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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I forgot to say I am no longer taking xenecal. I only took it Friday and Saturday, and I still havent been to the loo, it is ridiculous. I have tried Benifibre, vitamin C. I will never take that stuff again, I am scared to eat in case I end up exploding :H


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Good Morning - well, I was supposed to come back and post and didn't - sorry folks! And now I am getting ready for my cancer check appt. It is 6.30 and I need to drive into St Louis - great time of morning to have to do that!! Rush hour traffic here I come......back later though.

      Wu - so good to see you again, glad you are okay!!

      back later, hugs, sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hallo everyone

        Sorry I don?t visit as often, I?m generally just fatigued and not in the mood for much. I do keep up with you guys and would not dream of leaving, everything just seems like a lot of effort. It?s not because I?m busy its actually just because I?m down and not doing that much and therefore ? urgh, I?m really trying to get out of this funk. I?m doing a lot more exciting things but somehow I?m running on empty. It is probably the drinking more and the missing home.

        We had a snugly weekend and yesterday went to the new Yo! Sushi down the road. I haven?t had sushi since I got to the UK so was really excited but geez its so expensive here! And they ran out of salmon halfway through our meal! (I promise it wasn?t me although I did have two portions of sashimi) LOL

        *Sigh* Have been switching from drinking wine to beer a lot as it cuts down on the hangovers but having tried on some new jeans on I really don?t think its a good idea weight wise. Crap! So can do with some weight tips as weight gain really gets me down. Still reading and wondering what Play is referring to with regards to the weight loss...

        Hi Dottie and Star! Can?t believe you read everything Starfish, I think you are probably the only person EVER and deserves an award. Oh except for Sun but she doesn?t count as she?s been here from the beginning so had no choice LOL. I read about 2/3 when I joined so I know what a tremendous task it is, even though it is like reading a lovely novel. By the time I started I thought this thread had expired so never thought I could join in and when I finally skipped to the end I was like a kid in a candy store being able to talk to the ?characters?

        Space, I think being diagnosed with fibromyalgia will drive most people to drink an extra can so I would not worry about it. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue a couple of years back after having too much of a Cytamegalovirus. It really threw me for a while but to be honest I never asked for a another blood test as I?m not just trying to pretend its not there

        Seriously though, I think once I?m out of debt I will like to have a number of blood tests done to check on my Thyroid, Hormones, that thing etc. I should probably put that on my to do list for when I?m in South Africa as you can go directly to the Pathologists and ask for it and then ask a doctor to look at it afterward if something is flagged. I?ve only done it once with the Thyroid as its something you have to do regularly and if its normal it saves you the cost of a GP visit.

        Back to you, I think L-gluts can vary and the powder is definitely different as it enters the blood stream much faster. If you?ve ever taken a headache powder (nasty addictive stuff) you?ll know what I mean. Don?t go up too fast on the Topa, as long as you feel you are under control, you can always go up next week, well thats my opinion. Go up as you feel comfortable, not according to what the schedule says. Oh, and really sorry about your son in law.

        , I?d also like to try this Glucomannan stuff! I think you can get it here though. It sounds good ? I wonder how it interacts with alcohol. Imagine if it illuminates the alcohol calories, that would be lovely stuff. I?ll take your word on the tofurkey. Bf bought some veggie steaks that is lying in the fridge ominously waiting for someone to strike up the courage to cook it. He bought it, so I?m not going near it I?m afraid.

        , I do like the Thread Killer thread. Its fun I also thought veggie bacon sounded funny ? LOL. So are you going to give the Great American Road Trip a skip? I must say it does sound exciting but like you I?m also not really a camping girl. I struggle to sleep so after one or two nights I?m exhausted and grumpy and really longing for my own bed and peace and quiet. But the rest of you should enjoy it.

        Oh and I always think of you when I see Winnie the Pooh stuff anyway (re what you said to the hot water bottles) It has a really special place in my heart as well. I have a Winnie at home that my mom made, she?s really good at making teddie bears. Spoke to her last night and she seems a little bit better.

        WTE, that sounds like a cool attorney to have. Can?t believe landscaper guy turned out to be such an A-hole. The camping sounds fun. How did the Irish family visit go ? living with an Irish man I know how wild it can get... Sorry to hear about the freckle and that they are making you wait. Will be thinking of you. :l

        Hi Wu
        , glad you dropped in to let us know how you are. Would you consider starting the Topa again? I do think it works for you.

        OK folks, I have some articles to write, my bf?s expenses to do and then hopefully we get to go to Istandbul next week as I don?t need a visa to go there ? yippee!

        Lots of love and hugs.



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Let us know about the appointment Sun I am thinking of you.

          Dizzy good to hear from you, sorry about the funk tho. Check up before you go to Turkey, You used to need a ?10 note as a vise replacement to get into Turkey so that part is easy, but what about coming back into UK for you, how will that work out? I would check before you go if I where you, you could end up stuck outside UK and not allowed back in because you havent got a visa again or something like that. If you can go tho have a great time there, Ive been to Turkey but never to Istanbul it should be cool.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hello All ….

            Sun! Yes funny how I always seem to be writing a post when you are emailing me! Great to “see” you yesterday on Skype. Good know I can use it on my laptop! Yea!

            Wu – Sorry to hear you are having a rough patch. I understand how hard it is to keep up the program at times. It really is a mindset and feels SO good when it is happening well – and pretty funky when we fall a bit to the wayside. Are you going to go back with Topa? I think anyone who can take it and doesn’t is goofy! J/K!! HA! Well, I hope you sort things out and glad you popped in.

            We also have the “fancy” campgrounds here, although I am one to prefer it a touch more rustic. Still like having a clean bathroom and a hot shower, but that’s about it.

            Hi Play! – Ok, get it about the bacon now. LOL I should maybe try it sometime as I worry about eating “real” bacon just because of all the stuff in it.

            And the guy with the “big appetite” I would guess to be in his early 50s or so. I know he is divorced and has 4 grown kids and sells real estate. I see him from time to time as this get togethers, but this is the 1st time we sat next to each other and chatted a bit more. He is far from fat – but I can’t imagine him staying that way for long! HA!

            As for DeVas … I’m so bummed. I too am such an animal lover and can’t imagine living without them. Although in San Francisco I too had a rental that didn’t allow animals so there was a period of time I didn’t have any. I would dream for days about a dog (big dog!) but knew it was silly to have in The City and me working long hours. What a treat it is for me now being able to have Charlie with me almost 24/7.

            I made the GRAND mistake at looking at the website for the shelter yesterday while I was waiting for my company. DeVas is still there! I thought for SURE he would get adopted this weekend! AND – They changed his name to Glacier! Glacier???? WTH??? I don’t know, but I may need to rethink this foster thing. In the past I have always done so well in letting them go when it was time. I intentionally didn’t allow him to sleep with me and he was locked into the back suite each night. I just didn’t know what his “rules” would be in his new home – so I didn’t want to get him too spoiled. Now seeing his photo on the website in a cage is awful! I love where I live and all the land and animals – but this is the downside of it. There are SO often posters up as I drive out of “missing cat” and you just KNOW what happened to it. My 18 year old guy whom I had to put down a few years ago was somehow coyote wise and in his older years preferred to stay mostly inside or be in my garden with me. A young cat would want to wonder big time.

            It will be a dangerous day as I am off and I told them to call me if he was not adopted over the weekend! Yikes! I miss having a cat so much! And he is such a character …. UGH

            And thanks for your words about my “freckle”. It’s just spooky but YES – I need to stop smoking!!! ACK. Yesterday being around my family and one of theme smoking like a chimney and I was right there with him. *sigh* Must focus on January and until then stay calm about it all …. Poop.

            As for the “Great American Road Trip” *laughing* we probably should not plan any more than 2 weeks max. I mean, how do we know we all get along well? HA! HA! I love the idea of doing an annual trip! I don’t know about you Play, but I adore the Sierras and a trip up or down California through them I think would be fantastic. Or the Great Highway .. heck – I don’t care! And we can pack my big tent as well so anyone/everyone could choose to either sleep in the RV or in the tent.

            I also used to backpack, and in fact did a trip on the Kern River (in the Sierras) for a week about 4 years ago. Probably my last backpacking trip! LOL Damn – my backpack seemed to weigh more than 3 times it used to, I hated my pup tent and missed so many of the other amenities. I now refer a touch of luxury as well, even if it is still “dirt camping”.

            Space – You just CRACK ME UP! Sometimes I don’t think you realize how funny you are! HA! And yes, America is HUGE! Look at a map and see the size of Europe – then look at the US. Our “states” are about the size of many Europe countries. It’s funny because those here that have never been to Europe just imagine that all the countries are far away from each other and large – when in fact it is nothing to pop from to the other in no time.

            World Map

            And it depends on where we travel in regards to fishing and sharks. HA! California has just about everything you could want. From some of the most beautiful mountains, majestic deserts to a “Sea”. HA! HA! We call it the ocean. If we do stay in California, imagine that just from the Mexico border to the top of California is about 1350 km. Play and I both live in California but it would be about an 8 hour drive (or more) to get to each other. Taking the coast highway, which is very windy but beautiful – it could be up to 10 hours.

            Yes – if we are in the mountains you can fish (and eat them!) YUM! Trout fishing! I have all the gear and am an avid fly fisher person. You can fish the ocean as well – but best done in a big boat. And we do have sharks in the ocean, although they are pretty rare of being dangerously close and EVERYONE is in the water here for surfing, swimming, kayaking (ME!) and so quite safe. Campfires are a MUST when camping – at least in my book. HA! On the beaches here there are many places that we go and have bonfires on the beach in the summer evenings. I think every campsite has a “fire ring” and it’s an evening ritual. I don’t use a gas stove, but bring a small BBQ and then also cook over the campfire. Oh – and you can have beer. LOL Oh – and no alligators in the rivers here – well, not in California. Think you need to go to Florida to worry about that. HA!

            So .. I am really open to where ever we travel! I know we will find Sun some cool digs to stay in along the way! Even up in the Sierras there are very wonderful cabins that are very “resort like” and I’m sure would suit Sun just wonderfully.

            Hey Dizz – So good to hear from you! I hope you get your energy back soon … awful feeling. And now suddenly sushi sounds like a good plan for dinner tonight! HA!

            And so …. Had a blast yesterday with my Irish family/company. It’s been too long since I’ve seen them and hopefully I will make it to Ireland one of these days. Great to catch up as well as talk about old times. Sadly, my sister who has passed always comes up as well – and that’s tough for me. I don’t think people ever understand how hurtful it is to hear “Gosh, you look just like Deb”. UGH. I KNOW I look like her and people used to think we were twins although we were 2 years apart. But it’s almost like they are hoping they are talking to her when they are looking at me …. Make sense? I gave up years ago spending time with many of our mutual friends as I just couldn’t stand that comment any longer.

            Anyway - It was a wonderful day and we all took Charlie for a long walk and he was quite pleased that he had so much company. This dog just ADORES people! We all ate tons of food and the only down side is there now remains too much AL in the house. I had bought wines and beers and vodka and they brought wines as well. I didn’t overdo it drinking, but was a touch “happy” as they were. But now I am faced with a frig of booze as I over bought not knowing what everyone was drinking these days. Always a danger spot for me … especially when I am off work for the day. Dang.

            So I am off to try and be a bit productive today! Hello to all I missed and I hope everyone has a fantastic one!

            With hugs and love ….


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Way too much to respond to - getting ready for work - appt went as usual - same silly blood problems - low vit D, RBC's doing something silly - happens every time, but otherwise I am fine and don't have to go back for another five months !!! GO ME!

              Came home and had some cheese on toast followed by a nap, and now am rushing to get ready for work.

              love and hugs to all,

              love, sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Space, You Are So Delightfully Funny

                Space, you are so sweet, yes, as WTE says, of course you can have a beer while we are sitting around the campfire roasting the fish that we caught in the river And yes we call the Sea, the Ocean because we have big waves here but no crocks except in Florida and we are a long long way from there in our first adventure in California. And we will sleep in the camper or tent, not out in the open, don't worry about creepy crawlie things, not that many anyway, oh, I forgot that we will roast marshmallows over the campfire also (sure hope Sun can join us in the evenings), and WTE, I think your plan for our first adventure is perfect, OMG I'm so excited. My grandson is 4 1/2 right now, so he can probably only go on an adventure that happens in August when school is out, but that will sort itself out, who knows who will be on these things in the years to come:H.

                WTE, oh how awful that you saw that Devas was not adopted yet, and the new name, why in the world would they name him something so impersonal as Glazier, that's a terrible name, it doesn't invite any affection at all, hmmm, I'm a little worried, I guess just keep checking on him, perhaps a wonderful family will still get him soon, maybe they won't like that name either, they can change it if they want to, of course. And please, I hope I didn't worry you more about the smoking thing, please just don't stress about it, you are young, still time to spare with it.

                Sun, glad things came out as expected but as I said I hope you will take extra vitamin D, it is becoming more and more main stream important.

                Wu, you sound very discouraged and just the fact that you are so quiet is not a good sign, I sure hope to hear some of that enthusiasm from you that we used to hear, come on now don't let us down:h and as you know we won't be doing the cruise:h but what do you think about the camping adventure? We won't be roughing it but not total luxury either.

                Dizz, you do sound a bit tired and down, thanks for posting though, we do miss you so much and love to see you. What are the prospects for you getting a visa to the U.S.? Is it difficult also, any chance you can try to join our road trip? I know you said you are not a camping type, but you and Sun can stay together in nice hotels and cheer us along, anyway, it is a thought for the future. Dizz, the GLUCOMANNAN is actually a fiber supplement
                But people are having quite a bit of success with it for weight loss as well. I'm sending some to Space and if you find that you cannot buy it there let me know and I will send it to you as well.

                Here is something interesting about my level of motivation:upset:, I have said many times that I am goin to buy the L-Glut Powder and start taking it, and I still have not done it, what is wrong with me? How difficult can it be to just buy the stuff even right after payday? Why do I just never do it? It seems like something that really helps people with the cravings, no willpower required, and I can't even get the energy to buy it, OMG, what the hell is wrong with me? It's this kind of thing that drives me nuts.

                Dear Space, oh Sad and shocking about your son-in-law and the drinking business, and of course your daughter knew about it before the wedding, I remember you talking about his problem then as well, perhaps she thought it was more under control than it actually is or that it would be more under control than it is, or who know what she thought would happen, emotions don't normally think thru things very straight, but I surely hope that things get more under control for him so that they might have more of a chance of a better marriage and a better go of it, oh, I do so feel of her and for him as well, two people that have quite a challenge ahead of them and a lot of emotion for you as well Space, try to hang in there, try to maintain some distance for yourself:h

                Ok my dear loved ones, I'm tired, need to eat and start getting set for an early night, love and hugs to everyone, can't wait for Spain.



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi All,

                  Way too long since I have posted. Don't know how to go back and figure out when my last post was. Wish I could since I know you all have such great wisdom for me.

                  I am doing okay but am still drinking a little. i went about 50 day without alcohol but have been drinking a little after that.

                  Miss all of you and hope I can catch up.
                  Day 1:4/4/2014


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi Mimi, so good to see you, don't worry about catching up, just start with now, glad you are doing so well, gotta go to sleep but see you soon.



                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Well! Goodness me - so much to reply to..... I am just in from work.... it ran late tonight.

                      First of all - Mimi - so good to see you. You are doing really well - you pop in every now and then and each time you do, your drinking has been further and further apart! How are things with you and hubs these days? Am I going to have to wait - 75 days til we find out? LOL. It is lovely to see you here - we miss you, please pop in more often.

                      WTE - I think veggie bacon tastes the same as real bacon - of course it is at least 45 years since I have eaten real bacon so my memory may be slightly slewed! LOL maybe I will come and visit you and then I can introduce you to veggie bacon - I will do you a bacon buttie !!! YUM.

                      I totally understand how Space can not imagine the size of America - when I first came here we were in Michigan and I suggested to hubs that we visit friends in Washington state - saying we could drive there Friday night, stay the weekend and then drive back Sunday evening. You just cannot understand it until you come here.

                      And yes WTE I do understand how it must be for you with the family and your sister - it must be very painful for you with you looking so like her - but I am happy for you that you had a good time with them. As for all the AL that you have left - do you drink any AL or just wine? With me it wouldn't be any problem - I just drink my guinness! Does it matter if you have it there? Knowing the way you drink, I wouldn't imagine that you would drink any more 'cos it was there.......

                      Hey - joking apart - maybe I will come and visit you - the week after next - just a maybe - I need to check at work. I will let you know.

                      Play - Did you read my post? I still cannot believe that you are gaining weight - you didn't eat a lot when I was with you. And we walked A LOT ! LOL Unless you eat more when you are on your own, I have no idea why you are gaining more weight. I am not sure about that stuff - it sounds like ummm - oh gosh - Topa moment. Ummmm. Darn it, I cannot remember. That stuff that goes gel like when mixed with water and apparently is gross to drink......anyway - it sounds like that. Have you had any of it yet?

                      Oh and yes, I am supposed to take Vit d every week - once a week - 10,000 IU or 50,000 IU - not sure which - I have the tabs - but often forget - SIGH - MUST remember!!

                      Re the L-Glut - watch your post !!!! LOL You never know what might arrive.

                      Dizzy - re the Great American Road Trip - until I retire, it is definitely a no go for me. I usually go to England to see my mum each year which takes at least two weeks of my leave. She is 84 and I value each year I can get to see her. She is getting too old to come here now which is a shame. I asked her if she would like to come over this year but she said the journey is really getting too much for her. I am happy to offer my home as a stop off point in the mean time.......

                      And Tofurky is wonderful stuff !!! They do have something similar in Tesco's - I cannot remember the name of it though .... but when I was staying with my mum we bought some and she was so surprised at how good it was. i will ask her if she can remember what it was called.

                      Had a wry smile at you swtiching from wine to beer as it cut down on the hangovers but seemed to put on the weight..... try Guinness - it doesn't put weight on me.... and is very healthy for you too.

                      I am glad that your mum is sounding better :l

                      Space - there is some stuff called Cascara Sagrada which I was told to get when I had chemo - a nurse told me about it. It is VERY gentle and works really well. It is something I had never had a problem with but chemo caused the problem and I went four days - and the nurse said to try it - it worked really well, and was so gentle. Please get some....

                      Wu - so good to hear from you !! And so - are you going to start the topa again? You are not sounding very happy - tell us what is going on with you - we need to get you motivated again!! Come and post and join in again - you know we can help !!

                      Gosh I need to get to bed. it is 12.30. WAY past my bedtime. The dogs will have me up anywhere between 5 and 6. YAWN. I think I will put them out, feed them and then go back to bed. My day off.

                      Love and hugs to you all,

                      Sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I havent really got it in me this morning for a long post, or to repond to everyone else, Im sorry. But, I do need to post. Why, because if I dont that would be the start of a bad habit creeping in. Lastd night I felt in a very strange mood, it was like I just did not know what to do with myself, I keep getting this feeling and last night it was very strong, so stron in fact that I went and bought a bottle of wine. I drank most, but not all of it, in fact that must be a first for me not to finish a bottle of wine, today I feel ok, no hangover or anything but I do know that the wine is not a way to deal with this feeling of emptyness that I have. The strangest thing is that the thing I can identify as missing right now is the big depression I would normally get into where I cant get out of bed or get washed or changed or anything, so thats good right? but if thats the things thats missing, why do I feel odd about it? shouldnt I feel good about it?

                        OK anyway the bottle of wine, Im not beating myself up about it, I was feeling out of sorts, bought a bottle of rose wine to try and fill some kind of gap in my life and it helped me get throught the evening I suppose but it wasnt the best way to do it and I hope not to repeat it, I dotn feel bad this morning because I didnt finish the bottle but if I had of I would have had a hangover which I hate and I also can get drunk on wine easily because I drink it too quickly. So, no more wine for me, back to beer again. I keep typing lager then wondering if you all know what that is then going back and correcting it to beer for you. Thats about it from me for now, I am feeling a bit drained really so hope I can come back later to respond to you all.



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          This is just a quickie for Play, I can get that stuff here from Amazon so dont worry about sending it the postage would be too much. I dont know what I should get tho, the capsules of the poswder tho, and if I get the powder what do I do with it.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Good Morning space - I found that when I stopped drinking there was a huge gap in my life. I needed to fill it with something - it is amazing how much time we spend drinking. Someone on another thread the other day said that he was going to have to become a morning person 'cos his evenings were so boring now he didn't drink.... I am not sure if that is your problem, but I think we need to find something to take the place of the AL - and I don't mean another thing to drink - I mean something to DO.

                            When I drink, i do nothing pretty much - when I stopped, I was going to bed early, or tidying stuff out, or just trying to find things to do to occupy myself. Not sure if you see where I am coming from, but maybe that is what your problem was last night? it is really good that the depression didn't creep in - which is what makes me think it is the not drinking. Good for you on not finishing the bottle though......

                            Love and hugs, Sun XX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I knpw its the not drinking, tonight I went to join a slimming club nereby to get some help and support with my weight and didnt get back home until 8pm and it was nothing like last night, its 10.30 and Im just going to have a drink now and I doubt if I will even finish one can before I fall asleep, or maybe I wont even bother, I will see how I feel in a few minutes. I think we should have a Nintendo Wii evening, I will ask my sons about it tomorrow.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Space what a great idea to join the club and get out in the evening, I too think it is the time that is left unfilled when we cut down and/or stop the drinking, we are just at a loss, it's that way for me too, and working during the day helps those hours, being with people helps, I have nothing in the evenings and I have trained myself to stay home in the evenings so it is a difficult habit to change. As far as getting the GLUCOMANNAN, buy the powder and mix it into yoghurt or oatmeal and drink lots of water, it expands and absorbs lots of fluids, I think the powder is better than pills or capsules. Well, I'll be back after while.


