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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Dear Space,

    Thanks for telling me more about your mum, I think she sounds like a really pretty SPECIAL person, how lucky you are, she did really come thru and support you during your time of extreme need during the detox time and so yes, she has really been a big special part of your life, I think you are very fortunate to have a mum like her, please give her a hug for me and tell her your friend "Play" said hi and I hope to meet her one of these days:h.

    And yes, I think it will be awesome in the coming years when we all get a chance to meet up every year when we are retired and we can plan something fun every year. And, no, Space, it won't be you coming to the U.S. every year, I think we should take turns every year, one person will pick a place that they want to have of us all meet for a holiday and that way we can have the fun of visiting some places that we might never have thought of going on our own, and we can't refuse to go where that person wants to go whose turn it is, so that sounds like great fun to me, and so of course it can happen, why not:l all we have to do is IMAGINE IT, and it can come true, thanks for suggesting it Sun!!!

    Ok, gotta go to bed,
    hugs, love and kisses,


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Im wondering what does a "Spacebebe" look like. Actually when I first fount this site I didnt have a clue about computers, I had just bought my first on and was having to ask my daughter for help with everything and she is the worst teacher ever and the most impatient person you can be with for something like wanting to know how to do whatever. So when I was asking her questions about how to do things, including it must have been registering I was trying to think of a name and I was thinking out loud all different lones and spacebebe just happened tpo be one of them, straight away I wanted a different one but she was like well you cant change it now youve got to keep that one, and now I actually cant change it, because no one would know who I am would they. and anyway Ive got used to it.

      As for a visit next year I would love to come over there, it has always been muy dream to see America so I will jump at the chance, in fact as soon as I have been to Spain I will start saving in a tin for it, I know it probably wont be next year but it will be some time in the not too distant future. And anyway, I was thinking about the Im feeling lucky when I asked my mum to put the lottery on for me tonight so you never know, if that comes in for me I could well be taking you all away, my treat

      I listened to the cd this morning Play and Sun, so come on girls lets get it together, I enjoyed it, apart from the fact that I have lost the receipt for the headphones so had to listen to it without and could hear the phone ringing and then the dogs barking and then was wondering if that was the postman with my Lglut but once I got through that is was really good. Next week forst thing to get is new headphones, just cheap ones will do for now, or there is a shop where I got my sons X Box ones and for ?2.99 you can get cover for them and change them as many times as you want for a year. Normally I would never bother with anything like that but for headphones for him it is well worth it, hes only had them 3 months and already got a new pair. I dont know how much they are there tho I will check on that but it might be worth paying a bit more to make sure I always got some.

      Im feeling ok again today, this morning I wrote a new CV for myself and I will be passing it into a different shop, well actually two local big supermarkets tomorrow. The whole idea of me applying for where I worked got me thinking so I will go for applying for some more places as well. These two are close to home so would be easy to get to, none of that 2 hours driving for 4 hours work thing.

      Last night I had one drink and just didnt want any more, I have two cans left here and its nearly half six and I havent opened one yet but feel like one now so think I will soon but dont think I will be bothered going out for more. It is really strange the way topa affects me re: drink, its like I either forget or just cant be arsed, thats just not really me, even tho I had cut down so much before I started on topa by using bac and campral this is just a far more relaxed way of doing it, thats the only way I csan describe it.

      I think the tears are due to the coming off bac, they feel like I did when I would first stop drinking and be crying all over for a few days, just emotion starting to bubble out that has been dampened down. I have no evidence of this but thats what I think.

      I hoe everyone has a good day and a great weekend.

      Love space xx


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hey there everyone - I am home from the salt mines !!!!

        And I have time to post at last. Those clopens are fine - they really are but it means i just don't have any time to post either day really. Now - where to start?

        Space - ROTFLMBO - you definitely do NOT look like a Spacebebe! And how ever you came up with that name in your head I have no idea - you are so sweet and nice looking - you have one of those smiles that makes people want to smile with you. I remember when I first got a computer and was waving the mouse around in the air and my daughter (then about 10 years old) said "mum, you have to put it down on the table top for it to work" LOL. We all had to learn once !!

        Oh gosh - if you do come to the US, please do come and stay with me - where I live isn't very exciting at all, but it could be a stop gap between others - there is nothing much here at all..... except...... TA DA..... ME !!!!! Seriously you would be so welcome - I live about 30 miles from the airport and you would be very welcome.

        YES, I do need to listen to the CD - Sunday morning I PROMISE I will listen to it - hubs stays at his mums saturday night so I shall be on my own and will listen to it after I have sorted the dogs and stuff. What did you think of it Space? Which one did you listen to?

        Good for you putting your CV out to a few other places as well - fingers crossed for you - a part time job could be just what you need. And I am so happy that the Topa sounds as if it is helping you. You must be one of those lucky ones that I envy SO much that the Topa helps at a low dose. keep it up - go you !! Just keep listening to your body.......

        Hi there play - good to have a quick natter last night - sorry I had to be so quick, but I had to be up so early this morning. It was nice touching base anyway. Yes, it would be wonderful to have a meet up each year somewhere in the world - even in Space's back garden. LOL Actually seeing as my idea of camping is the Holiday Inn, I bags the sofa!!!

        Space - reading what you put about how you used to be - you have come a LONG way! And I am so happy that you and your mum can talk about things now. My mum has always sounded slightly superior when she has talked to me about the drinking - then added that of course she has a sugar addiction - but made it quite plain that that is nowhere near as bad as AL !!! To me, they are two sides of the same coin. My younger sister once made the 'mistake' of telling BOB that she doesn't drink because she knows that she would have a problem - instead she has a problem with sugar........ BOB has never forgotten it - he doesn't tell her that - but he has never forgotten it and when they start on about the drinking, he remembers that!

        WU - where are you? How are you? You know that we worry when our people here don't post....... I saw your message on Skype - what is going on? Please post and let us know how you are doing - okay??

        Must away and feed the dogs - hope everyone is doing well - Kradle - where are you - please pop in and catch us up - okay? I worry about you when you don't pop in at least now and then - LOL.

        WTE - I have e-mailed you so don't feel the need to include you - sorry if you feel snubbed. love you anyway!! :l

        Love and hugs to all,

        Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Sun, when you say there nothing much there where you live do you mean you live in countryside kind of thing, or in suburbs or what. I have no idea where you live, I cant even remember if you have told me, but I would love to come anyway. My dream holiday would be to tour Ameria in one of those big RV thingie's. But there's no way Id want to drive it so Id have to wait until they invent driverbots to take me round, unless someone volunteers first

          Its strange about my mum, we couldnt speak about my drinking at all really until the time I was bad and she came with me to the docotrs, because Id done detox's in hospital before it was either go on the list an wait for an appointment for a nurse to do a home detox, which could take months or take his advice, or just stop, or carry on. Well none of the other options where going to work, so my mum agreed to do the reducing and we went to the supermarket and got some nice food in for the three of us and she bought me vodka and lemonade, and from then on slowly we have started getting a better relationship. Its still rocky at times, but I do love her very much and am very gratefull that she is still here with me, she is 83 but way more active than me most days, but since starting topa Im catching up with her. :H

          I dont know about the topa working at this dose, earlier on I really did want to get pissed, I dont know if it was because I had no drink left in the house or what but it was like the topa had run out inside of me and I was back to normal and I was going to get pissed. I didnt and Im not, in fact I never was going to I just felt that way so I was wondering about going up tomorrow ind=stead of Monday which is my changeover day, but you Sun, say dont rush it because it messes it up, so Im not so sure. I have asked play about it as well. I have flicked though the book to see if I can find anything about it but I cant seem to.

          Oh by the way it was the Alcohol Freedom cd and it was good, definately start it, I do need to sort these bloody headphones tho

          Im in bad now and going to snuggle down so goodnight, well probably afternoon to everyone, and I also hope peeps pop in to say hello because I miss you and worry about you, both Wu and Kradle, I will let you off WTE since Sund just said your ok, and Houxt even if you are ok I would love to hear your typing keys clicking mores, and everyone elses too. :hug:


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            :hWow, lots going on here but we are definitely missing Wu, Kradle, WTE, Nora, (Houtx and Bruun wish you would stop by too), so Space I see you and Sun are starting on the CDs, Yay, I promise to start on Saturday night, I had a very long day at work today and sorry Space that I didn't get to answer your PM until late tonight when I got home but it sounds like things went OK:l.
            And so Space and Friends, we are going to go on a U.S. Road Trip?,OK, I'm definately in and I will even take my turn driving, it's funny Space because I've also always had a little daydream of living in one of those small RV things and driving around and stopping and living part of the time,honest, I'm not kidding, I used to daydream about it all the time:h, maybe that can happen who knows.

            Well, I'm saying bye for now, going to bed, love you all, wish our missing friends would please post, I'm worried about you, WU, where are you? When you are missing I think you are having some difficulty, so let us hear from you:h Kradle, thinking of you and love you.

            Hugs and kisses,


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I havnt got much more to say really, after last nights little bumpy bit where I felt like I wanted to get drunk, but didnt anyway, just went to bed and forgot about it, and ended up having a lovely chat I am find again

              I am listening to the alcohol freedom cd. The first hyno one I listened to was good and I liked it, but Im not sure about the one that goes on about being free from alcohol and being a non drinker, because Im not sure thats what I want, so I struggled with that one.

              Without reading back Im trying to remember who it is that one week ahead of me on topa, is it Nora? how are you doing? are you still taking it?

              Love and hugs

              Space x


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Gosh - very quiet day here today - and I am off to bed - back tomorrow.

                Love and hugs XXXXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi All, getting ready for an early bed night, having oatmeal, which I love for dinner, Sun just sent me a wonderful looking recipe for a chickpea thingie which I will love because I LOVE Garbonzo beans, I will cook it up on Sunday and give you all a report on how good it is, I will eat the whole batch I am sure, my daughter will have to wait for the second batch.

                  Space you must not listen to the CDs until you have proper earphones, I remember you told me yours are broken, can you get some cheap "ear buds" like you use for an iPod? Please put off the CDs until you have earphones or earbuds, they don't work well without them, and don't worry about the title of the CD, LOL, it is just a title, you worry to much, just listen to it, OMG, just give it a chance,

                  Where is everyone? Friday night, are you all out partying? Well hope to have a post from you soon.

                  Love, Peace, and Thank you all for being part of my Life, You are Truly All Blessings to Me,


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I am here play - am off to bed now - Glad that you got the recipe okay - and don't worry about space's ear phones - I am sure she is getting something sorted.

                    As far as it being Friday night and us being out partying - LOL - first if all it is SATURDAY night - and secondly, we are probably all asleep!!! Which is where I am heading now.......

                    Love and hugs to all - and I second Play - WHERE ARE YOU ALL

                    Night night, love Sun XXXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hello everyone!
                      Sun, I am doing fine, though I am out of topa. I am waiting now for my shipment. My family is doing well, which I am soooo happy about. I do go swimming, but my drinking has stabilized.... just my sipping everyday. Not good, but its a lower Al level of wine, and i water it down. So, ok, relatively.

                      Hubby sent me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries! I have the best husband ever! I wish i would have done something to deserve it, but I just drink everyday. I cant wait to get my topa, and the antabuse....eventually. I will need to taper down, to be sure I dont go through any withdrawals, again...UUGGHH! I remember the night sweats, and dont want to go through that again. I will taper down. I sooo understand you SPACE, when you spoke of your mum knowing that you had to taper down from your doctor. I still really want to get through this over here, so i can go home to hubby, and be the person i want to be. I may just use the antibuse a little more often over there, as it will help me to not drink more over there, which is still the case. I drink more over there. Too much temptation. Though i was able to control myself in social situations, at home i was a disaster. On some days Hubby came home to a drunk wife, as I could time it. When it was safe....... thats horrible. I cant wait to get my topa from River, but its taking a long time. I wonder if it will get through customs. Hopeful! I wish i knew if others have had a problem, as my credit card is now cancelled. I dont know if its due to River or not. I went to them as i know so many here have had success with them.
                      My daughter is in school now, which is a blessing. She is getting new words everyday, and it makes me so happy. She is trying harder everyday, and i can see it with her trying to use new words. It makes me feel as its all worth it, being separated as a family. My drinking has gone up, but my daughter is getting so much. Thats worth it in my book. As I stated, still waiting on my topa and antabuse. I have noticed many on this site have had success with AB. Hoping... still
                      Right now I have another guest. My brothers ex, but i guess now his GF is visiting. So I am cooking everyday, tacos last night, and before that a beautiful Beouf Bourginion. OK, i cant spell it, but i can cook it. LOL! It was wonderful. I guess I must be related to Julia Child! I hope talking about cooking meat doesnt make you sick. If so, please let me know. That would be so very unkind of me.
                      I am doing well, just drinking too much. Just waiting on my topa.
                      I hope everyone is doing well, and getting through this.. Lots of love and hugs to all of you! I will be back tomorrow to comment more, Just tired, and I need to get my DD into bed.

                      xxoo to everyone!


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        HI, Play I admit I did try listening without earphones, but its not the title that bugges me it was the content, I just need to get my head round it I think, I also think a big part of my proiblem is that I dont actually have a goad, you know like being AF of anything, mine is to not drink everyday, and not be out of control with it. But in all honesty right at the moment I its not total abstinence so when she was saying your a non drinking and you dont drink I was saying no Im not and yes I do. The disk I have seems to hve two on, the first one is really great and so's the second except for that little bit o Im just nit picking maybe. I think its ok to listen without the headphones if its at a quite time of day, just not of a morning when the postmans likely to come isnt it. Of course it is better to have headphone tho but yes I think I may have something sorted , and Play, as Sun so kindly pointed out, last night was Saturday, today is Sunday, are you sure its not you whos all partied out

                        Wu, ho great to hear from you at last, and your cooking, do you always cook I dont think youve mentioned it before> I am glad your daughter is happy that is great news. But how did you go and run out of topa, oh well I hope it arrives pretty soon, and the AB if your going to go that route as well, it worked really well for me the first time I took it for 6 months but since then, not so well. But I hope it does the job for you. If you want to be AF its a good tool.

                        I havent got much more to report really, still on 25mg am - 25mg pm, had 2 cans again last night, still getting on with cleaning adn sorting the house, its starting to resemble a home now which is cool. I have been painting my downstairs toilet, which also houses the dogs bed, (with the door open) and so is allways covered in soil for some reason ?? I think its where they come in and shake themselves. But the biggest thing really is that for the first time ever I managed to keep to just paining that one room until its done. With being bipolar I find it really hard to keep on track and end up starting off with white paint say, and then thinking to myself oh I may as well do the white paint in the kitechen while Ive got it on the brush, and so on, so that none of the rooms in my house are actually finished. So anyway, Ive been doing this bit by bit of and evening over the past week and most of the paining is finished now but I just want to box in some pipes, I think Ive got enough wood for that but need some more screws and wral plugs and then I need to get some more wood to fix the door they chewed up when they where younger. My dogs are Staffordshire bull terriers and its such a sad fact that they where a very popular breed here which led to the rescue places becomming overrun with them. I think its got a lot to do with the fact that as young dogs they are so full of energy and also with having such strong mouths they need to chew A LOT. I would get them toys and bones all the time but for some reason doors and skirting boards still remained their favuorite chew toys.

                        Oh sorry back on track, topa, yes 25am 25pm, Im not noticing any se's that I can think of apart from the sleeping, or rather lack of, but after spending the past decade in bed I am not going to complain about that I still dont know where Im going with the drink, the other night when I didnt have any more drink and panicked a bit was not nice and I dont want to mess things up by saying Im not going to drink and pushing it and then messing the whole thing up like that which is what Ive always done in the past when I think Im doing ok right now. Im not going over the two cans which is brill, it would be even better if it where one but we will just see, I need to be patient and let the topa do its thing



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          OH just another quick thing, this is going to work for me, I am determined, it has to, I have tried bac, I have tried campral, I have done AA, rehabs, you name it, and so this is going to be the thing that changes my life.

                          I already know that, look at the wonderful friends topa has brought me already, I am not just drinking less, I am feeling so much better. Before when I wasnt drinking or was drinking less I wasnt feeling good, I was still depressed and in bed most of the time and now I am up and busy, looking forward to Spain, and even looking for a job for gods sake how amazing is that.

                          Because I also started the new med of my psychiatrist not long before topa I cant say its all totlly down to topa but I do think most of it is. Because thats when the miracal began. I have never felt this positive of believed so much that something would work for me as much as I do with topa

                          Lots of love xx


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Good Morning to all (or afternoon/evening)

                            Space - you are sounding so good these days! it is lovely to hear! It is odd how things work for some folk - whether it is the Topa or not, it is still good that you are feeling so much better. I laughed at your method of painting though! I was trying to think what they call skirting boards over here and cannot for the life of me think of the name of them here.... it will come to me I am sure.

                            I live in a small town, population about 28,000 and live about 30 miles from a big city in the mid west, but there is nothing much to do here if anyone comes to visit - except.....SEE ME. I have never wanted to travel the country in an RV so you girls will have to do that on your own and pop in and visit me when you are near - I like my home comforts too much.

                            Space I am so pleased that you are on the 2 cans - I need to get back to my two cans - I am away from it and have been for ages. I am going to take my Kudzu and l-glut today and hopefully that will help. I must take it !!

                            Hi there Wu - so happy that your daughter is doing well - it all sounds really promising.... and how lovely about your hubs sending you the flowers and the strawberries - so sweet!!

                            How long is your brothers gf staying for? Does she live far? Can she share with the cooking maybe? Or do you enjoy doing it? I don't mind you talking about cooking meat - LOL - hubs cooks meat here still - as long as I don't have to handle it or eat it, I am fine with it.

                            you sound as if you are feeling a bit better apart from the drinking and hopefully you can start getting that under control soon - I know if I take the L-Glut and the kudzu it does help me a lot. In fact, I need to go and take some right now. Go me - just took both. Am off out in a minute and will take more later today.

                            Hi Play - you will have to let me know what you think of that recipe - I really like it and will snack on them when they are in the fridge. The recipe actually suggests you use the Italian dressing as a dip for them but I don't do that... hope that you are enjoying your day off. I am off out to run some errands now, then back and maybe do some cleaning.......

                            love and hugs to all,

                            Sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi All!

                              Not sure what happens with my days – but they seem to be passing with lightning speed! And no Play – I was not out partying Friday …. but a bit Saturday. LOL

                              I have this really cute couple that lives down the road from me, right before the fire gate heads into the hills where I walk Charlie. (for those who have no clue about “fire gates” – they are actual locked gates that block off certain private roads from off-road bikes, etc. due to fire hazards in the hills) Anyways … they live right by the entrance and also have a Golden mix and I often stop by their place after Charlie and I walk. They have a HUGE grove of avocados, which their dog has taught Charlie how to search for avos. HA! I’m going to end up with a fat dog!

                              So often I sit on the patio with them and have a beer and some snacks and recently with the shorter days, I have borrowed a flashlight to walk back home, which is really not far but safer. So yesterday I extended an offer for them to come up to my place. Such sweet people – I would guess about late 60s (??) Anyways – they agreed.

                              Earlier I met up with a GF at a cool restaurant not far from here for wine and snacks and on my way there Ski Guy called to see what I was up to. So that started it all. He picked up some cheeses and things and headed to my place. Anyways, it ended up we had a BBQ with steaks I had and all the trimmings and sat and chatted and drank wines and beer until the wee hours. Oh boy – feeling it a touch this morning. Ski Guy, as always, had a touch too much and so spent the night, but not before once again professing his love, blah, blah blah. UGH. To be fair, I really should not be hanging out with him at all.

                              Anyways – that’s where I HAVE BEEN! LOL

                              Space – You cracked me up Googling coyotes and bob cats!! Yes, both are very common in these parts as well as mountain lions (aka cougars) Mountain Lion | Basic Facts About Mountain Lions | Defenders of Wildlife HA! And we also have the creepy spiders too! Wanna visit??? LOL It’s just part of living here and I honestly don’t think too much about it really. I am really careful of the rattlesnakes in the warm parts of the day, which is why Charlie and I walk in the early mornings or late evening when it’s cooled down. Snakes don’t move about when it gets cool. I guess you just adapt …

                              I have killed more rattlesnakes than I can count. The funniest one was years ago and in the evening and a hot summer night. It had not been that long since I moved from San Francisco (CITY GIRL!) to San Diego. I was watching TV and thought I heard my sprinklers go off. HUH? Why that time of day???? Well, the “hissss” I was hearing was a BIG rattler doing a dance with my cat on the lawn!

                              I called my cat and thankfully he came – now what to do about the rattler?! So picture me in just a T-Shirt and underwear. HA! Add boots now. And out I trek to the tack room (horse equipment barn) to get a shovel with a flashlight. I get pretty close to this guy and my heart is almost beating out of my chest. I pull up the shovel to chop his head off … only to hit my eye with the handle before I slammed it down. HA! HA! I ended up with a dead snake but a major black eye.

                              Then you have to bury or properly dispose of the head, because if a dog, cat or other vermin gets to it and eats it – the venom will kill them. It was a fun night and I again asked the question of WHY am I single again??? HA!

                              ***And this post is currently interrupted by a DeVas kitten who wants to type for me LOL ****

                              OK, now he is just having fun chasing my computer screen as I type. Crazy cat! It’s like having a toddler in the house the way he gets into EVERYTHING! Thankfully he plays really hard and then poops out – one because he is so young still and secondly because he still has his “cold”. I take him in on Tuesday or Wednesday to be checked so he will spend the day at the shop with me. He would be happiest if I would carry him around all day on my shoulder. This little knucklehead can jump from the floor to my shoulder without issue! And I am not short! HA!

                              As for Skype – I SWEAR one of these days I will get a camera. I don’t why I haven’t yet as my Brother now living half way around the world Skypes me – but only with the phone. I don’t know – something about having to be dressed and make up on to talk on the phone??? LOL

                              Play – You understand me too as far as not keeping DeVas. *sigh* Oh my, am I going to miss this little guy! But, having said that – Charlie needs 100% of me. =)

                              DeVas adores Charlie and Charlie had agreed to put up with him. I was brushing Charlie the other night and DeVas snuggled right into his belly like he was saying “If I lay here really still , she may not notice she is brushing a cat too” LOL

                              Play – Love your “rules” on a yearly meeting! I LOVE to travel! I DO need to get to London pretty soon as I owe my nieces a visit – and have for years! Not as much fun traveling alone ….

                              Space – Laughing also about your name now and learning a computer. I guess I was lucky as I got thrown into it all pretty early with a company I worked for. I still remember LONG BEFORE Windows ever existed and we wrote everything is DOS! Very hard to imagine now for sure.

                              Also Space, you MUST come to the US! I promise to kill all spiders and snakes before your arrival here. HA! You will find us noisy and a bit obnoxious as compared to the rest of the world. At least that is how I feel when I return after being abroad!

                              OMG – Can you imagine a “road trip” with all of us in an RV????? I am GAME ON! I have driven them more than once and even bought my Jeep Wrangler to tow behind so as to have a vehicle to move around in once “camp” is set up. =) How about Hwy 101 from or to … San Diego / San Francisco???? What a crack up that would be! OK – Maybe CA to IL????

                              ***Just typing as I am catching up on posts. Forgive the random comments but I am enjoying having a peaceful morning with nothing planned and just shooting from the hip here. =) ****

                              WU – How very sweet your hubby sent you flowers and treats!!! DARN about running out of Topa! But you do sound a bit better so stay the path! River has always delivered to me within about 2 weeks. Call them if you are unsure. They even call ME if I have not picked mine up from the post office. Perhaps issue with a foreign credit card? The card was cancelled? Not sure I am understanding ….

                              Hello to everyone else!

                              OK - Must get on with my day! Another warm one so Chuck and I are out the door!

                              Love & Hugs


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Wow Space, you seem to be doing great! Painting, and fixing things in the house is impressive! Come over to my house! LOL!!! I STILL need to finish the grout in my backsplash, and dont have the energy to do it. Its going to be beautiful! But no energy other than normal chores, such as keeping up with the dishes.... lol too much playing on the computer, and reading the news in two countries keeps me busy.

                                WTE... your post today had me laughing !! I can just see you running out in your undies, and a Tshirt, putting boots on, and going to kill the snake! Too funny... when you see it the way I do. That would so be me! LOL! My children once found a baby rattlesnake. They brought it home, gave it a bath, and wrapped it in a box and gave it to me! When I opened the box and saw the tell tale triangle on its head, and the rattler starting to rattle, i threw it in my backyard, where it would never have found a way out, due to the block fence. I had to call the fire department! My children were very lucky, as baby rattlers dont know how to control the amount of venom they release and being given a bath should have scared the poor thing to death! The fire men must have told that story a few times! LOL!!!! My children were upset that we couldnt keep it. LOL!

                                After ordering, I had some fraudulent charges on my card, and I really only use that card online. So after 6 calls from my bank, they are still trying to figure out what happened. Its only a little problematic as the new cards are delivered in Switzerland.

                                Sun, I so feel you wanting to get back to two cans. I would love to keep to taking just a bare minimum myself. Harder without my topa.... i have some topa thats older, from 2006?? I wonder if it would work... LOL?!?

                                I do love to cook, but more so when I dont have to!! LOL! I still have a tendency to cook too much, from way back when when I had a big family. I really need to do it more, as it centers me. I dont enjoy it as much anymore, and at the moment it feels more like a chore than anything else. DD and i arent that picky about what we eat, so many times its just a grilled cheese, or a piece of bread with some butter for her, or rondele cheese for me. Huny buny has been cooking for himself though. Hirsh (which is some type of deer, or venison) I am not really sure, as thats its translation. I have been told that it is not a deer, as its a hirsch. anywho, he is cooking hirsch with chanterelle sauce with spatzli, a type of dumpling made of flour. Its hunting time over there, so they have an abundance of it. Me i just ate beans with tortillas and cheese... lol! I am on a cooking strike! HaHa! I cant think of what I want to cook, so I am not. LOL!

                                Uh oh.. re the topa not getting here in 2 weeks. I think its been 3 weeks since I ordered it, so i guess i had better call them. I hope to not get the men in black, with their black SUVs here at my home, asking what that is. Can anyone hear that song here come the men in black from the 90s? lol!
                      [/video]]Will Smith, Men In Black (With Lyrics) - YouTube
                                I have had them at my home before. From the post office. Someone had sent my cousin some pictures, and I guess they thought it was money, back when my brother had his little (big) business going. Gosh, i hope I wont have a problem with this.

                                Well everyone.. i should get going. I hope everyone is doing well. XXOO

