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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Oh Sun,
    Of course, that is such a compelling reason to drink or smoke, the comfort of a thought or memory or smell of something that reminds you of someone that you loved and felt good about, no wonder you find it so difficult to quite smoking, and if it goes along with the drinking then of course it's difficult to quite both, gee, it's sad that something so unhealthy for us has to be tied to something that is tied so to our wonderful good feelings isn't it? that makes it just so difficult. I know that I sent you some hypnosis CDs and because I wanted to send what I thought were the most important ones, I left out some of the ones such as "Past Time Line" which dealt with addictions which were formed around associations of good memories and how to let these go, I will try to remember to bring this CD with me to the "Summit", you might find it helpful with the smoking issue. In fact I will just bring the whole darn set with me, perhaps one someone of the "six" will find it helpful to burn and use as interested and needed.

    Ok, guess I will close for now,
    love to all,


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hey Kradle,
      I still haven't bought that powdered L-Glut, I swear, tomorrow, I'm buying it, thank you for posting this tonight, I've been meaning to buy it forever, never have the money, but I will just buy it, whatever, I'm anxious to see how it works, will check in on Thursday, high hopes.



        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Ive just quickly read this page and we get peanut butter here, not sure if yours is better but maple syrup, that we all love on waffles and pancakes costs a fortune but I wont be able to bring it home with me because I will just be bringing hand luggage so it is a lovely offer, and I would have loved the maple syrup as would my sons but never mind, I will just have to keep paying out for it. It is lovely tho and nothing else tastes anything like it. I cant wait now to get this wedding out of the way, myu son back to school and start looking forward to Spain

        Thanks for the reminder about L glut Kradel I havent taken any for ages but will go and take some now, it does work. Sorry you have had a tough time, but its great that you and the rest of us are still going along.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Oh and I havent been posting here as much as I should, Ive had a lot going on, I do have my own thread and have put on there whats happened over the past few days if anyone else wants to know, I just dont have it in me to write it out twice. Play and Wu already come by and see me there



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Good Morning....
            Kradle - so happy to see that the L-Glut is working for you - it does for me too. You sound good - not great but good. What is up? Is it just the quitting? Come and vent and post whenever you are feeling down or low please - you know we are all here for you and rooting 100%.

            It was lovely to see your post - I had been wondering how you were doing :l:l

            Hi there Play - Yes, although of course that is just a tiny part of it of course. I was reading another thread yesterday where both parents drink and have a 10 year old and so for the 10 year old, it seems totally normal to see folk drink every evening and the mum wants to stop now so the 10 year old won't end up like her. I totally understand - not sure if that is why I drink and smoke - maybe, maybe not.......smoking possibly.

            Well, am getting ready for work so need to get my tail in gear,

            love and hugs to all,

            sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question


              I am new to the forum and to this thread. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on Topamax. How much and when to take. Also any feedback on how it's worked for people.



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Phin. I take Topa and it has worked for me. The problem for me is that i have to get up to 300mg for it to work and with that high of a doseage i get really depressed. It works on a lower dose for a lot of people. it is different for everyone.

                It is a very subtle med. You start off on 25 mg a day, for a week then go up to 50mg for a week and so on - I have the titration schedule and can post or send it to you if you need it. With Topa, it is better to titrate as the schedule - going faster is not better with topa.

                It is easy to drink 'over' it should you want to so you have to be aware of the signs - with me, it was just NOT wanting to finish a drink sometimes - and actually tipping it out. It was a strange feeling and one initially I was annoyed about - my mind wanted it but my body didn't!! LOL

                I didn't google SE's before I started it as i didn't want to know them. Better for me !!

                It has worked for a few of us here - one of us has (WTE) had to come off it as she was losing too much weight on it - that is a SE for about 17% (I think) of folk. Which was a shame as it worked really well for her.

                anyway please feel free to ask any questions - we can all try and answer any questions you may have.

                Welcome to the thread - sorry if we don't talk much about Topa now but are always happy to help or answer questions for anyone that has them.

                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Where can I buy it?


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Oh gosh - I think most folk get it at River Pharmacy - I get mine from my doc. sorry it took me so long to get back - posted before I left for work and then have just got back on the computer after work. I think River are good from what I hear. you will be taking doses of 25mg and 50mg for the first few weeks so it is best to get 50mg tabs and you can split them. Please don't try and take a higher dose - it REALLY does not work with Topa. one time I had come off it and when I started back again, started at a higher dose and it did nothing for me so went all the way back down to 25 again.........

                    hopefully the others will chime in with me so tell you their experiences when they post - welcome to our thread - we talk a lot but are always here for questions re Topa !!

                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi Sun and everyone else!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hallo my flower - I am feeling better than I was - I think the antibiotics are starting to kick in. no-one else seems to be here - LOL
                        Love and hugs to you XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I am you are feeling better love. Off to read.
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Welcome Phin

                            :welcome:Sure there is a ton of Topa information here, put yourself down on a couch and start reading either backward or from the first if you have the time:H, as you can see it is a very long and interesting thread.

                            My first advice on the Topa is that it no doubt Works, side effects in my opinion are very minimal in comparison to something like Bac, especially when it comes to stopping the medication, there is really no withdrawl from it. So, for alot of people, me included, it starts working at a very low dose, even 25mg and the very most important key is to pay attention to that feeling that you get when you just aren't as interested in drinking. As Sun said, it is very subtle, but it is unmistakable, at least the "first time around".

                            Now the biggest mistake that you can make is to think that you are doing so great and not even wanting a drink, and then either running out of medication accidentally (like I did) or you stop taking it because you want to save money or go on a vacation and drink (like WTE did) and then I am "PROMISING YOU" that the next time you start taking it (and you will be kicking yourself in the butt that you ever stopped), it will not be working the same way, you will find yourself just drinking anyway and not paying attention to it.

                            So, good luck, go with it, don't stop taking it no matter WHAT, please learn from our mistakes, and I think you will be good to go. I buy mine from River Pharmacy, it takes two weeks, no RX is needed but you do need to give them a doctors name, they do not contact the doctor but it is required, they are great though.

                            Now Sun, you know we are here, I'm so happy you are feeling better, of course the ABXs are kicking in, this is when they are needed, so please take the entire course of pills.

                            Must go for a few minutes, I'm cooking some broth with spinach and peas, I'm on a diet, I went to find a pair of pants for the "San Diego Summitt" and when I saw myself in the mirrow:upset:, this is it, the 20lbs around my middle has to go.

                            Space, you are asleep so I will write to you in a few minutes as you won't be able to read it right now anyway.

                            love, play


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              sunshinedaisies;1369786 wrote: Good Morning....
                              Kradle - so happy to see that the L-Glut is working for you - it does for me too. You sound good - not great but good. What is up? Is it just the quitting? Come and vent and post whenever you are feeling down or low please - you know we are all here for you and rooting 100%.

                              It was lovely to see your post - I had been wondering how you were doing :l:l

                              sun XXX

                              Hi Sun:

                              Thanks hon. Things are way calmer over here now. My heart is healing...:h

                              I posted the drama on Mr. G's thread and somewhere in the nest I think... If you want to see.

                              Love you for asking. :h

                              ALSO your quote : It is easy to drink 'over' it should you want to so you have to be aware of the signs - with me, it was just NOT wanting to finish a drink sometimes - and actually tipping it out. It was a strange feeling and one initially I was annoyed about - my mind wanted it but my body didn't!! LOL

                              Is exactly what I experienced with Topa but ddnypt know how to articulate it.

                              My mind wanted to drink but my body wasn't interested. Kind of freaked me out in the beginning !

                              Hugs, :l
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hello everyone!

                                Phin... A very warm welcome! Topa has really helped me! For me it is easy to drink over too, but has helped me tremendously in social situations. In other words, times when others are getting plastered, ( an excuse for some of use to indulge indulge) I dont any more) I still do have some trouble with some other triggers, but i think its due to some stress that I have had recently, all evidence thereof is on this thread, though some of it might be hard to get through, lol! I do strongly recommend taking the supplements, especially the all one, lglut, and the kudzu. I bought the extreme pack from My Way Out. I have not taken it as religiously as i should have, and have noted a very big difference in my success depending on if i am lazy or not.
                                Pull up a chair, and please make yourself at home.... its so nice to have you!! Hugs!

                                Sun... The water ballon method might not be as barbaric as you think... one of the pluses is no more menses... coming from one who suffers with 9 days per month, or more recently.. more... a blessing.
                                I am so glad you are finally getting some relief! Some of those antibiotics feel like an atomic bomb in your body, especially if you have a bad sinus infection, so hopefully you are able to take yours well without too much discomfort.
                                Hi Kradle! Havent seen you too much over here! I will have to go back and read later. I am glad things are calmer for you. I should get some of the powder too, but still have the MWO lglut.... i think it works.... lol?? Hm... thats true.. the mind wants to, but the body isnt interested. Thanks for articulating it for me too! Now I can tell my mind that when I want to pour another .. lol! I guess right now i am trying to be better at home... still at around 40 % of my starting point, so not too bad. So happy you are doing better!! :hugs:
                                Well everyone, by this time tomorrow i will be on my flight. I have still so much to do! UUGGHH! I guess i am doing things i dont even need to, trying to be a perfectionist, which i am just not. Making herb homemade herb butter for hubby to put on his steaks? lol!! Oiling the butcherblock countertops? I guess i still have a hormone imbalance... but that is much better... with my pills that he put me on... basically BCP to control my oh well.. whatever.... uuugggghhh! Racing thoughts are gone, and I dont feel like a pregnant hormone bomb any more! :banana:

                                WTE...Ah yes Italy. Its beauty makes you forget everything bad in the world. I think next time i get depressed over here I will just go down there and go shopping for shoes. Eat pizza in the piazza for 5 euros and drink limoncello. Even going grocery shopping down there is enough for me to cry tears of joy. Its just an hour and a half to paradise. Come down and we can be partners in crime... lol!
                                Hotel Rocca Civalieri Alessandria Albergo week end Moferrato Vacanza Romantica Langhe Vacanze natura
                                Dreaming a little is always good....
                                I actually dreamed last night that my online life (as in facebook and MWO and the wedding somehow converged. You all were there, and all my friends from the wedding and other interesting people who attended. This all comes in alllignment with my recent name change. Will tell the whole story if anyone is interested at the SDSS. One HUGE positive thing from not drinking too much, one can remember what one does, and the know that there are those, that can not say the same. :wow: I for one will be on topa forever!

                                lots of love everyone... catcha ya on the other side of the stream... lol! Hugs!! XXOO

