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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Just a quick post.. i will call one of the couches, as i am normally later going to bed... but keep in mind i will have jetlag. Heck, i can sleep in a bathtub probably. Snoring doesnt bother me either, but i wouldnt want to wake you WTE if i cant sleep. (darn, no spooning, lol!)

    You may be relieved to know i can really only stay one day. Mum is staying in vegas with my little one, plus she will have my sisters 2 kids under 2. I am thinking it might be a bit much for her, as my four year old will have jetlag (and thats not fun) and my sisters baby is 6 weeks old, waking up every 2 hours.

    As for the heat in Las Vegas.... we have some remedies.
    1. Air Conditioning
    2. pools
    3. learn how to enjoy the evening hours
    4. during the hottest times see all of the above

    worlds best drink recipes are made in an ice cream machine....w or without.....
    pina coladas are just pinapple and cream of coconut in the machine until it soft freezes... then if desired add rum.... but its wonderful w/o.

    Loved the name of your house, and the story behind it.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      oh, and i dont know when i am coming... we will see if Houtx is coming since you go to bed early. I can just imagine myself awake in the middle of the night at your house... lol, with horrible jetlag.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Dont all fight over the couch will you girls

        Whats the Ramblas Play do we go there of an evening?

        I wish I could get back into the habit of getting to bed and sleep early, it was 3am again last night when I was going to sleep, I think it might be drinking that bit more thats keeping me awake, I am still not drinking lots but it takes me a long time to drink nowadays so Im finding myself on my third or forth drink at 1am when Im lying in bed wide awake. I am going to try taking something to help me sleep tonight and see if it works.

        Its raining here again today


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I will send you some melatonin Space when I get to the states id you would like. I think it was Sun that said one may not buy it in GB over the counter, just as I may not here in Swissland.

          Melatonin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          I was shocked when i was told I cant buy it without a script as in the statesits as easy to buy as a bottle of b vitamins... lol, and normally on the same shelf, so i thought it was a vitamin. Just a thought......


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Thanks Wu, I did always used to take melatonin but ran out a while ago. I dont know if you can buy it over the counter here now but I can get it online. When my son was being treated for ADHD he used to get it on prescription then and I know that I couldnt buy it then. I just looked up a health food shop and they dont have it so maybe we still cant buy it over the counter. Its not a vitamin, the doctor told me it is a hormone.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              WTE... i dont know if you went grocery shopping or not, but for a quick fix in the frozen department i used to really like the Michael Angelos eggplant parmesian. I used to right in the end add extra mozarella and parmesian.... just a thought, and one of those things i did when i really had trouble eating.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Good Morning everyone. Gosh - where to start?

                Humming Birds - that seems as good a place as any - LOL. They must be migrating through - I am filling my feeder with two cups and they are getting through it all in one day - I might have to get another feeder out - I have rarely seen more than one sit at a time and yet there are four all together at a time now ! And lots waiting their turns!

                'Tis cloudy here today - I might even do some weeding at last. And pull dead flowers - the rain was too little, too late. Shame.....

                Kradle - so lovely to see you here. What SE's are you having from the Topa? You said the SE's floor you - as for it losing it's potency - I think when that happens, you need to go up a notch - but depending on your particular SE's that might not be possible. i have to get up to 300mg for it to work it's magic and the SE's from that are not good for me. So I stay around 200mg for a while then go up again. Re the L-Glut, I have found that the powder is FAR better than capsules or tabs. the tabs did nothing for me but the powder is wonderful. You can get it at a body building place..... along with all the other stuff body builders use. Mixed with a little water it is tasteless.

                Dear Diz - I am so sorry you are having a tough time. It must be really hard for you right now - moving to a new place is hard enough without it being a totally new culture as well - as i know ! Are you still on the various meds that you were on? What dose of Topa are you taking? Can you up that a little as that seemed to help you last time you were feeling like this. I wish there was something I could do or say more that would help - how are things going with b/f ? Have you managed to meet any folk - go to a yoga class? thing is when one is feeling down, that is the last thing that you feel like doing ! Anyway - maybe post a bit more here and see if that helps? not sure why it would but it crossed my mind as I was typing......

                Hi there WTE - wow I agree that is a lot of benadryl - I would be asleep for days but I only have to look at benadryl to fall asleep! Poor Charlie..... I give my dogs flax oil on their food as they have dry skin which I guess is the same as fish oil....

                Sorry about the g/f asking if it gets easier re having to have her dog put down - yes it must be hard for you to not say anything - I can only imagine and think it is amazing that you hadn't said anything all along.

                It will be interesting to see what time I wake up over there seeing as there will be a two hour time difference for me. Will I be ready for bed at 7.00 ??? LOL As for the sleeping arrangements - it all sounds good to me. As for frozen dinners - they can be handy when you are in a hurry and need something easy and quick and are hungry!

                Nice hearing the story of your house's name - I worked in a pub in UK called the Journey's End MANY years ago in college hols.....

                Hi there Space - gosh 3.00 am and you are still awake - how horrid for you. It gets to be a vicious circle doesn't it? Then you sleep in late so don't go to bed early...... How are the dresses coming along for the wedding? When is the wedding? Bet you will be glad when it is over!! Sounds like you will have a fun time with Play - it would be lovely if Diz could join you too but I understand re the Visa......

                Wu - so nice to finally chat with you today and your daughter is so sweet!! So you will be coming on the Friday then? That will be really good - that way you can meet Nora too...... I enjoyed our chat and it was nice getting to know you - I love being able to put a face to the name. The views from your flat are just awesome !! What a wonderful place to live - and so nice to get up to that view !!

                Play - it was lovely chatting with you last night too - it is so going to be great finally meeting you. I can't wait to meet everyone in person!

                Houtx - when will you know if you are coming or not? Please let us know won't you? How are things going? Have you started school again yet? You mentioned maybe starting Topa again - are you going to? I can't remember if it did work for you before.....

                Well, I have been up for 3 and a half hours and all I have done this morning is talk on Skype and be on the computer so I really must go and do something else! Have a wonderful day everyone - love and hugs to all,

                love, sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question


                  Space: Hope you get the sleep thing figured out! How odd you can’t buy melatonin over there without a script! Like Wu said – it’s just in the vitamin/supplement section here in many stores. What a drag … that would drive me crazy!

                  And I am letting “them” all fight over the sofas. HA!

                  WU: Thanks for the frozen food tip. Really hate eating any of them … but there are just times that I KNOW if I don’t eat quickly, my appetite will pass again really quickly. Um, should probably mention I am lactose intolerant, and while I can eat a bit of cheese without issue, major amount gives me “issues” without a half hour. A glass of milk would kill me. HA! And YES! I did go grocery shopping! Go me! HA!

                  Hopefully you can be here when Nora is as well – she arrives Friday. Play and Sun leave Saturday morning (to head to the airport which is about 45-50 minutes from me). Still no word on Houtx …. Understand leaving the kidlet with your MOM and all that is going on. From the heart of Vegas to my place is a touch under 5 hours of a drive.

                  You made me laugh at you being up all hours of the night and the rest of us will be snoring away! LOL Well, to be honest, when I have guests I DO normally stay up a bit later. Just don’t want anyone feeling bad for fading out and heading to bed when they feel like it.

                  Hummingbirds! I have tons of them here but no longer put up feeders. First – pain in the arse to keep properly cleaned and filled. Second, I get tons of them just on my honeysuckle that grows out of control here. THIRD! The last time I visited my Dad in Houston, he had something like 10 or 12 feeders up on his back porch. It was August and nasty hot and humid. YUCK. Of course I would go outside to have a cigarette and those bastards were nasty ass little critters! Fighting each other – zooming around my head. HA! Now I just enjoy them by my old spa and there is no competition to feed. Maybe we have a different type here – but I hated his! LOL

                  Funny side story: I leave my front door often open, no screen and just a “baby gate” so Charlie does not wee-wander off. BTW – we don’t normally have mosquitos up here much. =) So right inside my front door is a sofa back table. I started putting a vase of sunflowers there every week. UNTIL – I realized the hummers were seeing it and coming into my house! I think I caught and took 4 of them out in one day – until I figured out WHY they were coming in.

                  As for Charlie, the vet has convinced me that dogs react VERY different to Ben than we do. He’s certainly up and about without issue – but still biting a bit. I take him to the vet in an hour BECAUSE – he DID have fleas at some point! GRRR. I use Advantix II but something is wrong. Last evening on our walk – I saw the deadly sign. Slight – but they were there (if you know what I am talking about) So in for a shot this morning. None onhim now and none in the house - but he got one somewhere which I think started this whole itching cycle. UGH

                  Forgot to mention that I get my L Glut powder from Seems to work well WHEN I remember to take it!

                  Well, going to be a bit of a warm one again today, but suppose to cool down my tomorrow. I miss the cool nights we normally have in the low 60’s!

                  Yesterday was fairly productive and this morning I posted and ad on CraigsList for a free all-in-one extra printer thing I have had in my office for the past year and don’t use. What the heck – I put it on as “free” OMG! My cell phone went nuts for about an hour until I finally pulled the ad down. A sweet gal of about 30ish with 2 small kids came and got it. One less thing to look at! HA! I have SO much stuff I no longer use. Sun – do you clean closets too? HA! HA!

                  Off to shower and get to the vets. Bummer. But the rest of the day should be peaceful and nice ….

                  Hugs all …


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Wow WTE - your vet is open on a Sunday? Goodness..... Mine is closed at 6.00 every night and also Saturday afternoons and sundays too.

                    Real bummer here - beautiful day so thought I would go for a motorcycle ride - got on and A DEAD battery!!! So have had to call roadside asistance. They are texting me every 2 minutes - I think it is an automatic thing but am scared to text them to stop or it might cancel it. darn - now I want a Guinness but won't ever ride my bike after a Guinness! The estimated time for their arrival is an hour and I will have to go for a ride after they get me going.

                    Yes, the hummers can be nasty - but we don't get a lot usually which is why it is so unusual to see so many. I like seeing the few that we usually do get. I always pout up a feeder and they come each year - I see one and it comes before the feeder is even out - to the spot where I put it !!

                    Sorry about Charlie having fleas - yes I do know the tell tail signs and so far have been lucky with my dogs - I too use advantix which i hate doing to them but hate the fleas more.

                    LOL re me cleaning closets - yes, i do love tidying things out and my closets are pretty straight but I think I will be running out of time - ROTFLMBO !!

                    Off to see if I can work out how to get the seat off my motorcycle as the lady said the chap coming won't do that - WTH????

                    Back later,

                    hugs, Sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi Sunshine:
                      Thanks for the info. the SE are pretty typical I think which doesn't mean. They don't suck of course.

                      I get dizzy, disoriented, heart beats like a banshee and of course I can barely remember my address... :nutso:

                      I will look at GNC as there is one close by. I'll also look at Amazon. I take it they don't sell the powder here in the MWO health store. ..:upset:

                      Out and about to buy my girls new bikes. Big surprise for all their hard wrk lately,

                      Hugs to all
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Shoot! Sorry WTE. Completely missed your post and then screwed it up! SEE SEE!!! Total Topa moment. :nutso:

                        I'm at .25 to .50 . If I go more I really get crazy. Remember I am also on the lamictol which my dr. Says is close to the tops. I need to get it together with the rest of my regime as I said in the other post.

                        But I definitely got my perspective and motivation by popping in here and putting down in writing.

                        Love you guys, :h

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Oh Kradle - you are lovely ! I am not sure about the heart beating like a banshee as a SE though - I have not heard of that one...... has anyone else please?? I think the dizzy feeling might be one but the disoriented and the heart beating stuff - I am not sure that that is good...... have you googled it and is it an SE? You are still on a really low dose and if that low of a dose is working for you that is great - but you said that it seems to not be working now so ideally you would step it up to the next level. With the heart beat issue I am not sure that you should. Are you getting it through your doc or on your own? if you are getting it through your doc, it might be good to check with him/her. if on your own - Hmmmmm, not sure what my next move would be. if it was me, I would probably go for it and take the next dose - but THAT IS JUST WHAT I WOULD DO - NOT SAYING DO IT !!!!!!!!

                          I don't get my L-Glut from a GNC but from - heck, can't remember the name of the place - senior moment or Topa moment - whatever - LOL - but as I said - it is where body builders get their powders - amino acids and protein powders.

                          Oh - got my motorcycle going and had a WONDERFUL ride. Today the temps are perfect for riding - there was a huge black cloud threatening but I HAD to ride for at least 45 mins to get the battery sorted and it was wonderful - so many other riders out and I LOVE the camaraderie between fellow bikers! The cloud passed over and I got home and got my washing in. Now I am going to untangle my pony tail and have a Guinness!

                          love and hugs,

                          Sun Xx
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hey Sun, can you put up that great pix of you on your bike that you had up awhile back, it was so awesome!



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Oh Space, well Ramblas is the name for the pedestrian streets that are very wide and lined with trees and benches and cafes and shops and tons of people sitting and drinking coffee and wine and strolling along and in general just enjoying life, especially on the weekends and in the evenings.



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                I am watching "Hunger games" what an intense movie. Makes me want to cry......
                                Day 1:4/4/2014

