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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Good Morning Space..... no, Play doesn't smoke, but is very tolerant of us smokers !! LOL. As I don't smoke indoors at home anyway, it was no biggie for me not to smoke indoors with her either. I am so used to going and sitting outside when i want a ciggie. In fact when I stayed with WTE, I found I smoked way more than usual, 'cos she does smoke in her house !

    So sorry your asthma is bad - yes, the doctor is going to tell you to smoke smoking. That is so bad for asthma. But I know how hard it is too. I feel for you.

    Daisy is fine again thanks - I had been giving both dogs some powdered stuff on their food which is good for their coats and bones - and wondered if it was that that caused it - anyway I have stopped it and will see. It was all good stuff - flax, rice, sunflower seeds etc, but I have stopped it anyway! Knowing her she could have eaten anything in the garden!

    Getting ready for work - again. Feeling like the proverbial hamster today.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day,

    love, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi, everyone:

      Gotta get to work. Saturday is my busiest day of the week and I was trying to cut back but somehow couldn't say no when people asked me to cover for them..... I don't know why I can't say no !!!! My husband is going to kill me because I work too much as it is...

      Space: maybe it's the brand of kudzu. I tried two different brands. One brand does nothing, the other brand which is called planetary herbals kudzu recovery (from vitamin shoppe but I'm not sure if they will ship internationally) works a lot better.

      In regards to smoking, I hear chantix works well but it has suicide warning and you would need to discuss that w your doctor. I've seen people going from 3 packs to zero. No need for willpower, can still smoke while on it, but it's like people just forget to smoke while on chantix.

      Ok, gotta run, sun: glad to hear daisy is doing better!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Oh Al thanks for that but my doc will no way give me chantix becausue of my major depression.

        Another ansthma thing, I dont know whether to go to hospital or not, if it gets wore I will


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          space: my husband takes singulair and it helps him a lot.... I don't know if it will help you in your case? wish I could help you. sounded like you could have died that night that scared me.
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            space, also make sure you aren't taking a beta blocker like inderal or propranol or any of blood pressure meds that are beta blockers because they can constrict your bronchials.
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hey everyone - home from the salt mines - ran out half an hour early as we had lots of coverage and they were all fed up with me jumping around like a crazy thing - LOL. It was a good day today - steady busy.....

              Why do you always say yes Ally? Same reason I do - because you are nice. I used to think I only said it 'cos I wanted to be liked, but have changed my mind on that one - 'cos I do say no now and then - if another manager wants to switch me me but that manager NEVER switches with others, then I WILL say no - so I am better than I was. As long as I like me, that is all that matters.

              Space - I took Chantix once and it did work for me. But then a dear friend died (AL related) and I was in my car at a petrol station when her hubs called me - so I bought a pack of cigs. The second time I tried Chantix it didn't work. It only seems to work the once. It can cause really bad SE's so it is probably good that you don't try it. have you tried the nicotine gum or the patches? I can send some to Play if you want for you to try....... PM me soon so I can get them off on Monday to her. I already have them so it is no biggie. Do you want to try both? But you CANNOT smoke if you are wearing the patch !!! By the way - did you get my envelope yet?

              Space - I agree with Ally - the only Kudzu that I think works (the only one that works for me anyway), is the one from this web site. None of the others have. And even then I am not sure if it is the L-Glut or the Kudzu - I take both together.

              SO hope that your asthma is better - love and hugs to you my friend XXX

              love, sun XX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi Dear Ones, I'm reading tonight but tired and coming down with a cold, sore throat, I'm staying home tomorrow and not going out, I know my pattern when I get sick, if I try to carry on I get sicker, so I'm going to force myself to lay low for a couple of days. I'll really try to use the down time to posting some thoughts.

                Space, I don't smoke but please don't fret about smoking while with me in Spain, it's fine

                I also have asthma and must remember to bring my inhalers this time, they help me get over the cough, etc, after the cold.

                Well, love to you all, will post all day tomorrow:h



                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Im glad your staying in and looking after yourself play, the worst thing I think when we are sick is to try to ignore it and soldier on and it gets worse and goes on forever.

                  My chest isnt much better so I will go back to the docs tomorrow, yes I was really scared that I could have died the other day. I can get patches and stuff fro free here on the NHS thanks sun so I just need to use them, I also have a nicotine spray, I only asked about your amoking play because I am looking forward to trying to quit sooner so I hope to be not smoking when I come, I want to be able to breath out there.

                  What is that stuff your husband has Ally I have never heard of it and no I dont take beta blockers I know about them thanks for the advice tho.

                  I have decided to have a chilled out sunday and am not havign my family round so its just me and my sons for dinner, I am looking forward to it really


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Space: it's called singulair ( or montelukast is the generic name). It's a pill that you take to prevent asthmatic attacks. He used to use advair and albuterol inhalers several times a day and still didn't do well. Once he got on the singulair, he uses his albuterol inhalers less frequently.
                    Alcoholic (or Ally)

                    "Only a fool knows everything.
                    A wise man knows how little he knows."

                    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi All! Ok … here goes! I am so sorry for being AWOL but it is just a CRAZY season for me and the shop …..

                      Houtx! Yeppers – Long time no see! But I know how that gets for sure. I also heard from KK and she said to say hello as she was not sure you had gotten her email. Yikes! The time that has passed since TSM. **groan**

                      Space – I know I am behind reading – but I do hope you are feeling better since this post I am reading from about 9 pages ago! And keep up with the veggies! Good on you!

                      As for the voting – I mailed mine weeks ago! I HATE standing in line. LOL

                      I just spoke with a gal from the TSM site from LONG ago and she really had issues with Topa and anxiety. I don’t know – I can’t say I ever felt that. But as we all know, it is SO different for each of us. I hope you overcome it!!

                      Ally – So no court after all??? Great News! Gosh I AM behind on things ….

                      Laughing as I read old posts and the prediction of the election. HA!

                      And a belated Congrats on your anniversary! Hope it was wonderful!

                      As for the kittens – I had two this time. Before that was DeVas, a cat I REALLY wanted to keep. But, mine and Charlie’s lifestyle just does not suit a permanent cat right now. I’ll probably foster again in the summer. =)

                      Agree with the kidney thing and trying Topa. At least for now. The GOOD news is I am back up to almost 119# .. . so improving with the weight at least!

                      Also – I have talked to my DR about Chantix and I am going to try if after the holiday insanity is OVER! I would be setiing myself up for the perfect storm if I tried it any sooner.

                      Sun – As for the kittens – I do miss them. But it was time and I am so bloody busy now it would not have been fair if I had committed to any longer. They recovered well from the Giardia and they even tested Charlie “just to be sure” at no cost. It was negative. Thank goodness!

                      As for eating – yes, I DO stop just when I am full. Like you. Period. And I almost have this silly rule in my head to never eat the last bit. Not sure where that came from! HA!

                      And the lonely thing – well, it is just what it is right now. Perhaps after the holidays I’ll think about it again. I can’t EVEN imagine have the time or energy to be dating right now as nice as it would be to share the holidays with someone special. I have many friends that have invited me for Thanksgiving and Christmas – so I am sure Charlie and I will not be alone for sure.

                      Cracking up over someone sending you a yellow jacket picture!!! Blahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

                      As for my spray painted lawn – STOP LAUGHING! HA! I have yet to hear back from the attorney regarding the whole mess. Just TOO busy (and thankfully too dark) for me to even bother with it now. HA!

                      How is Daisy feeling??? And Katie training? =)

                      – WAVING hello! I hope others have answered your question … I am just catching up and wishing you well! Yes, the darker days are a DRAG!

                      – It sounds like you trip is close! How wonderful you will get to spend time with Space. Great for BOTH of you! I am jealous! =)

                      I hope you get a jump on that cold! Feel better!

                      Hello fennel! And so happy you are here again! Please join us – although I am MIA often now with the holidays looming. It really IS a lovely group!

                      Where have you been? I should talk – LOL!

                      Dizz! ng> Oh that is awful about your computer – the WORST! I go nuts when I am “down” and things are not working. But it sounds like your trip to Istanbul was fabulous! (other than the sinus stuff and the BF bites!!)

                      Hi Bruun ! I hope you are sorting things out by now. I tried Celxa and it was not for me, but unbeknown to at the time I had other medical “stuff” happening – so that could have had an effect on it all. I think someone else here is taking Celexa? Oh right, I see that it’s Sun.

                      And a HELLO to everyone else I missed! BTW -Where is WU
                      these days???

                      So I am about the same. Drinking more wine than I should be not being nuts. Work is insane and thankfully that controls all of it a bit – until I get home.

                      I am loving my Sunday morning as it’s the one day the shop is closed and so I don’t get calls with questions or worry about what is going n if I am not there. This morning I am going to a “muffins and Mimosas” thing with a GF at another friend’s house who is promoting the famous wrinkle cream. HA! I have been using it for about a week now – I think I may be past hope. HA! But it will be fun to see everyone and my GF and I will go out for lunch after.

                      AND! I booked with a different GF to go see Cavalia on Thursday! Yea!

                      Photos | Cavalia
                      We decided to splurge a bit and go for the VIP tickets – a bit pricy at $244 each. Ouch! But it will be worth it. We have Center 7th row seats! And VIP parking, 90 minutes of food and open bar (yikes! LOL) before the show, a dessert bar at Intermission and then a private tour of the stables and horse after the show. I am EXCITED! Can you tell? HA! My Christmas present to myself. =)

                      And something VERY interesting happened this morning that I am cautiously optimistic about. There is this Guy (IDIOT) that owns a domain name REALLY similar to my shop’s name. It is purposely deceptive and I have even on a number of occasions called the number and they say “Yes! We ARE the shop in the Village”. GRRRRRRRRRR It just kills me! It would be kind of like MY shop is and he owns Totally confusing to people. And he is in the LA area – not close.

                      What happens every dang holiday is someone orders online and pulls up HIS shop. He then sends (or doesn’t send) the order to another shop to fill. When the design shows up and looks like crap – or NEVER shows up! …. I get the call! It is the sender’s error – but I STILL get the blame and I wonder how often people buy stuff and it looks awful and they think it’s us! ACK! Can you tell this upsets me a touch??? HA! I have tried every legal action I can and even offered to buy the domain from him – he wanted $10,000.00 a few years back!

                      So …. About 2 years ago I put that domain name on “backorder”. In other words, when it expired in October 2012, if it was not bought again – I would own it. I was sad to see that in October he renewed it. BUT – he only renewed it for a year – which was odd.

                      This morning I get an email from Godaddy that the name is up for AUCTION! Starting bid is $10.00. And IF I am reading it all correctly – the bidding ends tomorrow! Obviously I bid! HA! There were no other bids but I still bid $100.00. So GAME ON! I think he may be retiring or whatever – but I am shocked he has that name up for bid! **Doing Happy Dance** HA! HA! Wish me luck! I will go up to a few thousand if needed – but I can’t go too crazy!

                      OK – off to get looking cute (and wrinkle free HA!) for the event …..

                      Know that while I can’t always post … I do read here every day.

                      Love and hugs from Charlie and I!



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi everyone. My day off today and for the first few hours, I didn't do much of anything - played on the computer, phoned my mum - played some more on the computer - have a list a mile long but didn't know where to start - so didn't !! LOL but have now cleaned the bathroom, tidied everywhere and am about to hoover and dust. I was going to cook, but need some stuff for that and don't want to go out - I only have three Guinness and if I go out i KNOW I will buy more. Once I have had the three, I won't drive...... I am taking my L-glut and Kudzu and hoping they will talk me into not wanting any more. I have GOT to stop this silliness with drinking more. I have upped my Topa again, so as from today am back up to the 300mg. will see how I go on it.....

                        WTE - good to see you. Yes, I had forgotten how close we were to the hols for you - you must be so busy, so I promise not to pester you about posting - well, maybe just a little - you need a break now and then after all.

                        I went to the website of the show you are going to on Thursday - it looks absolutely amazing - you will have an awesome time. are you going with the friend that I met? Oh - as for not eating the last bite - I do that too but not always - I think it is 'cos we were always told to finish our meals, but if I am not hungry I don't - and sometimes that last bite is the one I don't want - hence leaving that last one !! Didn't make much sense did I? LOL

                        I am glad that you won't be alone over Christmas - you could always come to me otherwise. I do get Christmas off - I work the day before and the day after but get THE day off. Start at 6.00 the day after though..... SO much to do that day!!

                        Daisy seems to be fine but has started with the windy problem again - it stopped when I first changed her food to non-grain but has come back full force again - PEEYOOOO as she is sitting here next to me. Katie's training - I need to get back on it. she is good with the no jumping up still - THAT worked !!

                        I so hope that you manage to get the bid on that domain name. Sounds like that chap is a pill! Fingers crossed for you......

                        Space - sounds like you have a nice day planned. you are so lucky with being able to get the patches and things free there - they are very expensive here. Why don't you use them? Although having asked you that - why don't I? I have them....... SIGH !!!!!

                        Hi ally - good to see you - how are you? you always seem to answer others but never really seem to say much about you. how are things going with you?

                        Raven - are you still with us? How are things going with you too..... I just upped my Topa again.... let us know how you are.

                        Hi there play - hope that you feel better. You need to clobber that cold on the head before you fly off to Spain. Rest and take care of yourself today. Sending healing vibes to you my friend XX :l:l

                        Fen - what happened to your posting here?? LOL

                        Well, I need to go and get started on the hoovering and dusting - it isn't going to get done by itself. Love and hugs,

                        sun XXX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi everyone:

                          WTE: I also went on line to learn about the show, wow, that does seem amazing! I hope you get the domain name for a bargain!

                          Sun: nothing to report because my life is not that exciting. Work, sleep, eat, use the toilets. I will be going to Vegas the end of the month to celebrate a friend's birthday just for one night. Then rush back for work, sleep, eat, toilet all over again.
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Ally - my life isn't exciting either. But I suppose i just waffle a lot........ oh - and I use the toilet too. I think there are two things in life that are a TOTAL waste of time - and I hate doing both - they are buying petrol, and going to the loo !!!!!! But it would be nice to see you waffle - LOL. Even if it was just to see someone else besides me waffle. I know I talk too much. I never did get round to hoovering and dusting today. but everywhere is tidy. We have had storms come over and really heavy rain.

                            I think - oh - the washing machine is beeping - I will go and hang my towels in the cellar then am going to watch an episode of Leverage on TV. I have NO ironing so am actually going to SIT and watch !!! LOL A first!!!

                            love and hugs, Sun XXX
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              OK _ ONE MORE mention of "hoovering" and my sides are going to split from laughing!

                              Dear Sun, I hate to report that we call it a vacuum! HA! HA!

                              Urban Dictionary: hoovering


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                WaitingToExhale;1409667 wrote: OK _ ONE MORE mention of "hoovering" and my sides are going to split from laughing!

                                Dear Sun, I hate to report that we call it a vacuum! HA! HA!

                                Urban Dictionary: hoovering
                                Sun: I didn't know if you were referring to #3 or #4 definition of the urbandictionary.... Lol!

                                Good one, WTE! And thanks for clearing that up!!!
                                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                                "Only a fool knows everything.
                                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.

