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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi there WTE - yes, I am going at it with both guns - last time I quit, I quit both together - I find it hard to drink and not smoke and do find it relatively easy - LOL - to quit smoking once I put my mind to it, so I have decided now and once I get my mind set on something WILL do it and have told BOB so cannot back down now. He is depending on me. Maybe when I am with you all, we can get him on skype and we can all say hi to him - LOL. He would get a laugh out of that - he is lovely !!!! I love BOB.

    Yes, I am really cross about my doc and the Rx - I haven't been feeling too swift today and came home an hour and a half early and as usual I don't think I was the flavour of the month. I doubt that many of our employees would have even been there with all that I have, so to ask to leave a litttle early (and I made sure that time was covered by someone) wasn't much to ask - but they managed to make me feel as if I was doing wrong. I know - no-one makes me feel anything - it is me that makes ME feel the way I feel - but it still wasn't a good feeling. I just hope I can get my meds before 2.30 Monday - I work at 3.00.

    Such a shame you can't work out how to unlock that site - that was such a good idea.

    I think I am going to be the only one posting for the next few days - I will be talking to myself. :upset:

    Golly - the nal was SO expensive !!! And that was just 30 days worth - wow! yes I agree - not sure where you should buy from - but you don't want to end up with that time release one again do you?

    Have a wonderful time at the spa - you are going to be so busy when you get back. Love the "san Diego Six Summit" In your words - HA !

    I could never do rehab - I know I couldn't. I know I can stop - I have done it before - I just need to keep to it and not take that first drink - I did it for 8 months and then thought I could just have one - oh heck - that one - stupid stupid stupid.

    Mimi - if you check in - please let us know how you are doing - I have been thinking of you and wondering about you. My heart goes out to you for what you are going through. That must have been such a hard decision for you to make. I am really proud of you for doing what you are doing. I know I could NOT do it. I so admire you ! Please pop in and catch us up on your progress........

    WTE - You DO you have wi-fi - yes? I was going to bring my lap top with me but won't bother if you don't....... I am getting quite excited about all this now....

    NORA - where are you?????? we need you to come and post -

    Jan - after coming here and stalking me you have been given the go ahead to come and post and now you don't....... you prefer stalking ????? ROTFLMBO !!

    Got to go and get some dinner. Not that I am hungry in the slightest. Maybe I will just go and read.

    Yahoo mail is on the blitz so I can't even check e-mail - Bum.

    love and hugs to all,

    Sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi Sun,
      Thinking about this news of your quitting date, and I know that you are quitting partly for Bob, but I've always wondered why you really feel that you have an AL problem when you only drink a few lagers a night, is there more to the story? Do you just feel that you "want" to have those lagers every night and that bothers you? I think I have asked you this question before and I just don't remember your response, but I do remember how determined you were in the past to really give up drinking and be totally AF. So, anyway, I'm just thinking out loud here, we can talk about it later, or here, or whenever.

      Now I'm also wondering how you are feeling, you still have to get thru Sunday, and I'm hoping that you are OK, I don't think that it was very nice of anyone to kind of make you feel bad about leaving a little early, and I do so think that you did really need to leave a little early, is our whole life about work and never missing a day, or not leaving early if we don't feel good, "I hope not".

      Anyway Sun, I'm really only thinking of you, and hoping that you know deep down that it is OK to miss a day if you are "sick" or "sick and tired", or just "tired", or at least that is my take on it, and really I'm just hoping that you are OK and will stay home if you truly don't feel like going in to work, maybe tomorrow.

      OK, bye and love you,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi there play - I have to laugh - lager couldn't be further from guinness !!! Anyway - yes, even though I only have a few, I do feel I have a problem - I look forward to my first drink when I get home from work - no matter what time of day it is. If I get home at 4.00 then I will have my first then...... On my day off, I will start thinking about my first around lunch time. So of course, rarely am still drinking into the evening, but find it easy to fall asleep around 6.00 or so !! LOL Plus it seems that my 2 or 3 is creeping back up to 4 easily...... even 5 some nights which is not good. Only had 3 last night again and I felt much better this morning - I can tell the difference.

        The reason I think I have to be totally AF is that once I start on the 'just one night' or something it always seems to escalate - whether or not I could go out with hubs and have one and then not want another when I come home would remain to be seen. I don't know - something I will have to play by ear.... plus if I drink, I want a cig - so if i stop the smoking it would be so easy to start that again if I started drinking again. and I really MUST stop smoking.

        Yes, I know about the not letting me feel guilty - but that is the way they are at work - I will be going in tomorrow and hopefully will get my meds before I go in so can take a dose immediately and then another later and get a good amount in me that first day.

        How are you doing? It was nice chatting the other evening. I am so looking forward to the meet up - or the San diego Six summit as WTE is calling it.

        Off to do something with my day!

        love and hugs,

        Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi everyone! I am back to drive you absolutely Mad! lol!....

          Ok, first off... no comments on my movie clip post?:upset: its really funny!

          My guac i used to prepare tableside in a four star.....we may not even get to dinner.... lol!

          Sun... I so hope you feel better... please do even try the honey and lemon sans AL... but its better with and will at least cure the cough and give you some much needed relief until tomorrow when you get your scripts.. hope you feel better soon! and , btw, i have that kind of thing often.. i think smoking is a big part of it, so good on you for quitting soon, i will be doing the same soon hopefully.

          the cooking water ball operation.... not sure exactly... what they do is they put a ballon in ones uterus, and fill it with water thats just under 212 degrees, the temp that water boils. that destroys the lining of the uterus, which doesnt allow one to get pregnant anymore. It might be a good option for one in my age group that could be entering a dangerous age, able to get pregnant, but shouldnt. Not able to take most BC. I am feeling more balanced now after three doses of the hormone therapy he put me on, which lasts for 3 months.

          Diz, glad you are getting away for the weekend, and hope you are having a marvelous time!

          Ok... my topa and weekend update, plus some observations.....

          I have been on 100 mg for about a week now, quite frankly my thoughts have been so eratic i have not remembered my afternoon dose. (over the weekend i was too busy to remember the afternoon)

          I have taken my supps everyday since thursday, including all one, although before that i have to say, i was downright lazy about it.

          Over the weekend i did well. No real cravings. no need for daytime drinking, other than a half glass of white wine with a large lunch on saturday. The food is wonderful in Italy, and three courses during lunchtime made me feel safe.
          During the wedding i was one of the most sober people there. I had my fair share, but was actually helping those that had more... felt oh so good. there have been times when it was otherwise.

          well, i am off for a few minutes to lay down.... four hours of sleep and a three hour drive home has me a little tired.. i will be back soon...

          hugs and love to all!! xxoo


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hey All ….

            Well, countdown on to head out here in a few hours. The sun is bright and it should be GREAT pool time! Yea!

            Charlie always knows when he is heading up the hill to be babysat when I start packing his “diaper bag”. HA! Like packing for a child! Food, meds, treats, lease, toys, ETC!

            Sorry I didn’t get our SD Six Summit page to work. Perhaps Tuesday afternoon when I get home I can mess with it again.

            Had another “go-round” with Landscaper Guy yesterday in email. UGH. The rabbits are a bummer and I am considering trying to trap and release further in the hills. No clue if that will work of not but I SWEAR I see the same one guy here every morning! And in the front, the hill is just SO overgrown that I think I have an entire family living there! Really need to get that cleared out and landscaped – but NOT with Landscape Guy after this mess.

            So he’s going to spray on Monday. Hate that! But I now have what is called “nut sledge” (or something like that HA!) in the new sod and there is no other way to get rid of it. Pulling it just makes it stronger as it has tubers it grows out of. Dang! Then there is the fungus growing which HE says is from our weird high humidity and hot weather of late. I think it’s because he set the timers wrong and it was just staying too wet! Thankfully Charlie will be off property so I don’t have to worry about him.

            Anyways – the romance is off! LOL I threatened him with court yesterday if he doesn’t take care of it properly or refund me the thousands I paid him. So aggravating! Oh well … this too shall pass.

            Hoping I stay a bit under control being with this GF and being at a winery! Wish I could start the Nal right away…or still be on Topa! =( Just have to remember to EAT lots – which is a bit tough as my GF is on Weight Watchers!

            SO looking forward to meeting everyone soon!

            Where IS Nora????

            Bye for now and will be back Tuesday! Sun – don’t talk to yourself too much. LOL


            PS WU - just saw your post! Glad you had a good time and felt in control! Sweet!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I hope you have alot of fun and relaxation WTE... hugs and love...


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                WU is back! With Play posting and Wu back - I won't be talking to myself ! In WTE's words - HA !

                Have just been out running errands and am now in for the day - am going to make a grape cheesecake - it is awesome !! Yet another thing to make when I am there...... the raspberry cupcakes and the grape cheescake are my two favourite desserts. and wu - I am so looking forward to your guacamole - I LOVE it !!!

                Wu - so glad that you had a good time. And that the Topa really seems to be helping you. So - you are going to try to quit smoking too? I have to. My mum really gave my stick this morning on Skype about still smoking with all the stuff I have - yes mum, 'cos I have pneumonia, bronchitis and a sinus infection, of course I will stop. Just like that - yeah right ! So easy for non smokers to say ! But the 12th is my quit day. I have always liked the Alan carr book The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. For some reason it works for me. I shall either download it to my Nook or bring it and start reading it on the plane on the way home.

                The water ball op is something I have NEVER heard of. Sounds absolutely barbaric. Is it used as a form of BC in switzerland? I am amazed that I have never heard of it before......

                WTE - glad that you posted before you left. have a wonderful time. Such a shame that you will have to spray - you would hoot if you saw my green stuff called grass - it is more weeds than grass but from a distance looks like grass - LOL. Hubs wants to spray but I won't let him. We feed the birds and I always worry about anything going into the ground and the worms and also anything going into the water table too. I understand that you can't get rid of the nut sludge (nut sludge? LOL) without spraying but nature never has anywhere where there is only one thing growing.

                My washing machine is driving me crazy. I put my duvet covers and sheet in this morning along with a cardigan - and the cardigan must be unbalancing it - so it stops. It is a front loader and so it won't let me open it. So I have to start it again from the beginning and hope that this time it doesn't unbalance - I have just started the whole cycle again from the beginning !!!! For the FOURTH time !! I want to get my stuff out on the line hoping to get it dry today!!

                WTE - ENJOY your trip and try not to worry about your drinking or your eating - just enjoy yourself. You have a stressful week coming up. And then an even more stressful week coming up after that with all of us lot descending on you. LOL Just take a deel breath and relax - enjoy your off time.

                Wu - I am sorry - I didn't watch your movie clip - I will go back and do so. I did get some lemons this morning for my grape cheesecake and got extra for the drink for me. Oh - and I have never had this before - even though I smoke - never cough so this is a rude awakening for me. Hate it. Some of the folk at work have known me long enough to tease me about it with my smoking too. I have not told anyone except one person at work about me quitting on 12th sept - I figured I would still go outside just to get some sit and stare time.

                Hugs to all - WTE have a lovely time - Wu great to see you back - Play nice to see you post!!

                Love, Sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  um.. its kind of funny... i used to spend a lot of time on facebook. now i am more here and watching the news. Facebook is driving me nuts when i do go on! Why do these peeps have to turn it into a place where they have to voice their political opinions?
                  Poll... do ANY of you have any idea about mine?
                  I dont share that here as it doesnt belong here. it doesnt belong there either. I am getting so uncomfortable, i dont want to go to my reunion because of one person. UUGGHHH! oh well. just sharing... geez... why cant americans be like before? we used to agree that sometimes we disagree? now its just a big mess. ggrr.. uuggghh... why the big division suddenly? just voicing frustration!


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Dear friends, its me, wu, i had to change my name for a few reasons... my other name will identify me very clearly with a simple search if one looks for topa and i have mentioned topa to a few friends. i dont mind, as they have never been mentioned, however, its better this way... anyone who knows me anyway thinks of me as wu by now...

                    Thanks! xxoo


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Did laugh at the movie clip!!! thanks .......

                      sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Dear friends, its me, wu, i had to change my name for a few reasons... my other name will identify me very clearly with a simple search if one that i have mentioned it to over here googles topa and i have mentioned topa to a few friends. i havent really mentioned any of them in my posts, but just wanting to be sure... so here i am. and all of you know me by the name wu anyway... right?... lol!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          so glad you enjoyed it sun.. lol! i have a fabulous fantasy life dont i ??

                          and btw, if WTE decorated and up pulled up the couches i guess that means you made the gardens nice among other things. I am trying out for the part time position of entertainer or court jester if you will......i am always trying to make you all feel good! :0)

                          xxoo :hugs:


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hey all!!! I am going to have to really read back & get caught up here.

                            I have been so busy at work that I haven't been able to get on here much.

                            Hope everyone is doing well.

                            Sunni - FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:l:l:l

                            Going to get caught up now. I'll be back..............
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              NORA!!! lovely to see you here - I am so looking forward to the San Diego 6 summit - what a lovely name !!!! can't believe after all this time I finally get to meet you although i feel as if I know you already........ you are such a sweetie! I am not surprised you have been busy at work - you are always late so you are always trying to get caught up - LOL They know at my work about "doing a nora". You are FAMOUS !!

                              Anyway - off to clean the bathroom. I have been really good today - have actually hoovered, and stripped the bed and got the washing out on the line and now going to clean the bathroom. Oh - and made TWO grape cheesecakes - one for work.

                              Love and hugs to all,

                              Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                ROTFL :H:H
                                I can't believe that your work knows about "doing a Nora".

                                PS - I've been on time for weeks!!!!
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

