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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    sunshinedaisies;1319838 wrote:

    Roosters. Hug them.

    I was up at 5.00 this morning and had done a days work by 12.00. I have been playing on the computer with Skype and this site ever since 12.00 and have just poured a Kahlua and milk. i know for a fact that I won't do much more today! I am going to bake a lemon raspberry tart actually but doubt that I will do much more. Oh - I might iron too, and maybe run the hoover through....... but yes, it does make us lazy!

    What!!!!! Ok Sun so if thats a lazy day I dont want to go where a busy day for you is, it is making me want to cry thinking about it.

    I love the image of Dizzy climbing over her neighbours fence to chase a Rooster round and trying to hug it, especially when the neighbour comes out and asks her what shes doing.:H:H


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      WTE just time for a line at this moment, Please Drop The Buddy.

      Will be back later, wow, so much to read from just since last night.

      bye for now,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        spacebebe01;1319858 wrote: What!!!!! Ok Sun so if thats a lazy day I dont want to go where a busy day for you is, it is making me want to cry thinking about it.

        I love the image of Dizzy climbing over her neighbours fence to chase a Rooster round and trying to hug it, especially when the neighbour comes out and asks her what shes doing.:H:H
        Okay - well, didn't get to iron - I forgot my daughter was coming over to do my hair which took almost 2 hours - and the hoovering hasn't been done either - but I have done my raspberry tart - it is in the oven! Guess what really really hurts? Grating the zest off 6 lemon halves when you have a cut from the food processor blade on the end of one finger and a cut from - darn, can't think what the other cut was from - but it was from today so was really fresh, on the second finger. I had to just grin and bear it as they had to be done. The tart smells really good though....

        Space - I am always on the go - I never sit still - even had a doctor ask me if I had been tested for ADD which actually annoyed me and I told her so. Just because I am always active?? I have been like this all my life.

        I am disappointed - we had rain threatened and it hasn't. which means I now have to go out and water. i think - there is still rain MAYBE. My poor plants..... Maybe I will wait until the morning. I close tomorrow but have to go in for the managers meeting at 8.00 am so if I get up earlier can do it before I go in....

        Hey there play - good to see you - yes a lot of posts!!!! Hope you had a good day!

        Love and hugs all,

        love, sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Dizz, love the baby polar bear, and yes where is Wildflowers, when we don't hear from someone for awhile they seem to kind of slip thru the cracks, I'm always happy when someone notices that they haven't posted for awhile. Happily the kitten in a cast and the 5th wheel have been sorted out, Sun's lost post is still out there somewhere which is a real shame.

          About the sharing club, gee, I forgot that some of us live in different parts of the world, but I have some experience shipping things worldwide due to selling on E-Bay so I guess it can be done.

          Now oh my Goodness WTE, I'm glad you had a place to vent, a very interesting Vent, and like I said before I hope that you will drop the Buddy, and as for the "friend/employee" I think you need to back up and have a "boundry-setting" session, she is after all an employee before friend. Gee, you really have alot on your plate, no wonder you forget to take your Topa, I'm really feeling for you, I would have "Gone Round The Bend" long ago if I were in your shoes, good luck with these two situations.

          Space, great idea to use this thread to be accountable, I'm with you and think I will do the same. I'm also intrigued that so many of the girls here drink the lager, beer?, I used to think we all liked wine, don't ask me why, I don't really like beer, only the first big swig if I am really hot and have been exercising heavily especially when I was younger, but I could never finish a whole beer, it was always wine. Today I increased my Topa: 25 AM 50 PM, 2 big glasses so far tonight, time for bed so probably no more, appetite decreased feeling today. Before I lost 8 pounds on Topa and gained it back right away when I ran out of the Topa so hopefully I will lose it again plus I would like to lose 10 more along with it, I didn't know it affected your appetite until I started taking it the first time.

          Struggles, sorry you had such a bad day, hope the days are better, hang in there and let us know how it goes.

          Time for bed here, sleep tight if it's your bedtime and have a great day if it's that time,


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            I will come back later to respond to everyone but just want to put out there that last night was 3 cans and in bed by 11pm. Much better, I have realised that if I set my bedtime and stick to it it will be lots better for me, dont know why I didnt do it before its so obvious but then thats me. I have had my green drink for breakfast and also had a shower!!!! all ready for the day. Ive got an xray this morning and a smear test booked for this afternoon so not a fun day but it needs to be done.

            I want to go back to bed but Im going to fight it ARGGGG I need to be strong


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Sunny, I love you but sometimes I think you must be on drugs. The only problem with me hugging a rooster is a BIG ONE: I hate roosters! I would rather have it crow to its heart's content than me ever having to touch it :H

              And you and Space's comedy routine is still continuing with you telling us about your 'lazy day' and Space then getting the giggles about me chasing the rooster. I really think the two of you should write comedy sketches.

              I remember reading that Wildflowers said she is going to disappear after Techie said he is going to go away but I really don't see why the two is related? I knew there were some problems on some of the threads and I also know that Techie felt he has completed his journey here but I'm confused as to why Wildflowers then thought she too should leave as she was coming to a point where she was really sharing openly. So if you're reading this WF, please come back.

              Sunny, mostly you are like Winnie the Pooh it’s just every once in a while you remind me of piglet. In Afrikaans we have a saying about a person being the fifth wheel on a wagon, in other words useless. It may also be an expression in English. Anyway, third wheel, fifth wheel... I think we have taken this one as far as it can go.

              Do you even realise how funny you are?

              "Guess what really really hurts? Grating the zest off 6 lemon halves when you have a cut from the food processor blade on the end of one finger and a cut from - darn, can't think what the other cut was from - but it was from today so was really fresh, on the second finger. I had to just grin and bear it as they had to be done. The tart smells really good though...."

              Hopefully nothing like seared flesh. :H

              Oh, and of course I really lost it when you told us about you messing up your words with the guy in shorts at the store. "I wasn't going to touch your leg - hopefully" Perhaps it’s the Topa turning you into Winnie the Pooh?

              So, I guess you are on drugs, we all are. :nutso:

              , I think perhaps most of us could burn CD's and DVD's and ebooks then perhaps only those who are keen to loan books can do so. I can also burn some software and instructions for those who are new to burning stuff. And as we have bought the original copies, I don't think there's anything wrong with sharing.

              , it must be quite hectic for your buddy to have seen fame so soon in his life and then to have lost it. But then men seem to have that Peter Pan syndrome where they just think they can get away with not having to ever fully grow up.

              Where are you, Mimi,
              and how are you doing? Have things calmed down a bit with your husband?

              , sorry your day isn't looking like that much fun. To be honest mine isnt either. Nothing is going according to plan.

              Car wouldn't start (immobiliser), gardener came late, bathroom ceiling still leaking (geyser's drip tray is broken), its freezing so I'd much rather be in bed but I can't as I have a strange man in my garden, I can't find any of the tools he needs, the vacuum cleaner is broken so I can't clean like I intended and I'll be damned if I'm going to sweep the carpet, and the dog won’t stop scratching.

              Well... at least the money my bf sent 10 days ago finally came through just now, so at least I don't have to file for bankruptcy. It also seems like we may be patching things up. He phoned me a couple of times over the weekend and I think things may be getting better. Part of me says I should be careful but another part of me says I haven’t fought for this relationship for a year just to stop trying weeks before we can finally give it a real go. So he is in Leeds this week but when he comes back I will start applying for my visa.

              Let me go do something useful...

              Have a great day everyone,


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Sun, if you will PM me your address I will send you those AL CDs, I can burn them even before I get back home, I have them here on my computer, at least some of them, anyone else too.
                Alcohol Freedom, includes a few things such as introduction, direct suggestion, alcohol zapper, moderation, aversion therapy.

                These don't require any software to burn, they are just done on the computer, she even gives her permission to burn, share, do whatever you want with them.

                I have more also, Forgiveness, very awesome, brings in people that you have had issues with.
                Lucky You!, this is one of my absolute favorites, such a delightful sense of adventure.

                I'll mark this page for myself in case you wonder what I have and don't want to wade back thru the pages just ask me where they are, I will keep putting my list together as I go along so they are updated pretty frequently.

                more later


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Play can I have the alcohol freedom one please, I dont know burn and stuff like that tho what do I do to get them.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Good Morning everyone..... back from the Monday morning meeting, having stopped on my way home and got daisy's no-bark coller. I am pretty sure that she has worn one before as she seemed to know all about it when I put it on her. she barked once in the house at some workmen outside and stopped immediately. i went outside to feed the birds and she didn't bark once - it was SO weird!!! Made me realise how stressed I had been getting at her constant barking outside. hated to do it to her but it had to be done..... it does have a warning vibration if she starts to bark and is only on a low level which is like a sting, not an actual shock..... poor daisy......

                    Play - PLEASE be careful with increasing your Topa - I worry about you with your eyes....... I know you will watch it..... yes, I will PM you my address. I need to burn the Wayne Dyer Cd too, but have to see if I can burn them on my laptop instead of my desktop computer - this one goes straight to my iTunes and don't think I can burn them from there. I know I can burn them from the regular place they usually go to and have no idea why they are going to iTunes on this computer - they didn't used to do that. I also have some Dyer books on CD too is anyone is interested......

                    Play - I have only ever drunk Guinness - sad to say but I was practically weaned on the stuff...... now and then would go to wine but always went back to Guinness. Love the stuff. I never actually lost weight on the topa - just lost the desire to eat as much - not that I used to eat a huge amount anyway.

                    Diz - I think Wildflowers might have left when techie did 'cos of all the stuff that was going on - it was pretty nasty in places. As a lot of it was on the 'journey' thread, even I considered leaving at one point. It really pulled me down - and I thought "what on earth am I doing here if it is making me miserable? I don't HAVE to be here". I backed off for a few days as it wasn't doing me any good and quite understood where Wildflowers was coming from - the atmosphere - if there is such a thing in the written form - was terrible - if you got anywhere near any of it - and was pervasive. I ended up getting over it as I also came here and have been on this forum for some time anyway. Maybe Wildflowers decided it wasn't worth it.

                    Had to laugh when I read it the way that you read it about the cuts on my fingers and the tart smelling good - LOL. Of course, the cut parts of my fingers were INSIDE the lemon halves while I was grating the lemon zest!! How funny!! And yes - that in the store with me hopefully touching the chaps leg - well, that was just a real mix up with words (Got to love taking Topa!!).

                    SO sorry about your problems this morning - golly - the car, the gardener, the bathroom ceiling - what a pain for you. Broken hoover - mind you, that is a good thing - LOL. Not really but at least it gets you out of cleaning....... I didn't end up hoovering yesterday. Am off tomorrow so will do it then. I have an appt with a plastic surgeon tomorrow - have a teeny tiny cyst on my lower eye lid that I wanted my doc to chop off and he won't - said it is too close to the eye for him to do, so have to see a plastic surgeon - GAH!!! What a pain - it would have been so easy - instead have to have a consult then the appt. My doc could have just nicked it off SO easily !!! I asked my doc seeing as I have to see the plastic surgeon that can he do an eyelid lift in with the cyst for the same price - but he said that insurance won't cover that - darn it! Well I tried.

                    Well, I am sure that you know what is best re the b'f so you go for it. Just be careful. I don't want to see you hurt again Dizzy......

                    Off to sort stuff out for work. Plus I need to eat something. i am really hungry.....

                    Love and hugs everyone, Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Sun, just download your stuff in ITunes and then burn the copy from there, it is simple. And space just send me your address on PM and I will send the CDs to you, great I'm glad you are interested in them, I think you will really like them.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Sun, thanks for reminding me about my eyes, yes, I am paying attention to them every day. I'm also thinking that they might be getting dried out as the Topa does require more fluid intake so I'm trying to make sure I drink more water and other fluids and also am putting in the hydrating drops that they gave me at the last appointment and they did say they were dry then, but I am being careful and will back off at the slightest hint of pressure and I know how it feels when it starts building up now.


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Lost another damn post - crap!!

                          Too much to comment on & no time now to recreate what I wrote. I even logged off & back on before I wrote. Dizzy don't start with me. Everyone loses posts, especially on this site. Anyway - lots to comment on!! Too much really. PLus after having posted and been rejected...UGH!!

                          L-glut is great!! TOPA is pending. Love reading everyone's posts!! Will try and be more personal soon. School is over in 7 more days - am trying to hang on :-)) Best to all of you!


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Back from work - had a nice steady evening unlike last Monday which was crazy......

                            SO sorry you lost your post Houtx, but nice to see you anyway. Bet the one you lost wasn't as good as the BEST POST EVER that I lost - LOL

                            Play - I didn't know I could burn from iTunes. I will have to go and have a look and see where it says "Sun this is where you burn a CD from". Glad I reminded you of your eyes - I worry about them for you......

                            I am tired but don't feel like going to bed yet..... but if I stay up might have another Guinness - I am on my second.... didn't have any L-Glut or Kudzu today - bad me. My eldest is up from Florida - I haven't seen her and she arrived last Thursday. Suddenly turned up this morning - walked in and said "I hadn't planned on coming over but spilled a cup of water over me so needed to dry off somewhere so came here 'cos it was nearest". Hurt doesn't come into it. Tons more but won't go into it all. She hasn't gone over to see her grandma - was supposed to see her Sunday - didn't go and when I called her and asked why she said "well it wasn't set in stone". I was ashamed of her - I did NOT bring her up to be that way. I saw her this evening - she wants a Nook and her birthday is coming up so she came to the store and so I asked her if she was going to see Grandma before she goes back and she said she didn't have time - I lost it - told her she was here for over a week more - my M-I-L lives 25 mins away. I am pretty upset about the whole thing. My two daughters are chalk and cheese. My youngest would do anything for anyone and is so considerate - she (my youngest) wanted to meet her sister to go to the zoo when she first got up here but apparently there were others going too that day so youngest sort of felt that she was being blown off .... and was so hurt. I need to stop. Will I leave all this here? Or will I delete the lot of it? Having got it out of my system........ It just hurts to see her (eldest) hurt others the way she does - she was NOT raised that way. She is just so self centred and selfish. Sorry for all the dirty washing stuff - not me usually. Just upset with my daughter. One tries to bring them up correctly - and thinks they have and then stuff like this happens.

                            I think I had better go to bed......

                            hugs to all,

                            love, sun XXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi Sun sorry your daughter upset you, maybe its a thing with grown up daughters I asked mine if she would come and help me mow the lawn and hoover the house and she said she would but I will have to pay her!! she must own me thousands that she has borrowed over the years and not paid back and I never mention it to her. So the result is she is not coming to do it. The thing is I would have given her money if she had come and done it. Then she really upset me by bringing up stuff that happened 8 years ago and then told me she was joking. Sorry about that I am still very upset about it. I was trying to say Sun that you are not alone in the way your daughter treats you, mine does it too.

                              Anyway last night 3 cans again, damn, I felt sick after drinking them, I mean bloated and just crap in my stomach. My L Glut hasnt arrived yet.

                              Im sorry that I havent been able to go through and talk to everyone, I am reading but my concentration seems to be a bit shot at the moment and Im so tired.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Morning Space - sorry your tummy is feeling yuck this morning - I ended up pouring a third last night but poured most of it out. Your daughter sounds like mine - bringing up stuff that happened 8 years ago ???? Ye gods!! Then saying she was joking - yeh right!! My mum and I did not have a good childhood - she actually told someone she didn't love me, and I knew it.... but we have sorted through it and made up and I have forgiven her on all of it - we have a wonderful relationship now. I just don't know why eldest is the way she is - I was not going to let her feel the way I felt as a child......maybe I overdid it? who knows. The youngest is SO the opposite.... it just hurts me that she treats my M-I-L the way she does. ANYWAY onwards eh?

                                I was out of the Kudzu and ordered some from here on friday - and it arrived yesterday - I was amazed! So have no excuse now - LOL. hope your L-Glut arrives soon..... It is funny the way we two struggle with our 2-3 cans isn't it?? Trouble is sometimes mine gets to four - then I know it too!!

                                On with my day...... love and hugs to everyone - I need to go and fine the button on iTunes to tell me how to burn the CD for you all.

                                Love, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

