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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    ROTFLMBO - I am really really good at getting lost at airports - I find all the empty corridors! Ask Play!!!! I came out one where there was a security guard and NO-One else was coming out - it sort of freaked me out!! But just tell Charlie to find the Ditzy English blonde........ LOL

    I doubt that I will post in the will be 4.00 my time. SO - love and hugs everyone - next time will be from SUNNY CALIFORNIA !!!!!

    love, Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      FOCUS SUN: "ARRIVALS" & BAGGAGE CLAIM .... LMAO Don't make me go on a mission in the airport finding you!

      Play! HELP! HA! Maybe I should meet her inside ????????


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        play - DON'T YOU dare say a word - we met just fine - LOL. Eventually !! Now - I have to go and shave - AGAIN !!!!! OMG - is this an R rated thread or what?????
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          When were you arriving again?????????? LOL


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Ummm - yesterday ???????
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Damn! Knew I was late for something!


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                WaitingToExhale;1398302 wrote: Damn! Knew I was late for something!
                ROTFLMBO !!!!!!!

                Love Ya !!!
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Just cuz Sun is on a plane .... you can't stop posting!! HA! Where is everyone????

                  Count down on - Charlie and I meet her in just a few hours!! YEA!


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Sorry I cant catch upbut I hopt everyone has a good week/end/visit

                    My mood hasnt been at all good ant Ive only just thought about what it might be, I havent had a drink now it will be 3 days today and i feel like shit. I think I am about to crack up andfor some strange reason I arranged to stay in my mums tonight and she is sitting net to me with a whiskey but making a big deal of the fact that I should just have a cup of tea. ARGGGHHHH, did she miss the conversation we had. OK OK I need to calm down. I will have another cup of tea, the shop has just shut, I will be ok but I cant believe what a difference one cant a day made to me. I didnt really plan to not drink for 3 days it just kind of happene tht way.

                    Oh the course has been held up due to problems with admin, it will be sorted soon, I hope then I will be able to do it, if not I will find another one, I hope

                    Sorry this ones all about me again its just my heads not really with it today


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      HEY everyone I am HERE !!! WTE is WONDERFUL..... Charlie is WONDERFUL. I am having a wonderful time. I have been stung by a californian wasp - they don't hurt as much as the illinois ones. Seriously - WTE's house is really nice - my journey was great and I feel SO welcome!!!! Birds keep flying in the house - one was a jenny wren - SO sweet!!!! So we open another window/door and it flys out again.

                      Oh - and she is having me garden tomorrow !!!!

                      love and hugs to all,

                      Sun XXXX

                      P.S. I did actually say I wanted to garden - she isn't making me - I have to say that 'cos she will be reading this in a minute!
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Oh Space,
                        I so feel for you, I'm thinking you should have your one lager, no matter that your mum is sitting there having her whiskey and telling you to have your tea!!! For God's sake, how insensitive and selfish can a family be, I have to say that you have alot more patience than I would have, I would not actually be able to tolerate that:upset:

                        Anyway, just get thru it, I'm sorry but I do believe that we are each entitled to our own lives, no matter what has been in the past or what will be in the future, our family, especially parents do not have the right to take away the right to be ourselves:upset: If we made mistakes in the past, well, we have the right to make up for them or make it different but that doesn't mean that we give up being ourselves, sorry Space them the, this thing with your family just puts me off so much, and it's like your children also have the right to be themselves in their own lives, and I have a feeling that you do give them that freedom, OK, I BETTER MOVE ON!

                        So, Space, I'm confused wondering why you are staying at your mom's tonight? and have had to go three days without a lager, if you meant for that to happen it would be fine, anyway, did I miss out on a post or something? has something happened that I missed?

                        Well, just got in from work, love to everyone and "Wu", wondering where you are, please check in, Dizz and Kradle, hope to hear from you soon, everyone else seems to be doing pretty well, so I will say goodnight for now,

                        love, play


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Space, please check your email



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi ok I will explain what happened to me to put me in the state i ended up in last night. The first night I went without a drink was for two reason s 1. no money, 2, hangover and guilt from the night before. by the way a hangove has never stopped my drinking beofre , usually the opposite. The second night was because I had managed to give myself food poisoning from tuna chilli. Then last night, I didn have a shot of my mums whisky after she went ot bed and I feel ok this morning. Last night was actually my idea, we went out for something to eat and then I stayed over here for company for her, to be nice lol I know it didnt feel it for a bit of a while but it was ok really, I took a valium and then later nicked a shot of scotchand got a good sleep on her settee so alls well that ends well.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question


                              Space! I am so glad to read this morning that you are feeling better! And that you had a good rest after all of that… Family can be difficult for sure, but at the same time I am glad you had a place to go and at least have company when needed.

                              Play – I wish you were here as well! Sun is just CRACKING ME UP! I’m certain you know what I mean after spending time with her as well.

                              Sun & The Birds And The Bees! I’m not certain what energy she has brought with her, but she has the wildlife excited! HA!

                              First she gets stung by a yellow jacket while we’re relaxing in the courtyard and she was on the phone. Thankfully getting ice on it right away seemed to really help. I had walked away when she was stung and could hear her from another part of the house …. but add that accent to the distance and I had no clue what she was calling about! LOL “I’ve been stung!”

                              Now, from time to time I DO get a bird flying into my house. I warned her that I often have all my doors and windows open. But they are just LOVING her and we ended up with two in the house yesterday. HA! One as we came back from a short walk with Charlie and that little guy immediately flew out one of the doors or windows. But next was a small wren in the kitchen – but thankfully he also got out pretty quickly.

                              Charlie is absolutely in love with Sun! She has a way of sweet talking him and he is just melting with her. It’s a good thing she has a small suitcase or I suspect I would have a dog missing when she left! HA!

                              Yesterday was very casual and fun and Sun is a LOVE! It only took me 3 times around the airport to find her! LOL We stopped for food on the way home and I will confess that I still have not figured it all out as to what she eats or does not eat! HA! But we snacked a bit and just chatted and relaxed and then took a spa as the sun was setting. Her first Jacuzzi! HA! HA! I think she liked it and while we both went to bed pretty early – she is still snoozing away as I type.

                              And yes – I AM making her garden today! LOL I’m not certain I saw her eyes roll when she saw my garden, but they should have been! When she saw my spray painted lawn all I heard was “Oh Dear”. HA! She is so fun and funny! The day should be perfect weather wise and I think the relaxing is good for both of us.

                              Well, sun has just risen and coffee time!

                              Love to all … where IS everyone???


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Good morning everyone...... wherever you all are!

                                Space - sorry I missed your post when you needed to talk - I so hope you are feeling better - but THREE days - that is amazing and you didn't even notice that it was three days! Maybe that is why you were feeling a bit off - your body was reacting to the no AL? Hopefully you are feeling better today? please post and let us know how you are doing - okay? Oh - just read back and you are feeling better - gosh I am so totally out of it... DUH ! Anyway I am glad that things worked out in the end.

                                Yes, Charlie is an absolute love - I even thought about buying a white stick today and trying to pretend he was my guide dog to get him on the plane going back but I think WTE would notice him in the car to the airport....... he is SO sweet!!

                                WTE is so nice - I am not quite sure why she thinks I am funny - I don't intend to be - LOL. And we are going to garden today - I am looking forward to it. Her garden does need a little work on it. :H WTE is just as she comes over in her posts - lots of energy and so easy to get on with - I have been so lucky with this thread and the friends I have made !! She has been taking pics and I need to get my camera out and do the same.

                                Well, just had my morning cup of tea - poor WTE had to go out to the store to get some milk for me as she didn't have any and I didn't think to ask when we got our bits of shopping yesterday......

                                Back later everyone,

                                love and hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

