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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Just in case you have access to your computer in the next couple of days, "WE ARE THINKING ABOUT YOU AND WANT YOU TO GET WELL FAST",
    Love you and we will see you soon,

    Much Love from the San Diego Six!!


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Oh WOW you guys!

      How great that you can all ge together in real life even though I have absolutely no idea what any of it's about and I really hope WTE is Okay because the last I read she was relaxing by a pool with the exception of an A-Hole guy and his obnoxious kid....

      I would like to pm you Sun or Play. Not certin when you are all leaving. jeez I hope this isn't serious...

      WU you sound like a phenomenal jet setter!! I don't know how you stay up so long except the exotiness of all your locations use be wonderful ! :beach:

      I did drink wine for many years but then I changed to rums and tonic. To be honest I don't know why but I wish I had never started with wine as I believe it affected me in a harder way than the rum- made me more aggressive, emotional. Spirits just make me spacey and sleepy. Neither is good of course but the wine definitely precipitated some pretty shitty behavior on my part... :upset:Well...trying o get better...

      Mimi I forgot your hubby is back. I hope it's good. Mines still out there. It's good...

      Well, schools almost here...I feel anxious. I already miss my kids even though we are all snuggled up here. The last few days have been tough.

      I hope everyone is having a safe, peaceful Sunday.

      Love and hugs,
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        I have just started reading back but first have to say WTE, I hope you are ok, what a blow, I am thinking of you and sending love to you x


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          No time to post properly - am leaving for work in a few - will let you all know if I hear anything at all and will reply to posts this evening.

          love and hugs to all - and a huge get well to WTE !!!

          Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi all

            Just a quick check in and I'm so shocked about WTE. Sending you lots of love and healing vibes. :l Will someone please email/PM me some details of how she's doing?

            Hope the wedding went great, Space and that the rest of you are well. I also hope the rest of the Summit 6 somehow manages to still get together.

            Had a nice weekend. Friday was quiet and bf made confit of duck for dinner and bought me roses to say sorry that he's been a bit absent last week. We had a quiet early evening which was great. Saturday, however, was all chores and one of his friends ended up staying over so it ended up quite busy with us having to scramble to get the place in order. He also bought a Wii console so I've been trying my hand at some of the games.

            We said last night that we are definitely going to join a gym this week and a really hope he meant it! The Lager has not done me any favours.

            Oh and Sun
            , I know the distance I mentioned isnt far to walk, when I lived in Cape Town City and in North London I thought nothing of walking 5km but 5 years of HAVING to drive everywhere as nothing is pedestrian friendly and places are often dangerous will have you unfit in no time!

            Spoke to my family last night and my mom is doing much better. Thats a huge relief after 3 months of severe depression.

            Love and hugs to all.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Morning Everyone....
              We are all just hoping and praying WTE is feeling better soon. She must be in so much pain. I wonder how long she will have to stay in the hospital?

              Kradle... I am not a jet setter... lol! Its more like when one has a husband stationed in Germany. He lives and works there. He was sneaky about moving there, so all of our belongings are still here in our apartment here in Las Vegas. So I get to come home sometimes.
              The weddings in Italy and Greece are destination weddings of our Swiss friends, flights can be very cheap. Seriously.... I dont get it. My husband and I flew to Greece last year from Switzerland for 150 dollars roundtrip for the both of us. One ticket to fly across the US costs around 700 from what I hear. Both are 24 hour drives.... ok, driving to Greece might not be so much fun.. you have to go through Turkey.... and not all areas like tourists. I also only know its a 24 hour drive as hubby turned on the GPS when we got our rental car.... lol. Then there were 40 towns with the same name, some of which were on some of the islands such as Crete and Santorini... so the Gps was showing us the way towards ferries. We really had a time of it! LOL!

              Wine... I dont get aggresive very oftn.. but whites are certainly different than reds right? Reds make me dreamy and hypnotic like, and whites give me energy or at least dont make me sleepy.
              When i drink spirits i really have to much too fast. I have certainly had more than my share of strange behavior from drinking, but i am not sure if its because it was wine, or just because i was drunk. I guess thats why I am so pleased the topa has at least so far conquered my social issues completely. Its kicking in at home too. Not as fast as I would like, but... i am happy with progress. I dont have any desire for AF at all, i just want what MWO started out being.. a way to be normal. Not to drink everyday, and to drink like a normal person when i do. To not open the fridge after my coffee and want a glass of wine, as awful as that sounds. I think its more boredom than anything. How about you? Please share if you would like!

              Play... I totally agree! We are so missing our WAITING TO EXHALE,and now we are waiting to exhale.. Get better soon!! We love and miss you!

              Well this place has gotten so quiet. I am off the hook with cooking too, or at least i can cook what and when I want to. All I want today is to make a pot of beans. I know it sounds strange, but theres nothing like fresh corn tortillas, homemade salsa, with queso fresco and beans.

              I have a bit of chaos going on in my home. When I came home there was a card on my countertop, indicating that someone was in my home as I was away. I am missing important documentation that was on my fridge and now I cant drive my car. UUGGHH. My plates are expired, and the title was on the fridge, but it was from a different far away state. Long story. Someone.. though obviously a friend as I was not robbed, was in my home. Either that or mum is losing it. oh well.. i hope this mystery is solved one day. lol. (rolling eyes)

              Well off to clean. My house was clean when i went to bed, but now looks as if hurricane family has ravaged. I may need to call FEMA. Have a wonderful day! XXOO


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Dear Dizz,
                It feels like ages since I've really talked to you, I miss your long emails from when you were single, LOL, of course I'm happy you are with BF, just miss seeing you posting and sharing as much, but better for you to be doing your thing and finding out how it goes.

                So, the thing with WTE has us all worried of course, I don't really know any of the details, Sun has kind of been sorting things with the other members of the 6, but at this point things have changed, PM us for details, our prayers are still with WTE, I know she will get better and just hope it is a fast recovery.

                Wu, sounds like you have your hands full sorting out your Las Vegas home and life, do you miss life with hubbs and switz yet? Oh of course you do, how long are you planning to stay in the states? What will you do while you are here? Any Goals? or just glad to be home, hopefully both.

                Ok, talk soon,


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hey y'all -
                  Yes, very disappointing this strange turn of events, but sooooooooo worried about WTE!!

                  I now have a credit to fly to there, will send her a check, but we should seriously plan the alternative Summit. It will be ok - I am so shaken up about her. Keep us all posted. I have not texted her or tried to call b/c I feel like Sunny is being the liasion...any advice Sunny? I think you and PLay are now headed off in that direction on the original trip you two had planned.

                  By week's end maybe WTE will be well enough to meet everyone. I'm just worried in general about her.So sorry the Summit was cancelled, but we should plan another within the year. :-))


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Ditto houtx,
                    Yes, we will keep sending healing vibes to WTE, and yes of course, the Summit is an annual affair, so we can start planning in advance .

                    Sun and I are meeting in San Fran for a few days and will keep everyone updated with our antics, nothing much planned as of yet, wish we were all going to be together, but it will happen.

                    love to all,


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hey, I was just thinking about Dizz's gardening thread today and I think we should start posting on it again. So, I posted about the doves that laid their eggs on my balcony this summer, and if you want to find out how it went you will have to go to the thread to find out


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Still thinking of you, WTE.

                        Just asked Sun for an update.

                        Sorry, Play
                        , its not so much that I'm happily in a relationship and have therefore been paying less attention to the site. Although I'm happy in my relationship I am actually having trouble with my mood and drinking and sometimes I struggle to get things done.

                        I dunno, my meds need tweaking and I'm far from my doctor and this tiny little flat has the habit of giving me severe cabing fever some days.

                        How are you doing?



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Off to the airport -will catch up when I arrive !!

                          love and hugs to all and get better soon WTE !!!

                          Love, sun XXX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            have fun Sun!!!!!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Yes, still very worried about WTE, though i believe some good news is on its way.... Cant wait to hear from you darling!! Cant we send her some flowers? And what am I to do with all this chocolate?
                              Get better soon WTE!!! Still praying and sending warm loving get well wishes! :HUG:

                              There is a summit every year? HM.. can we make this year a cruise year? lol! I have been looking at four night cruises for 150 dollars. no car rental, no more stressing over which hotel. And not that WTE needs any protecting, but there are no kids allowed on the serenity deck... HA! Just think about it, as much fun, or serenity as we would like..... we can all start nice little vacation piggy banks with the money we dont spend on AL like people that quit smoking do.... its actually suppossed to be quite effective!

                              I grew up half of the time in Palo Alto Play and would still drive up there for lunch, just too far... lol. I could go visit my Aunt, whom I havent seen in ages... I am just to tired right now! Baron Park......I hope you have a wonderful time! There is so much to do and weather wise it should be beautiful!

                              I do have a few things I am thinking of doing while I am here, such as finally learning more than just the little vacation Italian I can speak now. I may look inot starting a small part time business for when I am over there... a little something to do with importing. I will be doing a ton of reorganizing of closets and possibly shipping some things back to Switzerland such as winter clothes and skis, etc.. getting rid of some things much as WTE was doing. In other words, I may turn this more into a vacation apartment. I will be doing some remodeling while I am here in 2 of my bathrooms. And last but not least.... lol, I am trying to do a little sould searching once my family goes back to their house 8 hours away, working a little on my issues with AL.

                              I miss my husband, but I dont miss the rest. I have a lot of fun when i am over there, but always miss the peace and serentiy i have over here. I dont drink as much here any way and find even little things give me much pleasure. Its home! I am still trying to figure out why, but i sometimes think its the constant amount of money FLYING out of my hands in Switzerland. You should come and visit me when I am over there! We will be sure to take it easy, but for example if I go out with my friends, it costs between 100 and 150 dollars. Hubby and I go our for dinner costs 250. It costs four times the amount for us to live there as it costs to live here. so i feel freer here.

                              Diz... it sounds like you are going through so much right now. Sorry it seems as if i didnt post to you yesterday, but it takes me sometimes hours to post with three kids in the house when they are fighting. Quiet evenings at home are my favorites, and it sounds as if he's a really talented cook! You may have to keep him!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hallo all - I am here with Play, arrived after a long days travel. She is just like I thought she would be - GREAT ! I know we are going to have a wonderful time together. right now, my head is almost spinning I am so tired so I think we might chat just for a little longer then I will fall asleep.......

                                Talked with wte who is home but still very is sad so we all have to send her lots of hugs and healing vibes so she gets better soon.

                                I need to go and talk some more LOL

                                Love and hugs to all,

                                Sun XXX

                                P.S Play -am really looking forward to my stay and thank you so much for having me here !!!!
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

