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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    So WTE, I'm 63, I left my backcountry, downhill skiing, kayaking, bicycling life in Colorado 10 years ago after a devastating divorce that took me years to recover from. I moved to San Francisco to be close to my grown daughters, one of which now lives in Barcelona.

    I'm thinking you made a reference to smart women living in San Fransisco, not San Francisco being a place to meet men, LOL.

    Space, I agree it's always a good idea to write down all your questions for your doc and everything that you want to discuss, otherwise it's too easy to just forget, I always write everything down.

    Bye the way these are from previous posts in case you ae wondering, don't want to confuse you guys, remember, I'm trying to catch up. Tomorrow I will tell you all my troubless and worries.

    Houtx, I love seeing you here more.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Space, want to add my reassurance that you are doing a wonderful kindness to animals by having your dog neutered, he will not know the difference and will not be adding to the problem of too many puppies that will not have homes, really, I am proud of you and anyone who gives you a hard time is really just ignorant so please just ignore them.

      Hey Dizz, wondering about the alcohol, AD, sex thing, can't blame us for asking now can you? LOL.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi Play! Thanks for the shout out!

        San Fran is a great replacement. I envy all the great food you have out there and beautiful area!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Dear Hokutx,
          I found your post from 7/3/12 to be so really interesting, about only 4 more days of summer school. All about how indifferent and lazy you find the students to be, mostly Hispanic. I'm thinking of it in relation to what I have seen of the schools here in Spain so far. Everything here is so so family oriented, there are children and families everywhere. There seems to be still so many activities for children, teenagers and families to engage in together compared to the United States, I find it very sad when I think of the children in the US just turning to drugs and gangs and the extended family is almost nonexistent. Here the family and extended family is still alive and thriving. Aside from that the economy is terrible and there are no jobs especially for the young people.

          Thanks for your interesting post.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question


            Morning all …

            DIZ! So happy to hear you made it safe and sound. Shezzzz… sounds like a bit of an ordeal And so …. How’s that new bed?? HA!

            Sun: Thank you for the hugs. I know I did the right thing and it will just be time to get used to the “new situation” of losing a friend like him. As an old lover, I put that behind me long ago.

            I HAVE considered the sanctuary that I adopted the pups from, in regards to my will. It all feels so weird. I am far from rich, but any new beneficiary would probably be shocked. I’ve worked hard for years to head into retirement with “A Man Is Not a Plan” attitude – so have a bit that will go somewhere. (???)

            BTW – Houtx tuned 59 on Thursday. (Pretty sure) It is Space turning the big 5-0 on Sunday.

            Space: Thank you too as well. Hugs received across the pond …

            Yes, “Buddy” is the 100% beneficiary in my will. I always knew he would do proper with giving personal stuff to people he knows I care about. He would kill for my house. LOL I know he would sell my shop with a smart business head. So yes, I need to make some changes pretty rapidly, but you are right – not today – not this weekend.

            No – we all don’t do Sunday dinners with family. HA! I love that TV show with Tom Selleck called “Blue Bloods” where they all do a Sunday dinner every week. Do you get that show? Funny .. used to live down the street from him when he was Magnum PI. HA! I think I still have a bit of a crush on him. =)

            Moms can be difficult = I feel for you. I loved my Mom dearly, but she also drove me nuts. So critical at times, but I don’t think she ever realized it to be honest. She would say things like (sitting at my kitchen counter) “My – you can really see how dirty those windows are when the sun shines in”. Or … “Do you want me to fix those flowers for you in my guest bedroom?” WTH??? HA! I miss her, even with all the BS she could hand out. I suppose another example of how we remember “only the good”.

            We don’t really know each other, but I hope you do heed the warnings/info about the medication. They are correct … please be careful.

            Happy to hear to you a day “off” for a bit. Keep the pictures coming!

            Yes, so hard to catch with everyone for sure. I have the same issue if I am gone for just a bit.

            Well Play, I am right behind you – 58 next month. Sorry to learn of your divorce, always tough. But you are still young enough to be doing “playful” things – just have to want to I guess.

            I MISS San Francisco so much. Yep, may have said that about SF and men. Still adore the gay guy friends I had there. HA! But it still is not as shallow and So Cal. SF Magazines are about environment, healthy living, neat get-aways. Open a SD magazine and it is all about face lifts, boob implants, teeth whitening, eyebrow work, and how to “beat the Jones” on making your house fancier. Ah well .. such is life.

            Please post again and let us not your “concerns”. We are here for you .. as you guys are for me ….

            So – today feels sunnier. Amazing fog this morning but now at almost 10:30 AM it is back to blue skies and will be in the 70s. I plan on just mucking about for most of the weekend and may actually work on my veggie garden a bit! (SUN- you are good motivation!)

            I worked hard yesterday at the shop and it was good for me. The week is a bit screwed up in my head having the holiday on Wednesday and now all of a sudden it’s Saturday again. I’ll do some work for a big event coming up in a few weeks – paperwork, bids and ordering stuff.

            Heard from Landscaper again yesterday. It’s daily now and will be weird when he goes “poof”. But for now all good. He was over again last night – and yes Sun, I think he has some guilt going on .. or something! HA! Actually I think he’s just a good guy, lots of energy and probably gets lonely like me. We had giggles and all good. Great distraction from the Buddy situation for certain. We slept in too late and he ended up late for a consultation he was supposed to be at ... so was fun to give him chit about that.

            Trying REALLY hard to keep the wine down. Landscaper again showed up with two bottles of wonderful wines, but I was actually pretty good last night. Learning. I think. He officially called me a cougar last night (in joking) so I now call him “kid”. He makes me laugh – what can I say?

            Going to meet a GF this afternoon to do some shopping (UGH). And then do lunch. I MUST buy a few new pieces of clothing as nothing in my closet fits any more. Not too much as I hope to be “normal” again soon … counting the days to see the new DR.

            Trying to get “stuff” done around the house and property. Having one hell of a time with my natural bamboo counter island put in a year ago. Damn thing keeps on flexing with the humidity and temperature. Hate to think about it, but I think it needs to be ripped out and “re-enforced” underneath better than it was. Did I post this pic before??


            Anyway … I hope everyone has a day with smiles. Thank you being here …. Hugs to all.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Baclofan, thanks for that info, That's really interesting.

              Yes Space, I want some fun time, this seems like a working holiday so far, most likely a day or two somewhere along the way, thanks for the thought. And Space, I do think my daughter appreciates how much I am helping her, tomorrow I actually want to talk about how worried I am about her and her husband. I don't want to tonight, too tired to think about it tonight. I want to talk about it to them tomorrow that they should both go to get some counselling together for the stress but her husband is Spanish and they don't quite believe in such things, they think it is not manly, you know that kind of cultural thing.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Dear WTE, oh, I'm hoping that you are feeling a little better by now. I'm thinking that by re writing your will must mean that you were going to leave everything to that Bad Buddy Friend, I'm so glad that you are at least remembering to re write it, it would be awful if you were to find the love of your life and for forget that you had left everything to Buddy, and I know someone who did exactly that, LOL. Any, hoping you are OK.

                Dear sun, glad you let Space know what QD meant, I might not have even seen her question. I haven't said a proper hello to yu in ever so long but I think of you every day, xoxoxo.

                Space, I am so sorry about saying that it was sad that yu had to take care of your mom. I thought you were about 30 and that she was about 50. I had no idea she is in her 80s, of course you would be taking care of her, and she probably says mean things due to a bit of dementia possibly, so please forgive me.

                Bye for now,


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I AM SO DOWN. Not really. Yes I am. No - I am not. Well I am. I don't know. The lexapro just isn't hacking it for me. I don't have that 'happy' feeling that I used to have on the celexa. I only have about three days worth left anyway so have to call my doc on Monday and am going to ask them to put me back on the 40mg of celexa. When I was in the hospital 'cos of the withdrawal problem, no-one said anything about any heart problem, so obviously it had gone away being on the 40 mg. So, I am am going to be a pain in the rear seeing as she is trying to sort out paperwork for the lexapro for me - and ask her to change it back to the celexa. I upped it (the lexapro) myself to the 20mg and it hasn't made any difference. I HATE feeling like this. For YEARS I felt like this and when I went on the celexa, I found out how I could feel - it was amazing. I could actually be HAPPY. Since then I have been such a happy soul. Until the CRASH. I hate this........ I hate this feeling of doom and gloom, of feeling like crying, of feeling like life isn't worth it - I know that it is - that it can be. I KNOW it. I am fed up to the back teeth of the heat and the customers who are fed up with the heat and taking it out on us 'cos they know they can. I am fed up with katie who doesn't seem to understand that she needs to tell me when she needs to go out. I am fed up with watering. I am fed up with plants dying even though I am watering them. I guess I am feeling down...... sorry guys. Just needed to vent. No-one else to vent to - if I vent to my daughter she will be over here in a flash and I don't want to do that to her. This is so not me but has been now for months. I want the OLD ME back. The HAPPY Sunshinedaisies. The one you all know and love. This is not the real me - this is the me I want to do away with. I need to stop or I am going to depress all of you too.

                  love and hugs,

                  Sun XXXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    So sorry to hear that sun. Hang in there and it will pass. Just a bad day. Be careful if you stop the lexapro. I recall having some bad SE's when I stopped.
                    Hope your doc gets this all straightened out.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Thanks Cos - oh I wouldn't just stop the lexapro - my doc stopped me on the celexa a month or so ago - took me off of 40mg and down to 10 of lexapro - I ended up in the hospital with a suspected mini stroke - turned out to be withdrawal symptoms from the cutting off so abrubtly from the celexa - my doctor is hopeless!!!! I think I know more about AD's and stuff than she does! LOL And yes you are right - I am just having a bad day. This too shall pass..... thanks for being here....

                      love Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Sun ..sending a MEGA hugs sweet ladt .. day at a time huh?



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          MORE Play Photos WHOO HOO!

                          "FOR SPACE"


                          "PLAYA DELMAR"

                          "OUR LUNCH SPOT"

                          'EVERY ONE RIDES ONE"


                          "GOOGLE IT"


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Gosh I hope I posted those right Play! HA!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Perfect WTE, thank you.

                              Dear Sun, I know exactly what you are saying, I'm just so glad that you now know that you are able to feel happy and glad to be alive, this AD just isnt the correct one for you!!! You doc will just have to put you back on the other one for sure, you know how to stand up for what you need.

                              I'm cooking a pot of soup for the kids dinner for when they return from out of town today.

                              Space, the Sunday family dinner is a tradition in the US also and in Spain also.

                              Bye for now.

                              Love, Play


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                BTW, I just thought that last photo of the circus of horrors was very curious and so took a foto of it and will google it eventually. Looks like they are on Facebook.

