Hi guys
Still not talking to bf. Working hard on my huge nursing policy translation project. Getting in an hour’s worth of excercise per day when its not raining by walking the dog and gardening.
And I have a lovely market on Saturday for which I must still make 20 hemp drawstring sprouting bags... and I suck at sewing... LOL. My mom was going to help me but she is so depressed from the bipolar that she is hardly getting out of bed. Anyway, she is seeing the psychiatrist today so he can try to put her on Topamax, which is working wonders for my depression, so please keep your fingers crossed.
Other than that I saw Dark Shadows last night. A must see for any of you who love Tim Burton/ Johnny Depp/ Helena Bonham Carter Movies. A bit like Sleepy Hollow meets the Adams Family with lots of cookiness and loads of LOLs.
Have you guys noticed that its a bit easier to deal with problems when you are AF or modding? You have to of course first step back and look at what’s behind the problem.
Of course the newly sober have double the problems – the problem, and the baggage of the problem because it was never dealt with before.
When I was drinking I went along with so much crap because I simply did not have the energy to fight it. As long as I could get my work done, have the house in reasonable order and got to the wine at the end of the day, that’s me happy.
Now, I stand up for what I believe in and its incredibly empowering. I don’t mean this in a: now I’m a controlling person way. I just mean I now stand up for what I believe for. And LOL, I no longer fight like a drunk person... You know, I’d get all drunk and emotional and tearful and then ramble on at people and feel SO not in control of the situation.
Wild – Good on you for taking the wallet in. People are so distrustful today. Damn, now I also want a Frappucinno but we don’t have Starbies here.
Space – Your trip away sounds really nice. Sorry about the tins though... Perhaps you can sit down and make a plan when you come back from your trip? Also, if your son is older and your back is really giving you grief, perhaps he can walk to school every morning or alternate?
Sunny – I didn’t know about the attachment thingie. Perhaps you should write a tutorial for the others now, I bet that your way is much easier than photobucket. Sorry the Topa isn’t working so well for you and you’re on max dose too. Well, I suppose you could go higher but that is quite hectic. Here we get large glass beer bottles that take 750ml or 1l of beer, so I sometimes buy that when I’m modding. People also buy ‘loosies’ over here, I know you can buy them at Cafe’s.
WTE – You tell Houtx... Its cruel what people do to dogs. I laughed at how you described he was, never being in a house or being loose in a car, these are just all things we take for granted.
Mimi – I was hoping you’d stick with Topa but yes, we must all figure out our own plan. Well done of going AF on your own though! That takes courage and conviction. It’s so exciting with all the grandbabies. My heart goes out to you about your grandchild having been like was your grand daughter and now having to stand back, that must be difficult.
And Houtx, you are a “terrible, horrible, very bad person...” Get over it! :nutso: (Did the reverse psychology work yet?)
Play, I also noticed that no one here mentions the carbonated drinks thing and it doesn’t affect me but if you read other topa boards like the one I read on weight loss almost EVERYONE complains about it. Perhaps it has to do with AL, I don’t know. People only have to share what they like about their meds but as this is a meds thread I think it is appropriate to at least ask.
It’s a bit of a weird thought but there are also other people out there following our progress wondering what we are taking and whether they should ask their doctors for it.