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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Morning everyone!!

    I had a quiet but chaotic weekend as I booked my plane tickets....Hubby was really moody and grouchy, like I have really never seen him before. So, i tried as best i could to cuddle and make him feel good. Monday, and Tuesday were spent getting tons of stuff that need to get done before I leave... you know how that goes...

    I will be coming to San Diego if I am invited.....Horray!!!! I guess we may have to buy some Guinness...courage in a bottle.... lol! (kayaking)

    Ok, sorry... I have been signed on to this site all day, but been very busy, always torn away by something, as my 16 year old is visiting. I just didnt want you to think i fell into a prosecco bottle! lmao! My life always goes into high gear like this whenever i plan to leave for awhile. I will be on more soon, when it calms down a bit... hugs to all!!armsaround::armsaround::armsaround::armsaroun d::armsaround::armsaround:


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I think ask your doctor about Sertraline. Like I said I had no side effects and I was taking it as a student with lots of binge evenings. It has a weight gain side effect but the thing is, you can always stop it if you feel that you have reached a healthy weight or a bit more than that.
      Or you can combine it with Topa to counteract...

      PAXIL: Side effects, ratings, and patient comments

      Keep your head up and keep reading, you will find something!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Once again ? Thanks Diz. But now I am a bit confused. Sertraline is Zoloft ? not Paxil. And Paxil sounds VERY scary to ever get off of!

        And I am amazed your friend that drinks 2 bottles of wine a day takes Cymbalta! Your liver can EXPLODE on Cymbalta if you drink with it.

        I REALLY don?t want to head down the AD road at all. I am not bi-polar or have major depression. I?m pretty certain I am just in a funk because I am drinking too much! And I never binge ? just sip all day long ? every day. Makes me sick. Liquid depression ?

        When are you coming????? Of course you are invited!


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I looked up that Type A and Type B Barbor article, I recKon I am type B then which on his reconing I would do worse on sertraline but Im not sure if he means all ssri's.

          Anyway WTE I have no advice I can think of re: ad's as I have been taking them for years and am still to find one that works. I think I did mention mirtazapine but you have said that your doc says no and now you mention it I do think it is reccomended for major depression so you wouldnt want that then. As for your drinking have you tried baclofen or campral. I am taking both right now and have cut right down on my drinking, I also take gabapentin. The baclofen I only take 30mg a day so dont get the se's the peeps get doing the high dosages, I buy this on line as I cant get a script for it from my doc as he wont prescribe off label. My doc does give me the campral and gabapentin, I think the gabapentin helps my mood and the campral does help with cravings, I can tell when I miss a dose of any of these. In fact right now Im feeling a bit pissed off because I want a drink but I know I wont get the kick from it that I am after. Over the past few days I have been having 2 cans of lager, even when I started a bit earlier I dont seem to drink more. I cant tell you which of these meds is doing what tho, I know when I took only campral it helped take the edge off but made no difference when I started drinking again as to how much I would drink, also I dont think the 30mg of bac I take would make such a difference so I continue to take the three as although I worry about taking so many meds, it seems to be working at the moment so I will stay with it. Oopps I nearly forgot to say most of my heavy drinking was with vodka and I know that if I drink vodka now I will still go overboard with it and get drunk, probably because I drink it too fast and have drank too much before I feel the effect so this is only working if I stick to lager. I have tried doing it with wine but the hangovers are awful and leave me in bed for the day, the other problem I have with wine is that once a bottle is open I seem to need to finish it so whereas I drink lager by the can, I drink wine by the bottle and once the second bottle is open I finish that one as well.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Cross posted, my mum takes sertraline and drinks whiskey every evening, she just has one or two and doesnt have a problem like we have, but she is ok with the sertraline it doesnt seem to have made any difference at all to drinking for her.

            I have taken Paxil in the past, sorry I cant remember much about it.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              WTE, I had no probems drinking or getting off Paxil but argh, we know everyone's different. Also I just googled the name for Paxil so I might have gotten it wrong, not sure what the generic name is. I wouldnt take a lot of the internet boards too seriously, I just titrated down the way my doc said and within a month I was fine.

              In all honestly, earlier today I posted this and then deleted it. I don't think you have clinical depression, I think you have situational depression. In other words I dont think you really need to go down this scary road of ADs unless you really want to. What I said is that you dont have a clinical inbalance in your brain, you just had some setbacks in life, and I think talk therapy may be better for you in the end.

              But I really wish there was something we could add to your Topa to just keep it working without you worrying about the weight loss side effect.

              Like Space said, some people can drink A LOT on certain ADs and be fine so I (and a few other people here) found Celexa to work. Maybe Lexapro could do the trick if you would like to give it a go.

              Bf back, will check back in with you and the rest of you guys in the morning.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                To be honest with you WTE, if there was any way I could do without ad's I would. There are times when I wonder what would have happened to me if Id never taken them in the first place, but I will never know that but what I am saying is that given the choice I would try talk therapy first for situational depression, that is what I think my mum has, she started taking them after my dad died because she was grieving and didnt stop crying for about a year but now she is stuck on them, as in when she has tried (twice) to stop taking them, decreasing as she should she ends up imposible to be with she is so bad tempered and feeling sorry for herself so she ends up going back on them. I have bipolar so I dont really have a choice right now about taking the meds because I know I will be in a worse state if I stop, but you dont, have you talked to your doc and therapist about all this. I dont want to sound like Im minimising your problems but there are lots of other things you could also try, relaxation, meditation, going for aromatherapy massages, acupuncture, exercise vitamin and herbal suppliments and there are others. If nothing else works then go for ad's because I know from some other peeps they have done them a lot of good, obviously the choice is yours and Im only saying this because you dont even seem to want to take them anyway.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I really appreciate everyone’s words of wisdom. And no, I DON’T want to go down the road of AD medication.

                  I guess what I really want is to control this damn drinking. It was less than a year ago that I seemed to have so much more “interest” in life – my shop, my sports, everything. I’m not sure what changed things, but I just feel like I have lost my “joy” for life. Not at ALL like me – ever. I was always the upbeat one and really active and always laughing.

                  It was my GF that first noticed it, after I started to seem to lose interest. She went on Lexapro, then convinced me I should see her DR … and here I am. Lexapro is $120 a month without insurance. That’s why he put me on Celexa instead. Then Wellbutrin, because I really do want/need to quit smoking. Now it just feels like a big mess! UGH.

                  Topa was working and looking back at my logs from 2009 it was only Week 3 that I dropped suddenly from 8-10 glasses a day to almost nothing! At Week 3 I drank slightly over 3 glasses the whole week and had 4 AF days without issue! Weird.

                  Yes, perhaps is IS all situational depression. There certainly has been a lot of crap happening of recent. And I’m so trained to deal with any of it with wine, then get lazy and then pissed off at myself. Then depressed. I just want to feel excited about life again.

                  I’ve seen my therapist twice now and but we seem to continue “gathering background”. I don’t feel a lot of confidence in her to be honest. But I also hate the thought of searching for someone new and starting all over again.

                  My Mother took Wellbutrin after my sister died and called it her ‘no tears” pill. I never had any clue how difficult ADs were to take and how weird they can make people feel. My close GF on Lexapro seems VERY agitated these days and is REALLY pissed off at gaining 15 # and feels tired all the time. *sigh*

                  My DR still has not called me back. Dang. It’s a bit past 4 PM here already. I did send him a 2nd fax asking for a blood work-up and a liver panel. It’s been years for me and I’ve never had my liver checked. I am pretty certain I am going to pass on any more ADs for now as I feel like I am still trying to get everything else out of my system.

                  I don't know what my plan is ....

                  Thank you all and big hugs ….

                  And where IS everyone else?


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    came over to stalk Sunni and she is not she ok?
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Mama Bear – I’ve not heard from Sun, but I just phoned her. Just got her recorder so perhaps she is at work? I miss her too …

                      And just great – just called and spoke with the DR office and they told me to stop the Wellbutrin and they will send in a script for Campral. Campral???? You can’t take that until you have STOPPED drinking. It helps you stay AF – I am not AF! This is getting more frustrating by the minute. I asked her to pass that message on to the DR and hopefully will get another answer today.

                      OOPS – Sun just called back. She will post soon and had left her phone at work.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        LOL - I am here - got home from work and did some stuff then had dinner then looked for my phone - I had no idea that everyone was out looking for me! I left my phone at work - called work and was greeted with "are you happening to be calling about the phone that is here ringing off the hook?" LOL !!

                        Anyway - I had got involved in a book! Just curled up on the sofa reading !! I should have posted before I started reading but you know how it goes when you get into a book - I ironed yesterday evening for four hours so thought I would relax this evening.

                        jan - you crack me up stalking me - but I love you anyway ! :l:h Actually - I stalk you too :H

                        Wu - I am Pm'ing you about calling you ..... it is great that you are going to join us - I can't wait to meet you !! And as for buying Guinness - it will already be bought. Actually I do prefer Murphys to Guinness - the kind in a can with a widget. (just in case WTE gets some in ahead of time LOL). It is the same as Guinness but a tad smoother and slightly cheaper. And why on earth would you need courage - you know us all and we really are quite harmless - crazy maybe but harmless! oh - you mean for the kayaking? Hey I have never done it before either - this is all going to be so much fun! I have never had a get together like this before....... and neither has Play - but I feel as if I know you all anyway!!

                        Actually - I feel bad about talking buying the AL - after all, this site is supposed to be for stopping Al. And here am I discussing buying it. No wonder I was shamed a little while ago in that whole debacle some time ago........ to be honest my consumption has gone up somewhat - I used to be happy with two every night and am now up to 4 again. SO I need to cut back again - but my Topa has gone down too - I am down to 200mg and think I need to up it again. I am really not even trying right now I don't think. I need to put some effort into this. Maybe after the trip..

                        WTE - we chatted on the phone so am not going into your stuff here - but keep us updated in what happens with the doc and what he says next !!! it was good to chat with you........ maybe after our trip, we can BOTH quit smoking ? Just a thought... hubs and I have been looking at a new car for me and I am not going to smoke in a new car if I get one!!!!

                        Hi there Space and Diz !!! Hugs to you both :l

                        Mimi - lovely to see you here - and I agree - I love the new Avatar! A new you !!! And you have been doing so well too - it was really nice to see you - please come back and post more often - I have missed seeing you here. I think you have done an awesome job.

                        off back to my book - then to bed....

                        love and hugs to all,

                        love, sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hello....dropping in to say hi.

                          I'm one of the wild women that will be in San Diego. I only get to go for one day though. :upset: I'm really looking forward to it.

                          WTE - Sorry about all the mess with your meds. You are right about the campral. I was on that for a while. Didn't seem to help me though. I'm taking Lexapro now and doing well.

                          Hope everyone is doing well. :wavin:
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Quick check-in...hi!!!!

                            WTE, PLay, Sun, Wu, when are y'all rendevouzing in Sept? I'll look into flights, but sooooooooooo tight with $$ right now, doubt I can swing it. Houston to San Diego? I've been busy w/ my daughter getting ready to take her to UT and my son to A&M this weekend. Then I start school Monday (though kids don't start til the 27th). Shit - I dread it!!

                            Love reading everyone's posts & seeing long lost ones cropping up. WTE, so sorry you're in pain. Capral was good at smoothing the jagged edges...not an AD but may make some sort-of difference. I hate my drinking levels right now too. Esp b/c my kids are noticing more and thinking ill of me, I'm sure. UGH - I dread seeing and spending so much time with my ex this weekend while we move the kids. He not only speaks and acts superior - like I'm stupid - but then gets on these rants and repeats himself. It's amazing to me someone I loved and married and had 2 wonderful children with can fill me with such dread and near hatefulness at the thought of him. I can feel the bile rise in my throat when I think of having to be on the other end of the 2 sofas we'll be moving together...maybe I can pretend like the kids are stronger!! HAHA

                            Anyway, I have to report to an orientation for 6th graders tomorrow so this is short & sweet. Hang in there!!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question


                              WaitingToExhale;1364499 wrote: Thanks both Diz and Bac.

                              Bac, I had asked my DR about Mir and he shook his head and said that it was used for REALLY MAJOR depression only. I don’t think I have major depression. And Bac, you’re not drinking either right?
                              Re: not drinking, let me put it this way...I have my days some of them are quite heavy vodka ones. The reason behind being such strong mirta advocate is: as I recall you regretfully decided to give up topa due to weight loss and lack of apetitte...been there done that.

                              I happen to have fantastic Pdoc (who prescribes me bac & topa) that came up with perfect sollution: mirta! and btw I wasn't experiencing major deppression. The initial irresistable food craving is gone replaced by healthy apetitte and I've started slowly titrating up topa again.

                              I am fully aware that remeron is not the first line of treatment for any form of depression...first come always SSRI's & SNRi's...been there done that with GPs-family docs in the past.

                              But sometimes might be if the patient complains about severe sleep problems and if the dr or patient are reluctant to try the conventional stuff for sleep that tends to be often quite addictive...

                              My idea (for myself) is to take full advantage of mirta as antidepressant, antianxiety and apetitte booster
                              in order to see what topa is worth for...without being walking corpse.

                              Remeron as a great sleep aid might become handy as well as I'm titrating up on bac to higher doses when many predacessors linked HDB to insomnia...I don't think that xanax option to combat HDB insomnia is such a great solution...but it's JMHO.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Dear Houtx, I so wish you were going to be able to join us, and I do understand about the Ex!! Perhaps at the last minute you can swing it, we will be in san diego starting sept 4th., please do try.

                                Dizz, so why is it that you think you are unable to get a Visa for Spain? and it will be very inexpensive and I think the BF can spring for a ticket for a weekend away for you to see your girlfriends, it will be much easier to do this October seeing that you are for sure here this year rather than waiting until next year when you don't know if you will be here or not, now, doesn't that make sense? Yes, I think so, now, you much just get yourself in gear and talk to the BF and get it all arranged, getting the Visa cannot be nearly as difficult as getting to the UK was to begin with, so Get On It my dear Dizz! Space and I will be expecting to see you in October, no excuses!!!

                                WTE, perhaps ADs are not the answer for you after all I'm not sure, I have the feeling that finding a good talk therapist first just to sort everything out might be the most helpful thing to being with. That is what I did when my life was falling apart to begin with, I was also drinking excessively and on the verge of divorce, I did start taking Prozac which worked well and later changed to Zoloft which I still take along with drinking, Gabapentin and Topamax with no ill effects.

                                And I know, that one big love, the one that you feel you will never get over, I went thru the same thing, it's hell when you keep running into him because you live in the same area, my guy killed himself, that took care of me running into him but I still will never get over him.

                                And Sun I've been thinking about you saying that you were enjoying your drink but feeling guilty because this site is about stopping drinking. I think this site is about drinking and doing whatever we need to do to help us feel ok about our drinking in whatever shape and form that it takes. I know for me, I want to be able to drink a glass of wine with dinner, a glass of wine when I go to spain and go to lunch with my in-laws and again at dinner with my kids, I want to enjoy a glass of wine at night before I go to sleep. On the other hand, I don't want to get drunk or wake up with a hangover, I don't want to send a bunch of drunken emails or ever drive home after drinking too much or say things that to loved ones and friends that I will regret later, I don't want to be tortured by the awful cravings every minute of every day of wanting to drink.

                                So, is what I want realistic? Maybe so maybe not, I don't know yet. I do know that the cravings have been helped so much by the Topa, they are not completely gone but they are so much better. They are so much better that I can go without drinking for the evening if needed without going thru hell and that is really heaven. So, for me, just having the cravings under control has also brought the amount that I am drinking down to a far more reasonable level, in fact alot of the time it is a pretty much normal level. Just like you Sun, I would say two or even four lagers is actually pretty normal.

                                So, I guess the point of my rant here is just that even if others on this site try to make it into a stopping alcohol only site, I don't think it was ever meant to be only that and we don't need to feel guilty for wherever our path leads us.

                                Plus, we have more sofas and easy chairs than any other thread and it is way more comfy and cozy here than anywhere else on the MWO site, why would we want to come home to anywhere else than here. Everyday I think of my friends here and always get a chuckle, this is the thread where we all really share who we are, tell great stories ( almost books sometimes), and no matter what the time difference there is always someone who is awake and willing to come to give some comfort. I love it here, I've met such genuine caring people here, in some ways I think that the most sensitive people have the most problem with addiction.

                                Mimi, I too love your new Look, you must be feeling better, please keep it!

                                I know there are some others who haven't posted for awhile so i'm saying "HI", and love everyone,

