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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Cos, I'm lucky in that I've made some great friends along the way. Well, when I was between 18-24 I was someone who always threw parties. Not sure why as I'm not terribly social but I do like dress-up/themed parties so I guess my friends did the 'photo booth' to remind me of all the themed parties we had way back when. I'm one of those people who don't easily make friends but when I do make one, I consider you a friend for life. So some of these people I've known since I was 3!

    , I'm afraid I think Topa takes away your cravings for as long as you take it BUT if you can change your lifestyle while one it you could probably go off it PROVIDED you stay AF. I think as an alcoholic, Topa can rewire your brain but once you go down the rabbit hole and you are not taking your Topa, you will have to start from scratch.

    , if you aren't feeling much I guess you can go up to 25mg but then it makes sense to first have more tabs at hand. Am glad you at least don't have any adverse SE's.

    The longer you are off AL, the lesser the physical cravings become but your mind will always be the tricky one to deal with.

    I wanted to say a note on Antabuse, this isn't for anyone in particular.

    I know people on here say that they are scared of Antabuse but sometimes I wish I could explain that the first time I took it I was terrified and I hated it. But after a week or so the AL withrdraws from your body so it actually becomes easier, then you just deal with your mental cravings really. And after a couple of weeks AB actually becomes your friend as it takes away that awful mental struggle of should I, shouldn't I?

    So the second time I took it, I found it merely annoying, you know the Friday nights I wanted to drink. But its all a mental struggle, because you KNOW that AB does not last forever, if you really and truly want to drink, you only need to wait 4-5 days and you can. And the really cool think is, so often in that time the craving goes away, and you take the next tab and you go on AF.

    I think Space will agree and if you guys check out the other threads of people who take AB (K9 is a big fan too) you will see that it can actually later become an ally. Its now part of my tool box, I understand how it works and I use it. I do not fear it one bit, in fact, it gives me great peace of mind from time to time.

    I'm not sure where that little speech came from. I think its because I feel guilty for going all out at my farewell. And I'm actually grateful for the 2 weeks prior I was on AB that I had to prepare everything for my trip. Because right now I feel a bit of a wreck.

    You know what the worst thing is, bf's bank flagged the money he paid for the ticket as suspicious so its still hanging somewhere between the UK and SA at this stage, so my ticket has still not been paid for. And I just heard my travel agent quit his job and I have some new person to deal with. So I'm a bit on edge here, luckily most of the stuff is done, just the physical packing of clothes to do. That is IF the bloody money comes through tomorrow.

    Friends want another farewell dinner tomorrow. Sheez. And my mom still wont do a family farewell. Sorry, I'm whingeing. I have the whole of tomorrow to pack clothes and I'm praying it doesnt rain Wednesday, then at least the rest of the family can go to the big cat farm for lunch before my flight that night if the flight is happening.

    Bf promised to chase up money and he is being very sweet and supportive.

    Chat later.



      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Another Monday ...

      Oh My ? Monday again already???? I think the best move I ever made ?schedule wise? is to give myself Mondays off! HA! Not really off ? I am still stuck at my desk and on the phones and computers most of the day ? but at least I can do it in my jammies. =)

      Sun: How is Katie doing? Poor baby, but they do heal pretty quickly when they are young. When I adopted Charlie he was still ?in tack? ? so at 5 years old I felt REALLY bad for the guy. Poor thing was seriously ?hanging down? for months and looking all purple ? which they tell me is normal. I have always had pets ?fixed? at a very young age, so had no clue.

      Are you able to Katie a bit confined somehow? HA! Mission Impossible I am sure!

      And as far as your comment of ?re-learning? everything without AL ? oh my gosh, it?s SO true. When you spend so many years having AL a part of almost everything, it?s SO different. It?s what I was talking (posting) about months ago ? trying to find ?situations? and things I do that I can make totally AF. It?s really hard for me ? especially dating. The nerves go up, I want a glass of wine just to dress and get ready, then you meet and it all seems natural to be out for cocktails of have wine with dinner ?. Next thing you know there are empty swimsuits floating in my spa. HA!

      Happy you are feeling better! =)

      Play: Whatever is going on (and I am behind on reading so bear with me as I move thru posts, but your sound very upbeat. Yea! And so happy you are ?there for? Space.

      WHERE are the pictures???

      Space: You NEVER fail to just crack me up. ? Im usually very dizzy, forgetting things and saying the wrong words all the time so it may not even make much difference to me ? HA!

      You sound like you are rocking and rolling in the right direction! Good on you! I?ve not read your thread ? but hope to get to it soon. The more information we put together for others ? the better. At least IMO. We are all SO different in how any drug works, so we are all learning.

      How was the farewell party? WOW ? you sneaky skinny thing now! HA! I have lost track of your travel date but am just imagining you on a flight and how exciting it must be after all this time.

      Whoa ? Just read the party update! Good memories are fun and I?m glad you felt OK to call it quits when it was time for you head over and out and to bed. OH MY on themoney situation and your ticket!

      Where is your ?must have? list???? HA! I know ? I get it. You remember the RSF Guy and on paper he was perfect. My vote is to so slow and go with the flow. Nothing says you need to be intimate right off the bat. Sometimes learning each other better makes that ?seriously weird head design? HA! HA! not so important? **laughing at myself too as I type this because I have walked in your shoes GF!**

      Enjoy being wined and dined and playing golf and hanging out. And under ALL circumstances ? DO NOT buy a spa! HA! Go re-read ?ACT LIKE A LADY / THINK LIKE A MAN?. Not that I am following the advice with Landscaper, but then aagain there is no future there.

      As for ?buddy? ? Yeppers (and this is directed to all that commented ? thank you) ? it is just time to leave the past be the past. Sun, you are right in that we only remember the good times. We have both had relationships since we were ?together? and it was all fine. I think my love of him is really a love of friendship ? and that is what I miss. BUT, I feel seriously burned by him now. I had full chance to ?be a couple? again in January per his request ? I couldn?t do it. Could not go back to what I know would happen again. So I have no right to feel bad about him moving on ? the timing was just all so crappy. Plus all the nonsense he has since pulled. All remains radio silence and I will leave it be that way?.

      As of today, the dogs are ?safe? ? I think. The limo will be arriving soon to take me to Hell for my lies. HA! But I was pushed to a corner that I would (and did ) do ANYTHING it took to keep both of them safe, and most importantly for me to not lose Charlie. So far it is playing out as I had hoped ?.

      As for Landscaper (for those curious LOL) I think I have my head wrapped around this correctly now. Got some REAL weird vibes from him the other night on the phone in discussing perhaps ?meeting up for dinner? when he asked me when I was up to after work. I suggested a place close to both of us, he himmed and hawed. (how DO the hell you spell that? LOL) When I asked him if he ever went out to eat ? he basically said no. He works early, gets home and does bids and then either picks something up or orders something in. So ? does he really work that hard/ late ? or does he not want to be in public with someone so much older? Hummm? He told me ordering a pizza sounded good and he could be over fast ? I told him I needed to get work done. So nope.

      We had talked about (actually I asked about) him ever getting away for a few days ? I have a GREAT deal I need to book by the end of the month. A fantastic resort/winery/ spa that for 2 night would be $660. I asked him about it , without giving too many details except that I had a great deal if he could get away. ? um, um, um, no ? really don?t take days off. OK then ? I have had many of my questions answered! HA!

      I love his company. But I want MORE than him being at my house, eating here (no matter if he buys or not) and he loses his swimsuit in my spa again. HA! Yes, he ?feeds? something in me, or I would not be doing this. But I am feeling a bit like a convenience store to him. LOL Hey! I love going out to eat, go to movies, do sports together, go away for weekends, blah, blah, blah. So ? reins pulled in. I was ?busy? again last night after a wonderful brunch with GFs and TXT him back his ?HI? about 4 hours later. Said I was done for the evening, going to bed. Talk soon.

      As dreamy as it is to be in bed with a guy half your age, there is much to be desired in ?real life?. Beside ?. No future anyways so backing off. I will still see him much as we continue projects on my property, but I am going to be ?busy? a lot more now unless he wants to change the game up a bit. =)

      And (drum roll) SADLY, I have had to make the choice to stop Topa for now. I fall into the category of losing weight on this stuff and am now hitting a dangerous point. I see my new DR on the 19th and will try to figure out where to go from here. My drinking is up and down and I am still charting. I?ll continue L-Glut and All-One ? ANYTHING to try and keep weight on! The answer is out there somewhere ? I just have not found it yet!

      So ? with that long winded update, I should probably get some work done!

      Sending love & hugs to all ..;


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi WTE
        Just a quick note to say sorry about the Topa. I understand about the weight though and I really hope you will be sticking around. I've been looking into Gapabentin lately and I know that Space and Play have been taking it. There are some studies that show that it works for cravings and other than Topa it actually can lead to weight gain. Just thought I may mention it as I do think the Topa has been working for you and perhaps the Gaba can also help keep the cravings at bay. Will reply more later. Flights only Wednesday evening. Thats if the bank can 'find' the payment... :durn:


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          hey everyone!

          hi there WTE - Katie is fine thank you - as for trying to keep her quiet and confined - yeah right - that will never happen. she was very sad Friday evening but satruday it was as if nothing had ever happened. she is fine. Last night she seemed a bit off and didn't eat all her dinner but today again is fine. The heat might be getting to her - even though I take them out just for short times, it is just SO hot outside. she is on antibiotics still which also might make her feel a bit off. But for the most part, she is fine. thanks for asking.....

          Shame about the topa but I do understand. It has had the same effect on me but my weight has stabilized and if it drops a lb or two I just eat more. I have always been slim so this sort of pushed it a bit too - but I make sure I keep it up. it isn't as bad as yours though by the sounds of it. At 5'5" I weigh around 120-122 and if I drop under 120, then I eat and eat - even if I don't feel like it. Before Topa I used to weigh around 125-128. It is a shame that you are having to stop it as it does seem to help you.

          I am happy that the dogs are 'safe' - at least for now. I won't ask how or why - but just happy that they are.

          Also glad that you are getting your head straight about the landscaper - you sound as if you are going the right way with him by being busy sometimes....... the whole situation does sound odd regarding him and going out though - I agree with you.

          Diz - what a mess up re your ticket. I do hope that it gets sorted - how awful and the waiting would have me freaking out. So glad that the party went well - sounded like a blast for you all. I do hope that you ALL get to enjoy the cat place when you go..... and that your mum gets on head on straight....... remember NO GUILT

          Play - yes, I agree - two beers is fine. I am fine with it. And that is all that matters. I will stop them when I am ready. And we are all waiting for pictures my friend.......

          Houtx - your relationship sounds as if it could be just fun - IF he can just have it as fun - right??? Lovely to hear from you a bit more.....

          Kradle - how are you doing today???

          Hi there space..... glad that you slept well last night. Are you going to go up to the 25mg of topa now or stay at the 12.5 level?

          I need to go and start getting ready for work - closing shift tonight. still got plenty of time but want to eat and get food ready to take with me too.

          love and hugs to all,

          Sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi I am going to first ry to reply to WTE quickly before I put our tea out, I will be back later to talk, I do think topa was working so well for for and you where doing so well and think Dizzy''s idea of gabapentin is a good one. One of its se's is weight gain, I was already taking some to see if it helped with my mood and craving but then when I told my doc about the headaches I get which had got bad over the past few days before I saw him he prescibed it to me. So maybe you could look into taking it, just a thought I had to pass on, I have had no bad effects from it at all and do think it does help with not drinking but maybe not enough at the dose I take, which is why I have started topa. I dont know whether I will get away with a lower dose or not.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              sunshinedaisies;1344765 wrote:
              Shame about the topa but I do understand. It has had the same effect on me but my weight has stabilized and if it drops a lb or two I just eat more. I have always been slim so this sort of pushed it a bit too - but I make sure I keep it up. it isn't as bad as yours though by the sounds of it. At 5'5" I weigh around 120-122 and if I drop under 120, then I eat and eat - even if I don't feel like it. Before Topa I used to weigh around 125-128. It is a shame that you are having to stop it as it does seem to help you.
              Just a quick note, for others that may run into this situation....

              I am 5'9" (or slightly under as I have aged LOL)

              Yesterday morning I weighed in at 110. Yes 110.

              That is STROKE dangerous weight loss.

              I went to that brunch yesterday and ate as much as I could. I noticed most of the gals go back to the table and eat more and more and I TRIED ... but I just COULD NOT. I feel like my stomach has become the size of pea. And even when I eat what feel is a "normal" amount of food for me - something happens to it - it goes POOF.

              UGH. I HATE stopping Topa and my dreams of success of it. I will still be here. If for no other reason, to keep you updated on my dating life. HA J/K!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Thanks Space ... I will put it inmy notes to discuss withthe DR on the 19th. (which seems YEARS from now)


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Is this the doc that prescribed topa? I hope they consider it for you. I do know that since taking it my drinking has changed dramatically, I do still drink but nothing at all like I used to, I mean I was a real 24/7 smelly drunk, right now Im ok of a day and so have a drink of an evening, or not, it depends on what I what to do at the time. When I decide I need some AF days I take some antabuse for a week or so and then have to carefully wait until its safe to drink, but I only ever take a low dose of antabuse.

                  I am worried that we will loose you, when you where coming on everyday with your update it helped me so much you wouldnt believe and now its proper shit that you have to stop the topa.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Space - No, I have never seen a DR in regards to drinking. I CAN'T have any such thing on my med records.

                    I buy from River, have followed the book and advice on the forums here and "winging it". This is the second damn time I have had this weight loss happen on Topa. I thought I was heavy enough to ride it out this time ....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      PS: I KNOW Topa works! It works for me! Damn it.

                      But this SE is about to kill me .... and I don't know how to get around it.

                      My new DR is "undercover" ... I am going to tell him all. He has a fake name for me, etc. Paying cash. We will see ....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        WTE, how about you cut the Topa in half and then starting Gabapentin too? Perhaps the lower dose and the Gaba's weight gain SE will help you gain enough weight without you having to go cold turkey? We want you to gain weight but also stick with your plans, if at all possible?

                        Like I said I know Space and Play are taking both (whether by chance or not) and its something I'm keen on experimenting with if Topa stops working on its own. Its not something that a lot of studies been done on but we may very well be onto something here.

                        Just please think about it before you quit completely, perhaps cutting down to a 100 and then to 50 is a better way to see if you can find some middle ground? I know you will know best in the end and I'm sorry you have to wait so long to see the doc. Is this the 'undercover' doc?



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Im not getting any effects at all that I have noticed from the tiny topa dose Im taking, but Im stuck with it until I get more, thats a bit crap really I took so long deciding to do this then went and held myself up by not getting it. My drinking isnt changing, still drinking right now, I am on and off so for the past few days on, but nothing bad. Harm reduction is a term I would use and have done for a while now, never managed it before, but it will have to do for now. Im not going to be the boy with his finger in the damn any more. For some odd reason we had that story drummed into us in school, it took me a long ,long time to get it.

                          I am so glad the dogs are safe, I look at my two, they are lying snuggled up on their blanket next to me dozing. I got them both as pups a couple of months apart so they really are just an old married couple. She is the boss but its lovely to see the way they are together. My daughter has a little bichon frise which is a little white fluffy lap dog. When she first came to my house I was very worried that my dogs wouldnt like her and could hurt her but now she just follows them round and they kind of ignore her, apart from all the bum sniffing of course, that would go on for hours if I didnt stop them. So anyway I went way off track then, maybe, since your off the topa WTE you should check in more so we can give you more support. Oh and I really sorry but I think the gardener guy is a using prick, I have been there with younger guys, he doesnt want to be seen with you ARGGG do whatever you want but keep in mind he is a prick and watch your back. Sorry to put that bad stuff on here its just the way I feel, I hate to see men taking the piss, if you want to carry on with this then you need to take control, its you who rings him,meet at his place then, let him down a few times. I do have your wellbeing so close to my heart right now and so dont want you to be hurt any more than you have. I wish I could send you this a hundred times bigger:l

                          Oh I did get carried away then, I cant remember what I have read, Kradle, I didnt know you had your own thread, is it on meds, I dont go on general much.

                          Dizzy, is the money sorted yet, Im assuming it is they usually just verify with the account holder that you want this purchase, I had it last week but it was someone trying to rob me so I had to have my card cancelled (pain) but better than being robbed, Ive no idea where it came from.

                          Sunny, you sound so well, im sure katie will be fine, it is just the effects of the antibiotics making her feel a bit off.

                          Houxt, hi there cowgirl, i know the feeling of hes nice and ok and everything but... can you get over the flat back head? or would he have to wear a hat forever, in fact tht could be the answer, also because its at the back of his head hes probably never looked at it. What am I saying your in Texas, doesnt he where a hat anyway?


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Space - What's a prick?

                            (could not resist after the RV question)

                            Someone PLEASE get this chick on stage! HA!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              And Play Checks In!

                              "I have sent three Fotos for the thread, not too interesting so far, I have barely been out of the house due to family circumstances, but the first one is just the outside of the hugh department store, El Corte Ingles which is ever so fun to go shopping in, the second is one of the many beautiful markets which has everything from fresh fruits, vegetables, all kinds of meats and seafoods, flowers, and household items as well, the third is an example of a typical piece of gaudi art which Barcelona is famous for as well as Gaudi arcitecture. "



                              WE COULD GO SHOPPING!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Play - I think I may have put them in the wrong order Play ... but was going by the titles!

                                I want ot be in Spain about right now! HA!

