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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Don't Worry!,,

    Dear Bruun, Space, myself, and everyone who has felt guilty about not mentioning every person and what's going on with them in your post, Bruun, I really like and 2nd your feeling about not being able to keep up sometimes when we haven't posted for awhile, and wanting to respond to every person. Sun and Space also said it and I think all of us here feel that same way.

    My main problem when I don't post for awhile is that I feel like I lose touch with what is going on in all our lives, and mentioning specific people also helps me really know what is happening wit h them, but I think it is just life that we have to just read when we can and jump in when we can, we can always remind one another about something really important needing a reply from our group:h

    WTE, hope to respond to you tomorrow, I have several fitting outdoor places and some things to tell you, but will have to wait.

    My daughter came thru the surgery good, some way out ther stuff to tell you regarding the insurance and much more if I can remember it tomorrow or the day after:upset:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    WTE, I wante to send your omessage but I don't know how to copy on Facebook from here, I tried and it didn't work, and I'm pretty computer literate

    Oh well,


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Happy Thanksgiving everyone (or the ones that celebrate it :H)

      Didn't do a meal here because my husband just had surgery yesterday. So, we'll have a big meal in a couple weeks to make up for it.

      I was so glad to read Bruun's post about not being able to mention everyone. I have always felt go guilty about that and one of the reasons that I don't post very much over here. Thank you everyone for understanding!! Now, I won't feel so bad about it.

      Space - I agree.....when I disappear from here, it is so hard to get back to it. So, I'm making it a priority to stay in touch every day.

      Well - need to go check on hubby. :h
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Good Morning Play and Nora - Play - so happy that your daughter came through the surgery well. You must all be so relieved!

        Nora - glad that your hub's surgery went well too. Enjoy your big meal when you both feel up to it. I was on my own yesterday and just had some yummy home made soup - and IRONED. Finally caught up on it all.

        Took my L-Glut and did really well on the guinness which I am so pleased about. As I said - or as they say in England - a WIP - Work In Progress.

        Am off to work this morning - I am going to park a little ways from where I work and walk or I will never get out of our car park this afternoon!! At least we will be busy so hopefully the day will go by quickly.

        WTE - did you have any luck with the bicycle? We are expecting to see a picture of it in one piece today - LOL

        Space - how are you today? And Bruun - hi there for when you pop in.....

        Love and hugs to all,

        sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi all

          I hope everyone that celebrated Thanksgiving had a lovely day. It's not part of my culture but I love the idea of having a day to give thanks for what we have instead of complaining about what we don't have.

          I agree that no one has to feel guilty if they don't have time to comment on everyone's posts. Its kind of the way we roll but from experience I know I much prefer someone checking in (and staying part) than someone waiting a month before they feel they have time to comment on everyone's lives. So I comment when I can or just blurt out my story when I can't.

          Oh Bruun, I did actually forget that you used to be a regular here before I joined as I did read the old posts before I started posting. My brain is Swiss cheese these days, I wonder why... I'm glad you're back So sorry about your dog, it can be really stressful. Its the first time I hear of a dog using Gabapentin but as the years go by I keep hearing of more medicine that both humans and dogs can use, so I'm not surprised.

          Sun, I forgot to mention your finger in the precis of the thread - that was dumb of me! Any news? My mom also irons in front of the TV and seems to love it.

          WTE, congrats on winning the bid! It must be such a relief that the old fart didn't bid. I guess the bike doesn't look THAT difficult... I forget to answer a question you asked a while ago. Epitec is not like Topamax unfortunately, its a bipolar mood stabiliser medication that augments other medications, so it won't work on its own.

          Play, I also feel like I lose touch when I don't post because we don't really mention those that slip away that much. Instead for dear Sun which is relentless. :H We don't forget our dear friends that easily though, we all know and love Houtx who slips in for drive by posts once a month and I for one is concerned about Wu who is who knows where. Glad your daughter's surgery went well and you just take your time and give us an update when you're ready.

          I hope your Hubby is OK, Nora, please let us know how he is doing.

          How are you doing, Space?

          Here is a Christmassy London pic of Covent Garden.

          Hugs to all.



            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            And some more London pics in case you are interested...


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              You are making me homesick Dizzy ........ and now I MUST leave for work,

              love and hugs, Sun XXXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                I like the pics dizzy you seem to be enjoying yourself


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Yeah, it was really fun to get out of the house, I sometimes hole myself up here way too much. :l


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    I have just read eveyones posts but now cant seem to think of anythink to say to reply .... sorry

                    the bike looks tricky to me tho

                    Yesterday I went to my doctors for a routine visit and not thinking much of it because I do have pain pretty much most of the time told him about a pain in my calf, I then spent the rest of the day in hospital with suspected deep vein thrombossis. The blood test which I expected to be negative came back possitive so then I had to wait for a scan, fortunately they didnt find anything but I didnt get home until evening after just going to the docs at 10 am!!

                    I am back to drinking lager and not too much of it so think my drinking is back dowm again thank god, I really dont know what the hell happened to me there to make me go mad on the vodka getting drunk like that but it was a blip and Im not beating myself up over it at all. I am still only on 25mg of topa but my anxiety is still as bad so I dont know what is causing it but will see my psychiatrist next week and ask him about it again, I dont think it has ever been this bad tho it really is affecting me.

                    ok bye for now and next time I do hope I can respond to peeps posts not just put my own stuff on here



                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hello to ALL … and I’m afraid I can’t mention everyone as I am off to my shop as well …

                      My Thanksgiving turned into a NIGHTMARE! I got a call in the morning from the Fire Department that my shop was flooding! And of course they can’t get in or unset the alarms. UGH. So off I headed …

                      I was supposed to join my GF and her family for dinner at 100 PM and I was to bring my ice bucket for her and wines. So I dropped them off at about 930 AM hoping I could be back from the shop in time. Didn’t happen. POOP!

                      The restaurant next doors to my shop, and we share an outdoor courtyard, and it has a drain in it. This will be the THIRD time this has happened! They get a drain clogged up with grease and it upchucks from the atrium drain! YUCK! It flows under my slider door, across my carpet and floors and of course ruins everything in its path. I was smart enough after the first mishap to have my main servers up a few inches off the floor on a shelf. So thankfully no computer issues!

                      But it all just SUCKS! I had to have emergency water people come in and they got rid of most of the mess. I left HOURS later with giant fans running trying to dry the carpet out. So while we had planned on being closed for the day – NADA for me! I need to go back in and check on things, re-set up Christmas items – some of which were damaged and some I moved in time.

                      I was so pooped out when I left I just came home as it was already close to 6 PM and obviously I missed Thanksgiving dinner. =( Poor Charlie had been locked in the house all day so he was pretty happy to see me! And thankfully no accidents!

                      Oh well, it could have been much worse. I am STILL very thankful for all I have, am able to do, my friends and what family I have left. I had a nice chat with my Dad in Texas after I got home – but remain sad that my Lil’ Sis never bothered to call (again) even though I left her a message. It just is life! HA!

                      So maybe I will do some Black Friday shopping after I check on the shop! LOL I HATE shopping but need to do another run to Michaels for more “stuff” for the shop. We do over 300 fresh custom wreaths each season and believe it or not, I can buy the ribbon and other “product” cheaper from them than I can from my wholesaler. Well, not the fresh wreaths themselves – I bring those down from Oregon – first shipment arrives Monday! =)

                      And maybe …. just maybe I will get my bike put together! HA! It takes 4 sizes of allen wrenches and I can’t find my full set I once owned. GRRR. I HATE when my tools disappear – which a lot DID when I had my kitchen done and I was not around. Nothing on purpose – they just get confused as to what belongs to whom. I now have a lock on that door when needed. HA! HA!

                      LOVING all the pictures Dizz! I would love to see London at the holidays! Someday …

                      Blessings and love to ALL of you! I’ll be back later to try and catch up …

                      Hugs from WTE & Charlie


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Space, do you think that the Topa is curbing your drinking? It makes me anxious for the first two weeks and then it lowers but the good outweighs the bad. I'm not saying it IS that and please don't just stop, I'm just saying my experience. Have you been taking the Gabapentin, I still think you've done well on it last time and I think it helps for anxiety as well.

                        Sorry WTE, your Thanksgiving sounds awful. What I don't understand is why you don't seem angry at the restaurant. I would take that kind of thing from them once as an accident but after that it is negligence and they will have to pay you damages every time it happens. Drains don't just clog up on its own, it means they are not following the right procedures. So either they learn how to get rid of oil properly (i.e. not down the drain) or you should get your lawyer to draw up a letter to tell them of how much trouble and financial issues they have caused you and warn them that if this happens again, they will be held directly responsible. Hope you find those wrenches



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          WTE, I'm agreeing with Dizz, please dont just let them get away with it and keep doing it.

                          Hope to talk after while.



                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Long Post HERE-Sorry

                            Hi All, I have the time to post tonight and who knows when at length again so sorry for a long post, at least I think it will be.

                            Space, this what friends do, we are here for each other. Don't let getting behind keep you from posting. Perhaps Dizz can become a weekly "Recap" type person. Dizz you really do an awesome synopsis of things in a very few words.

                            Bruun, my daughter had a hip replacement, she is 34 and has Vascular Osteo Nechrosis, which affects young people, it is not common and is difficult to diagnose in time to do any other intervention, the bone basically dies from lack of blood supply for some reason and they mostly never know why it happens. She came thru well and I will devote a paragraph about the whole thing after I say hi to everyone, so that I don't get behind:H.
                            I'm wondering why your vet has not gotten back to regarding scheduling the surgery for your dear dog, I think it might be time for a new Vet. And how old is your dog? Please keep us updated, and oh yes, what kind of doggie:h

                            Sun, I'm so so shocked about the plumber ripping you off. I really think that you could take him to small claims court along with some documentation from other plumbers regarding the normal and usual price for suc a job, really it just irritates me that he might get away with this and has probably done it to other people as well. I think you should also post about it on Facebook and turn everyone off to his business.

                            WTE, that's interesting about your dream, perhaps we are connecting that way as we haven't had the chance to meet yet:h In general your dream was right on just because I love outdoor places, i was a heavy duty backpacker and the wilderness was I was the happiest, I was a road biker, wimpy kayaker, excellent skier, downhill and backcountry. I loved to go backcountry skiing in the winter and build igloos and sleep in them. I hiked the beautiful canyons of Colorado and Utah and was a Hugh archeology buff, looking for ruins in the canyons. I gave up that life when I left Colorado after my divorce, I don't have a car, but I walk miles every day and have explored all over San Francisco and now love the ocean and take the ferries everywhere that I can and walk along the wild Ocean Beach of San Francisco, it is not for sunbathing, it's cold and rugged.

                            Love the Social Butterfly part of you

                            WTE, the Bike Pic? Isn't that what bike shops are for, hahahaha.

                            SUN and WTE, I missed something about a finger problem with you, WTE, I got the toe thing but missed the other. But I did have surgery recently on my Thumb, it was called "trigger finger", the finger part was awful. I woke up one day and my thumb was just stuck, and as it warmed up it would bend but catch at the joint and as it progressed, I could only straighten it out by doing it with my other hand and the same for bending it again. It was terribly painful and got worse and worse. Thank god for my Cobra or I could not have had the surgery and would have lost the complete use of my thumb. I might even still develop it in other fingers, Im keeping them crossed, HA!

                            So the surgery was a snap (no pun intended). I went into the surgery and the orthopedic surgeon gave me some local injections in the area to kill the pain and then made an incision around the complete base of the thumb and somehow cut out tissue making more room for the tendon to move, I sat there and watched the whole thing. Within 15 minutes he told me to try and see if my thumb was working any better, and it was like miracle, it was like good as new. He stitched it up and I too ibuprofen at home the first night and took the big bandage in the morning and went about my business and returned in a week to have the stitches removed. It was so easy and wonderful, my only tiny issue is that I formed a big scar tissue on the inside of the base of my thumb. It was really sore for quite a long time but now it doesn't hurt and is just a little tight feeling. I had hand exercises to do after the surger which probably helped in that part.

                            I would say if yours is similar get it done right away, it does get worse and worse and the finger becomes deformed and useless.

                            WTE, interesting about the cord thing, Im surprised I hadn't read about the term befor but I certainly will now, it rings true to me.

                            Sun, what is "New Tricks" about?

                            Hi Nora, hope you guys have had your meal now, and hope the surgery went well.

                            DIZZ, OMG, your pictures are fabulous, I have to learn how, WTE does mine when I have time to send them to her. London looks so beautiful in your pictures, I'm wondering why I didn't get to see all those places two years ago when my other daughter were stranded at Hathrow for 5 days on our way to Spain for Christmas due to 1 inch of snow. That will be a good story for another post,

                            Dear Space, oh my goodness I'm thankful that you don't have a blood clot, what a terrible way to spend the day.

                            WTE, all I can say about the situation of your shop being flooded again is YES, you must talk to the restaurant owner and tell him that he needs to have his insurance take care of your costs of damages, or take him to court. So sorry that's how you spent YOUR day.

                            Now to my daughters surgery: I will try to make it short. She has needed this surgery for 3 years and she first started out for care in the public health system in Spain where it would have been done for free. The first time they scheduled it they ended up canceling and then she became pregnant and that took another year out, then it was scheduled again and that was my last visit after the baby was born. A week after I arrived they cancelled it again and she went back on the waiting list and said they had no idea when it would be.

                            So now, awhile before the baby was born they had purchased private insurance because my daughter felt that she might have to end up doing the surgery with a private surgeon/hospital because the public system just would never seem to get it done.

                            So when the hospital cancelled the surgery again after the baby was born she started looking for a private surgeon because she now had the private insurance. SO, she found a surgeon with a great reputation and got on the list and after a few months got the surgery date and I am here to help her out afterwards.

                            So the surgery was scheduled for Wednesday the 21st. The night befor my daughter and her husband came home and she was crying and they looked awful. So, the private insurance had called that day and told her that they had learned that she had first gone thru the public system and that this is a "Pre-Exisiting " and they will not cover it. We were all just in shock.

                            So the thing was that if my daughter went back to the public system and didn't have the surgery for another year, she might actually just be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life because it would be too late for the surgery.

                            Well the evening was a nightmare. They were calling to find out how much the surgery would cost if they paid out of pocket, his parents came over also. So then we learned that the surgery plus 5 days in the hospital ( who knows what else ther will be charges for) would be $20,000 US dollars. Now, that is a lot of money but if was the united states, it would probably cost about $80,000. So we decided that she couldn't wait any longer and we just needed to come up with the money.

                            Plus you have to pay the entire bill upfront when you check in at the hospital.OMG, so the next morning we went to the hospital, his dad went with us and wrote a check for the entire amount out of his savings. My Aunt in Wichita put in 3500 to gove to his parents and our family will come up with enough to pay half, somehow.

                            None of us are wealthy, what loving inlaws that we have, they never hesitated for a second and it was not discussed that our side would pay half, but that is what we need to do.

                            So, the surgery was long but went well and she should come home on Monday and I will see Space in December and rerun home after Christmas.

                            Insurance companies SUCK!!! Everywhere they SUCK.

                            Anyway, I guess I am pretty much up to date and hope I didn't miss anything too big. I too wish we knew where some of our missing friends, WU, Rainey,and more that I dot recall names at this instand.

                            Hi kradel, hope you are doing well, please stop by and say hi.

                            Much love to everyone,


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi everyone - home from work, have had some of my home made soup from yesterday and going to watch some more of New Tricks. New Tricks Play, is sort of like a Cold case - but a British one - except the chaps in it are detectives pulled from retirement and actors that I know and love !! Their boss is Amanda Redmond, whom I also like - the series is sort of funny but serious too and I really enjoy it. I am up to series 7 now. It is an hour show, which is good for me 'cos I fidget at anything longer - LOL

                              SO amazed that the Spanish insurance company would pull the trick they did at the 11th hour - OMG !!!! how awful for you all. That was awesome of your daughters F-I-L to step in and also your aunt. I cannot believe that they would do that - but as you said - insurance companies everywhere are the same. I am so happy everything worked out for you all.

                              No, I am not taking the plumber to small claims court - it was MY choice to call the one I did - I will be talking to them on Tuesday and I will be complaining about them to the Better Business Bureau which isn't good for their business. I have no idea what they will say, but am hoping for some sort of refund cheque. Unless it is a sizeable amount I will be reporting them. It was highway robbery and I feel totally taken advantage of - all the other plumbers that I called said they charge by the job so it is basically my fault for not asking them - even though hubs was the one that called them. The others come out and say how much they are going to charge - these ones don't - again, OUR fault for not asking. we wouldn't have a leg to stand on in small claims court. but I am going to talk to them and put forward my case - the fact that they put our heating system in which is why we called them - because we TRUSTED THEM !!!!! Oh - and I don't have facebook.

                              Oh - boring stuff with the finger - I have arthritis in my little finger but my oncologist had sent me to an ortho doc as I had a tumour in a finger on the same hand and the little finger was going the same way as the original tumour finger - so given my history they were being safe - turns out to be arthritis - YEAH !!!!!!!

                              WTE - I am hoping that the shop next doors' insurance is paying for your damage? Are they? They need to be...... and your time and hassle. For this to be the third time, something better needs to be sorted. i am so sorry that your Thanksgiving was spoiled that way.

                              Also sad about your li'l sis not calling - that is just such a bummer for you. I am so happy that my sibs and I get on so well. I know of others on this forum also have sibling trouble and I think it is so sad. My Big Brother and I have gotten really close over the past 7-8 years which is wonderful. He has changed so much. I mean, we always got on - but now we are CLOSE like I think Big Brother and LS should be - and you can read LS how you like it - LOL. It is supposed to be Little Sister. But someone asked me if it was something else - something I wouldn't even say!!! BTW - I think you and my Big Brother would get on like a house on fire and if ever he comes over to the states for any length of time, I am bringing him to visit - and no, I don't mean in that way - I just mean you would get on !!!!

                              Anyway - I hope today has been much better for you. Did you end up going shopping? I cannot even imagine going shopping today - not being a shopper in the first place, if it wasn't for the fact that I work in retail, wild horses would not have got me NEAR shops today!

                              Space - sorry about your trip to the hospital - when you fly to Spain, you had better wear those stocking things that compress your legs. Fortunately it isn't a long flight. I am happy that you are back on the lager and not the vodka - good for you. Did you get my PM? Are you listening to any anxiety CD's at all? I think I asked before - but they really can help........ :l:l

                              Maybe you and dizzy can meet up somewhere sometime? Just a thought.... I wish I was over there - we could meet up - LOL.

                              I am off to watch New Tricks. Space - do you ever watch that? Just wondering.... I love watching Dennis Waterman and James Bolam and I can't remember the other chaps name right now - but I love the series!

                              Love and hugs to all,

                              Sun XXX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                HAHA New Tricks, do you get that on dvd or what Sun, yes I have watched some of them and like it as well .

                                WTE poor you on your day off, I dont know anything about Thanksgiving but I do know it is a big celelbration and you have gone and missed it. Can you arrange something another day to perhaps make up for missing it.

                                Play I am sad to hear about the stress caused but happy to hear everything went ok with your daughters op, whan I come to stay I hope you can talk to me about your worries if you want to, or otherw sie try not to think about them and we can do other things, probably some of both I think.

                                Sun are you getting an op on your finger I have compleately missed the finger thing, I didnt know there was an op for artheritis.

                                On the list of things that cause DVT is HRT which I take so I am now wondersing about the safety of that after having a scare over it because there doesnt seem to be many causes apart from the traveling one and recovery from a major operation or injury where you are layed up and HRT so there is another thing for me to have to think about, but I will get the socks for the flight but it is only short so I will be ok anyway.

                                I have spent the afternoon with my son trying to teach me how to play The Sims on playstation, I cannot git into it so most of the time was spent just watching him play but we had a good day together.

                                I seriously cannot stand this anxiety much longer, I am a mess with it and am now wondering that it didnt start when I started topa, in fact when I started topa I felt great, I thought it might have been as the dose went up but now Im only on 25mg and still as bad as ever. AT the same time as starting topa I also started on another med from my psychiatrist and I am now left wondering if it is that and it has had a build up effect but I just dont know what it is. I havent got any cd's just for anxiety but think that using any one will help but my anxiety is so bad it is nearly impossible to do them, I am lying there in such discomfort I feel like screaming and I was actually doing them each day not so long ago wasnt I.

                                OK Im off to watch some other British thing none of you will know except maybe Sun, its Doc Martin do you know it sun?

                                Love to everyone


