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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Everyone.

    Sorry I?ve been a bit quiet ? just seems like a lot going on right now.

    Baclofan: Thank you SO much for the info. I?ll discuss it the DR on the 19th. Gosh, that still seems SO far away ?

    Sun: I don?t envy your hear wav. Have been seeing it on TV. I?ve never understood how people can live in places that have that type of climate so often. I go bonkers having to live in AC ? hardly ever turn mine on. Windows are always open and for the most part I get a nice breeze coming up the mountains from the ocean. Enjoy that pool! Wish I had one.

    Rainy: Good to see you and so sorry to hear about your husband. I will echo Sun in saying that double dosing may not be the way to go. There are studies that say it is MORE effective to move up slowly. We?re here if you have any questions about the dosage.

    Play!: Loving the pictures ? send more! And yes, make sure you get a spot of fun in for yourself as well!

    Space: I hope you have ordered more Topa as it can takes weeks to arrive (at least it does from River). Maybe you should chart as well. I REALLY felt it help me is seeing which direction I was heading.

    Houtx: Hope you had a great BD!!!

    As for me, I am just in a damn funk. I?m pissed off at myself for how much wine I am drinking and counting the days until I can see this new DR. Was almost tempted to start Topa again ? but then got on the scale and OH-OH! I just have to ride this out for now.

    Had a lovely time at the 4th of July party although we did end up leaving early. My friend was not real pleased with me and he had left his car at my house. I tried to talk him into getting someone to drive him by later ? but he refused. Charlie was having a BLAST at this big compound and waterfalls and 40-50 people giving him attention.

    I had been told that no fireworks displays were close. Bad information! About 8:15 PM they (the city-not party givers) fired off a test one. OMG! Charlie went totally nuts. I was out of there pretty quick and thankfully home before and big ?shows? began. I am far enough up in the hills to be away from all of it and with the windows closed and TV on, he was fine. I had given him a small dose of doggie valium ? but at the party it was REALLY loud and way too close. Oh well ? It was fun for a few hours anyways.

    I did my final farewell to ?buddy? yesterday. Honestly cried for hours about it all ? but it is just time for him to be gone. There just comes a point sometimes when the hurt becomes too much. I don?t feel treated as a friend any longer in any way, shape or form. I feel used and abused by him. And so I sat and wrote an email and cried and wrote and cried. I just all the crappy history out there right up to this recent nonsense. I know it is for the best, but it still hurts. Almost losing Charlie was the final straw.

    He responded briefly, but mostly to criticize me ? although he did say he understood and wished he had been a better person in my life. He said good-bye as well. I will hurt for a while ? but I know it will ease with some time. I just feel so damn alone in this world right now. I need to change my will, and I honestly can?t think of anyone that important things to me like my hoes and shop, who I would will them to. I have one living sister who I am not close to at all. My Dad is in his mid 90s. My half-brother living abroad is already filthy rich. It?s weird. No, it?s painful to think about. How did I get here? I feel like someone stole my joy ?

    Must go as it?s my time to open the shop. Thank you to everyone for the support and advice. Hugs to all of you ?


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hey there everyone

      Diz - so happy that you made it safely - sorry about the interrogation - you must look shifty!! LOL We will wait until you have got over your jet lag and are settled for more info.... :l:l

      WTE - I am so sorry that you are so upset. I do understand but feel that you have done the right thing. You have done SO much for Buddy. I cannot imagine how you are feeling - well, if I dredge up a past boyfriend I can but I am so sorry - my heart goes out to you and I send you lots of love and hugs :l:h Time is the only thing that can help you which doesn't help much. You must be feeling quite bereft. As for your will - what about where you got Charlie from?? Just a thought....Rescue places are always is such need of money and they do such wonderful work.

      Yes, the heat wave is just awful. I have just come in from watering - took me an hour and a half. Did a proper water this morning. Rain is a maybe for the weekend but only a 20 or 30 % chance so probably not. I have lost so many plants. I have kept up with the veggie watering though as they are more important.

      Houtx - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - if it is today - or HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY if it was yesterday - LOL hope you had a ball - now you can join the ranks of us oldies.

      Space - I have PM'd you about how I got here - I could have written it on here but it was easier to PM it. Hubs was military and overseas for anyone else that wants to know..... but am happy to PM and explain further.

      Well, I need to go and get on - have a list a mile long of stuff to do today.

      love and hugs to all, Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Oh WTE my heart hurts for you so much when you say you have no one important to you. I totally understand where you say someone stole your joy. you put this at the end of your post, up until then you had sounded ok about the trip and whatnot. I dont know what to say, I dont think theres anything I can say I wish there was, of course the breakup with buddy is going to hurt he has be a big part of your life for a long time. Rewriting your will! I have no clue on this, I dont have a will I have nothing to leave I lost it already so I just have a life insurance policy for ?5000 to pay for funeral and stuff. You dont have to think about the will now tho do you, was buddy the benefactor? if he is then you do I suppose, pronto. But not today, or this weekend. I am sending my thought and strength across the ocean to you, I do hope you recieve them:l


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          HI everyone....saying hello to my bestie Sunshine....
          hope all are well
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            hey there jan - lovely to see you! How are things going? As you can see I am off today.... got all manner of stuff to do - have a list as long as my arm - and still got this blooming heat!! I wish it would go away - silly thing to say, but it is getting VERY OLD. Hope Clay is okay - saw he might have strep - is it Clay? And then you don't feel good either? do you think you might have got it too? feel better my friend - love and hugs to you :l:h

            love, sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              The rain here is getting very old LOL

              ARggg what did I say about my mum earlier on, I have just had a phone conversation with her when she said that it was school holidays soon so it was time me and my son got out and walked off all our fat!! I only phoned to say hello and be nice to her, its bad enough she says it to me but she says it to my daughter as well, and used to say it to my son until I told her I would have to stop bringing him round if she didnt stop upsetting him, she is so critical but she only does it to us to our faces no one else, she just slags everyone else off behind there backs. Oh well, I am used t it and the only consolation really is that she does do it to my daughter, not that I would wish it on anyone but no one else believed me until she started on her, she only started on becky when she moved in around the corner from her, and then becky suddenly said she realised what had happened and how nasty she can be. I really, really should be over all this upset from my mum by now, for fucks sake Im 50 on Sunday does it never end. Ok Its not that bad


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                I stole some of his penicillian , so I am fine
                yep...Clay Boy has strep
                did you know Ruby had to put TMB down???
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  JAN !!!!!!! If you steal some of his penicillin then HE won't be taking his full course of it - no wonder it keeps coming back!!!! and YOU need a full course of it too!! Not saying ANY more on that!

                  Yes, I did know about Berit - I e-mailed Rubes. So sad - I know exactly how she is feeling...... but she said she is at peace with it and hers was the last face he saw and voice she heard. He was so sad Jan - you saw him. It is a hard decision as I well know. I feel for her and time is the only thing that will help. I still feel sad about Maggie and miss her terribly...... she was special, as TMB was to Ruby.

                  Oh Space - I am sorry about your mum - I have no idea why she is like that - can't you tell her how much it hurts when she does that? Tell her that it doesn't help anyone saying stuff like that? If anything, anyone saying stuff like that to me would make me want to do the exact opposite. I suppose though that if that is the way she is, then no, she will never change - but has anyone sat her down and actually TOLD her how hurtful it is? After all - you will be 50 and be a BIG girl so maybe it is time to let her know? I am sorry my friend..... :l:l

                  love and hugs, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I will say a little more about antibiotics. They work. You feel better pretty quickly because they kill most of the virus that's making you feel crappy.

                    But when you don't take the full prescription, even taking the pills when you feel better and don't think you need to, the few virus cells left that aren't killed have now been exposed to penicillin or whatever and it's like they get vaccinated against it.

                    Doing this one time won't hurt anything, sure. But with so many people all over the place doing it--whether just because they don't feel like taking the pills, or saving them for next time--this is how we have antibiotic-resistant strains of "superviruses."

                    Sorry, couldn't keep quiet--and no, not directed just at you, Mama Bear. It's just that MRSA and VRE scare the bejeezus out of me, and nobody's figured out a cure for those yet...


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      ok...properly scolded
                      (I only took one...)
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Oh Jan .....:l:l:h:h
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Well, a new day - and yet more heat..... SIGH. This thread is really quiet at the moment. One time I have time and no-one else is here - LOL. So I will talk to myself. Last night I wasn't very good. Had my two Guinness and then poured a third and drank it all!! I had had such a good day with all my freezing and baking and stuff - and was actually watching TV - something I rarely do unless I am either ironing or depressed!! Anyway I then attacked the raspberry cupcakes that I had make and ate three of those. Then decided I would be hung over this morning probably from sugar overload so started drinking lots of water. Feel fine today.

                            I am working the 9-5.30 which is probably why I have time - I am so used to getting up early and leaving - don't need to leave for another 40 mins yet! Could go and get my food ready I suppose. And need to dry my hair. Wondering how Dizzy is doing.

                            Rainy - how are you doing? Come and post and let us know.....

                            I will stop rambling and go and do my food for work......

                            love and hugs to all,

                            Sun XXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi , it's Play, my first day to myself in awhile, I'm reading back in the thread and trying to catch up with you guys, so the only way I can do it is to post after every page because otherwise I cant remember what I want to respond to and can go back to it, so there will be a lot of posts from me tonight, thanks on advance for bearing with me.

                              Kradle was asking if anyone knew how long you would have to keep taking Topa once you were AF. I'm also wondering if anyone knows where to find out more about Roberta Jewell and her journey after writing the book and starting the MYO program. I have seen a few people here say that she eventually had to go AF rather than Moderate.

                              Dizz just now getting to say so glad you had fun at your parties befor you left.

                              Houtx, guess your no head neck guy has already not worked out, but at least you gave it another shot, you know if the chemistry isn't there, it just isn't there, what can you do.

                              COS, I've neve even said hi to you, sorry for that, well maybe i did one time, told you that I am from Colorado also, maybe not, just don't remember. Ex husband was from Las Alamos and some years ago we watched on tv as they evacuated the whole town due to forest fires in that area, too scary.

                              Ok, on to the next page, I'm not too good at copy and pasting.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Photo from Play!

                                "A Pretty Casa"


