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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    WTE its great to hear from you, I am so amazed and impressed by your success, and I believe your traking what you are doing is helping you no massively, I often wish I had done that so I had things in black and white where Im up t o and how far Ive come.

    I didnt understand what you were talking about when you said you ordered pizzas and that sent your drinks over target, I was thinking how can eating margharita pizzas put you over, do you like to drink a lot of wine with them? OK I just googled margaritas:H


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      new too

      I am new here as well. I subscribed a couple of weeks ago but have not received the Kudzu. Does anyone know how long it takes to get it?



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi info - welcome to MWO. I have a friend who just subscribed and she too is still waiting for her kudzu so am not sure how long it takes!! Nice to have you join us - if you want to tell us a little about yourself please do - feel free to jump in anytime - if you want to start on the newbies nest that would probably be a good place to start unless you plan on taking Topa in which case here is a super place too...... but feel free to stay here as well. (I mean as well as going to the newbies nest - gosh I am getting myself confused - sorry!!) anyway WELCOME !!

        Hugs, Sun :l
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Playland- you are right, my hubby and I have been together a long time and I could never leave him. I am hoping this is just a bump in the road.
          Tammy- We have all been where you are now. More than once I am afraid. Today is a new day with no mistakes in it yet so put one foot forward and try not to drink.
          Houtx- Glad you had a great weekend way to go
          Dizzy- Glad your mother?s day turned out good. It Sounds like it was relaxing.
          Sun- Thanks for the message!!!
          WTE- Yes, the grand baby is doing okay. She fell 2 times yesterday but being bound up helped protect the collarbone thank goodness. She was having some pain after that so I gave her some baby tilenol. Poor girl.
          Is that a picture of your dog? Beautiful!
          Info- Glad you are here, this is a great place to be. Lots of support and lots of friends

          We had a house full on mother's day. No alcohol involved as my husbands family doesn't drink. However, after everyone left I had part of a beer.

          We are spending the month of January in Hawaii next year and my hubby told my inlaws so they said they would come over for 2 weeks. Then they said they would pay to stay with us for that two weeks. when they left I looked at my husband and said "no way am I spending 2 weeks with them in the same house" he laughed and agreed so we plan on getting a one bedroom and they will have to get a place of their own.

          I need to get in the shower and my day going. Have a good one everyone.
          Day 1:4/4/2014


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Mimi you are sounding so much happier. Im intrested, when you say your hubby's family dont drink, is that because of religion or they just all dont like drink?

            Im so glad your grandbaby is healing well, I do hope she gets well quickly and can move around freely soon.

            Hi info, cant tell you how long it takes to get your delivery but welcome to MWO, have a good look around all the threads. Are you thinking of taking meds, most on this thread take topa, and there are other meds, Im only asking that because you posted here on this one, or there are threads for you wanting to just quit without, maybe jusdt using the kudzu. Whatever you decide, Good Luck


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Space- My husbands family doesn't drink because of religion. something that has always been a huge part of our life until my husband had an affair and stopped going to church. It changed our life completely. I still go and love it but struggle with alcohol which came into our lives with the new set of friends. These friends are good people they just lead a different life.

              I grew up with addiction and chose to marry someone that was the complete opposite so to have my life changed so dramatically has been really difficult. That doesn't mean I had to change however!!!

              I hate mice. My daughter, my dog and I were sitting on the couch. My daughter and I were having a little snack while Rory was hoping to get a little bite (we don't feed her people food). All of a sudden I looked down only to realize that I had a mouse sitting on my lap also hoping to share my food with me. You have never seen two girls move so fast in your life. I hit the mouse with a pillow knocking it to the floor while daughter jumps up on the couch, daughter then runs out of the room hoping this little mouse doesn't attack her. I start tearing the couch apart because by this time we can't find the mouse. I am suprised that the neighbors didn't come running thinking that a mass murderer hadn't attacked us.
              We now have the doors shut and mouse traps set. lol
              Day 1:4/4/2014


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Houtx, I order from River Pharmacy, they are super professional, you can call and speak to a person, track your order online and it takes about two weeks to get the package. You have to give a doctors name but they do not contact them and I always recognize the medications that they send, I know the pills because I'm a nurse and I've seen most of them so many times before.

                The topa is really taking effect for me, thank god, thank the universe, tonight I looked up and it was 8pm, I had thought about a drink off and on for a few seconds each time but it passed away immediately, however I am having a glass of wine at this time, but I feel really good about things right now. Early to bed tonight and taking my mom to do errands tomorrow.

                Goodnight and a goodnight to everyone, hope you have sweet dreams, talk tomorrow.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  My Balcony Garden

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                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    My Balcony Garden

                    This is my small patio balcony garden. It is only just started and I have alot of work still to do. I hope it survives while I am gone to spain. My daughter will care for it but doesn't have quite as much time to devote as she will have to come to my apartment often to water.

                    bye for now,
                    play Attached files [img]/converted_files/1854514=6804-attachment.jpg[/img]


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I don't feel like posting. I feel like feeling sorry for myself a little more.
                      I am a bipolar alcoholic who now also has to deal with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
                      The new Glucophage meds is messing with my tummy and hormones, has caused my period to return after it just stopped, and is making my mood blacker than night. I'm not drinking, I'm just depressed as hell.
                      Thanks for all the well wishes, I do appreciate them.
                      I'll be back as soon as my pity party ends.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Dizzy, if this mood is due to hormones it could pass in a couple of days, if however its due to the new meds you will have to go back and see your doc about it. You have been feeling great for so long now, I know myself that means Im going to come right down into a horrible black hole.

                        I hope this passes quickly for you



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Thanks Space :l

                          I'm pretty sure it's hormonal and also due to the fact that I'm feeling sorry for myself.

                          My boyfriend sent me the money and everything was going fine until he made a remark that seriously pissed me off, something along the lines that he is now broke. What a huge, fat, lie. How can someone earning so much be broke after lending 4 days' worth of that to someone he's suppose to love?

                          First off, he sent me 500 quid more than I asked for, second off, I said it's a loan which I will repay over 6 months, and to only send it if he COULD. I wish I could withdraw all the money, fly to London on a magic carpet and choke him with it while he's asleep.

                          That comment alone reconfirms to me that A. Its hormonal, and B. He's a royal f@ckwit.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Good Morning everyone - finally my long awaited day off after a run of 6 days working. It is a lovely sunny day and guess where I am going to be today ?? Yes - you guessed right - in my garden!! I slept in 'cos I didn't get to bed til late - had the required two Guinness - should have had just one but was trying to mavigate my insurance web page and find their suggested contractors!! Turns out they have none in our area darn it. Which means we have to find one on our own. Having had over 50 phone calls from contractors wanting to do our house, it is a daunting task to find one - we will go with a local one obviously.

                            ANYWAY - Diz - sorry you are feeling down - it is a sad place to be. Can you get Rhodiola there? I know it is more tabs but it always helps me when I take it...... or as Space said, if it is due to the new meds, see your doc. It is probably due to a mixture of ALL the stuff you have going on actually - the meds, the POS, the stuff with b'f - his answer to you re the money (jerk). I am so sorry - no wonder you don't feel like posting. can you baby yourself today? Work in the garden? (my answer to everything). Sending lots of hugs and strength to you my friend :l :h Hang in there. This too shall pass....

                            Play - so happy that the Topa is kicking in for you. you are SO lucky it does that at such a low dose - I am green with envy!! Have fun with your mom......

                            Mimi - Oh dear - that poor mouse - it must have been terrified of you all!! You can get humane mouse traps you know - then just pop the mouse outside away from your house - please tell me you got the humane ones????

                            WTE - wow - that post must have taken over an hour to write!! I am glad you survived the hols - I should imagine you were working round the clock almost! I have never been able to work out how to do excel, which is silly as we use it at work - maybe I should try and do it at home - tracking drinks is a good idea - to see it in black and white! No lies to oneself that way! I was back to two last night.

                            Re the taste and Topa when drinking carbonated drinks - yes, I used to drink at least 3-4 or sometimes more sodas a day and when i first started Topa, that went down to one very quickly - the Topa makes stuff in a can taste odd - my Guinness tastes fine now, but that is one of the Side effects of Topa, so it can work better for beer drinkers than wine drinkers in that respect.

                            Loved your picture of Charlie - he is such a sweetie - I used to meet a dog that looked like him on our walks with maggie a few years ago - and I swear that dog was smiling at me when she ran up to me.

                            Hi there Struggles - are you around? Please pop in and let us know how you are doing - it would be good to hear from you.

                            Rainy - you too - how are things going?

                            Hi Houtx - so - have you worked out a plan yet? Enquiring minds want to know LOL

                            Well - time is rolling on and I need to get myself out to the garden. Back later everyone - have a great day

                            Love and hugs to everyone, Sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question


                              Hey mimi, are the rest of us really that boring: that kind of made me feel:upset: I hope we all have alot to offer here that gives us comfort and keeps us coming back day after day as friends.

                              Dizz, I too am so sorry that you have such a problem with the really terrible down times, the bipolar issue is really terrible to go thru, I went with a boyfriend when I was younger and he had the highest highs and the lowest lows with bipolarism (?) and even refused to take medication but he did self medicate with alcohol, it was an awful situation.

                              Sun, yes, I'm so relieved that the topa is kicking in, god, what a relief to have the cravings starting to fade, the days are so much better, but I never seem to get past having that glass of wine in the evenings especially if I am by myself. But right now I am just ok with having it, I'm just being thankful that I can go back to spain in June with the torture of trying to drink on the sly, but trying not to drink because of taking care of the daughter and the kids and so drinking at night, now I can just have a glass of wine at night, oh, thank the lord, god, universe, whoever, whatever is out there, and the only thing the carbonated beverage tasting ruined for me is sparkling water, I used to love it but topa ruins it, but good grief who cares, a small price. I've noticed lately a few word mix ups, but I just smile to myself and love, love, love it:H.

                              Yes, mimi, please get humane mouse traps, I mean it, even tho they will just come back in from the field, but do it anyway.:h

                              WTE, your dog is so so beautiful, you must spend hours brushing him and he must never get tangles outside, i can't get over how beautiful he is, thanks for sharing.

                              Struggles, yes, please keep us company, we would love to hear about your Topa adventures:welcome:

                              Houtx, my plan is no more than 2 glasses of wine for the next two months, I would say 1 glass, but I don't want to challenge myself too much (no will power).

                              Rainy, where the heck are you? Please check in.

                              New hope your Kuduz arrives quickly.

                              bye and much love to you all, sleep tight,


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Everyone

                                I messed up my gardening post and had to redo it! Houtx, now I feel for you, only I had lots of photo links in there so I wasted an hour and now I'm late to start work.

                                Its a photo story about how my brother built a greenhouse for me to cheer me up. It worked!


                                I feel better now and ready to face this thing head on. Thanks for all the words of encouragement.

                                So Sunny, I guess I did follow your advice and I do feel better. I'm not going to try any more pills at the moment but I will keep the idea of Rhodiola at the back of my mind. I use and have a lot of respect for herbs but haven't had success with the AD qualities so far, St Johns Wort made me MORE depressed

                                Its so nice that you finally had some time off and time for gardening. What did you get up to in the garden then? I want to transform one of my beds into a raised bed too as it is just too clay-ey and it stays that way even though I have already sank 10 bags of compost in there.

                                Mimi, I couldn't help laughing at your story about the mouse. I'm afraid I'm not a real girly girl. I often save mice from my cats or take spiders outside and find it a little amusing to see my girlfriend jumping on couches when they see critters. I wish I could've seen a video :H Ahhh, Hawai sounds so nice. I'd love to go there, especially after I saw The Decendents.

                                , I definitely value each and everyone's contribution to this thread. I do say a little thank you prayer for Topa every day. It has taken so much strain from my life, the constant bickering and cravings are mostly gone and no normal person will understand how important that is.

                                , I too first thought you meant Margarita pizzas! LOL. I think you are doing really great. Charlie really is beautiful. And Lucky sends a belated thanks for calling him cute in a previous post. He has to take all the compliments he can get.

                                Hi, what is new in your world? Could you give us an update? Is the back any better yet?

                                I'm going to run everyone but I'll speak to you again soon,

                                Lots of hugs and love,


