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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi there everyone. Great post Play - you really hit the nail on the head. I know that we talked about it when i visited you and it is so true. We just have to find our passion. I think finding something to concentrate on really helps - when i was doing the sewing, time flew by in the evenings or when I wasn't working - I barely noticed not having a drink. Maybe I should start quilting or crocheting again!

    Getting ready for work - Space you mentioned picking up some glasses - I have broken the frame of mine so must get a new pair today at work - I have others but these ones seem to work best for me. They are just readers but stay on my head most of the time and right now are being held together with tape !! Reminds me of Jack in Coronation Street!!!

    Bruun - so nice to have you here with us and yes, I agree with you on what Play said. We do need to think of others too.....

    WTE - how funny that you found that post from Minhyorin about the grass! Personally I LOVED your spray painted grass - LOL :H:H I just think it should have matched a little better to the real thing !!

    Oh well - must go and dry my hair and get ready for the coal mines.

    love and hugs everyone, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question


      WTE: love your spray on grass idea! You should market it. Spray on anything is good. Spray on hair. Spray on paint. spray on make up. Spray on clothes.

      Space: I'm glad you will be busy today. I know for me on weekends I don't want to get up or do anything either. I try to keep my mind busy by watching tv or reading. Thinking too much is indeed not good for us. . Have you talked to your doctor about the depression and anxiety? Maybe they can help you? even if you don't feel like you could work now, would you try to put out 20 resumes a day? You can always change your mind later....they say one day at a time. Just give yourself one task a day.

      Play: very nice post....

      Sun: you are always buzzing in and out.... Your avatar should be a bee ... Someone sent you a nice picture of a yellow jacket before...
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Okay - have to laugh at you saying about me buzzing in and out and that I should have a bee as my avatar Ally - my favourite things are : bumble bees, daisies, Rainbows (I know, I am SO TWEE aren't I!!), Winnie the Pooh and Co - (obviously), sheep and cows - anyway, I have some mobiles in my house so I went and got my camera and took some pics of them for you - here is hoping that I can remember how to post them. Okay they have posted at the beginning - unless i can copy and paste this bit before them - LOL.

        I think my pics usually come out fairly small - we shall see when I hit submit!!

        I am sad to see that WTE didn't post. Hopefully soon...... Work was okay today - someone gave me a beautiful rose smelling candle - I LOVE rose smell! I wear tea rose perfume - very old fashioned but I love it and this candle just is lovely. So sweet of them.

        Ally - how went your anniversary - did you have a nice evening? I hope so - did hubs get you anything? How are you doing with the drinking - I am amazed at how well you have done - you went from drinking to not - seemingly with no problems or trouble - what was your secret? maybe I am just not trying hard enough - or just don't WANT to try hard enough.

        Anyway - I am going to go and get some dinner. love and hugs to all,

        Sun XX Attached files [img]/converted_files/1979000=7122-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1979000=7123-attachment.jpg[/img]
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi sunny bumble bee:

          Gorgeous mobiles! Since you are so sweet, the yellow jackets thought you were honey!

          What is Co?

          We had a lovely dinner at a restaurant w a gorgeous view of the Pacific Ocean. Very romantic. My husband got flowers for me. No other gifts. I didn't get him anything! I'm not a good wife, huh? Well, I'll try to be better. I didn't know what to get the guy!!! He likes video games. He usually buys them himself. So what else do you get a man who has everything?! Thank you for asking.

          I did drink a couple of drinks but I am going back AF. Well, that's something I wanted to ask you guys, sun.

          After I started kudzu and l glutamine (I'm convinced it's mainly from the kudzu though), it's as if a switch turned off my drinking center. I have bottles of wine at home that I am not even tempted to touch. I am able to just walk away and not think about it. When I do drink, a couple is usually enough, sometimes I can't even finish the second one.

          I don't understand it myself. But I know you guys also take glut and kudzu but they don't seem to have that strong of an effect on you Or is it the effect eventually wears off over time?
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Sun, I can vouch for all the friendly little bees in your garden! I can't wait to visit you again, my friend.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              FENNEL !!!!!!!! SO awesome to see to here... I am gobsmacked. AND so thrilled to see you. This is just wonderful...... my friends here - this is Fennel - she is great! She is a friend from a post long past. She is a great addition to our thread and i am so happy to see her here. She has taken Topa and bac and just about everything else and has advice on everything. She is WONDERFUL. And I am so pleased that she has joined our thread. WELCOME Fennel !!!

              So Fen - when are you coming to visit? I have some time off believe it or not, the week of Thanksgiving - just a couple of days - can you make it down then? PM me !!!! So lovely to see to see you you here.

              Ally - the 'co' is "Company" as in Winnie The Pooh And Company. So happy that you had a good evening out with Hubs. I am so impressed that the Kudzu and/or L-Glut works for you so well. The only way it works for me is if I take it all the time. If I don't take it, it doesn't work. I think you are very fortunate in that it seems to work for you in a different way. but then you said that you don't have AL in your family history.

              I am off to bed. Love and hugs to all, Love Sun XXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi, Fennel:

                Welcome! Any friend of sun's is a friend of ours!!!! What an honor! How long has it been?
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Oh Ally - fen is wonderful - I have known her for a long time - but i should be quiet and let her post! So, I am going to get myself to bed right now

                  love and hugs to all, Love Sun XXX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Fennel!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I SECOND THAT NORA !!!!!!!
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Nora, so happy to see you

                        Fennel, I don't know you yet and look forward to some posts from you here on our thread. I'm curious and may I ask, where do you hang out and post? Looks like you are someone that I should look up

                        Hugs to everyone, love my family



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Space, I Have A Plan.

                          Space, I have a Plan (my plan for us, haha),

                          We are meeting up in Spain in only one short month, just a few weeks:h
                          Let's start thinking about what we are going to do there I have a few ideas, how about you going to the library or bookstore or even the Internet and find some things and places that you want to see during our holiday. I'm feeling better tonight and think we should start making our plan:h

                          So, start reading up on Barcelona, what and where do you want to visit and see? I want to go to the Grand Flamenco Opera and will get our tickets as soon as I arrive there, YAY, I've always wanted to see it, I've seen many flamenco shows but not ths one. And Space there are so many museums, parks, etc, etc, start reading and figure out something you are dying to see.

                          I think it will take you a good 3 weeks to read about Barcelona and decide on a couple of places that you want to visit

                          Let's look forward to this holiday and put all of the gloomy thoughts out of our minds, let's think positive and look forward to this time, I'm really starting to get excited.

                          Love you and see you very soon,


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hi everyone and hi Fen, I remember your name from other threads but dont know you so look forward to getting to know you, you too nora, I wish you would post more often but Im glad that you post when you can.

                            I am glad you enjoyed your dinner with your hubby Aly, it is odd the way you describe the effect l glut and kudzu have on you, that is like the effect topa has on me, there can now be drink in the house and it doesnt interest or bother me, I can have a drink and not want ot finish it, are you taking topa as well, I thought you where.

                            I had anothere one can night last night, not much else to say really.

                            I will email you play with thoughts of spain


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              I wish I was clever and could post happy pics


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi everyone

                                Sorry I've been scarce, my laptop broke down in Istanbul (long story) so I've been without a laptop for two weeks and I can't post from my phone. I have however been keeping up to date with the thread and am happy to see that you guys have been busy bees (LOL, Sun)

                                Welcome to Ally and everyone else that has been checking in since my last post. It has been ages.

                                Istanbul was incredibly beautiful but we had problems from the start. Turkish airlines keep their planes a consistent 30 degrees so I had a cold from day 2 and let me tell you a severely irritated nose is the last thing you want in the land of hookah pipes, spices and dodgy plumbing

                                Bf on the other hand was bitten by a mosquito and the 8 bites caused blood poisoning which meant we both ended up rushing to a 24 hour pharmacy on Friday night, which just happened to be Eid... which also meant that most of the bazaars and small shops were closed for the last three days of our visit.

                                I took some lovely pictures of the Hagia Sofia, the biggest mosque there, it was actually the biggest building in the world by the time the muslim people took it from the catholics and turned it from a cathedral into a mosque. Its breathtaking as is the bridges separating Europe and Asia and the Bosphorous at night. The sea food was brilliant and there were little kittens everywhere, every seafood restaurant seem to have a resident cat, great for someone like me who really misses their cat back home.

                                We stayed in a hotel overlooking the Mediterranean for a couple of nights and it was a bit of a shock for me to realise that it had no waves. Well its the first time I encountered an inland sea... but still, it just seemed wrong!

                                Monday was bonfire night and wow it was really cold, about 2 degrees. We took a stroll down and watched some of the fireworks (and I must say I AM shocked that people here are still allowed to do their own fireworks as its also illegal in South Africa) which was cool but I did feel sorry for the doggies. I mean the fireworks have been going off since Friday so the more sensitive doggies must be really relieved now that it is over. We ended up having some yummy curry at a local Thai place that had a big fireplace to try and warm up. Brrrr.

                                I've missed chatting to you all and am very relieved to have access to a computer again! I know I owe everyone comments but I have a lot of catching up to do here so I just thought I'll jump in and say hi for now.

                                Have a great weekend everyone.

                                Lots of love and hugs.


