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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Will post more later - but it just dawned on me - I went to the store as I am baking bread later and needed some stuff - I KNEW I only had 2 Guinness in the fridge and didn't get any more- KNEW I wouldn't need or want them - I am SO happy !!!!!!!
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Oh Sun how cool, I came home from my mums an hour ago and realised I only had 2 cans of lager in and decided to wait to see if I really wanted to go out and get more, Im still drinking my frist one and undecided whether to go or not but you made the choice YEH YOU!!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        spacebebe01;1311519 wrote: Oh Sun how cool, I came home from my mums an hour ago and realised I only had 2 cans of lager in and decided to wait to see if I really wanted to go out and get more, Im still drinking my frist one and undecided whether to go or not but you made the choice YEH YOU!!
        Thanks Space :l
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hey all -
          Not much new from here. Still struggling with overdoing it, but had a fun, good weekend. I am a stay-up-late, wake-up-late kind-of person. So admire those of you who enjoy the sunrise...I am usually in bed by midnight on the weekends & up by 10. Weekdays, try to get in bed by 10-11 and up at 6:30. This weekend I played golf Saturday & we started drinking wine about 3. It was great fun but then I came home and continued on...finally hit the hay about 11. Today lots of exercise: walked/jogged 3 miles then cleaned house for 3 hrs.

          Had a lovely happy hour on my patio w/ wine, snacks & "Fifty Shades of Gray Pt 2" Whew - Now catching up w/ all of you. Diz - kick him to the curb. I know it will be hard, but a continent & hemisphere away, not to mention changes in lifestyles...yikes!! Meant to be.

          Glad everyone else doing well!! WTE - sooooooooo happy for you! Inspired. Yes, I love the L-glut in general and am not even trying to listen to it's anti-craving properties. Sunny/Space/Play - maintaining, abstaining, refraining. Doing well - so good to read everyone's stories.

          On another note, I've had a couple of phone calls from a guy on match who sounds & looks really fun. Keep your fingers crossed...he sounds like a real contender. He likes his cocktails too, so that's a plus. Seriously. Y'all know what I mean! I'll keep you posted!

          Happy Monday -


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi All, well, a beautiful day here in the bay area, a day off, worked in my "balcony garden", small but it is becoming beautiful and giving me lots of pleasure.

            Dizz, I loved your pic of the mother and baby rhino a bit back, and BTY, congratulations for finally standing up for yourself in a relationship. It might hurt for awhile, but certainly not for a lifetime like it does when we make total fools of ourselves in the ways that we grovel at the feet of a partner who is a "jerk", so be proud of yourself because you are becoming healthy and will start to attract a healthy partner into your life.

            Rainy, where are you, are you doing ok? Missing you.

            Dear Space and you too Sun, well, I know it seems totally absurd that I would start taking the Topa again after a scare with my eyes, but also in response to your question about what does Topa do? Well, it was an absolutel "Miracle" for me, after years and years of escalating and uncontrolled drinking and losing my life, the Topa within three days took away the desire to drink, it was just unbelievable, I was taking only 25mg AM and 25mg PM, it was just so wonderful, as time went on, I felt some craving and increased it to 50 AM and 25 PM, and was drinking one or two glasses or wine in the evening. My goal was to be able to drink a glass with dinner or when it was a special occasion, when in spain and with the extended family, eventually I went to 50 AM and 50 PM and I think that is when I started to notice the eye problems. I think that I didn't really need to have increased the dose, I just didn't want to feel "ANY" desire at all, I have absolutely no will power and didn't want to have to even try to use it. So, yes, I am willing now to take a chance again for that "miracle", but I will not go above 50AM, 25PM, and yes, Space, I promise that I will go for an eye check in a month before I return to spain for my daughter's surgery. Don't worry, I don't want to go blind. So far, I'm feeling no effect from the Topa, according to lots of people it doesn't work so well the second time around, but we will see, I will give it time, no rush to increase the dose.

            And wow, Space, I thought you were taking Topa, I can't seem to keep it straight what everyone is taking, I guess I would have to keep a journal or something, LOL, I'll have to read back to see just what you are on, whatever, I know that it is making a difference for you, I know it is a combination of a few things. I'm waiting for that book. Now as for the L-Glut, I'm getting mine tomorrow from the vitamin store, and do you absolutely have to take it on an empty stomach? If so, how do you take it several times a day? I like the idea of putting all the pills in a bowl and just taking them at random but I'm not at home for the day most days.

            Rainy, what does Gluten free mean? And Space, I know that you can still have bread because I see all kinds of bread in the stores that are Gluten free now. And by the way, how did you hurt your back? I think you told us some time ago, but I can't remember, I'm getting on you know.

            Hippy, you are doing so well, I'm jealous, I'm envious of your courage to take the AB, just the courage that it takes to take something that you KNOW that you can't drink on, God, that takes GUTS, you are a strong girl, but Hippies Rock.

            Hi WTE, thanks for your concern, and well yes, I think that if your mother had glaucoma you might have more chance of having it, but it is really something that many many people have, so not just hereditary, just make sure you get eye checkups regularly. And, yes, I'm getting my L-Glut tomorrow, I'm definately sold on it now since hearing from all of you, I'll report in a few days on it.

            Sun, I'm so so glad that you are finding your niche again, gee, now I just pray that I can find mine, I kind of don't think it is going to happen this time Sun, I'm feeling sad and discouraged, I hope it does.

            Houtx, I just love that, "Kick him to the curb", nicely said, and I love my little balcony patio garden but I feel guilty when I have my wine out there, doesn't sound like you feel guilty at all (that's a good thing), and hope the new Match comes thru with flying colors!

            love to all, really, I love you all, thank you for being in my life.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Bump, because all you topa ladies are really fine (and really interesting) people.

              You are here:


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey Everyone,

                Hope you all had a great day today. It was really special for me as my family had a B-day dinner for me.

                Really wanted to stop and get a bottle of wine this evening and even went right past the store but since the grand baby is staying the night that just wasn't an option. Also, I don't want to drink in front of my children so that got me through another day.

                The other reason for not drinking is I have to lose weight. I have put on some pounds over the last couple of months and it just isn't working for me. I have an event coming up in about 6 weeks and I need to fit into my good clothes.

                Very tired and going to bed. I'll check in again tomorrow if I can. Good night!!!!!
                Day 1:4/4/2014


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi, my name is Dizzy (not really)

                  and I take 50mg Topamax, 25mg in the morning and 25mg in the afternoon. I also take 10mg of Citalopram but I am considering going off it. Other than that I take a really good multivitamin and other supplements as the mood takes me. I'm also trying my utmost best to eat healthy home-made food.

                  (Could we perhaps all state what meds we are on to help everyone else keep up)

                  Thanks for the kind words on bf. He sent another email saying 'Let's not fight, but everything's changed.' So I said I have nothing to add at the moment and I actually quoted what WTE said. Well I didnt say it was WTE but I said I seeked counselling and:

                  "She said that she can't see how a mature man who was about to plan marriage to a woman can't forgive her for speaking plainly to him on his second birthday, especially as she made him aware several times prior that she was not happy about his lack of communication. She said that if you can't forgive me now, it is probably better to let it be. And I agree, after all, I'm only human, and I will make more mistakes in future."

                  I realise this is not a very zen thing to do but if we are to settle this thing, I have to let him understand that he has very much hurt me and that I will not allow him to walk over or abuse me. I have not decided if I want to be with him. Perhaps its just easier for me to handle this in bite size pieces than to just say 'f@ck this' all at once.

                  Anyhoo... enough of that nutcracker. I have to really work hard today. I had a flu shot on Friday so I have a bit of a cold now. Lots of Echinacea, vitamin C and a natural antibiotic that is crammed with Zinc, Olive leaf extract, ginsing etc.

                  :bday7: Mims!!! And not drinking on your birthday too! Looks like someone IS wearing a big girl panties. LOL. I'm with you on the weight loss thing, just as soon as this cold is over I'm going to do something drastic, there is just part of me that wants to be a bit kind to me at the moment. Anyway, I hope your day was fantastic, was it yesterday?

                  Thanks Gingerdust! I'll drop by the Nal thread some time, I just stuck my finger in so many pies and now I can't keep up!

                  , Rainy and others, I wonder about this Gluten thing. Because I have been sprouting so much I know that some people believe you can take the 'poison' out of gluten by first sprouting the grains and then baking it. I'll write a post on the benefits of sprouting after this one.

                  The Gluten Doctors: Is Gluten in Sprouted Grains? Truth Revealed

                  has a boyfriend! Houtx has a boyfriend! Well done you! And the L-Glut works really well when you let it. But you'll know when you're ready for it and perhaps later, the Topa.

                  , Sun is right, we should both put on our big girl panties and not be manipulated by our moms so much. On Sundays we arent feeling well, we should just let them fend for themselves. Like last night I spent 3 hours making parents supper and I took over but I considered only staying half hours a victory... I guess it was a small victory. Perhaps do baby steps. What is the dinner about, the food or the conversation? Because you said she wants to watch TV. So perhaps premake the food and then just invite her to come eat it at your house. Or something like that? And remember you are a big girl now and you are doing her a favour so while she's under your roof she'll have to eat whatever you dish up.

                  How is your back hon?

                  WTE, thanks for the advice and kind words. I do think of you and the others too in my day to day life. You are like my 'virtual gang' and I often think ooh, this one will like that or think of something someone said. Its a bit odd at times, like last night when I asked my mom what you can use for your gopher problem and she asked me how I knew you. I just said we met on a gardening forum, I think thats good and true, eh?

                  And I suppose the drinking will go up and down a bit. I've heard that we problem drinkers struggle with really bad and really good times as well as when we feel like everything is just OK and we are in control. But you know what, 3 glasses is nothing to sniff at. I know many normies who wouldn't bat an eyelash at this.

                  , I'm so glad you are taking steps to cut down. Not that you have to but you said that you were worried and were drinking more than ever. And I don't blame you, you went through such an awful time. But I know that once our Sunny put her mind to something...something is about to happen.

                  So is Katie still helping you in the garden? How is she adjusting? Glad to hear you finally got round to planting those seeds and plants. So pictures soon?... LOL, will stop pandering you now.

                  Oh dear, I hope I remembered everyone. A shout out to everyone out there who is reading but too lazy to post.

                  Hugs and love to everyone.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Why Eat Sprouts?


                    The tiny seeds are packed with stored nutrients just waiting for the moisture to start the germination process. Germination is simply the birth and growth of a baby plant and it is both fascinating and wonderful just like the birth of a child.

                    A common sunflower seed, for example, is only 3mm long, but it contains the blueprint necessary to provide for the development of a 6 foot plant. A grain of wheat, increases its vitamin E content 300% after only 2 days of growth and the B2 vitamin riboflavin jumps from 13 milligrams to 54 mg in the sprout. In general, b vitamins can increase 300% to 1400% depending on the variety.

                    Enzymes that start the chemical process of a developing plant are abundant in sprouts and help with digestion. Protein production in sprouts is quite dramatic since it is needed for the growth and development of cells.

                    Alfalfa sprouts contain 3.8% protein and sunflower sprouts contain 4.0% This compares with Boston and Bibb lettuce which contain 1.2%, New Zealand spinach 2.6%, and Iceberg lettuce less than 1% protein. Minerals also increase during germination. The potassium content of alfalfa sprouts is 870 mg (per 100g), while Boston lettuce has 264mg.

                    Alfalfa has 210mg calcium and New Zealand spinach 2.6mg. The addition of liquid kelp to the soak and or rinse water increases mineral content to levels that are as much or more than growing the plants in soil.

                    Economy and Ecology

                    Sprouts are an excellent way to feed your family for very little money. A pound of alfalfa greens for example starts with only 5 tablespoons of seeds costing about 25 cents.

                    Where else can you get organically grown greens for that price! Even if you do get organic produce, it often comes from far away. The costs of transporting food across continents or international borders is driven by politics, price of oil and other factors we cannot control and which do not serve the farmer or the consumer. When you grow your own, you get the freshness factor.
                    Let's face it, a head of lettuce that is picked a week ago, transported across the country, stored in a warehouse and on grocery shelves is not as vibrant as the one fresh picked from your garden. Sprouts are alive and grow right up to the time you put them on your plate.

                    The nutrients are in their prime and the enzymes are abundant. This "live food factor" delivers to us all of nature's secret ingredients that old produce no longer has to offer.

                    Is it organic? Of course! You can be sure because you are the grower. No questions about organic verification are necessary. A harvest of home-grown indoor organic greens and beans is available year-round whether you live in Hawaii or Alaska, in January or July.

                    Consider What a Sprout is

                    Before we go into the specifics of why sprouting is good for you, allow me to give you a visual for what is happening. A seed (or grain or legume) has many nutritional advantages to you, but many of them are locked up tight by anti-nutrients such as phytic acid. It’s almost like a mini treasure chest, but you have to be able to find the right key to open it. Once you start the germinating process, that dormant seed starts to become a live plant. Anti-nutrients are cast away, it changes, inside and out, and when you eat that seed, no longer are you eating just a seed, instead you are eating a tiny little plant. The process of changing seeds into little plants is easy, but the changes that happen is huge.

                    Here are a few of the things that happen during that process.

                    Phytic Acid and Enzyme Inhibitors are Neutralized

                    Phytic acid binds with calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc, making it hard to impossible for you to absorb those nutrients. It’s also irritating to your digestive system. By sprouting your grains, legumes or seeds, you are neutralizing phytic acid very effectively. You will also be neutralizing enzyme inhibitors, which unfortunately not only inhibit enzymes in the actual seed, but can also inhibit your own valuable enzymes once they have been eaten.

                    This is one of the biggest advantages in my mind. I have started sprouting some of my legumes, since the phytic acid in some legumes are especially hard to neutralize. Your seed/grain/legume will be much easier to digest now that you have sprouted it, and you will also be able to assimilate more nutrients.

                    Sprouting Aids Digestibility

                    Beyond even anti-nutrients that are neutralized by sprouting, there are other changes that take place during sprouting that make it easier for us to digest our seeds/legumes/grains.

                    “Soaking will also help to diminish s0me of the fat content and will help convert the dense vegetable protein to simpler amino acids for easier digestion. The more complex carbohydrates in the foods will also start to break down into the simpler glucose molecules” Wendy Rudell, Raw Transformation

                    Have you ever had problems with legumes causing intestinal gas? Well sprouting helps break down the complex sugars responsible for that, making them easier for all of us to digest.

                    Sally Fallon gives us one more reason to sprout our grains as well, saying that “Sprouting inactivates aflotoxins, potent carcinogens found in grains.” Nourishing Traditions, pg 112

                    Finally, now that the enzyme inhibitors are neutralized, enzymes, which help you digest your food, are free to be produced during the sprouting process and then consumed.

                    For all of these reasons, sprouting greatly helps digestion.

                    Other Nutritional Advantages

                    The process of germination not only produces vitamin C, but also changes the composition of grains and seeds in numerous beneficial ways. Sprouting increases vitamin B content, especially B2, B5, and B6. Carotene increases dramatically-sometimes even eightfold.” Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions, pg 112

                    Sally also mentions how the Chinese used to carry mung beans when on long journeys at sea. They would sprout and eat the mung beans as they contained sufficient amount of vitamin C to prevent scurvy. Who doesn’t need a little extra vitamin C in it’s natural absorb-able form? This is a great benefit for all of us.

                    Nutritional info:
                    Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K
                    Calcium, Carbohydrates, Chlorophyll, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc
                    All Amino Acids
                    Trace Elements
                    Protein: up to 35%

                    Sprouts Are More Alkalizing to the Body

                    Some food is acid forming, and some is alkalizing. We need a balance of acid to alkaline food to maintain good health. Unfortunately, we usually have too many acid forming foods in our diet (stress, and environmental stresses also make our body more acidic). Grains, legumes and meats are generally thought to be acid forming (that doesn’t mean that they are bad, just that they need to be balanced out with alkaline food), fruits and vegetables are alkalizing. By sprouting your grains and legumes, you are helping them become a more alkaline forming food. Remember that by sprouting you are starting the process of making a plant. So, in a sense, it’s more like eating a plant or vegetable so therefore more alkalizing.>
                    Sprout seeds

                    Sprouting grains, beans, almonds and other seeds is a much overlooked way to use these basic foods. You'll find ways to use sprouts in various recipes in this section. You' may also use them in place of green leaves in the winter. As a sandwich filling sprouts give body ad flavour. The followings and table will show how simple it is to prepare sprouts. Use dry beans, whole hulled sunflower and similar seeds, and shelled, unbalance almonds.

                    Main Source:
                    Why Sprout?


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi everyone, I do read through all the posts on here but find it hard to respond to everyone so Im sorry that I dont.

                      Play I read about the L glut working at its best when taken on an empty stomach and that we should wait around 20 mins before eating, that is something to do with amino acids compeating with each other and knocking each other out, or something like that, but I dont do that, I forget when I wake on the morning, I am too eager for my coffee and smoke to be taking L gluut then waiting for my coffee and I think it works whenever I take it really, I think it would just work better taken the recommended way, in theory anyway. So dont worry about it, I dont think anyone else on here does either and it seems to work for all of us whenever and however we take it.

                      No Im not on topa, and Im not sure how I came to be on this thread, yes I am I was reading about All One and joined in there and stayed since, it is a freindly thread and also I can relate to the peeps who are using cutting down methods and may not be AF but are making fantastic progress anyway, you may have read that I believe for me it isnt just about how many days I can go without drinking I know I can do that I have done it many times in the past but it is far more than that, it is about a change happening over time deep within. I have been told many, many times over many, many years that I cannot drink at all in safety, that I will always end up drunk and out of control and regretting it, I heard this so often and for so long I believed it to be true, I am now proving to myself that is not true, if I can prove this then I can find and prove the other untruths for me and discover the truth though the myriad of lies and incorrect information and beliefs.

                      Back to topa I have never tried it, that doesnt mean I wouldnt, I think you might have guessed I will search until I find what works for me, and right now I seem to have something that is working for the drinking. I honestly cant drink much, I have an off switch that I never had before, I have some lager and just stop, I dont want more I have had enough and instead make my hot milk and go to bed. I cannot emphasize enough that I have never done this before, the off switch that other people seem to have when they have a few drinks and dont want more didnt exist within me and now it seems to be there. This is only days and may be a fluke, I am wary of talking about it on here because of this, I dont want to tempt fate but I am going to carry on with it and see what happens.

                      A problem I have is I have gone and put my finger in too many pies as well as you dizzy and it is both hard to keep up and also I dont want to repeat myself so i am spreading myself too thinly as my mum would put it. By putting bits of me here there and everywhere I am leaving too much out I think, that is the advantage of being on just one thread, but the advantage of being on several threads is meeting so many more people and learning so much more. I know I can just read and lurk on any thread but to me that isnt anywhere near the same as actually getting into it and talking. I suppose I mean being part of the group.

                      Oh and about my mum and Sindays, I just moan on mostly yesterday was a good day with her, and it is about the food and about spending time together as a family, the tv thing isnt about conversation or lack or it it is about the fact that in my house the kitchen and living room are compleatly separate so we are in different rooms, whereas in my mums flat the kitchen is part of the living room so we are all together no matter what we are doing. It isnt an option to not go, then I know she would be sitting alone and lonely and I dont want that, I can give up a few hours one day a week to be with her, I just need a moan about it but am not looking to change it. We have to have dinner in hers now anyway as I havent got an oven, Ive got no clue when I will get the money to buy another cooker either so its no roast dinners or cakes in my house for a while


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Space :l I know what you mean about your mom. As long as its OK then keep doing it, you truly have a good heart.

                        I know how you feel about all the threads but I do hope you keep up with this one. Don't feel you always have to comment on everyone's posts, I know that it takes at least an hour to do that!

                        Perhaps just send general positive vibes and comment on the bits that stand out for you. I don't think anyone will take offense. :l


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I will dizzy thanks I wasnt thinking of leaving this thread, not after starting to get to know you all and I like it here :l


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Good Morning everyone - gosh Space I know what you mean about reposnding to everyone - I too like to do that but as Diz said, it takes an hour to do it and I just don't have the time always. Right now I have a little while before going off to the Monday morning meeting. Then I come home and go back this afternoon to do the closing shift. I don't mind as I only live about 10-15 mins away. The managers that live 40 mins away stay and do the open/day shift.

                            ANYWAY - I am happy Space, that something is working for you - isn't it a lovely feeling when that happens? I had my 2 Guinness yesterday but then attacked the Kahlua so my day wasn't as good as it could have been. But one day at a time - yes? I wish I could buy Guinness in singles instead of in fours. I am glad that you are happy wth things as they are with your mum and yes, we all need to have a whinge now and then - LOL

                            Morning Diz - sounds as if you have a good head screwed on re the b/f and the way you are handling it. Loved the sprout article - very good! I always go back to the alfalfa no matter what other sprouts I do - I try others but the alfalfa is always my fav! Katie is fine thanks - although she didn't want her breakfast this morning - REALLY odd for a puppy!! But I am not going to worry about it. She is getting much better about not chewing plants - yesterday was so hot I didn't have her out there with me much. I actually woke up to a storm and rain today so all my seeds from yesterday will be well watered in. and pictures - ONE day!! I want to wait until my garden actually is growing properly really.

                            Houtx - hi there - yes, your time on the balcony sounded lovely and nice that you havebeen chatting with someone from Match - my daughter has tried others places but am not sure if she has tried them or not.

                            Hi WTE - how did the party go? Yes, I can understand hwy it will be hard to keep to your limit - I think it would be hard for anyone to keep to their limit in that situation - let us know how it went!!

                            Happy Birthday MIMI!! And as Diz said - so well done on not drinking too - what an acheivement! So well done!

                            Ginger - that was sweet of you - THANK YOU :l

                            Play - hi there - I am running out of time - but no, I don't even think about what is in my tummy when I take my L-Glut - as I said, I am a grazer so the liklihood of said tummy being empty is slim!! I don't think it really matters! i do think the powder is much better than the tabs though, for what it is worth! And I too, am sort of feeling a tad discourages today - I didn't so as well as I had hoped yesterday - but also didn't take my supps, not my afternoon Topa - nor my L-Glut! BAD SUN !! Hang in there - it will happen.

                            Hey Rainie - how are you -- where are you??

                            Hippiegirl - how are you doing today? Please pop in and let us know

                            I am out of time - must get to meeting.

                            Love and hugs, Sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Morning to all …

                              Well a fairly successful Sunday considering the birthday party and all and the Sangria I was dragging to it. It’s a recipe from my favorite bartender down in Cozumel when I used to dive down the all the time. All I can remember is I always seemed to get ready buzzed on the concoction! But I made it this time around, same ingredients and added the ginger ale at the last moment and warned everyone about it. Many were drinking it and after I have 2 glasses over a full glass of ice – didn’t even feel like I had a half glass of wine. Others seemed the same so I either watered it down with too much ginger ale, or it was because we were drinking it in such large glasses of ice that it was deceptive on how little we were actually drinking – of that bartender used to add A LOT more rum and schnapps! HA! Anyway, I headed home with a full tummy of great food and stone cold sober and happy that I never touched a glass of chardonnay.

                              Play! Hello neighbor! I lived in SF for almost 20 years and then in Berkley for a few more before I headed south. I miss it so much but am now thoroughly rooted down here and can’t imagine moving after having my shop for 18 years and my home for almost 13. I too “patio gardened” for many a year in The City. Don’t feel guilty enjoying a sip out there until you get your groove again.

                              And on that note, Topa did NOT work for me one time and then another time it went BANG. I will never understand why, but like you it happened fast. This time, not so fast, but consistent so I am going with that flow and perhaps that is just how it’s going to work for me in the long run. Have faith and keep a positive mindset – it just may be “different this time around.

                              I don’t take L-Glut on an empty stomach, except when I first get up. My canister never mentioned that so I never heard about it until I read it here. I still find it very effective. I too am a grazer so usually never have an empty stomach.

                              Houtx! – I keep on thinking about going back on Match and then look at the guys and go -OH NO .. He’s STILL here???? EEWWWW. HA! I swear I have dated a;; the frogs in San Diego! Good luck on the latest find and keep us posted! I wish I could have nailed down my golf game. Seems a good icebreaker rather than going out for drinks or coffee or having to commit to a full day sport. Just couldn’t get that swing back after the collar bone break. *sigh* Glad you like the L-Glut. And sounds like a fun weekend !

                              **Waving hello to Ginger Dust

                              Hey Mimi! Happy (belated) Birthday! And congrats on Day 3 for REALLY great reasons (beside for yourself of course!) You go girl!

                              Diz – I’m so pleased I’ve finally gotten my counselor degree without going back to school! HA!

                              In all seriousness, I think you are right in taking this is “bite sized pieces “right now with all that is going on. Your world and life is slowly evolving right now and there is a lot of “newness” you are adjusting to. As the fog continues to lift I think everything will continue to become clearer and clearer and which directions you will travel. You’re doing right in taking care of Diz right now.

                              As for the “met on a gardening fourm” – YEP! Gardening our soil as well as our brains, soul and drinking issues! HA! All SO very true… So, did your Mum have suggestions?

                              Hello to everyone else as I am also running out of time and this is THE big week … so if you don’t near much from me, that is the reason.

                              Two more days of my second “month” to go – I just count my months as 4 weeks solid. I think I have decided to make my goal for my third month to remain at an average of no more than 3 glasses, BUT, to be able to do that with more ease. To be able to buy 4 bottles of wine at a time (and save 30%) and yet not exceed my limit, not start early in the day because it is there, not have to pour out wine, and to again have some AF days without white knuckling. I look like a mad scientist in my kitchen transferring wine from a normal size bottle to 4 “baby bottles” now but I have a system that allows me to keep perfect track and is a great reminder for me. I often take one of the small bottles and pour just half into my small wine glass and then put that in the door of the frig and walk away. Often that is enough for some time, rather than constantly topping off my glass. At any point I can see those little empties, or half empties and know where I stand. End of day I chart the bottles & put them back in the little holder knowing if I drank 2 glasses or 2 and a half. Sounds silly I know – but it’s working for me! HA!

                              Happy Monday to ALL!



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                ROTFLMBO - I HAVE DONE IT !!!!! These are pics of the hail about 20 mins after the storm that I was in the other day - I wanted to post a pic - I posted a couple on the gardening thread but needed to post one here too to show you all that I can do it - hey hey hey!!!!!

                                love and hugs !!!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1847653=6791-attachment.jpg[/img]
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

