF and I've been loading up on vitamins, supplements and herbs to get me over the hump. Today I received by Topamax in the mail and will take my first 25mg dose as soon as I pick up a pill splitter. I am a bit concerned about the "loss for words" side effect that I have been reading about. At what dose would I expect this? Only reason that I am asking is because I am currently job hunting i as I am graduating from nursing school next week. Already have 1 interview lined up next week and I need to be at my best. Any thoughts?


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh Mimi my sweetheart, don't be so hard on yourself honey.

              I too broke my Topamax 'fast' and felt really bad about it but you know its actually -well in my opinion - just a pact you made between between you and topamax and your own very special brand of god. (and if you have a more specific one i apoligise but i my life goal is to let everyone experience their one god as much as possible)

              Don't be so sad.

              One little compromise don't break the back of a big promise to come.

              I don't know you that well Mimi but I from your avatar,your posts and your thoughts I know that your heart is the size of Jupiter AT LEAST. Hang in there, your're on your holidays and you have to relax a bit and after a week or two you will come back with the fighting spirit to do a week or two AF - am I right or not



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Polka and welcome to MWO , I dont take topa so I cant advise there but good luck

                Mimi I had forgotten you where on holiday, just try and forget about it, which I hope you already have and have a lovely time, go and have a wonderful meal and enjoy every mouthful xxx


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi PolkaDot & Welcome To MWO

                  Congratulations on making one of the best decisions of your life!!!...... I too am very serious about being AF!!!!.... Another Congrats on 6 days Woo Hoo!!!.... :goodjob: Vitamins, supplements and herbs are excellent ways of restoring your body of what we've been robbing it from, by ingesting alcohol. I take Milk Thistle with Dandelion & a Good B-100. Drink lots of water. If u can or like add fresh lemon it helps detox the body. I started out taking 25mg at night for a two wks. Some take it for 1 wk, then increase up another 25 mg. A good reason to take at bedtime is that it may help u sleep & if u have any side effects they won't be during the day. At 50mg, by 2-3 wks I reached efficacy. Didn't have any side effects. Had no physical cravings. After about another two wks I had some, so I increased dosage another 25 mg in am. I'm taking a total of 75 mg now, 50mg pm & 25 mg am. Now I have had a couple of headaches & a bit of word loss, a bit of tingling in hands. But no big deal. No cravings at all. Been sober since 3/18/12. Yippy Skippy. Still have to work on the mind games as this is a part of addiction, but I'm determined. ODAAT. This MWO site is rich in information, knowledge & support. Very little judgement. People have different goals. Many are in different phases, some are modding & some are abstaining. It's quite diverse, which is great!!! There is a place for everyone here. I love this site!!!......

                  Also took Topa a few yrs back wished I'd never stopped. Was sober for almost 8 months. My maintenance dose then was 75 mg. But, it's diff for everyone. It is a miracle for myself. I also incorporate other things into my plan too. But, that is for another discussion, another day. By the way I'm female, 49 , drank for 30+ yrs. So, I already had some loss of words. LOL. I'm finding my new sober life to have ups & downs, but over all it's better then any of my drunk days. I have to separate my sobriety from everything else that's happening in my life!!!.... ODATT

                  Congratulations on graduating from Nursing School!!!! :goodjob: Take a look around the different boards, read as much as you can when you have time. The Newbies Nest is great & there is a Tool Box thread that has a wealth of info. Oh & there are some nurses on the boards. Lavende helps some of the newbies on the Newbies Nest & shes super nice & smart, retired nurse. Glad You Found us !!!!




                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    For the rest of u lovely peeps I haven't 4gotten any of u!!!... Duty is calling!!!! I will carry u all with me.... I will be back & post to ea of u when I have time. Hang in there!!!! You are all wonderful!!!!.... :h


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Thank you Wild for making me smile, I think YOU are wonderful.

                      Polka have you looked into taking suppliments, I take quite a few so I wont go into them now but b complex, milk thistle and l glut would be a good way to start IMHO. There are quite a few of us on here who take l glut, I think the powder best I just put a spoonful in water and drink it and it really helps. If you dont want to do them then a good multivitamin will help you start building your body and mind back to health.



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hey all -
                        Sorry for my colorful rant the other should not have to copy & paste to post here. Nor be asked to log in after having already done so. Thx DZ for sending a complaint, tho.

                        So much to comment on - I need to be brief out of fear of losing my posts always! lol

                        Welcome, Polka dot!! Lots to read...always nice to see another new person!
                        Sunny - SO sorry for the loss of your beloved pup. I share your pain from loss of a beloved cat 2 yrs have 2 "new" ones. Can't imagine that dreadful day when one goes without the other...but happy yours was happy in his final life. We so love and need our furry loves!!

                        Wildflowers - so happy for you & your success. Love your positive posts about gardening & everything else.

                        Mimi- you did great for a week. So you fell off the wagon, get back on. You can do it!

                        Space, love your posts and are another inspiration.

                        WTE - WTF, I am AMAZED at your progress also! So happy and inspired. I bought some L-glut but have not opened it or tried it yet. I come home and have no real intention of holding off. I don't know - my game plan is not really even there. I know I must make changes. Just haven't ordered the TOPA or gotten serious about getting down with my bad self. I am so miserable teaching middle school right now...I cannot imagine not having my wine to come home to after going to the gym after school...I start really looking forward to it. It gets me through. But your tales of success make me think I can certainly cut my intake in half when I don;t usually have my first glass until 6:30-7:00. I sure make up for lost time though!! LOL

                        Dizzy - I know you are in pain. But your success being AF for THIRTY days is awesome!!
                        You, too, are an inspiration to me. I love your sense of humor and all the positives you listed earlier. I am taking it all to heart and plan to have a "come to Jesus" moment with myself soon. Maybe when school is out I can focus on my "recovery"!

                        Who have I left out...I dunno. I love everyone's posts on here. I'm going to hold my breath, hit the send button and then post a another little story...


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          YAY - the moon & stars were aligned and the post went thru!! Shockeroo!

                          A p.s. to you, WTE - glad your court case is pretty much over. For sure you won! And to DZ - sorry if I was too harsh while you are going thru emotional upheaval. I know in the end you will look back and say "all that pain was necessary for my present happiness". Hang in there!

                          Ok - I just wanted to share a little story wif muh girrfrens here: So I have been on since its inception I feel like. Feel like I have dated the majority of men over 50 who interest me in the greater Houston area. After talking to a few friends, thinking I need to go bold. You know how you walk into the grocery store or (in my case) hit the driving range and you see a nice-looking man, not wearing a ring...and you think "Hmmmmmm". Well tonight I was driving home and a (nice) truck swerved out from behind a bus into my lane of traffic and I had to slam on my breaks. I almost hit the horn, but he looked at me & I looked at him in that instant we almost collided. Decided to let him off peacefully.

                          Background: 2 months ago I was involved in a hit & run and my whole front end was smashed to the tune of $7,000...I'm a little paranoid all the time now. Anyway, so the guy turns into the chi-chi grocery store I was headed for. He goes his way, I go mine in the parking lot, I wind up getting ahead of him & we have eye contact again.

                          We notice each other going in and thru-out the store. He's with a buddy (both look mid 50s - they take separate express carts) but he has no wedding ring on and makes a rather loud statement about what he's in the mood to eat tonight, etc. He's CUTE!! I'm as distracted as I've ever been, slowing down to make sure he's near, etctetctetc. I notice he's behind me, that he's been sort-of checking me out I go to the parking lot and realizing I'm wearing a T-shirt from "" on the back says "I'm the one that got away" lol

                          I have this bold streak that tells me I need to go for it!! I'm 58 yrs old, not bad looking, have alot 'gwan on, I need to give this guy my biz card or SOMETHING!! So I write a little note:

                          "Hey nice-looking man in Central Mkt. who swerved in front of me on Weslayan St: Single? 50ish? play golf? I may be the "one who got away" signed w/ my name & phone #. Put it under his windshield wiper. Then I drove and hid a few spaces away in the parking lot. He didn't notice the note until they'd driven off and were at a red light, then he plucked it off his windshield while I turned off...

                          Woo Hoo for me!! If I never hear from him, at least I tried. Freaky fun in Houston. Keep your fingers crossed - this would be a great start to a relationship, don't 'cha think?!

                          Yay weekend!! XO


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question




                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Thank you Wildflowers for the welcome and sharing your experience. I took my first 25mg late this afternoon. Perhaps it was a placebo effect but about two hours later I was so TIRED I had to take a short nap. But I woke up in time to enjoy the rest of the evening AF. Being a Friday this was a big deal!

                              Spacebebe -Thank you for the welcome as well! And yes I am taking vitamins and supplements - Multi-vitamin, magnesium, milk thistle, extra B6, vit E and D, evening primrose oil, Holy Basil, 5 HTP, Sam-E, GABA powder, L-Glutamine powder........probably something else I am forgetting but you get the picture. Actually started feeling pretty darn good by the 4th day AF. Still having some fleeting cravings which are so far manageable. Just have to stay in the right mind set!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Polkadot,

                                Just want to say Welcome to our world here. I'm happy that you are taking the "Topa Plunge" and really don't be frightened. This drug has been around for a long long time being used for migraines and has a good record of no really bad stuff. From my experience the "loss for words" generally, at least for me, happened the day after taking the first dose, it was more of a using a different word, for example, I kept saying "bottle of water rather than glass of water" and feeling kind of very intensely focused and serious ( if that makes sense) the first few days and also some general feelings of confusion at times like when getting off the subway and wondering where the exit was (of course I found it). I would advise putting off starting the Topa for a few days until after your interview, it actually does take a few days to even itself out, and I would really wait to start until you have a few days with nothing new going on.

                                love and hugs,

