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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Morning all - well, I was going to post then go out - but now I am going out and will post later - too much to respond to - LOL !!

    Back later - hugs to all, Sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question


      It's a shame that you can't take topamax when you did so well on it!!!

      Now there are plenty of meds out there that cause weight gain.... Could you just combine a weight gainer w topamax? . Or just eat tons of chocolate and pasta and bread and ice cream to supplement your diet? Gosh, you know how jealous I am of you?! If I lose tons of weight on topamax and sustain my sobriety, I will work my hardest to over stuff myself and never work out. I will get an electric wheel chair and wheel myself around so I don't waste a single calorie walking. I'm joking of course, but if you have depression, remeron can help (but very sedating) and I have seen people gain 60 lbs on it. If you have bipolar, zyprexa will put 60 lbs on (but has other side effects), and even things like Megace used to induce appetite in cancer patients can help with weight gain.... Of course the trick is finding a doctor who would be willing to prescribe a medicine for side effects of another medicine....

      I feel for you though...I meant to start topamax at 75 mg yesterday and forgot to do so... Maybe the dopa max effect has already started to set in??? That's the one side effect I worry the most about because alcohol has killed enough of my brain cells and I don't want the few left over I have be too dulled by the medicine....*sigh*. But if I don't take it and start drinking again, alcohol will just kill off those brain cells... It's a catch 22 situation, my brain cells are doomed.

      Well you have a good day anyway and I hope we can figure a solution to get you back on topamax. Forced G tube feeding could work too, just thought of another one!!! But your blue cross won't likely pay for that...
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Okay !!! I am finally here ! I have run errands, then came home and brushed both dogs, dug in the garden for spuds, also pulled up some plants and finally got dinner in the oven - a layered thing with zucchini, toms and spuds and cheese - all from the garden (except the cheese - I don't have a cow - LOL). SO finally I get to sit for a minute before I go and attack my huge mountain of ironing. Hubs finally cleaned out the sump pump and the bathroom (it was his turn - LOL) so all is well with the world.

        I actually am feeling quite good - the higher dose of the celexa still hasn't kicked in with my 'happy' but I live in hope. It has been 13 days since I started taking the 60mg so I am so hoping that my 'happy' comes back soon. I do feel good - but that elusive happy hasn't appeared yet - for AL's benefit - I used to be on 60mg celexa and was taken off it when the FDA said about the heart arrythmia thing. I was VERY happy with my 60mg. I had 'happy' since I had been on that dose for the first time in my life. On the 40 I am okay but miss my happy. Way too boring to go into here but I am getting the extra from River and going back up to the 60mg on my own. 13 days and counting.....

        Hi there WTE - did you go into the shop today? I loved your shop - it smelled so good. You are probably being a slug because you miss me so much...... ROTFLMBO !!

        Poor you having to sort out your medical bills - fortunately my insurance company does all that for me and if I get one that sounds wrong I just take it in and they sort it for me.

        Sad that you only have the kittens for such a short time but probably good too.....

        I FORGOT THE ONIONS. I KNEW I had forgotten something in my layer thingie - and was talking to Him Indoors about it and he said "Onions?". Darn it - I knew I had forgotten something. Oh well. Never mind.

        WTE - DO NOT blame having company on your drinking !!!!! LOL....... that cracked me up when I saw that!!!! WHO was it that stayed up after I had gone to bed? And yes, I miss you too - I loved our visit and am trying to decide what to do next year. I usually spend two weeks of my leave on a trip to UK, but next year don't want to do that - I want to visit you and Play again, so might just go to UK for a week this time.

        Hi Al - that was such a sweet thing you said about me helping depression - a real "aawwww" moment - so sweet of you. I don't think it is true for one moment but I will take what I can get!!!

        hey - just a thought - if we all want to take the l-glut each day - I am not sure if we would all do it but why not, when we post say if we have taken it or not? One of those things that we may or may not do, but just a thought - before we post - think, "did I take my L-Glut?" so we can then say "Took my L-Glut", although we really need to take it at least three times a day. I KNOW that when I take it plus the kudzu, it makes SO much difference. WTE - we should have both taken it every day when I was there plus the kudzu and seen what a difference it would have made!!!!

        Space - I have PM'd you. I hope you are feeling better. You will be asleep by now. Or I hope you will be asleep by now anyway. I am so sad for the way you are feeling. And yes, we did talk about your dogs protecting you. I know they will. And when you talk about the area that you did, I know exactly the area that you mean - but your dogs would surprise you. They need to run and you need to get them out - it is good for you too.

        I laughed at your s-i-l thinking he is more intelligent than you - you are a really bright spark in more ways than one !! But that is the younger generation for you. Ignore his ignorance.

        I am going to go and get my dinner out of the oven. And then set up the ironing board for a marathon session.

        love and hugs to all,

        Sun XXXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Just a very quick pop in to say good night to everyone I need to get to sleep now, today went ok, but I am so tired so I am off to bed now,

          until tomorrow



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Quick pop in tooo ....

            SUN! When I was blaming drinkingon company - I DID NOT MEAN YOU! HA!

            I was referrimg to my Ireland family being here and I had no clue what they would want to drink .. so I bought EVERYTHING! LOL THAT is what I was reffering to .... having to much AL in the house after they left!

            OK - Charlie has had dinner and I need to head up to the hills for a short walk ... back later!


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              WaitingToExhale;1402635 wrote: Quick pop in tooo ....

              SUN! When I was blaming drinkingon company - I DID NOT MEAN YOU! HA!

              I was referrimg to my Ireland family being here and I had no clue what they would want to drink .. so I bought EVERYTHING! LOL THAT is what I was reffering to .... having to much AL in the house after they left
              Sorry - guilty conscience !!!!! Love and hugs - off to bed soon - did SOME ironing and have just had a bacon and cheese sarnie - thought of you WTE - LOL.

              Early shift tomorrow. Love and hugs to all,

              sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Sun: I can try to post the glut reminder. I totally forgot to take it today, could definitely use that reminder. I just took my glut now w my kudzu.

                Wte: everytime I see your username I think of wtf. See what u did to me? So sad about not keeping the kitties...

                Space hope you get that beauty sleep.

                Sun: I like anything that is a best seller. This is how I choose my books: I go to SAMs club or Walmart, knowing they only carry the most popular books, then I look for books that say best seller on the cover (not the same as " by best selling author of"...). I'm not into romantic novels though. Too fake bc I know that kind of love doesn't exist in real life... Been married 14 guys know... It's really more like ironing, cooking, laundry, trash, etc. that's real life.

                A few things I read I liked recently: Lisa see's books, ken follett's fall of giants, the time in between by Maria duenas. Just really varied in taste. So just recommend a non romantic fictions that you enjoyed.

                Hope you all have a good night now.
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi All, just home from work and want to say hi, and Sun, that is a good idea to help us all remember to take our LGlut, I'm in for it starting tomorrow (wed) for me, I definitely need some way to motivate me to take my supplements.

                  Yes, Al, that was funny about the Megace for WTE, it's bizarre that the patients who are not wanting to eat as they are ready to "go" get the Megace which makes them eat against their will, while peeps like WTE who desperately want to gain some weight would never find a doc to RX Megace, truly mind boggeling.

                  Space, hope you are ok, I've emailed about our holiday and can't wait.

                  WTE, I'm going to send you a pic of one of the things that Space and I will be doing in Spain, so can you post it for me, hopefully I'll get it sent in a day or two, you know how I am, never happens quickly with me.

                  Ok, bye for now, love you all and just wondering where are Wu and Dizz.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hi Play, where in Sp are you meeting? Is the weather. Good in Dec? Just wondering and wishful thinking.:l


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi Bruun good to see you pop in here. Play and me are going to Barcelona, I dont think the weather will be too good tho but Im sure we will have a good time tho, I cant wait to meet her.

                      I am hoping however that the weather in Barcelone will be a bit better than here, it is horrible right now, rain, wind, cold, not nice at all and not at all making me want to go out. I think its the change in the weather that makes it feel worse, it suddenly seems to have got colder and Im not used to it so it seems worse maybe.

                      I feel for you WTE you do seem to have had such a lot on your plate lately, with all the health problems and the landscaper guy shit and the legal medical bills stuff and all the work stuff, I wouldnt know where to start but I know that you do, and will sort if all out, just doing it all bit by bit and working though things but making sure to take time for you is the most important thing. So dont forget, Im so glad youve got Charlie to remind you

                      I think it would be really cool idea to start saying if we have taken our L glut and supps as I havent been all too great lately at remembering so I would like to start that today to become accountable. I will just pop on later and say I have taken some of them, I know we take it more than once a day but even if we come on a say we have taken it once then we are getting the ball rolling and then are into the habit more and likely to remember later as well. or we could wait and say at the endof the day that we have taken the full days amount, whatever really. I will go straight after this and take my first lot.

                      Not much planned for today, I have woken up in pretty bad pain right down my left leg from my hip down, dont know what that is so I have been waiting for that to were off and I will start to move around and get going more, my son has gone to school and I have a day pottering around. I will take the dogs out at some point and let them have a good time by the river. Its good for all of us. I have bought some sweet in for trick or treaters tonight so Im prepared for that. not much else I can think of really

                      Oh I know I lost 31/2 pound at slimming world last night and was slimmer of the month, I got a certificate ! and I had lost my car keys with my lager locked in my car so had to walk and had my lager locked in the car so a no beer night again, by the time I found my keys I coulnd be bothered.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Good Morning everyone - Hi there Bruun - nice to see you - how are you doing? Been a while since you popped in - how are things going?

                        Hi there space - well done on being Slimmer of the Month - go you!! had to laugh at you locking your keys in your car...... AGAIN. Still, it is one way not to drink....LOL.

                        Hope your hip/leg feels better. I had forgotten today was halloween....... yuck - not one of my favourite days at all.

                        I am just about off to work - taking my L-glut with me and my Kudzu too so will take them there. Too early in the day for it all yet. But I shall take it all later.

                        Al - I will have a peruse of the shelves today and see what I can come up with. I usually read murder mysteries for my fiction type books but have read a few good non murders too lately - will have to get the titles! I can't stand romance novels - too silly for me. I like something to get my teeth into. I did read a book called "The Yard" which was really good - but again, it is a mystery.

                        I need to get going. work is calling.....

                        have a wonderful day everyone, Love, sun X
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Space: wow, you lost a lot of weight! I hope I'll get that from topa too since I'm about 30 lb over weight now. Since I quit drinking I actually gained 2 more pounds!

                          Have fun w play in Barcelona. How lucky you guys are!

                          Sun: one book I can't stand is the given day by Dennis lehane. I've been trying to finish this book for 1 month, and I just can't get into it. I think the problem is he introduces too many characters all at once and I lose track of who is who. So I try to avoid any books w too many characters or an author who introduces too many characters all at once. Memory not so good w alcohol killing them for years!
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question


                            I like mystery. I'll check that one out!

                            I took l glut today.

                            Btw, if we keep remind each other to take l glut everytime we go on MWO, eventually it will be like that Pavlov dog/bell/food/saliva association where we see MWO site or just the computer, we will salivate for l glut without even having to remind each other!
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi, brunn, wte, space, play, sun, and everyone else I haven't met:

                              Have a wonderful safe Halloween.

                              Is it just me that whenever someone ask where Wu and Dizzy are it makes me woozy?
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                I have taken my L glut 2wice today, forgot the third time but we cant all be perfect.

                                Am off to bed now, another 1 can noght tonight so another victory I think I will give myself a tick for today and a big tick for topa.

                                Goodnight all x

