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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    It is hard to say Bruun isnt it, worrying about money for me is a sober thing, in fact owrrying full stop is a sober thing because in my bad drinking days I didnt worry I just drank didnt I. See this is what happened when I was on bac as well tho I freaked out over se's and stopped taking it and then drank again nd I dont want that to happen either so it a tough call, I love the effect topa has of cutting my drinking right down to one can a night and even when like last night I felt like getting pissed after 2 cans I had well and truley had enough, but if this is se's I dont know what to do because I dont know how to couteract it, or it may not be se's at all, or if so not from topa, I started risperadol at the same time but I dont think that would cause it thats supposed to stop my anxiety.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Morning All !

      Leaving for work in about 5 mins - but yes Ally, I am still taking the Kudzu with the L-Glut. they sort of go together as far as I am concerned - not sure which it is that seems to help so I take both.

      Space - I have not heard of topa giving one anxiety - but it has so many Se's for different folk - but that is a new one on me. Have you been listening to your CD's? Do you have any for anxiety? Please let me know......

      HI Bruun :l

      Have to leave - bye for now, back later,

      hugs, Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Sun I dont have a cd specifically for anxiety no but I thought they all do help some in that they at least help me relax a bit while I am listening to them, well al lot in some times.

        I have just made a big pan of healthy veg soup so I have good food to snack on as well to make sure my body stays well nuorished. I will experiment with different soups over the next week to see if that helps at all.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi, all:

          The days getting darker, less sunlight, making me less energized and sluggish. My mood isn't as cheerful as it was 1 week ago. Sunlight affects me drastically.

          Today is my 14th anniversary w my husband. Going out for a fancy meal after work without my son. Most anniversaries we didn't even celebrate but I guess I guilted him into doing something special this time.

          Have a good day, everyone.
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Have a good evening out with your hubby Aly hope you both enjoy yourselves


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hello, folks. I have been lurking on this forum for ages. I have a question about topa. Is the effect supposed to be like baclofen, where you reach a point of indifference? Has it caused any issues with any of you, like high blood pressure? :new:

              AL, I have a problem with winter, too. Have you ever used a light box for your condition? You must do it in the morning for a few minutes...any later in the day and it can screw up your circadian rhythm.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Space: thank you! I hope your anxiety get better.

                Sinzel: welcome! Topamax has risks of kidney stones, electrolyte imbalance, some mental dulling, and neurological weird sx like things taste differently but blood pressure changes are not common. If you do a search you can find in 2006 dr. Garcia briefly discussed it. I would recommend that if you are worried, if you do choose to go on it, you can have it checked frequently.

                I used to have a lamp, cost quite a bit too! But after I moved around so much, I lost it!!!! Now I'm too cheap to buy something I already spent much on!!!!! Could kill myself for my stupidity sometimes! What brand do you use and what model? Do you like yours?
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hallo everyone - I am home early from work - I am skiving off. There was another manager there, and not a lot to do - tons to do tomorrow and we are trying to save hours so I volunteered to come home. I have made some cheese marmite straws, put my dried fruit in to soak for my Christmas cake, and am half way through making a 6 layer raspberry layer cake to take in to work tomorrow.

                  Hi there Sinzel - good to see a new face here - welcome!! umm - the Topa is different to bac in that although hopefully you do reach a point where you don't want to drink, it is far more subtle than Bac - you need to listen to the Topa. Bac also has way more SE's than Topa too. Bac scares me silly. I have had varying degrees of success with Topa but when I stop taking it, I start drinking again and have to go back to the beginning.

                  The only SE with Topa that I have noticed is Topa dopa - but that could also be due to age - LOL. Others here have had different Se's and I am sure they will be along to tell you their stories too. great to have you here and I hope you stick around.

                  Happy anniversary Ally - hope that you have a good evening. I am not going to say anything about what birthdays anniversarys ALWAYS mean to the Hubs ! LOL - just have a good evening !!

                  Aawwww Space - I hate to hear you sounding so down...... wish there was something I could do to cheer you up. Glad that you did get on with the curtains though - that is an accomplishment in itself! I had an e-mail by accident this morning from the interior deisgner that I used to sew for and she suggested that we get together - I DON'T think so - I know that she will try and talk me into working with her again. At one point a couple of years ago, I was working 40 hours at the store and 40 hours for her - way too hard!! However on the plus side, I wasn't drinking much - LOL

                  Okay WTE - I know you are busy, but we need to hear from you. How goes it with the kitties? How is Charlie? Did he get sick? Hope you are okay - I know that you were feeling low - please post and talk to us......

                  Play - you too, time for a proper post - where are you? you will be AWOL when you go to Spain for a while until you get sorted, as you will be busy with the grands, and your daughter -so we need to hear from you now.

                  I can see me now in a couple of weeks, talking to myself here - oh no - Ally will be here hopefully and of course space - I think I got spoiled before the summit when all of us were posting so much.

                  Time for my L-Glut and Kudzu. Also cakes need to come out of the oven.

                  back later,

                  love and hugs, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    minhyorin;1407626 wrote: If you want to kill off all grasses in your garden, there is an easy way that you hire a gardener or a company to help you. It does not cost much.
                    Anyone I have ever spoken with about installing fake grass - wants to use chemicals (such as Round Up type product) to kill grass.

                    No Thank you to chemicals or fake lawns. (I prefer mine spray painted! HA! HA!)



                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      OK - I REALLY am going to post a proper post ... watch this space. LOL


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I've been thinking a lot about how you are feeling and perhaps it is also true for some others of us here,

                        I know it is true for me when I'm not busy and let myself think about life, So, my take on it, at least for me, I am generally very lonely in my life, no relationship, don't even think I want another one at his point, have no real friends close by that I do anything with, and oh thank god I've made friends here, I truly don't know how I would be coping otherwise.

                        Yes, I have children, get along well with them, but they are not my peers, they have their own lives and in the end of course they love me but aren't responsible for my happiness or my life. I have work, and it is, yes, something that I care deeply about, the people that I take care of, but here is the thing: I'm very lonely for something to be passionate about, something that drives me every day to get up and go to it. In the past it was my family, now, I don't know what it is.

                        Work keeps my mind off it for much of the time, but give me more than one day off and I'm just wondering, where do I go in this life, what matters to me, where is the "something" that gives my life purpose and passion, and i think i use drinking to fill up that void. Maybe if my grandchildren lived close by I would take up my time with them, but I'm not afforded the privilege
                        Of really being a grandmother, and I think, what do I have in my life that drives me, it can't just be waiting and wasting my years.

                        So, Space, I have a feeling that some of your despair might be along this line, and you don't have the ability to be distracted from your loneliness of spirit by even going to work each day, I think it is not the fault of Topa or any other medication or even Alcohol, as much as it is that we are lonely in not having a passion in our lives. I mostly seem to feel that I am wasting my time by not making use of this "Gift" of this lifetime but I don't know what to do about it. Sometimes I feel that if I was truly engaged in my life, I would not even have to try to stop drinking, It would just be easy.

                        Just thinking out loud, thanks for listening everyone.

                        Does anybody having anything to add about your thoughts on this?

                        Love and thinking of you all.



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi Play, I do agree with you on what you say about the lonliness and the drinking, the gap in my life now can be massive and there seems to be nothing I can think of to fill it. I am also not in a relationship, and dont htink I want to be in one, but wouldnt actually mind going on a date I dont think so maybe I should do something about that. The out of work situation for me is still the same and I dont even feel up to a job right now, whether that is true or not Im not sure but that is how I feel. But the engaging in life is something else, how do we do it, it takes energy and motivation and just wanting to do it more than anything else, and I dont have that kind of drive in me.

                          I feel my anxiety is another creature entirely coming from another direction that isnt caused by any of my actions but rather caused by something else, Im not saying it is the topa thats just a possibility, it could be any of the meds m on, or not, right now I have lowered the topa to 100mg and will see how that goes with my drinking, as I have said I love the effect it has so much on my drinking I would hate anything to happen that I couldnt take it. I will try and structure a day with more relaxation time in it for my cd's and a bath or something like that and carry one with the veggie soup, I am not saying these things alone will combat it just that some nutrition from veggies will be good for me and some relaxation time cant hurt.

                          RE: killing of the lawn for a plastic one ....... well it doesnt really need answering does it


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            sorry sun I must have missed your post, your cakes sound scrummy, a six layer cake, yum. I agree it sounds far to much hard work sewing for a living now, I used ot do it and think nothing of it but no more it is too much hard work.

                            Hi sinzel, hope you come back on here and we can all tell you more about topa.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Damnit Play, you put the big????? Of life down perfectly. Serving others and living in the moment are the only paths to enlightenment that Ive heard of. Do them constantly and you'll find that void filled. Or so it is written in just about every religious text and new age book of answers to the big WHY. The challenge is doing them constantly and conscientiously I think, that is so difficult.:l

                              playland;1407660 wrote: Space,
                              I've been thinking a lot about how you are feeling and perhaps it is also true for some others of us here,

                              I know it is true for me when I'm not busy and let myself think about life, So, my take on it, at least for me, I am generally very lonely in my life, no relationship, don't even think I want another one at his point, have no real friends close by that I do anything with, and oh thank god I've made friends here, I truly don't know how I would be coping otherwise.

                              Yes, I have children, get along well with them, but they are not my peers, they have their own lives and in the end of course they love me but aren't responsible for my happiness or my life. I have work, and it is, yes, something that I care deeply about, the people that I take care of, but here is the thing: I'm very lonely for something to be passionate about, something that drives me every day to get up and go to it. In the past it was my family, now, I don't know what it is.

                              Work keeps my mind off it for much of the time, but give me more than one day off and I'm just wondering, where do I go in this life, what matters to me, where is the "something" that gives my life purpose and passion, and i think i use drinking to fill up that void. Maybe if my grandchildren lived close by I would take up my time with them, but I'm not afforded the privilege
                              Of really being a grandmother, and I think, what do I have in my life that drives me, it can't just be waiting and wasting my years.

                              So, Space, I have a feeling that some of your despair might be along this line, and you don't have the ability to be distracted from your loneliness of spirit by even going to work each day, I think it is not the fault of Topa or any other medication or even Alcohol, as much as it is that we are lonely in not having a passion in our lives. I mostly seem to feel that I am wasting my time by not making use of this "Gift" of this lifetime but I don't know what to do about it. Sometimes I feel that if I was truly engaged in my life, I would not even have to try to stop drinking, It would just be easy.

                              Just thinking out loud, thanks for listening everyone.

                              Does anybody having anything to add about your thoughts on this?

                              Love and thinking of you all.



                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                I think we are also told to make time for ourselves Bruun as well as serve others, we are not monks and nuns so that is it, getting the balance, and having the motivation and the drive, I jsut seem to mostley have Blahhh times just now, sewing the curtains and cooking the tea are accomplishments to me.

                                Today tho I am going out with my daughter, I am also getting my hair cut, going to the cemetary, picking up a pair of glasses that I forgot about weeks ago so quite a busy day for me really, well way better than lying in bed or just sitting gazing into space.

