Cos, I'm lucky in that I've made some great friends along the way. Well, when I was between 18-24 I was someone who always threw parties. Not sure why as I'm not terribly social but I do like dress-up/themed parties so I guess my friends did the 'photo booth' to remind me of all the themed parties we had way back when. I'm one of those people who don't easily make friends but when I do make one, I consider you a friend for life. So some of these people I've known since I was 3!
Kradle, I'm afraid I think Topa takes away your cravings for as long as you take it BUT if you can change your lifestyle while one it you could probably go off it PROVIDED you stay AF. I think as an alcoholic, Topa can rewire your brain but once you go down the rabbit hole and you are not taking your Topa, you will have to start from scratch.
Space, if you aren't feeling much I guess you can go up to 25mg but then it makes sense to first have more tabs at hand. Am glad you at least don't have any adverse SE's.
The longer you are off AL, the lesser the physical cravings become but your mind will always be the tricky one to deal with.
I wanted to say a note on Antabuse, this isn't for anyone in particular.
I know people on here say that they are scared of Antabuse but sometimes I wish I could explain that the first time I took it I was terrified and I hated it. But after a week or so the AL withrdraws from your body so it actually becomes easier, then you just deal with your mental cravings really. And after a couple of weeks AB actually becomes your friend as it takes away that awful mental struggle of should I, shouldn't I?
So the second time I took it, I found it merely annoying, you know the Friday nights I wanted to drink. But its all a mental struggle, because you KNOW that AB does not last forever, if you really and truly want to drink, you only need to wait 4-5 days and you can. And the really cool think is, so often in that time the craving goes away, and you take the next tab and you go on AF.
I think Space will agree and if you guys check out the other threads of people who take AB (K9 is a big fan too) you will see that it can actually later become an ally. Its now part of my tool box, I understand how it works and I use it. I do not fear it one bit, in fact, it gives me great peace of mind from time to time.
I'm not sure where that little speech came from. I think its because I feel guilty for going all out at my farewell. And I'm actually grateful for the 2 weeks prior I was on AB that I had to prepare everything for my trip. Because right now I feel a bit of a wreck.
You know what the worst thing is, bf's bank flagged the money he paid for the ticket as suspicious so its still hanging somewhere between the UK and SA at this stage, so my ticket has still not been paid for. And I just heard my travel agent quit his job and I have some new person to deal with. So I'm a bit on edge here, luckily most of the stuff is done, just the physical packing of clothes to do. That is IF the bloody money comes through tomorrow.
Friends want another farewell dinner tomorrow. Sheez. And my mom still wont do a family farewell. Sorry, I'm whingeing. I have the whole of tomorrow to pack clothes and I'm praying it doesnt rain Wednesday, then at least the rest of the family can go to the big cat farm for lunch before my flight that night if the flight is happening.
Bf promised to chase up money and he is being very sweet and supportive.
Chat later.