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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi everyone!

    I don't usually notice this section of MWO much, but something about All One caught my eye, so this may be of interest to some of you...

    I really like it, and credit it for helping my hair to re thicken a bit, which may also have been due to my giving up my daily martinis!

    And, what works best for me it to put an inch or two of water at room temperature in an empty olive jar ( gee, wonder where that came from? LOL) , add the heaping Tbsp. of powder, put the lid on TIGHTLY and shake hard.

    Then I add an inch or two of V8 or orange juice, (preferably at room temp too) and shake again, before adding it all to my regular glass of juice. If necessary, sometimes I warm the water just a bit in the microwave.

    And, I order the huge can from Vitacost online, I think it really brings the cost down.

    Hope this helps! FFP
    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi everyone - Farfalla - thanks for the info on the Viatcost site - I checked it out and even with a GOOD coupon on the other site and free shipping, it is still more expensive than the Vitacost site - so as i was getting low I have just ordered some more - thanks for the tip!! I ordered two cans (the 66 day supply) and got free shipping too. I have a magic bullet and do mine in that and find it always tastes great - either with Dole mango pineapple fruit juice and a banana and a drop of milk or just the juice and a drop of milk, sometimes frozen berries of some sort. Anyway - GREAT tip - thanks !! nice to see you here too, by the way! Feel free to drop in anytime.

      Hi Al - good to see you too - I do hope all goes well for you tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. It makes my tummy squirm just thinking about it so heaven knows how you must be feeling. Just know that you are right and doing the right thing. Maybe we should call you Ally instead of AL??? I had a wry grin to myself and can understand how your heart must skip a beat when someone says something derogatory about AL !!!

      LOL re opening a package from WTE - yes, I think I will just return to sender !! :H:H Funny thought though..... and I just cannot imagine eating snails....... even if I DID eat meat!

      Hi there space my friend..... how are you today - I think in answer to your question about what I think about the wine, WTE said it beautifully. I was trying to think about what to write about it and then I saw WTE's post - and there was all the stuff I had wanted to say but didn't know how to say it. Just be careful....... I think the Topa is doing it's thing as far as the beer (lager) goes, so you are turning to the wine......

      As far as how much all three of us work - I think energy creates energy. When you get outside and work on your tree - don't you find you feel good afterwards? I know when I sit around and do nothing it doesn't make me feel good - can you get out and weed or something - I have lots to do in the garden and although it is chilly today, do plan on getting out there later. I know it will feel good when I have done it - like it did when I was at WTE's. Same with work - the store is really big and I walk miles in any one day and also am lugging boxes around a lot of the time - but it makes me feel good. When I am a slug, (LOL), I can tell the difference.

      As for being strong willed to be veggie - I have been veggie for over 40 years so it has nothing to do with will power. I would no sooner eat meat than I would dance naked on the rooftops (and trust me, that is a sight that no-one would want!!), so if I see something like the bovine gelatine in something I just cannot eat it.

      I had forgotten about Guy Fawkes night - how things change - we used to put spuds in the bonfire - now they have chili and stuff? As a child I always used to feel so sorry for "Guy" being burned. For all you others - Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in UK as on the 5th November a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament by Guy Fawkes was foiled. King James I was supposedly in the house of Lords at the time - anyway - not sure what the bonfires and foreworks have to do with it but every 5th November, children make effigies of Guy fawkes and then he is thrown on the bonfires and burned. Whole streets usually have a bonfire party and fireworks. Here endeth the lesson for today........ LOL

      Sorry about your daughter and hubs coming round - I know how much you are looking forward to THAT !!!!!

      HI WTE !!!! So sorry - it wasn't meant to come over as a bashing WTE post - you know I love you dearly !!!

      I am struggling today - I have three Guinness. NOW, do I go out and get some more or do I drink those - and then cannot go out - as all of you know, I won't drink then drive!! What a dilemma. Actually I am wondering about going up on my Topa - I am at 200mg a day. I think I have to go back up - plus take the L-Glut and the Kudzu - I have taken one dose of each already today - time for another. Okay - second dose taken. I do really have to get myself reined back here. I used to be happy with my two a day - I am getting out of control.

      Glad that you got medicine for the kittens - Giardia is nasty - did you get some medicine for Charlie too? Oh - talking of what they do to animals - if any of you want to read a book about it, read "Diet For A New America" by John Robbins - he is the heir to the Baskin robbins throne and was disinherited by his dad when he wrote the book. THEN his dad had a heart attack - all his docs suggested he follow what his son wrote - he did, is well again - and has reinstated his son. It is a real eye opener. Another book worth reading is The China Study.......which I appear to have lent out - again !!!

      WTE - everyone says I don't look only 5'5" - maybe it is 'cos I am slim? I have no idea..... and maybe 'cos I wear my clogs most of the time. But you saw my shoulders! I will never forget the time the lady in Sears suggested taking the shoulder pads out of a sweater I was trying on......... THERE WERE NO SHOULDER PADS IN IT !!!!! I was mortified.

      I will try the wrinkle cream ..... please please please...... LOL. How lucky are you !! And yes, what a shame we didn't get a pic together - and also yes - that lady did ask if we were sisters didn't she? I think that you look fine - albeit a tad slim and yes, as we get older, we do tend to need a few extra pounds - I always lose it in my face and used to lose it in my boobs - and of course when we lose it in our faces, is when the wrinkles really start to show.

      I really need to go and get outside in the garden. Lots of weeds to pull - wish it was as easy as it was at your house WTE - lots of my garden is clay - much as I keep amending the garden, the only easy things to weed are my raised beds. actually, I need to dig my spuds then bury them. Also should check on my sweet potatoes too and see if they are ready to dig and then bury them too.

      love and hugs to all,

      Sun XXXX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Thanks both WTE and Sun for you comments on the wine, I have given it some thought and what you both say makes sense and I will stick to the lager as much as I can. Yes the wine can have a strong pull, I have left my lager in the car tonight and my daughter and her hubby are stying tonight and so there is no way of my gettingout and geting it really without her noticing and I an thinking I would like a wine right now WTF ! so that is just after last nigh, but today has been pretty stressfull, the hubby has arrived here drunk and that has not made for a great day together. I understand why my daugheter wnated to get out of their flat but I dont understand why she had to bring him with her, or stay the night with him here being a really annoying idiot all day long. I have just left them and come upstairs to come on here and relax for a bit so am ok now but didnt feel it earlier, but then thats my usual state on a Sunday afternoon isnt it.

        I also blew my diet this dinner time as well, I ate stuff I didnt intend to and then ate a pudding I shouldnt of, it was pure comfort eating and makes me feel even worse about myself now, but theres nothing I can do about it now but get back on track which is what I m doing.

        Sun, you keep saying that you want to drink less, well I ve been wondering what dose topa you where on when you where drinking the two cans a day, if it was the 300mg, or what. Perhaps you could just gp up to 225mg and start to be more accountable on here on a daily basis and with the allone and l glut and kudzu like you have started being as well, that may make all the difference. I think for me checking in here on a daily basis just to say how much I drank, even if I dotn think anyone is taking any notice of me it doesnt matter it is for me really, oh and I have only taken my l glut once today so far I will go and take some more now. Anyway that was just a thought for you, you dont have to take any notice, you know that.

        WTE and Sun, when I have a lot of snails that look awful, I collect them all up and put them in the bin, is that bad of me.

        love from me




          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Space: now I know why you dread your daughter and son in laws visit. Hang in there... Maybe put a snail in his drink?

          Sun: there's a raven 2012 who doesn't know what thread to join. When I first joined it just seemed like everyone knew everyone else and I didn't feel I belonged and you are such a sweetie to bring me here. Can you send raven the link as you did Scott's lass? I can't cut and paste links well w my phone. I feel bad for newbies bc they don't feel they belong anywhere.

          Ffp: good to see you here... I'm gonna get myself some all in one because that's what everyone is talking about.

          Brunn, play, wte, stuck, have a good Sunday night.
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Your right Al, or should we call you Ally, it sounds so much nicer, it does seem like everyone knows each other when you join doesnt it and it seems so daunting doesnt it, I forget that now. Also I didnt undertand the thread thing and how to choose which one and just would post on different threads and then forget which ones Id posted onso not go back to see if anyone had replied or not anyway. But somhow I made it through the confusion. but I still dont know how to post links


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Good morning folks!

              Alli, I have Pm'd raven and given her the link - to post a link, you get to the page that you want to post the link to, then highlight the address at the top of the page and right click, choose 'copy', start your post, and then right click, choose 'paste' and usually it works........


              It doesn't look as if it is going to but then when the post is posted it magically turns into words instead of a jumble of letters and nonsense !! LOL I have just re-read your post and I think you know how to - just find it hard from your phone so sorry if I have misunderstood you - but have given anyone else the destructions if they don't know how to do it !!

              And yes, the All-One is very good - I never take vitamins - just the All-One and it does make such a difference when I take it, as to how I feel.

              Space - I agree - when I first came here i found the same thing, then attached myself to the Journey thead and stayed there for ages, until there was a lot of nastiness and finally the thread stopped. It is the steppers thread now but I pretty much stay here.

              Sorry about your s-i-l and the hassle yesterday - anyway, glad it is over for you - are they staying today for Guy Fawkes night?

              And We DO care and take notice of what you drink - that what this thread is for - we are all rooting for each other - like you made suggestions for me - I am so happy when you post that you just had one can or whatever - I know how proud you must be about it and it feels like such an accomplishment for you - so I live vicariously through you - LOL and I know that if you can do it, then i can too!! And yes, i went up on my Topa yesterday and am going to make sure I take my L-Glut and Kudzu too. Today won't be a problem as I close and usually get to bed fairly soon after I get in and unwind. I am up to 250mg as from yesterday.

              LOL Ally, about putting a snail in Space's s-i-l's drink! THAT would sober him up pretty darned quick!! Poor snails......

              Well, I have to be off to the Monday Morning meeting. Back later....

              Hugs, Sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Oh - okay - that cut and paste gave me a 'reply to thread' window - LOL - but that of course, was the page that I was on !!!
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi All!

                  Ally (like that name better!) - I don’t think I’ll be eating any of my garden snails! HA!

                  And the kidney thing was just kind of freaky. They said in Emergency that I had a “stone” and one kidney was totally shut down. Yikes! So how much did that have to do with my weight loss? Or, as the DR suggested, rapid weight loss in mature (HA!) woman can result in the kidney “dropping” and so the tubing in bent and backs up and creates infection. Which I had BAD. So did Topa create the kidney issue or did the kidney issue create my weight loss and not Topa. No clue. And during surgery they could NOT find a stone – so it all remains a mystery… Bummer.

                  Thinking of you this morning. Let us know how it all turns out. I hope this is happening this morning so you don’t have to stress about it much longer.

                  FFP – I also thank you for the tips! I’ve tried using a shaker jar thingy and I can never get it to blend properly. Maybe I will try again with warm water as I just didn’t take it yesterday because of my noisy blender – stupid excuse! HA!

                  Sun! I agree that energy creates energy! A body in motion stays in motion! I have a terrible habit of being a slug one day and it turns into days on end. *sigh* This is a NEW DAY and a new week and a busy one so I am hoping that my giddy-up will be back to accomplish it all and get moving for the holidays!

                  Thanks for explain Guy Fawkes! Space – I hope you a somewhat enjoyable time (??) How terrible about hubby arriving drunk. Must be SO stressful and I hope you made it through OK. And it IS a new day for you too to get back on track! =)

                  And I LOVE your posts here so you had not stop!

                  And Sun, no I have not gotten medicine for Charlie as of yet. I am going to take in a “sample” when I take the kittens in tomorrow to have him checked. Keeping my fingers crossed! They say it can take some time to show up, but he did seem a bit “off” yesterday – although he ran the hills like a maniac when I took him out. =) I’m of bummed they didn’t check for that before I got them. But I guess it was just such a quick turn around when we picked them up. If they will allow it, I may NOT bring them back home for the 2 days. That’s kind of sad but I just don’t want Charlie exposed anymore. We’ll see … sad to think about them in cages after surgery so not really sure I have the heart.

                  LOL on the shoulder pads! Sorry! You DO have much broader shoulders than me – I really am a tiny thing – just a bit tallish. I think you in proportion but are just about as thin as me! And eat like a bird – like me. HA!

                  As for the wrinkle cream – I will report back! LOL It feels awfully “heavy” which I am not used to. But it sure is making some claims! I’m always suspicious about such products. I have yet to look up the cost of this stuff if I decide to keep using it. Need to do that. LOL

                  As for the snails –I used to put them in the bin and the buggers would just crawl back out. HA! Sun thinks I am awful for killing them but they make me goofy with how much damage they do in the veggie garden! I don’t lose sleep over it but then again I normally have them under better control.

                  Ally I also remember being a bit confused (and lost) when I first arrived here LOOONNNGG ago. The newbies nest used to be really good – sounds like it has changed a bit now. Too bad. There used to be TONS of Topa threads before everyone (most) jumped onto the Bac wagon.

                  So yesterday I had little to zero motivation. UGH. I started off strong and then not sure what happened. I DID get some good work done and finished my column as I get screamed at by my Editor just about every two weeks for being so late. HA! I keep promising myself that I will write 10 or so at a time so I don’t have to think about it during the busy times. Haven’t gotten that done yet!

                  Today we start with the full Team everyday so it will be a bit hectic getting all of Christmas up. I HATE that we need to do it before Thanksgiving, but if we don’t, it simply is other places that are getting the sales instead. Christmas is out everywhere already …

                  And with my time off being ill, we are really behind the game now. I am taking my cattle prodder to work with me. HA!

                  Still dark out and I am hating these early wake up times that keep happening to me. SOMETHING it waking me up and I can’t figure out what it is. I listen for sprinklers going off at the wrong time or someone starting their car for an early shift – but hear nothing.

                  So I started thinking about trying Wellbutrin again. Maybe the bad reaction I had to it was because of my kidney issue (??) I know it would be a good start to get the smoking under control as well. I don’t dare try the Chantix till January. I just feel kind of BLAH about everything. Not terrible – but not really enjoying life too much these days. I used to laugh ALL the time and that just doesn’t seem like it is happening anymore.

                  I think I am also a bit lonely. Still saddened about “Buddy” and I think about him daily. And I just really miss having someone special in my life to play with. Not sure what the answer is on that front. This is the longest it has ever been being “single”. *sigh* Not liking it at all …

                  It’s that old cycle again (now I sound like a broken record) of too much wine making me depressed and feeling depressed makes me drink more wine. I find I am just blocking out the world with TV and reading and drinking too much. Must do something about it all and very soon.

                  We are having insane weather again. Very warm yesterday and supposed to be in the 90’s this afternoon! I’ll need to put the AC on for the kittens while I am work today. Then later in the week it will warm up to only the low 60s. Can’t convince me global warming is not creating some of this nonsense. The POOR people back East and another storm coming in.

                  Well, I hope everyone has (or is having) a good Monday! I am off to the shower …

                  Love & Hugs


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    It has been cold sunny and frosty here today but its starting to go dark early already it is getting dim at 4pm, it doesnt do much for the mood does it.

                    I have been feeling awful anxiety and also some depression that is not related to the weather or anything else tho lately and it is really getting me down, today I can barely function because of it and it is bloody guy fawlks night, by the way thanks for giveing the quick lesson for me sun to the americans out there. I have put pur steaks on in gravy in the slow cooker to have as a stew for me and my eldest son and my s.i.l. is cooking the chilli because the whole thingof inviting his mums was his and my daughters idea and I only found out about it a few nights ago they can go to the effort of cooking the food, I have had to pay for it, and buy the fireworks which I dont really mind but I dont really feel up to it. In fact his mums get on my nerves a bit, we dont really hit it off kind of thing so it is an effort to spend time with them trying to make conversation especially with one of them, add to it that I cant have a drink to help the situation and it is just bloody hard work right now.

                    OK moan over with I have got that out of my system I will go and pick up dog poo in the garden and make sure it is clean befor e it goes totally dark and call back here later to tell you all how it went.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi everyone:
                      Sun: 3 Guinness isn't bad right? Is that regular size or larger?

                      WTE: topamax increases risks of kidney stones. So if you are predisposed to have kidney stone, tox can increase that risk. Sorry about that. It should be avoided if there's a family hx of kidney stones even.

                      Space: ally sounds good. You sound down lately. I hope your upcoming trip will bring your mood up. I hope your son in law is gone!

                      Ffp: you were super sweet to send me the positive vibes! I think I can feel it because I'm feeling very positive today! Still waiting to get the call from the attorney to go to court but will let you all know

                      Brunn and play: hope things are going ok your way!!! Have a good day everyone!
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Sun, what is "the steppers thread?"

                        Love, play


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Play: I think sun meant "one step at a time " thread under general discussion.
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Just popping in to say - a very long frustrating night at work so not doing a long post - will post tomorrow. Am going to get a guinness and go and read. Then go to bed. Got to LOVE customers.......

                            will be back tomorrow......

                            love and hugs, Sun XXXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Haven't been able to keep up lately, so this is just a quick note to say hi, everyone. And to let you know that since I haven't been able to keep up, there'll be an extremely bewildered look on my face when you ladies alight on my doorstep. Hope everyone's doing well!


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hope you have a better day in work today sun.

                                and you wte

                                I am feeling better today after my bout of anxiety, it seems to have abited some this morning I hope it stay off for a ehile, although while I am writing that I can feel it rising again, odd I know. Anyway, my daughter and her hubby have gone home, they went last night, the evening went by ok with fireworks an food, after everyone left I was a shaking palpitating mess until I had drank a can of lager and started to feel normal again and could then wind down enough to come to bed. I have noticed the effect even that one can has on me lately that it makes me feel so much better even into the next day it helps with the anxiety, I dont know how that happens because obviously the alcohol is all out of my system then but it does have an effect. a very calming effect the exact opposite of a large amount of alcohol which leave me in a bigger mess than none.

                                So today I have woken feeling better but my legs are aching a fair bit so it is a slow start but I know once I get moving and warm up a bit they will start to get a bit better, it is so cold here and it is also wet and grey today, the rain is back and I dont want to go out much at all excpt to the shop for neccessities like cigarrettes.

                                I have been wondering that since no where in UK seems to sell AllOne maybe I should sell it, I would know how to go about advertising it tho. But since it seems to be so good it is a shame that to get it here you have to pay such high p&p per tub from US. I would have no clue how to go about this either, it is just one of these mad ahir brai schemes |I get and never do anything about. I would need to ship a load and need to have the money and need to advertised and see what i mean a mad hair brain scheme, a good idea, but not going to go anywhere.

                                OK not sure what to do with my day again, thats the problem with being here on my own and with no plan, I will finish the painting in the kitchen later but dont know what else to do.


