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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Quick post - getting ready for Monday meeting. HI CASHY !! Good to see you. Loved that you call it prolific - with me, I call it waffling - LOL - or did you mean the amount of us. Sorry your dad is still so ill and also that your mum is with you too - that must be hard. Just pop in when you can - how are you doing? good to see you :l

    Space - you silly !! I never watch scary movies - I know what they do to me and hate when even a trailer for one comes on the televsion - if my daughter is with me she will tell me to close my eyes as she knows what is coming - LOL. Hope that you are okay now? Do you have something nice that you can watch to try and get it off your mind - like Pollyanna or something?

    have to get going - love and hugs to all,

    Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi Everyone!

      Sun! Pop on in!! =) And hopefully you won’t need boots. We have had a bit of misty rain the past few days, but it’s supposed to clear you this afternoon with mostly sunny skies mid-week and warmer and clear heading into the weekend. Great gardening weather! HA!

      Yea! New carry on! Now you MUST come!~ LOL

      Funny story from years ago when I was traveling up the coast with another couple whom were gay guys. We had been on a short vaca. Our luggage starts popping out and onto the carousal and here comes one suitcase totally blown open and it’s contents strewn all along the carousal! It was one of their suitcases and had contained …. Shall I saw “OMG STUFF”? HA! We all just stood there watching this stuff roll by and neither of them wanted to grab anything. LOL I was dying laughing as were many of the other people that had been on the flight.

      The one guy finally says “I’m not touching it!” I have never seen two redder faces in my life. They turned and walked away and we grabbed a cab into The City without that bag. Funny stuff!

      I’m so glad you got your meds sorted out and are back to getting to ready to rock & roll! LOL Yes, just knowing you are covered – makes it all feel better. I imagine a bit like running out of cigarettes (or wine!) and knowing I will need to do something about it. Yuck.

      And me? Confusing past??? HA! HA! Just a touch Sun ….

      Waving hello to Jane! Hope you join us!

      And Hi Cash! Prolific??? Us??? LOL It’s probably my long posts …

      Space! Laughing again with you! I am the same with scary movies and living alone in the boons – NEVER! I know better and they just freak me out!

      So I ended up just being a slug on Saturday and yesterday again. I passed on going to the festival as it seemed a bit dark and overcast and just not too inviting to be outside. Yesterday was a long day of movies (not scary! HA!) and a fire and then a long walk with Charlie.

      I worked a bit on my new financial planning stuff that I was sent and then realized on the final pages what he was charging. Yikes! A lot more than what we discussed on the phone! I am sure that in the long run he would be worth it (or someone would), but with all this medical stuff and bills or recent, I just can’t justify writing a check like that. I mean, I am not very complicated and have no dependents or debt to speak of other than my house – which I am good on. I think I just need to hold for now.

      Hopefully the next few days will bring some resolution with Landscaper Guy. I’m really not looking forward to having to go to court over this nonsense and in my weakest hours I am tempted to just hire someone and get it fixed and forget about it. I have a little gardener guy that helps me a few hours a week and cuts the lawns and I know he could do it pretty cheaply. We shall see ….

      I am SO wondering where my giddy-up-and-go has gone! It sounds like a number of us are feeling about the same. Every morning I wake up and make more promises to myself and then never follow through like I should. This morning is another one of those and I am hoping that once the sun comes up I will feel a touch more energy. I HATE the days getting shorter!

      Space – How is your class coming along?

      Where is everyone else at????

      OK – If I don’t walk away from this computer now … I just start losing the hours!

      Love & Hugs!


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Sweet Space!

        Space did the sweetest most awesome thing:h

        Well a few days ago I got a package from Amazon and I just laid it aside thinking that my daughter had ordered something that she needed for me to bring to her when I go to Spain soon. So here sits this package and one day Space writes and asks me if I have received any packages lately from Amazon, well immediately I ran and opened it and couldn't believe my eyes that Space had ordered for me the L-Glutamine Powder that I have never been able to motivate myself to just go out and buy,

        Now I Really Have No Excuse and I'm lining up my plan for the weekend with my Supps and the L-Glut,

        Thank You Ever So Much Space:h



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          This thread is still alive!!!!!! I m so happy!!!!

          I m starting medication again. Yet, I m not sure what I ll take.

          I ll try to stay here. I m so gald!


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hey Y'all -
            This is just a drive-by: hi hi hi hi

            Alls pretty well w/ me and it's been great reading the updates from everyone. Wish I could stop and comment more. This week will go by too fast and then I head up to my college alma mater for Homecoming weekend. A planned rendevouz w/ a once lover is in store!! I'm excited!! It's been too long for that Vitamin F for me!! LOL

            I'll come back soon and comment more. Take care in the meantime. I'll lurk here as usual, before I go. XXXOOO to all -


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              :lWelcome Home Airam!!!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Evening everyone - just got in from work - my last day until NEXT Monday!! How awesome is that? so WTE - you up for a visit - you said you were - I shall be there in a couple of days! Will only stay a couple of days though........

                Play - that was SO nice of space - I feel bad 'cos I got you some and it is STILL sitting in my cupboard! Space - you are so sweet - that was a wonderful thing to do. I hope that you are over your scary movie?

                When I get back from WTE, I need to put my head on straight - I am hoping that my tabs will have kicked in and can really get some motivation going. of course I said the same thing about after I had visited with Play, BUT this time I hopefully will have the added benefits of my higher dose of celexa kicking in - I HOPE!

                AIRAM !!!!!! You know this thread will always be alive while I am around - did you get my last PM to you? it was ages ago........ I am SO happy to see you - please PM me and let me know what is going on with you - PLEASE? Good to have you back. You have no idea how many friendships you have caused by starting this thread....... :l

                WTE - sorry your get-up-and-go has got-up-and-gone, but you had better find out where it went !! Surely you will find it soon - look behind the milk in the fridge - LOL (from an old Rita Rudner skit - I ought to see if I can find it on UTube, it is hilarious).

                We had STORMS here today - and Katie doesn't need the thunder jacket any more - it seems to work just with me holding it. LOL - she doesn't mind storms any more. So the thunder jacket works whether she wears it or not. But the temps are so warm for the time of year - 72 today.

                WTE - I might be able to recommend someone for you re the financial planning - remind me when i see you - it is who we use and they are good......

                I totally understand you just wanting to get the grass fixed and forget it - sometimes it just isn't worth the hassle really..... do you REALLY want to bother with it? I know it would mean that he would think you were caving but does that matter? After all, YOU know you aren't and does it matter what he thinks? Really? He is a toad anyway.

                Houtx - your next post should prove to be interesting - ROTFLMBO !!!!! Hope you are doing well - you don't post often enough by the way.......

                Well, still haven't heard from the clinic re my refill, so if it hadn't been for my pharmacy finding that old refill I would have been totally out of my meds a couple of days ago. Tomorrow much as I hate to do it, I am going in to talk to the head of the clinic - I really hate it as it is such a waste of time but this is also ridiculous. I don't have an appt., so am just hoping he will be available. NOT looking forward to it at all. I shall do it first thing and get it over and done with.

                Well people - I am going to go and finish a book that I have one chapter left of - I wanted to save it for the plane flight but couldn't stop myself from starting it - LOL. Grisham comes out with a new one tomorrow so I might get that on my Nook instead.

                Night all, sleep tight, love, Sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  I do so hope you get up and go hasnt gone and met mine WTE, because it left home long ago I think it eloped never to be seen again

                  I still havent started the class, they said they would be in touch but I havent heard back from them yet, it was one of those emails to say I will be hearing from them !

                  I drank way too much on Sunday night, I think to do with all the worrying I am doing, but then last night, none I suddenly realised this morning, I think I was so tired I didnt really notice it missing, how cool is that. I am out tonight as well at slimming club so I will see how it goes, I am not saying I am going for an AF night tho as that makes me want one more for some reason, but with being out it shouldnt be much anyway. I am still on 50am 50pm


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Well hello Another brave day in the looking after the elderly and still AF - just !!!
                    I wanna come help in the garden too, have passport, can travel
                    Thanks for the welcome back Sun your a star as well as a sun lovey!
                    See you all tomorrow - such a problem being way ahead of America down here on top of the world lol.
                    And I meant PROLiFIC as a complement - I am looking forward to being able to keep up
                    Love Cashy xxx
                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Good Morning people!

                      Hi there cashy - with what you are going through, I really do commend you for being AF ! I know it must be very difficult for you right now. Yes - post here as much as you can - and I KNOW the prolific thing was a compliment - it just made me laugh as I do tend to waffle on at times - LOL. You don't have to do a long post - just a few lines is great!!

                      I hope that we can all say here that it is a comfy thread - I know I think it is - so feel free to pop in any time just to vent or whatever - it will always be good to see you :l

                      Hi there Space - sorry you haven't heard about the class yet - maybe you should e-mail them again? Perhaps the reason you had too much on Sunday was your 'Sunday Lunch' of course all your worrying - just a thought.... WONDERFUL on none last night - and you didn't even miss it either - great!!

                      Did you manage to get any of the problem sorted out yet? Or will it be an on-going thing until they can sort it? I was wondering how you got on yesterday....

                      Play - hope all goes well today - call me later :l

                      VERY tired - but need to start making lists - Oh I DO like making lists!!!

                      love and hugs, Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Morning Everyone!

                        Space! What a sweet thing to do for Play! We really ARE so lucky to have each other! And Play - the trick is to remember to take it! HA!

                        Cracks me up – Our Giddy Ups eloped?? DANG! HA! We’ll find the little bastards!

                        And congrats on feeling so much control these days. I know you said Sunday was not great, but over all you are seemly doing fantastic! I want to hear more about your slimming club. Not that I need that right now, but I am an AWFUL gym rat and get bored to death. Yet I love exercise (or perhaps just being active) and always looking for something new. I was thinking about trying kick boxing but would probably get my arse kicked about now.

                        Airam! Wow – Blast from the past! Yeppers, Sun (and others) have keep this thread alive ! Yea!

                        Houtx! HA! You and your Vitamin F *cracking up* ! Is this who I think it is that you are meeting back up with? HB? And Hi back! You are missed here for certain.

                        Sun! Ready, set GO! LOL So excited to see you! Looks like we will be in the 70s-80s for your visit. Should we kayak the caves? LOL

                        And as for the financial planner, yes, I will ask you about it. I DID write this guy and basically told him that I thought he was out of my budget for what I needed. He countered with another email and offered a much lower price now that “he understands my situation better”. So I guess I will talk to him a bit more and get a better feeling for it all. For me, it’s really difficult to predict when or how I will retire and what I will need to do so. So many unknowns! Like medical stuff – who knows if we will have Obamacare or not and what will it cost to have a good policy and not get wiped out with medical expenses. And planned age to retire??? Hell if I know! HA! I’m really aggressive about not having any debt and am determined to have my home paid off by that time – but this guy is telling me I am crazy to be paying extra on it. Huh?

                        And as for the lawns – yeah well – just wait until you see what I paid $1000s for and what it looks like! HA! Bring spray paint!

                        I did talk to my attorney yesterday in him doing my lease review, and he did get the mail return receipt from Landscaper Guy so we know he got the letter. Now he has 7 days. Reality is, going into this season I most likely will just throw some more money at it and forget about court. Sometimes these things are just not worth the stress and time they take. And personally – don’t give a rat’s ass what he thinks. HA! HA!

                        And Sun, I hope your meeting with the clinic goes well today. I will be thinking of you! Go get em Tiger! HA!

                        Ohhh .. a new Grisham! Too bad you can’t share on my “K Word”. LOL I have over 20 (I think) credits on that I need to use – you could help me pick out some books?? I’m still trying to get through Fifty Shades and so far am bored to hell with it. And dang, I bought all three books! UGH.

                        Cashy – You are more than welcome to join in the gardening project! Hell, I have 2 acres that need tending. Again, Sun is going to choke when she sees my place! And congrats on your AF!!!!!

                        And so a few days ago Charlie is standing up on my garden fence seeing “something”. So I open the gate for him and it falls off it’s hinges. *sigh* I REALLY need to get tending to it all! Giddy Up! HA!

                        Yesterday – not great. I typically have Mondays off but was going to go in because I am taking off the later part of the week for COMPANY! HA!

                        But I kind of slugged away again and while I did speak with the shop many times, my attorney, accountant and a few clients in regards to the holidays, my TO DO list continues to grow and it’s not good. Like you Sun, after this visit I MUST get my ducks back in a row! Upside is I am still eating pretty good and I think have gained a touch more.

                        Hard to believe the end of October is almost here and we are ramping up for the holidays. I spoke with a client yesterday that we always do a Christmas party for. This year she has decided to do it outside and tent the entire area including the pool. Good grief! So meeting with my lighting guy this morning to add extra lighting for the event …. Oh my gosh, it will all be here so quickly!

                        On with my last day of work for the week! =)

                        Hugs to All!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi there WTE - I am getting so excited about my trip and YES to kayaking! Told hubs about it and he grumbled that it looks dangerous - I told him that I used to swim for the county and he said that I could get caught under the kayak - he is a big worrier - I am game for it - it looks really good. SO excited about my trip. I really need this!!

                          They won't let me on the plane with spray paint - I thought about trying to explain it to them but then they probably won't let me on at all...or they might just get so fed up with my waffle that they will do anything to get rid of me - LOL.

                          Did not go to the clinic. I know - I was all gung ho about it...... BUT I now have 6 months worth - and I do NOT want my records 'marked' - I used to work in an American military clinic and it used to be done - might not still be but it was when I was there. I have way calmed down now and as I have 6 months worth with the refill plus a refill on that refill, feel good..... plus I have the stuff coming from River. I know I am taking the easy way out but I need to weigh my options here. I still haven't heard from my doc though..... they do NOT know that I have the refill. I am hoping she will be sent somewhere else or my previous doc will be back from being deployed by the time I need to be seen next.

                          WTE - can't believe you bought all three of the fifty shades books - you should have asked me about them - they are nick named mummy porn where I work..... as far as I am concerned, the writing is terrible and I hate that it is all about S & M and that it makes women feel that they should be doing stuff they aren't...... this is NOT what LOVE is about - it is pure sex. Don't get me started - sorry........ I think this country is going downhill with morals - maybe I am just getting old but we have books with F*** all across the front of them and S*** across the front of them and it just makes me sigh - is it really that acceptable these days?

                          Okay - off my soap box - I don't get on it very often so I apologize. I need to go and carry on sorting out my stuff. Then eating might be a good idea.

                          love and hugs to all,

                          sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            MORE giggles for the day! Sun – I am losing it! HA! HA!

                            Ok – We’ll go kayaking and NO – it is NOT dangerous. Did the see the sharks on the website?? LOL Seriously, they are there but tiny and not harmful. I PROMISE you will not get stuck under the kayak! HA! **tears laughing here!***

                            However, you must shave in order to not create a drag with the wind. LMAO!

                            Oh – And if you are/were a Dr. Seuss fan ….. you can see his house from that part of the beach. I actually knew his wife years ago. =)

                            Oops … I just realized I need to drag you to an appointment with me on Friday. Hummm.. at 11:00 AM. Well, let’s see, let me look at Thursday weather! Or after the client meeting on Friday ….

                            As for Fifty Shades … um hum. Kind of thinking about the same about these books. Rats! I’ve not gotten far into them but so far I am BORED to tears!



                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              WTE - I told you I already shaved ONCE this year when i thought I was coming earlier - you expect me to shave AGAIN?????? (sorry stuck - probably TMI!!!!)

                              I know it isn't dangerous - hubs is the one that thinks it is - I live for danger - LOL. that is why I live in the Bible belt.

                              Maybe we can go as you said, after the meeting Friday - I can go to Encinitas maybe while you are at your meeting on Friday......

                              love and hugs, Sun XXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                I think we really need to only focus on one thing: Finding each other at the damn airpport! HA! HA!

                                I'll bring my search and rescue dog Charlie. =)

