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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    HI Im back, ok this is from memory so you will have to excuse me if I get stuff wrong or it is now out of date. I am so relieved about devas WTE and that you dont have to worry about him, and also your shop news is great that youno longer have that worry either, so things do seem to be starting to be looking up for you at long last I hope. It does seem likely that you will meet up with the step/ex spep guy, that sounds like fun, I hope you do. Also you are putting on weight another plus, see, the world is on your side again.

    Dearest Wu, I think you may have to just be patient with the topa, you know you cant rush it and 25mg is such a low dose it may take a few weeks to get to the dose you need, what dose where you on last time? please try not to panic about it, just try and relax about it and dotn whatever you do try to rush and take a higher dose sooner because weve been told that does not work that way. Have you ever tried swapping your normal drinks for beer? it has worked for me, since i have been on beer only and on topa I have reduced so much I cant believe it. I dont think I would have been able to go so low if I where still drinking spirits or wine. ps I think your brother sounds like a bit of an arse, will you let him stay or not?


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      NOt taking any chances ther again

      Sun could you tell your doc sometime that you have mislaid your pills so thereby getting a spare packet to have to cover emergency times like this to save the stress and worry. This has happened before and must be awful for you to be left worrying if you will get your prescription or not, it is no good. When you see them you make sure you really go for it with al youve got, your worth it.

      Play, thanks so much for mentioning that series, I checked it out and it looks good, you have given me an idea for a christmas present for my eldest son, ever since Buffy came out I have bought him a series or something every year and this year didnt know what to start getting him as all the others have finished so I will get him season 1.

      I had som news today, it is about money and until monday I cant do anything about it or find out anymore about it so it is just a cloud hanging over my weekend at the moment no matter what I do it just seems to be following me around. It isnt overwhelming me as yet tho so thats a good thing, so I havent been able to get my head into posting today, for some reason every time I tried to I would get so far them go a deleat my post , so annoying, and nerve whracking in case I do it again :H

      Im going to bed soon so I will say goodnight to everyone even tho its daytime for most of you xxx


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        what is the difference between Lexapro and others? What type of doctor will prescribe topomax?


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi Jane, welcome to the thread, I hope to be of some help to you.

          First of all, Lexapro is just one of many Antidepressants, one may work for you where another one won't, or one may have side effects for one person where it won't for another person, it is a matter of finding the one that works well for you and most primary doctors are more than willing to RX these antidepressants without any more than a meeting with you.

          Now, as for Topamax, this is a medication that is routinely used for seizures and for migraine headaches, and it is difficult to find mainstream doctors who will RX it for alcohol treatment, so most of us buy it online without a prescription. It has been around for a long time and is considered to be a very safe medication.

          You have certainly come to the right place to connect with other people who are and have used Topa and also antidepressants and there is so much information on this thread, you can read back for quite some time if you are in the mood.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi everyone - I know I am supposed to post a long post but feel absolutely wiped, emotionally and mentally and physically so am not going to do so tonight. I did get my meds - NOT from my docs - but from my pharmacy, who, knowing what I go through with my clinic, checked my records and found that I had a refill from when the doc took me off them - so called me at work and told me - I told Colleen - the pharmacist - that I loved her !!!! LOL. Anyway, the clinic still think I am out but I do have some. HATE that place.

            Space - over here with insurance covering Prescriptions, there is no way that you can say that you have mislaid your pills, but it was a nice idea - thanks :l

            One thing I do want to say before I toddle off to bed, is WTE - you said that you need a friend to come and help you clean out your garden - is the offer still open? I am seriously thinking of coming and descending on you soon. I really must check with work, but I hate to think of the state of your garden - I plan on working on mine tomorrow. Watch this space........

            And on that note, I am going to get ready for bed. I am zonked. I really really will do a proper post tomorrow. it is my day off and although i have a list as long as my arm, I will fit in a post here that is worthy of reading - even though it will be my usual waffling.

            Much love and many hugs to all of you - Play I loved what you said in your post - but who from other threads has been judging us recently? Yes you are right - We Are Who We Are And We Are Downright Beautiful And Wonderful.

            Love and hugs to all,

            Sun XXXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Oh My, I'm about to fall behind again in just one evening because I'm now to tired to do a rollicking good post and tomorrow I work early to late so it may be as late as Monday evening before I get a chance to catch up again.

              One more thing, Wu, I had no idea that you had a brother that pushes you around, perhaps you you and your little daughter are much better off back in Swiss with your Hubby, really, give it a good think about



                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                My garden is in a mess Sun


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Play, dont worry about falling behind, you have work so just keep up when and where you can, you post plenty anyway, I love you whatever you do


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    spacebebe01;1397016 wrote: My garden is in a mess Sun
                    Let me check with work Space....... :H:H:H
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I'm not letting Sun into my backyard ... she will NEVER forgive me the way it looks! HA! BRING BOOTS! LOL


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        OKAY - here I finally am trying to do my catch up post!! have lit some incense and a candle, got a guinness - have run all my errands for the day and put a load of wash out, got another load in rhe machine. Dogs have been out so I should be good to go for a little while.

                        WTE - no room in my carry on case for boots - I will have to borrow some and if you could only see the state of my garden you wouldn't worry - having been so down for the past few months, it is indeed a sorry state....... I will enjoy working in it while you sit and sip wine and chat with me.......

                        Play - do not ever worry about falling behind - we all do at times and it is so hard to catch up I know so I try and just get the main points - when YOU work from early to late I know it is hard - with me having been working and then the RX issue, it was hard for me to post - trust me, we have all been there and we all understand.

                        I am feeling better today - not sure if it is taking the higher dose - I have been on it now for four days - my happy isn't back but I am feeling better - so I think my happy is round the corner - it can take a couple of weeks I think - but I do feel better today - that could be psychological, just having enough tabs in my pocket so to speak. I also went through this thread this morning trying to get dates when i had other trouble with the clinic and RX's, which took me TWO hours. Kept wanting to put it off but thought if I did it and got it out of the way it would make me feel good!!

                        Jane - lovely to see you here - hope to see you back - are you planning on trying to get some topa? It can work really well - works better for some than others and works differently for everyone. it is definitely worth a shot though and if your doc won't prescribe it or you can't get it, River can send it to you.

                        I think that series that you are all talking about is way too dark for me. I couldn't even watch the X Files - LOL I loved the movie "Ghost" and it has to be my absolute almost favourite movie of all time. That is about as dark as I get. LOL :H:H

                        Oh - I bought a new carry-on little case today - the zip on my other carry-on started playing silly buggers when I was coming home from Play - I remember years ago waiting for my case when I was going from Germany to UK and seeing a shoe on the carousel and it suddenly dawning on me that it was MINE. Ever since then I sort of freak if anything starts going wrong with my luggage!!

                        ROTFLMBO Space - if you press Control shift and it deletes everything - WHY did you do it again??? You crack me up - you are silly but we all love you :l:l you do make me laugh!!

                        WTE - I am SO pleased the DeVas was adopted - you know it would have been wrong for you to go and get him. In the long run anyway - you would have always been worried about something happening to him. I totally understand though - it is very hard when you get attached to an animal - they worm their little way into our hearts don't they? Anyway I am sure that he has got a good home - I so hope that the parents do let you know about him - and also change that silly name !!!

                        Gosh WTE - you do have a confusing past don't you? especially for someone like me who takes Topa - LOL. Or is it my age - heaven only knows - but it sure is confusing.......let us know if you and he meet up - as you said, it will be an interesting meet up!

                        I am so happy that you got the lease on the shop sorted - that must have been weighing heavily on your mind - at least you know you are sorted for the forseeable future anyway. One problem off your mind. now just to sort out landscaper guy!!!

                        Okay - I think I am going to come and visit. LOL Can I just turn up???? After all, I now have a brand new carry-on waiting to be used. And your garden DOES need sorting.

                        WU - I am SO worried about you. It sounds as if your brother is abusing you. YOU are supposed to move out? WHY? I think I would be worried about the whole situation - Play suggested that you go back to Switzerland - I agree with her. It sounds very worriesome to me. How is your daughter doing?

                        I don't think the Topa isn't working 'cos it is the second go - Topa doesn't always work like that - it has always worked the same for me anyway - ALWAYS takes for ever to get to the point where I feel the not wanting to drink......maybe you need to go up in dosage and try and listen to your body - plus you are under such stress right now. Isn't there somewhere else your brother can go - do you HAVE to have him there? Why are you doing everything for him? Let him do his own stuff. You are NOT his mother and he is a grown-up. Please tell me he isn't getting violent with you...... if he is, you need to call the police - for you and your daughters safety - he is on probation.

                        Okay - will have to carry this on later daughter just called me and needs me to go and move a spider
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          ROTFLMBO !!!!!!! The HUGE SPIDER WITH FANGS turned out to be a tiny thing - we have had one the same running around our kitchen for days although I won't tell her that - but it was so small - anyway, I caught it and put it out WAY away from her apartment - it did make me laugh though. Poor E. She is rather scared of them!!

                          Diz - lovely to hear from you. Laughed at you having had a few Guinness - GREAT choice of drink!! I like watching Alan Titchmarsh - he is good...... SO sorry that you and bf are at odds a bit - but that happens in all relationships at times.

                          I have got some more celexa coming from River and will be taking the 60mg of celexa - I had asked for (and got) a copy of my records and the EKG showing the heart arrythmia is just barely noticeable - so seeing as I was on the 60mg of celexa for the previous 13 years, am going to go back up to it. the doc gives me (when I can get hold of her and get her to refill the RX that is) 40mg of it and I will supplement with 20mg from River.

                          I am not sure if I have actually answered everything from everybody but hopefully I have caught up a bit!!

                          Lorry loads of love and hugs to you all,

                          love, sun XXX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            OMG you are all soooo prolific here! Will have to try to come back more regularly but have my sick mother staying with me and my father still very ill. If you need to talk antidepressants, Jane, I have just about taken them all- but they effect everyone differently I've found. Topomax may sometimes be prescribed for bipolar disorder as a mood stabiliser in Aust - that's how I tried it - but the side effect profile was too harsh for me - but like I said everyone's different and brain chemistry is a fragile beast to treat.
                            Hi to everyone i will do my best to check in tomorrow and catch up
                            Cashy xx
                            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I have just dont something really stupid, I didnt sleep much at all last night so I decided that since it is daytime I would be ok to watch a scary movie, and now Im all scared and shakey :shocked: is what I looked like and :upset: its my own fault I know Im no good with them. And I didnt even get to see the end to find out what happened.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Not paranormal activity I hope - my girl and her friends scream the house down with that stuff It's not REAL lol - if it was Sigourney Weaver is in deep doo doo
                                Cashy xxx
                                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

