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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I am coming to your house soon space check out your gardening... and you can come to mine when i come home because i have a nice place to go skiing.. and i can teach you if you like...


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      I have been skiing a long time ago when I was a yougster I used to go to Aviemore in Scotland


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I want to go camping at Space’s house! HA!

        Oh Space – how upsetting it must be about the dress sizes! How is she going up and down so fast!

        Well, the Drama Queen here continues. LOL The Dr’s nurse calls and they NOW want to prescribe LAMICTAL. I look it up and it says for Bi-polar and Manic. Great. Pass.

        I’ve just decided I am NOT taking any ADs or similar stuff right now. SE is a bad rash – and I already have a slight one from one of these damn things I took. UGH. I HATE meds!

        So I was/am seriously re-considering TSM. No, it didn’t work very well for after a year of taking it, but I was also buying it from River and getting Nordict. “ Q” on the other site is pretty convinced that may be a real issue with many of us. Who knows? But I know I can’t go back to Topa now and this Round Robin of ADs is making me sick and crazy!

        I asked the nurse and she asked the Dr about Nalrexone and he said no – can’t drink with it. BS. I did and so does everyone else trying TSM. So I shot off another fax with my past 15 month experience in the Spring of 2009 with it and some quotes from online from the MayoClinic, etc etc etc.

        I don’t want to piss this Dr off, but he has his facts wrong. Campral that he wanted to give me should not be taken while drinking!

        Anyways … I set my blood work up for Monday morning. So that’s a good thing. Checking all the major stuff including thyroid and a liver panel (pretty sure on liver thing) and it’s costing $110.00. They can do it in the office so I am getting the “non-insurance” price.

        No meds headed down this throat until test results are back! HA!

        I just want to feel semi- normal again! And SO excited to have everyone visit! Four crazy chicks and one mini chick. HA!

        OK – We can’t kayak on Friday because NoraC is coming in that afternoon and my free coupon is Monday – Thursday. – so what day should we do that? Laughing to myself about you guys. The last time I was in the La Jolla cove/caves was with my niece from London and her BF. After a few hours we all had to head back to shore through the surf – you have to “time it a bit” with the waves. They did perfect – nice sandy landing. I was watching them so closely I didn’t notice I had a BIG wav behind me! HA! Yeah – I was in but turned sideways along the way, totally dumped and they couldn’t stop laughing. LOL

        Yes, I give Charlie Benadryl. Seemed to work before, but man is he itchy these days! I wished he liked water more as a baby pool to rinse off the pollens after our walk worked great for Chance. But Charlie is the rare “no water for me” dog. Weird for a Golden.

        OK, back to work and doubt I will hear any more from my DR until tomorrow or Monday. I SWEAR I am eating that steak tonight! HA!

        Hugs All.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi there - not long in from work and as I said, I am doing a clopen so need to be in bed soon. we had a huge storm here this evening and got another inch and a half of rain -probably more 'cos a lot of the time it was sheeting sideways so won't have gone in the rain gauge - wonderful but I felt for poor Katie as I was at work! I am sure she was barking her head off!!

          WTE - how about we do the kayaking Wednesday if that is okay with you and Play.... will we have to book?

          I agree that no meds for you sounds like a good idea. And yes, sometimes the docs don't seem to know what they are on about.... prescribing campral when he knows you drink yet not giving you the nal - makes no sense. Glad the blood work is set up.... OH - I tried the safety pins - it works - I don't know why - but I hadn't thought of it before - LOL !!!

          I am amazed that Charlie doesn't like water - goldens have those flippered paws just 'cos they love water so much!! Wow!! Sorry that the allergy meds aren't helping Charlie. We give daisy hers year round as her allergies are to do with her Thyroid for some reason or other !!!!

          oh yumm - felt peckish and am eating a raspberry cream cheese cupcake - I MUST remember to bring the recipe !!

          Wu - I think Space might have been referring to the time on this website recently when there was trouble regarding folk who were not AF posting - oh gosh - it is too long and complicated to explain - but no, it was nothing you said - I think it was something that I had mentioned that made her think of it - 'they' have got quite funny about people on the site posting to others if you are still drinking which is why I only EVER post here now. I used to reply to other peoples posts and post on other threads a lot but don't any more. If it hadn't been for this thread, I would have left the whole site. It seems to me that 'they' (whomever 'they' are) want to turn the site into an abstinence site so I just stay here in my safe comfy chair. You said nothing wrong.

          Space - I would be spitting nails if I were you! I used to make clothes and would be furious if I had to start doing alterations. And to already let dresses out 2". What size seams did you have ? LOL !!! I also understand where you are coming from re your daughter staying and you not being able to drink - not even one or two. Can you not talk to her and explain that you have changed and CAN have one or two these days? Or have they got your past history in their heads and just wouldn't believe you? Oh - please will you PM me and let me know where you live? I would love to come and visit next time I am in UK if that is okay but need to know roughly where I am going and plan around it all.... just a rough idea is good.....

          Anyway, it is already 11.30, and it will take me about 40 mins to get to bed by the time I get me and the dogs sorted so I am not going to get more than 4 and a half hours sleep so I must get going. I shall regret staying up this late in the morning - LOL

          love and hugs to all,

          sun XXX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Waiting:

            I'm sorry I don't really know your history but just wanted to say I was prescribed Lamictol in 2005 for bi polar and there is no doubt in my mind I would be in the most horrible state if I hadn't found it. I didn't even know I was bipolar!!
            I just thought everyone one was on the same most intense emotional roller coaster as I was.

            Anyway, I too was way anti meds for a long time and of course self medicated with AL but this one saved my ass.

            Just granted to share that.
            Love and hugs,
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              New here and starting Topa and with a question



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                OMGOSH.... peeps... you are all too funny... I havent gotten around to telling you this yet... I am a visual learner. You will notice it if you tell me a story, and I am trying to "file" it, that I look up and to the right or left, cant remember which one. I see the story playing out like a movie... Anywho... I really am one of those people who actually SEES Space hitting her daughters dickhead bf in the head with her iron. LMAO.....

                WTE.......That would be great if you could make yourself go manic... lol! Or just a little manic.... When I am manic the only bad part about it is the shopping. Otherwise, my home sparkles, everything is in perfect order as if i have OCD, I have tremendous amounts of energy, so workouts are now part of the program, perfect hair and makeup are now a must. I would be able to imagine how an exact opposite med like that might work for a person that is really bi polar. But then again, that would be an AD. Thats what Prozac did for me. LMAO. Thats what i meant with it made me perhaps a little too happy.

                Dont worry about what we will eat at least while I am there. I am also carni...a meat eater.. lol! Sorry, i hope that made you all laugh! You and I in the same town actually would really have been something, had I not decided instead to jetset back and forth my whole life. I am the caterers daughter. Mum catered affairs that not many people would believe.

                I am so glad you have an appointment for your bloodwork. Funny about the real prices for it too, right? I didnt know when I had mine done that I was depressed, i was too tired, as that was when I was a Las Vegas Cabbie. 15 hours a day, 6 days a week will do that to you. Anyway, hopefully this will shed some light on what is really going on, and make things a whole lot easier!!

                Space... I sure hope that works out with having to go up 2 dress sizes! sounds really difficult!

                Thanks for the heads up on Menopause...I am feeling fine with the family issues.... and they are better. My drinking even though I had less cravings and am now at 150 mg of topa is back to the usual two bottles. I even went back to the little cans, as they taste worse now. Just weird. I guess I am still headed toward AB, or even possibly something else, we shall see later, after I get the hormones under control... lol! Or GGRR!!! or perhaps a bit of both.... lol!

                Sun... You poor thing! having to go through it twice! Plus having to go through Chemo..... That must have been hard. I sure do hope the patch or whatever they give me will work. So I can move on to other issues. Boy, having a walk- in sure would be nice right now too!!! lol!!!! I can see you in there scaring your new employee! LOL!

                My fingers are tingling, but NOTHING compared to my feet... lol, its like pins and needles, yes, kind of like a pins and needles constant massage. Good because my best friend hasnt had time for me in 3 and a half months to do my pedi.... oh well. Hopefully she will have time before I leave since now my hair, feet and hands are a disaster since she has other priorities... lol!!!! This has GOT to be the weirdest summer of my life!

                Ok, off to see the wizard, and clean the house. I have 2 kilos of chanterelles to process for freezing for DH for while I am gone.... so he will still love me when I get back... even though I am a hormone bomb.... HA!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I hope it works this time

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1921251=6970-attachment.jpg[/img]


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        OK, i definitely suck at that... sorry folks... WTE will have to give me lessons...:H


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          The dresses are really getting me down now, I think what happened is they where both on crash diets for the wedding and had lost some weight, but like all crash diets they both put it back and then some, the skirts are gathered so that makes it easier because they are ok, its just the top parts which are really fidly and fancy and I will have to remake then, its a good job I bought extra fabric at the time.

                          I do think I overeacted yesterday about my daughter and her bf staying, but it really was the not being able to drink last night that did it, in the end I had 3 lagers so not a pissed up night, my son has just come in with his toe nail hanging off he jammed it under the door and its knocking me sick.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            WTE its all getting confusing to me with your doc, is this still the one with fake details? and the phone calls and the suggestions of meds and all whatever, I think you are best to go med free for a while and then see where you are at, and DO eat the steak, or start picking up a takeaway on the way home from work, or get a pizza delivery or something.

                            Sun I am in Liverpool, and dont worry I wont put you out in the garden, Im sure I can find a bed for you Its bloody starting to rain again, why have I always wanted to live somewhere hot and Im now 50 and still here in the rain? At the moment tho I am having to keep out of the sun even when it does make one of its rare appearances because I have come up in all red lumps and bumps with it, and with going to the wedding I dont want to be all scabby

                            My family wont even consider the idea that I will ever be able to drink again, I think a lot of it is the whole AA idea that they have all got in their heads, and also because I met my daughters bf in rehab which was 12 step based and so he keeps the AF idea going that once and alkie always an alkie and he can never drink again and when he has a slip my mum is saying he needs to go back to AA. They dont get the fact that I went for years and it never did me any good at all and still keep on if you drink you have to go back to AA or worse rehab to get sorted and stop. They dont believe in any meds apart from antabuse to help with abstinance and when Ive mentioned stuff like TSM and baclofen in the past I have just been shouted at and told they are just a con. So it took me a long time to even order on line and then I was worried that someone else would take in the post and open it and ever since I have done this in secret from them. I wish I could tell them, but I know it would just cause trouble. I really do hate the fact that my family wont accept what I say or what I want to do about it, I think they think its just an excuse to drink, which maybe it is, but thats only because the other way didnt work. I the past while I was trying to do it I would get some time AF and then go on a bad bender which at times I am amazed I survived.

                            BBL x


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Thank goodness Space! I used to Sew, back when clothes were more expensive than making them. Another plus point to sewing was always that my tastes when i was younger were mostly higher end, so i could always expand my wardrobe inexpensively that way. But trying to expand a dress by two much would be a challenge by too much would be difficult to say the least. My heart was going out to you, and still is. Good job by buying extra fabric.... a definite plus. Here that would be very expensive, as even cheap fabrics are like 30 euros a yard, or meter. So i dont sew anymore... OMG< i am going to a wedding. in a week. now i need a drink. I dont even have a dress yet.
                              Dont feel guilty. Go with the flow with your feelings right now. you have alot to think about, alot of stress, and I am sure you are under alot of pressure. I have one of my daughters over right now, and it does take some much needed time away from other things. Perhaps it wasnt just that you cant drink, but also that you just cant entertain right now. Making new bodices and undo pleated skirts before a wedding is stressful.... really.
                              I do hope you had a laugh about my previous post though. The way you wrote that your daughters bf is a dickhead had me see it two ways.. literally and otherwise. think about that one...and then of course you hitting him with the iron. Now I am laughing again. ROFL>>>>> when I say I see it like a film, it is really that way.. if someone says.. "can you imagine my boss walking out in his underwear" i say thank you for making me see that ..... its truly that way... lol..
                              well anyway dear, i hope that made your day a little brighter!
                              I do have a question, are lagers big? I would be happy right now if i were still there. this week, even though i am calm about my family thing, i am back up to my normal 2 bottles. I am thinking its the hormonal influx... as i thought i would be slipping up perhaps at 150, but i had gentle success at way lower doses. AB is looking pretty attractive these days..... waiting... hormonal therapy... then.. still tapering up (topa), stability... as in HOME... then, reevaluate. and anyone can jump in ANYTIME!!!!

                              Thank you so much all of you for being here...

                              Ok my foot seriously feels like its permanently asleep.

                              Missing some people.. where is Houtx and DIZ, and MIMI? I know there are a few more...


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Blooming heck, every time I start typing my son walks in and starts showing me his toe again so I have to get off, I just wanted to say how exiting it is that we are all meeting up in some way, whether its you all over there going to WTE, me and Play, I cant wait Play Im really starting to look forward to that, and now Sun and me, its just so cool.

                                Ok now Im off to the shops so I am definately getting off for a while xx

