Oh, I have terrible insomnia, especially if I share a bed with someone. I'm really going to miss having a bed to myself...
Speaking of which, bf and I bought our first big item together yesterday - a bed, and here it is! Whala!
It wasn't my first choice but now I'm glad that we chose it and considering I'm 6000 miles away and was on the net and he in store and us both on the phone, it went surprisingly well and he was very open to compromise. Yay! We are getting along famously now that all the visa and ticket and should we, shouldnt we shit is behind us. So happy.
Hmmm, can't believe I just showed you my bed... Speaking of beds... Anything to share WTE? :H
I'm afraid I can't stay, I'm organising and spring cleaning my whole cottage and its a nightmare.
I hope you are OK Cos. We also get really bad fires in Summer. Keep us posted, OK?
Thanks Space, you are exactly right, this is a friendship thread. We happen to be alcoholics but the main deal here is support and friendship, I like that description.
Hiya, Sun, I just *know* you are going to check in later.
Also hola to Play in sunny Spain, so envious of you, while I sit here typing with freezing hands in this cold wet wintery weather.
:l :l :l