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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Oh poor Diz - yes, hangovers are from hell aren't they? Just drink lots of water and nibble on stuff throughout the day.......

    Your plan sounds a good one - at least then you will know and as you said, at least you will have it out of your system - an open ticket sounds like a good idea. Flats are not easy to get over there - at least they weren't when I lived there - I suppose it might depend on where you live. Laughed at you using some of your 'other' talents!! And I would like to know what it is about men that they do not get that we like gardening!! I have gardened since I met hubs 30 odd years ago - and he keeps bringing up the idea of us living in a condo - where you can only plant what the committee has said you can - etc., etc., and can't have a washing line - you get the idea - I finally told him that putting me somewhere like that would be akin to putting me in prison!!! he has FINALLY got the idea - it has only taken him about 7 years to understand it. Said that we will stay here until I tell him I can't manage the garden any more.

    Houtx - I am still fascinated by the fact that you said that the L-Glut gives you mental clarity...... you didn't mention it again.... you think it does?? How long are the children home for? Are you teaching summer school or are you going to get a break?

    Diz - what op is your dad having? How long after his op will you leave do you think?

    Hi there space - how far from Diz will you be in UK?

    got to get going - love and hugs to all,

    love, Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I buy meds online rather than go thru the establishment as well as the fact that I live in the US and could never get health insurance again for the rest of my life,"

      Hi Play:
      Just wanted to ask you about that. I take the topa and my counselor prescribes them fine and every month my pharmacy calls and I pick them up... Been doing that a long time. I am also. Doing this all on subsidized state health ins so have you run into something I should be concerned about?
      I don't think you can get more establishment then state health insurance
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        A quick one! (which I always say and then ramble on for ages! HA!)

        I am having a heck of time with Sir Charles! LOL I had to remove his cone head as it was digging into the incision which is not bandaged due to drainage tubes. I tried “padding” the cone with gauze but it was still too bad. The vet agreed it had to come off. So I have been playing 24/7 watch on him to not bring that back leg up.

        I put padded socks on both his back feet – padded with cotton balls in the toes. HA! That lasted about 10 minutes! Taking the medical tape off (and socks) became his new game and challenge.

        He looks like Frankenstein with staples almost from ear to ear under his chin and then tubes out each side. I’m running around the house with a pack-o-towels trying to catch all the drainage. YUCK! Useless … serious carpet cleaning is my near future after this all over. LOL

        The great news is he is feeling wonderful! Silly boy! I am feeding him just about as often as he wants and more treats then he has ever had. HA! Then again he is a lean and mean 78 pounds so perfect and a few extra will not hurt him over the next few weeks. I slept with him last night next to the fire as we had a chilly night and I could hear him if he stirred. The vet approved giving him Valium as well so I finally got some sleep too knowing he would go a few hours without trying to mess with his stiches.

        He SO badly wants to be outside and doesn’t understand why he can’t be out there longer than just doing his business as he loves laying the garden. But without this thing being bandaged, I don’t dare let him.

        So ..with all of that nonsense I have actually be OK with the wine. Not great but OK. Holding the line and actually remember my All-One since I failed to stock up on groceries before Charlie stuff and so am eating from my garden and ordering pizza! HA! Thank goodness for strawberries!

        Can’t comment on all but Dizz … your plan sounds solid. I suspect you may find that all the time you have spent apart from one another, as compared to your time together, when reality sets in, it may be a show stopper. For your sake I hope I am wrong, but I also hope your heart and mind are prepared for whatever gets tossed your direction. Don’t settle for less than what Diz deserves and wants in life. Compromise is a must, but giving up dreams turns to misery quite quickly. I fear for you and his drinking habits to deal with issues to be honest. We all know that road all too well.

        Ok ..must dash …sorry …


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          WTE - a thing you might try for Charlie - get a pair of baby socks and a piece of elastic and cut a hole in each sock - and tie the elastic to each sock - put each sock on each back paw - and the elastic goes over his back. he can't take the socks off 'cos the elastic keeps them on. It is SO hard to explain written down - do you have skype? I will PM you my skype name. Skype me and I can show you what I mean. he can't take the socks off!!!! I used to have to do that to Maggie when she had the tumour on her paws and had stuff on them - so she couldn't lick it off. they get used to the socks. I get up early so will look out for you. If you don't have Skype - download it - it is free! If I don't answer - you can write/message and I will answer as soon as I see it.

          love and hugs, sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Kradle, I'm interested in your subsidized state health insurance, I haven't heard of it, maybe we don't have it in my state, could you PM me, or I will you.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              DizzyBee;1323246 wrote:

              - hope you join us here soon.
              Thanks Dizzy,

              I'll be on board once I receive my Topa - can't wait.

              Hope you are all doing really well.
              Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
              :h ya


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Sunny - I guess I did forget you on paper, but never in reality!! So sorry!!

                WTE - hope Charles recovers soon. Sounds like a circus - poor mom & baby dealing with the discomfort. Hard to fathom having a fire on a chilly night on May 26th!! We are feeling a hot summer coming - 96 today, I think.

                DZ - I apologize for being negative about your bf...go see him, see how it goes, I wish you well. I truly do!! If it's meant to be, it will be. Namaste :-))

                Wildflowers, I will miss your posts, but hope you check in. I understand where you are. Wising you the best!

                Space, you are a person of few words, but I enjoy seeing your posts. You seem to be holding your own...mostly AF?? A few cans here and there...I'm impressed!

                I'm falling asleep at the wheel right now so apologize if I didn't mention you. That's really not how I roll anyway - too many ppl to remember. SORRY - I do love all your posts!! And yes, I find L-Glut a real obvious benefit in my life. I feel like I am sharper during the day, and don't feel like eating or drinking as much. Baby steps. So grateful to have been turned on to it here!! Researching it confirms L-Glut helps the body & mind in oh, so many ways.

                Nite nite all & Happy Memorial Day!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I still haven't put out the money for the L-Glut, this week, it's a promise to myself, I hope.

                  Dizz, go see the BF, it all sounds great, but please, be very careful, please take care of yourself, please don't let him mistreat you, don't stay if it gets out of hand, just leave, there comes a time and a line, when even an open ticket is not worth the damage that you can do to your psyche by tolerating abusive treatment from someone who is supposed to love and support you, it is just not healthy for you.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I've started taking the L-Glut today Playland, I'll report how I get on with it, I'm hoping for awesome results.
                    Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                    :h ya


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi play:
                      Just saw your post. My Internet was down. I am in Washington state. I am not certain how to pm but I will try to figure it out tomorrow. I do know that right now they have a waiting list for the fully subsidized due to very high demand but care based on income is available.

                      Im sure I can figure it out!
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Good Morning all! Hi there Kradle - to PM, you left click on the persons name and a list of options comes up - one of them being private message - click on that and away you go........

                        Trixie - are you going to start taking Topa? Yeah - go you - it will be wonderful to have you here with us......

                        WTE - how was last night? I will keep an eye out for you on Skype.....

                        Hi Play - enjoyed out ( t next to r) chat last night - hope you have a good journey home.....

                        Houtx - I was joking about you forgetting me - I know you would NEVER do that - LOL. I must start taking the L-Glut all the time again - I have been really bad about it and see if I notice the same thing - it is something I hadn't noticed when I took it before properly.

                        Morning Diz - hope that you are feeling better today? I am feeling a lot better - not sure why I was down - well yes I think I do know - a combination of things and a couple of them have been resolved - now I just need to get working on the AL. I am also going to take some Rhodiola for a few days.

                        Off to Skype my mum - my Sunday morning call - back later all - have a great day everyone.....

                        Hugs, sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Trixie, love having you here, hi everyone else, just getting ready to run out the door, see you at the end of the day, please take care while I am up in the air.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Im just running out to my mums, so much to read and you all deserve way much more than speed reading through so I will have to come back to you all later tonight. Im looking forward to it. If things go on like this I will need to get my own blackberry so I can chat anywhere, or I could just take my laptop to my mums but that would be very antisocial wouldnt it. no Im not going to do that, I will have to wait


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Sun ? I have Skype, but have never gotten around to getting a cam ? so pretty useless! Trying to imagine ?where? over his back the elastic goes ? Hummmm

                              Imagining a ?Rubber Band? dog trying to walk. HA!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                wouldnt the elastic just slip off over his bum, Im just looking at my dog now and I cant see how that would stay on. cant you just put on baby socks and use surgical tape around the top. its good hes had everything done tho and you know he will heal and be ok, far better than going in 3 times for the things to be done separately.

                                I had an anxiety attack going to my mums, this is the second time in a week. I am also fat I saw myself today in a mirror and was horrified. I said I wasnt going to let my weight get me down but now, it is. I have actually been feeling pretty good today mood wise, I went to my mums later and didnt get home until after 7. I have had a drink but only just realised I didnt think about it at all while I was out. I am still increasing my baclofen and am just having to be patient with it. Not making the 2 cans a night more like 4, I dont really want to think about it too much, I dont want to start obsessing about keeping to 2 cans or 3 so Im not going to chart it as I was thinking of, am just going to not go over 4 and see what happens as I keep increasing the bac

                                Im glad you made a decision Dizzy, it sounds good this way you havent given up everything and can spend time together to see how things really are between you.

                                Houxt you said about health benefits of L glut, I dont know about them, I have googled L glut several times and havent noticed anything, can you tell us something about it? Does it help with carb cravings does anyone know, Im not really bothered by sweet things but think I eat too many carbs.
                                You also said you dont take topa, how are you managing that, are you ok, I dont think I could do this without the meds but lots of peeps do, I was just wondering why you said you will wait a few weeks, is there a reason for that, that was a daft question Im assuming there must be, so why are you waiting a few weeks is what I wanted to say.

                                Hello to everyone else, I hate listing peeps names in case I miss someone out.

