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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Thanks for the photo's play

    I hope your feeling a bit better today Sun, yes you will have to tell the doc that the new tablets arnt working for you. I get citalopram (celexa) 40mg and theres not a problem with that being prescribed here, its just the 60mg dose they stopped.

    I had a great evening out yesterday with my sons, daughter and her bf for my birthday, even the sun shone for me


      New here and starting Topa and with a question


      Glad that you enjoyed your dinner out last night with your family. Hope you have a good day today..... and yes, the celexa always worked for me before - I am not sure why she took me off it.

      WTE - thanks for sorting me out on Houtx age! I got confused! LOL And yes, a day at a time and thanks for the hug :l

      I should go back and re read all that was posted before my pity party post - but right now don't feel up to it. Maybe later today....

      the pics were lovely Play - it looks like a lovely area where you are.

      Time to call my mum....

      love and hugs all,

      Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        My Space Friend

        Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!

        You big girl now HA!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Okay - I am back. seeing as we had a whole 1/4" of rain last night my water butt was FULL. YEAH but I have two that are supposed to be joined. So I decided to join them - oh my gosh. Has taken me for ever - one of them seems to have some problems - I wasted a lot of water and sweated a lot in the heat but eventually got them both sorted. Ended up putting a double washer in one of the hoses that attached to the barrel and plumbers tape on another thread of another outlet - so now they are both ready to go for the 30% chance of rain later this afternoon..... fingers crossed. I called where I bought them from and they asked me what I wanted them to do - I wanted to say "SEND ME ONE THAT ISN'T DEFECTIVE" but then thought how hard it would be to send one back....... so we chatted and I told her what I would try......

          Play - my sister lived in Spain too for a while and she said the same thing about how family orientated they all are there. So nice to know.....

          WTE - I agree with not being rich - but we too have saved - for retirement - and what we have looks like a lot on paper but when it boils down to it, it isn't much really - but then we have our children to leave it to, although I actually want to redo our (my) will to leave something to my brothers and sister too. If there is anything left after hubs retires!! That will be in december and our income is going to go down drastically. I think you are amazing the way that you have built your own business on your own and done so well - kudos to you.......I do not think I could have done the same.

          We are all about the same age here really aren't we - with Space being the baby of the group at a young 50. It is nice - I like that we are all here...... and as for you singles - marriage isn't all it is cracked up to be - even after 30 years, one can get shocked into reality when one thinks things are drifting along as usual. Trust me. Things are almost back to normal for hubs and me after a thing a couple of weeks ago, but it has left me feeling - well, not quite the same as I did. Put that together with the depression and it is bound to have dragged me down.

          I have never been to SF but might be going there to visit Play sometime - we have talked about it. Either that or she will come and visit me here. I don't have a lot of leave left for this year so we shall have to see. I had an e-mail from a cousin whom I have not seen for 35 years (he lives in Virginia beach) and his mum (my aunt) is coming over to USA in Aug/sept and she might be coming to visit me which would be great - I visited her when I was in UK and it would be wonderful to have her visit me here - she never has been to my house here. So that would be a couple days more of my leave taken. Play has said about coming here which would be wonderful!!!!! Next year I can visit her in SF and see what everyone raves about. How far are you from SF WTE??? Maybe we can all meet up?

          WTE - glad that you are still having fun with landscaper guy - not sure if I would have laughed at being called a cougar - even in fun!! But I am happy if you are happy..... and btw, your kitchen is beautiful!!!!!!

          Did you get any new clothes? I refuse to buy trousers in smaller sizes - I just wear a belt now! I enjoyed my day out with my daughter even though we were shopping.

          Play - what is going on with you - talk to us!!!! I know you are up to your eyes in it so no worries about no being in touch - really !! :l

          Space - thinking of you today having your Sunday lunch with your mum - LOL. I am thinking about making a bakewell tart - can't buy them here and I love them. I will have to grind my almonds though as they are mega expensive to buy already ground here.

          Have rambled on enough - I am hoping Diz gets some time to post soon - we are all waiting to hear from you Miss dizzy!!!!

          love and hugs to all,

          Sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Quick one ... as I am off to kill GOPHERS! GRRRRR My new lawn! The bastards! HA!

            Sun - I am a bit under an 8 hour drive from Play.

            By the time I drive South (further) to the San Diego airport (45 minutes to an hour), park and arrive as early as they want you to, check luggage, fly for a bit over an hour, pay for parking while gone, and then do the same nonsense on the other end … well, it comes really close to being the same amount of time to throwing suitcases in my Jeep and hitting the road! HA! Plus, have a car when I am there instead of renting one.

            Plan B: Both of you could visit “Journey’s End”. LOL Me Casa. Lots of space and privacy, no pool, but a spa. (friggin landscaper lol) Fifteen minutes to the ocean. 72 degrees and blue skies as we have ‘no weather” most of the year. =)

            More later …. I am DETERMINED to trap these pocket gophers! It’s just one I think .. the little chit!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Can anyone tell me what happens if you take too much too fast. Is it better to increase the mgs if you can stand the SEs?


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Rutru - I have found if you take too much too fast it just plain doesn't work. Even if you can stand any SE's, it is much better to go up slowly - for some reason it seems to work much better. When I have messed up and had to start again, I have had to do exactly that - start again. trying to jump in at a higher dose does nothing. Sorry - I know that we all want it to work NOW but with topa, slower is better........

                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  DITTO to what Sun said.

                  As much as we "want it to hurry up & work" ..... Topa seems less effective if you do that.

                  Shout out if you have any more questions.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Thanks so much for the advise-- so I should go back to the 25 mg and week one?


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I know a SE of Top is hair loss and the book gives ideas to help with that, do they really help?


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi again - the hair loss doesn't happen with everyone - it didn't happen with me. I didn't even know it was supposed to be an SE until i read of it here with someone..... not sure if the ideas the book gives help or not - someone else might know though.... not all the SE's happen with everyone. I had very few SE's - also a lot of the SE's go away over time if you stay on the same doseage for a little extra time.

                        Did you start out at a higher dose than 25mg then? if you did, I would most definitely go back to week one at 25mg. and stay on that for a week. then go up to the next dose, staying there for a week.... and follow the titration schedule in the book.

                        sun x
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          thanks -- you are lucky--my hair must be finding better places to be right now!

                          So you think I should go back to the 25 mg for a week and start over????


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Rutru - Not sure what you are taking now, but follow Sun's advise. I have even in the past gone slower.

                            As for hair loss - none here. And I have heard VERY few that have had that issue.

                            Weight loss, for me was a deal breaker. Not everyone gets that n - about 16% do.

                            Those that want to lose weight don't on Topa, and thoses of that that can't afford to lose it do! Go figure! HA!

                            Keep us posted ..great group here.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              well with my luck I'll lose my hair and put weight on but at least I will remember where I put my diet book and hair brush due to not blacking out-- that's the on;y silver lining I can find in that!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Everyone, nothing new here, just super busy family routine, I know they are totally grateful for my help and I worry about how they will manage when my daughter has to go back to work. She will need to find some that she really feels 100percent comfortable with whom to leave the baby with for 5 hours a day as her husband has also gone back to work. We are waiting to find out when the surgery will be scheduled and in any case I will be coming back for three months in Spain and three months in the US probably for the next year ( the visa only allows three months out of six months). My other concern is just I see that my son in law and daughter are kind of barely holding up under the stress level of everything going on. My daughter is seeing a therapist every two weeks but her husband doesn't really believe in therapy, the Spanish don't really think it is necessary. So I just see all this going on and there isn't much I can do except be here to help out which is what I am doing

                                So aside from this, yes I'm planning to visit Sun or she will visit me and WTE it would be great for you to join us wherever. I have also been thinking of all of us meeting up in SF or here in Spain sometime. I have been coming here for a few years two times a year and always stay at least a month or two. I remember a while back that Dizz said it would be very difficult for her to get a visa for Spain but perhaps she could tell us more about that, and it would be easy for Space and Sun and WTE, anyway it is something fun to think about. I'm willing to meet up anywhere you guys want to.

                                Better go for now,
                                Love, Play

