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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Space - just got in from work. It is gone 11.00 here but I closed tonight. yes, I love Doc Martin and have watched them all up until they had the baby - I have the next series on DVD but haven't watched them yet - Doc martin reminds me of my hubs! LOL We had it over here on our public channel (like the BBC over there) where there are no commercials and now and then they have -darn it - the word has gone - anyway - where they raise money to continue it. The public supports them through donations. (unlike the BBC) It is where we see pretty much all of our British programmes. I am enjoying Call the Midwife too at the moment as that is on there right now. Oh - and I have New Tricks on DVD. Am up to series 7 and have series 8 waiting in the wings - I ordered it as it has only just come out over here.

    It has been very quiet on here the past day or two hasn't it? Good to see you posting today. I am so sorry about your anxiety. I wonder if it is the meds that your psych. gave you. Must be awful for you....... have you tried listening to any CD's at all? Anything that is relaxing? Anything would help I think....

    I didn't know that HRT could cause DVT. I could never take HRT 'cos of my BC, so it wasn't ever an option. Maybe something for you to think about? Oh - and no, I am not getting an op on my finger - years ago, I had a tumour in a finger on my right hand and my little finger on the same hand is swelling and looking the same, SO 'cos of that, my oncologist sent me to an ortho doc to have it checked out but it turns out that it is just arthritis which I am really pleased about - WAY better than another tumour - last time they had to do a bone graft from my elbow 'cos there was no bone left in my finger! I would much rather have arthritis! So it is all good

    When I came home tonight, there was a trail of shoes from the kitchen to the other side of the house - about 7 shoes, that Katie had taken from the shoe rack. She hadn't chewed any of them - just taken them from the rack, and then gone back for another one - it was quite funny to walk in and see. A whole trail of them all around the house!!

    Well, I suppose i should go and do something then get ready for bed. going over to M-I-L tomorrow then making my Christmas cake if I am home early enough to cook it - it has to cook for about 4 hours.

    love and hugs to all,

    love, Sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi All,
      Space I'm trying to figure out what might be causing your anxiety problem, it's hard for me to lay it on the Topa especially since you are only on 25mg, and I don't recall what your new med is. Is that why you stopped the Topa, because of the anxiety? I so feel for you with the anxiety. I'm remembering that you were taking Valium , I think, to help with the Bac withdrawal, and I know that it also helps with coming off alcohol, I'm kind of wondering if the anxiety could be related to if you are not taking the Valium now. And Valium is also hard to quit if you have been taking it for awhile, I'm really suspicious of the Valium causing the flare of anxiety.

      Andante Space, thinking about the DVT possibly being caused by HRT, even though there are a thousand scenarios for complications that drugs can cause the good thing is that you Did Not have a DVT and should not start worrying about the possibili of having something that you don't have just because they thought you might have it but don't, so I hope you just don't take on that anxiety which is not called for:h

      Sun, glad your finger is not a tumor but Arthritis:upset:It's bad too.

      So, post op is going well so far, I'm spending the night with her tonight and hoping she comes home tomorrow, we will see tomorrow.

      Best get on here so oh yes, I'm a Hugh Fan of Doc Martin, I watched the first ones on Netflix and now the new episodes are on net flix as well. I know you can get Netflix in Europe but can access I Tunes, don't know if they have doc Martin. I can't wait to watch the new episodes, I've just been too busy.

      I'm sure I'm missing something I meant to say but bey for now and will post soon.

      Love and Hugs,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hello All,

        For Space: I can't take TOPA because of the insane amount of anxiety it gives me. It didn't happen the first two times I used it for weeks or months at a time. The third time I started up, I had an emotional breakdown. I stopped after I found myself calling my poor old parents at 10am on a weekend sobbing and blathering my brains out about how I'm going to die living on the streets because I don't know if I'll have this job long enough to pay for the house and if not then I'll have to sell it or rent it out because I'm not smart enough to do the other jobs I've done in the past etc etc. Getting off the topa helped but I had to spend alot of effort retraining my thinking. I've always had gloom and doom and panic about the future, but the topa seemed to exacerbate it quite a bit.

        Sun, your shoes stories reminds me of my pup - he was trained to pick up a toy when greeting people - this keeps him from barking and nipping. Since I don't have alot of dog toys (he only likes balls), he just grabs whatever he can. At my parent's house this past few days, he distributed a few stuffed animals around, that were meant to be in a tray under the coat tree for kids to play with. At my house he finds only dirty socks, so it's a trail of a sock or two, and maybe a rawhide. Not a big trail luckily.

        And sorry to hear about your arthritis, glad it's not a tumor. My mom had a tumor that kept coming back in her 50's/60's. Difficult surgery.... So start taking fish oil, if you don't already. Its a natural anti-inflammatory.

        Play, I can't believe the mess and am so thankful that everyone just dug into their pockets in a very clear Thanks & Giving moment. Hopefully long term everyone realizes that a healthy mom to their grandkids is the most important thing. Silly and idiotic private insurance didn't realize until the last possible moment that this was pre-existing? Interesting that the cost is SO much cheaper in Spain than the USA. Why is that?

        To everyone, have a healing and pleasant Sunday. I'm about to pop a gabapentin for my angst and one for my doggie for his spine pain. By the way I'm embattled about doing the surgery. It's $5K and already I spent $2K, and although I'm willing to do it, I've been saving money for years and years, I"m not sure I can single handedly nurse an 85lb dog (38kg?) that can't walk to poop and pee outside?


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Oh Bruun I do feel for you and worry about you with your pooch, I didnt even think about the dog having to get better after the op, what will happen, is he in a lot of pain right now, I take gabapentin for [ain and it is good maybe he could just stay on pain meds rather than the op.

          Play you are right and I am not worrying at all about DVT but do kind of worry sometimes about HRT, not sure why. I need to be feeling as well as I can and as right now that is not very well at all I wouldnt dream of stopping HRT at the moment. The med of my doctor is called respiredol (SP?) and I just read before and top on the list of common side effects is anxiety so I am taking the piece of paper that has it on that came with the tablets to my psychiatrist on Thursday and expect some answers regarding it. I hope its ok Play but I dont walk that far so I hope you can slow down for me while we are away but getting out and about will probably do me the world of good.

          I still cant play the sims and have pretty well given up and just left my son to it so today has been quite with no visitors. I am still ok with the drink but dont know what the hell is happening with my meds topa included as I am worried sick about the way I have been lately with the anxiety and also probably the low mood as well so I am playing it be ear and not going up on the topa and staying at this low dose until everything clams down, I really dont know but I cant go on like this. I dont want to be going away feeling like this either.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Hi Bruun, that's so interesting about your anxiety problems with the Topa and when I first started taking it, I had a very flat feeling but that lifted after a couple of weeks, I don't know if I felt more down with it than without. The biggest problem for me right now is a general awareness that I am just not as sharp as I used to be and I notice that because of my work involving having to mentally juggle a lot of different things going on at the same time, that ability has definitely suffered and after my trip to Spain, I'm thinking about going off the Topa because I'm worried about if interfering with my work so much. It's kind of like it doesn't matter much if I'm not working but at work I find myself :new at times not having an awareness of something that I should have noticed but didn't and suddenly I realize that I missed something important which doesn't work well for being a nurse and having to be so on top of things.

            Bruun it's funny about about you and suns dogs picking up the shoes and socks and honestly I'm understanding about being torn about the surgery for your dog. I am an animal lover and I think overall you must be realistic and think about the pros and cons of the surgery and not only because of the surgery, but things like how old is your dog, what is the long term prognosis os the surgery on his quality of life and is it for sure that it will make it better or not. I think animals are not able to understand why they are in pain so they really suffer a lot with it. So whatever decision you come to I'm sure it will be the right one.

            Oh Space don't worry a bit about how much you can or cannot walk, we will take taxis or etc. and will also still be spending time at my daughters house helping out, it's nice there, it's only 3 blocks from the beach and we can walk there in 5 minutes and hang out. I'm not a person that can just be on the go every minute, I need quite bit of down and quiet time, I'm sure we will get along just fine, and I'm hoping that you won't mind that I will still need to be helping out some with my daughter while you are there. I am thinking on the Saturday we will take my grandson to the beautiful aquarium which is fun because he plays in the kids area while I sit and watch

            About the cost of the surgery, Space, well in the united states it probably would have cost about $80,000 dollars, the surgeons make a lot more there than in Spain, and in general many people in the US especially people without health insurance are going to other countries for procedures because it is so much cheaper, that is if you are person who even has the money to have that option. Most people there just don't get the care they need, don't get me started on that

            So, our night here was good, my daughter will come home on Tuesday and is doing well, I'm so relieved the surgery is over and now she can start recovering and have an active life again.

            Gotta go but see you soon.
            Love play


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Good day to everyone......

              Bruun, first of all, I have PM'd you but ironically enough I was lying in bed last night thinking about your dog, and Play said many of the things I was thinking. But she has said it far better than I would have so am leaving it at that.

              Oh - and I am veggie so fish oil is out, but apple cider vinegar helps for arthritis - both soaking the finger and drinking the stuff (mixed with honey and water) too. I used to take flax seeds ground up in my mucky drink but haven't done so in a while - I need to start adding it again as it is along the same lines of the fish oil.

              Hi there Space - what happened to Sunday lunch at your mums? that hasn't happened for the last few weeks - has she stopped doing it? I am not sure about your anxiety - you are seeing your psych. on Thursday so hopefully he/she can help you. I so hope that you start feeling better soon - I know that your trip to Spain will be a wonderful picker-upper for you.

              And Play - so nice to see you posting while you are in Spain - I know last time you went you didn't post much at all, so this is wonderful to see you here. Glad your daughter is doing well. Will she be fairly mobile when she comes home? How are you doing? How is the drinking going?

              WTE - you are very quiet - I know, you are busy - what happened with the flooding - I was wondering - with the heaters drying out the carpets, didn't that do a number on the flowers and plants in your shop? Just thinking of you and wondering how you are.

              I work the closing shift tonight and am off tomorrow - have tpo spend most of the day at my daughters flat - she is working and has the carpet cleaners coming so I am going over there and while I am there will start on her kitchen - she has the walk-through for moving out on Thursday. Guess I will attack the fridge, cooker, and microwave for her. Nice way to spend my day off LOL....

              Anyway - love and hugs to all, Sun XXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Sun, what a nice mum you are, to do that for your daughter! And thanks for the thoughts on my doggie, Sun and Play and Space.

                I have some pet insurance which I think would pay 1K but not sure yet. I need to submit the paperwork and find out. The after care is the biggest concern for me, I will find out more today and post online. That may be the deal killer if I'm feeling I can't manage it. There is an 80% improvement rate/success on the surgery and my local vet says (she's not associated with the specialist doing the procedure) it's a very successful surgery.

                Space, are you sure the topa isn't exacerbating your anxiety? Good idea to take the new med information to your pdoc. My first visit with a pdoc was a couple weeks ago and he said right away we can't put you on ADD meds because they're all stimulants and will make your anxiety worse. He thinks if I can manage down my anxiety through talk therapy I will have less ADD.

                Sun, thanks for the advice on the ACV, I didn't remember it did well for arthritis. I do think magnesium helps (but can loosen stools) and I know for a fact that drinking aloe vera juice helps a friend of mine who takes it daily or is a monster from the pain!

                Space, I hope you go to Spain even if you're still anxious. It sounds like Play is low key and that may calm your angst.

                WTE, I hope your shop is okay? Does insurance cover any of this, or the landlord? I would think that this recurring problem should have been dealt with ...

                Good day to you all, I hope everyone feels better/good today.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hello All … Well so much for getting back here sooner!

                  The bike … I was ready to toss it off the hill yesterday! Not TOO many parts? Bloody hell – I STILL have not gotten it all put together! I have put on and taken off the front wheel at LEAST 6 times trying to install the fender. NOT! LOL I keep reading and –re-reading the manual and even looked it up on the computer. It does not fit right! LOL

                  The front brakes – well another issue. I THINK I have them now installed right. The seat …. WHY do I have two extra washers that I can’t figure out where they go? HA!

                  Long and short of it is that I took it for a ride yesterday. Brakes seemed safe enough. Seat is damn uncomfortable! And I am not sure I have adjusted all the gears properly. WHAT was I thinking??? LOL I should have just gone to a bike shop and bought a bike fit for me and all put together. Now I will blow all of my “savings” on this bike to take it to a bike shop (besides the pain of putting it in the car) to have it tuned up. HA! HA! Then I had to blow up the tires proper and that took running my Jeep with an extension to the cig lighter in the back, breathing exhaust fumes and trying to read the dial that WOULD NOT work on my dang portable inflation thingy. LOL

                  I’m not sure exactly how much I make an hour – but I suspect this bike has cost me thousands so far! LOL My living room floor looks like I am building a space ship with all the tools out (and had to buy)!

                  Play – When you want an easy learn on posting pictures, let me know. I think someone else posted some instructions, but I have a really simple way I do it. Or just send to me! Still waiting ……. LOL

                  And SO happy your daughter’s surgery is in the past. Wishing her a speedy recovery! OMG – what an ordeal with the insurance!!!! I hope to heck we are NOT headed in the same direction in this country!! Blessings to your family that were able to step up and help!!!!

                  As for San Francisco – I MISS IT!!! I too lived without a car for years there. I guess I was there for about 20 years. Between Bart, the cable cars, buses and ferries it was easier than trying to park a car. But we will get you back to camping real soon!!!

                  And the damn hand thing. I don’t feel it at all – I just know it will head downwards at some point. I have decided to not mess with it during the holiday – and therefore pay for it myself later. I just can’t have a bandaged hand when my hands are in water a good part of the day designing flowers! And it’s just my pinky finger that I can tell will be an issue come future.

                  Nora – Hope the hubby is one the mend!

                  – Always great to see you! But YES! The dang bike is making me goofy! HA!

                  As for the restaurant and the flood .. UGH! I can’t be mad at them as they were in as much of a nightmare as I was. Felt bad for them really – it’s a historic building and everything is a bit goofy about it all. We can only change /fix so much. The phone company on numerous occasions has actually taken photos of the phone box as they have never seen anything so awful. HA!

                  The Management Company will take care of the costs. Then, we just get to all pay more for CAM charges! Bugger! CAM = Common Area Maintenance. It really is a no win situation where I have my shop. Rents are SILLY but it’s because of the area and I can’t give it up after 18 years.

                  – You sound better and good on you! I hope your pain is finding it way gone! The touches of anxiety I get I know are only from drinking. **sigh** As I am not taking anything except theses stupid antibiotics for my silly toes. HA!

                  As for Thanksgiving Day – yes it is major here. But for some reason the Universe decided it was not to be for me this year. All good. Charlie and I had a great evening after I got home and I spoiled him rotten and we had lots of love time. He DOES adore his evening brushing!

                  Bruun – My heart goes out to your pup and your wallet. Shezz!!! I had an older Golden with hip dysplasia as she got older (lived to 14) and I bought a “belly strap” for her to help her. Soft fleece wide band and two handles and you slip it under her/him to lift the hips and help them walk. Please PM me and I will give you more info. Life saver for me at the time! She weighed 110# and I could handle and help her with that strap without issue.

                  Sun – Stay on TOP of the plumber thing!!! If nothing yes – write a (bad) review on YELP. And would you PLEASE get on Facebook! HA!

                  Oh – And get that brother on a plane – FAST! HA! HA!

                  As for my Lil’ Sis – it just is what it is. Has been for years but still breaks my heart. She is my best friend some years and totally silent others. I have not changed – but for some reason I am “OK” some times and not OK others. Hummmm.

                  Katie is like Charlie in collecting shoes! WHY do they “collect” stuff and bring it to a certain spot? Charlie will not do it for months – then gets on a run with it. I suspect it is when I have not given him even attention, which is often never enough!

                  SO, I am writing this as I wait for calls from vendors for the shop and getting all the holiday nonsense together. Insane. You may not see me much the next 5 weeks … but I will try to be around and know that I always read. Just sometimes don’t have the energy to post …

                  With Love & Hugs to all and all that I missed!

                  WTE & C


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    LOL - WTE - really quick post - am writing you an e-mail right now!!! Just struck me as funny !!

                    Hugs, Sun XXX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Hi all

                      Had a nice weekend, bought some Christmas lights and a wreath and cuddled while watching movies and planning pressies. Nothing major but today I just feel lonely and angry that I don't have any nice clients at the moment and my job is as boring as watching paint dry.

                      Hi Play, yeah, I'm glad your daughter is recovering well but sorry that the insurance company suck so much! They're always good until you need them, hey? Thinking of you for her homecoming tomorrow.

                      Its often my job to recap things in a paragraph - its part of being a writer It also really helps with studying. I don't think I'll do specific recaps as thats cheating but I think I do that anyway in my posts so anyone that's behind can just read my posts to catch up on whats happened to the rest Oh, unless I'M behind, then Sun is very good commenting on everyone's posts.

                      As for the pics of London, remember I know it well as I've lived there before for 3 years. But mostly it was just a sightseeing boat trip from Big Ben to Greenwich which I'll highly recommend. By the way, I live very close to Heathrow if anyone's every in the area!

                      Hey Sun, New Tricks is on here at the moment but I haven't seen it yet. You can be quite happy that Katie only 'redecorates' your shoes instead of 'redesigning' them. Wow, wish you were my mother! LOL.

                      I was hoping to see Space and perhaps Play before I go on holiday but I just don't have money and the last couple of months have been difficult for me. I mean my bf does provide for me quite well but I feel bad about still asking for money on top of that to go on holiday away from him He earns well but two people living on one salary (I earn a bit but it goes to my expenses in South Africa) in Windsor is not that easy. He's talking of maybe going freelance in a couple of months and moving out West to a village where we can have more of a sense of community and afford a decent place instead of paying 900 for a shoebox.

                      I hope the pdoc can help you with the anxiety, Space. I have been off Rivotril since I came here and I think thats what's causing my overwhelming anxiety. I switched over to Valium as its a much longer acting med and I read horror stories about withdrawal. I can't take Valium during the day though as it makes me awfully sleepy so now I miss Rivotril but I think I'm almost through the withdrawal period, so I think I should just stay off, no matter if it makes me feel good. Risperdal is like Rivotril, that much I know but its supposed to COMBAT anxiety and it used to make me sleepy when I tried it.

                      By the way, does your doctor know about the Topa or what are you going to do otherwise? Sorry, I can't remember.

                      Sorry you had the bad experience on Topa, Bruun
                      . It made me so happy in the beginning and I really wish it would bring my 'happy' back *sigh* Sorry about your dog and that you are starting to doubt whether you can go through this. Will he not be able to walk at all? Do you live in a house with steps otherwise you could perhaps get something on wheels to help? I think where you live is filled with people who are huge animal lovers so I doubt you are the first person to go through this. Perhaps you could find a website/forum or even a piece of second hand equipment to help you?

                      , LOL, the bike seems like such a pain. AND then you have the flood to deal with. I understand about the restaurant but are you sure they don't have a part in it in causing the drains to clog up? Wouldn't it be funny if you hook up with Sun's brother? Then we have our own love story right here on the thread. Good luck with the busy holiday period.

                      Hugs to all.



                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        OOOOOOOhhhhhh, WTE hooking up with Sun's brother? Juicy juicy! What is all this about, are both avid bikers? WTE, I can relate to the parts thing - I stopped trying to assemble things like that some years ago, due to my inability to follow directions and the manufacturers' inability to provide adequate instruction - they don't hire quality writers like Diz, just people who know English as a fifth or sixth language, or they use Google translater to write their instructions, I swear they're THAT bad. On top of that, I'm convinced that they include extra parts sometimes. There's a running joke about perfectly assembling the xmas gift for the kiddies or other such accomplishment and then finding yourself with a handful of extra nuts and bolts and wondering if the assembled thingy is assembled after all, and safe?

                        Oh, and the pup's surgery is called a "lumbosacral Laminectomy"


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi WTE and Bruun - again - LOL And HI there Diz !

                          Wte - as usual, I was posting about where were you - and you were writing ready to post! Funny....

                          The bike - or the assembling of it, sounded awful - when I was younger, I used to LOVE putting things together but these days, dread it. If I can get someone else to do it for me now, I will. However, you must have done it right as you actually RODE the thing - right? Even if it might need a little tuning up - LOL.

                          I think it was me that posted how to post pictures - the Easy Way, but sending them to WTE is even easier - :H:H

                          Diz - the only reason I am cleaning my daughters stuff while I am there is that she has no internet and the chaps will be doing the carpet so I am not going to sit and read - so will need something to do - can't see just standing twiddling my thumbs !!! The flat is just about empty too....

                          I didn't know you lived close to Heathrow diz although thinking about it - of course you do - DUH !! My aunt lives in London so I usually stay with her the first and last nights of my visit as it is easy to get to Gatwick or Heathrow when I go to UK. But I hope to meet up the next time I come to UK.

                          WTE - I had forgotten about the plumber - they are calling me tomorrow so I must get all my ducks in a row about what I am going to say and have it written down. And what is YELP??? And, no I won't get Facebook - one more thing to check.....

                          Oh I have decided to start all my supps everyone - I went back through the thread and found exactly what I was taking the last time I quit - and I was taking double what I have been taking so no wonder things haven't been working.

                          Bruun - checked out the lumbar thingy and it seems it can work really well - or just for a few years - so you are still in a dilemma !! A very hard decision for you - I do not envy you at all. If I had had to make it for my Maggie, I am not sure what I would have done.

                          I don't have any more time right now - need to go and sort out some room in the fridge for daughters stuff coming over then get to work.

                          Love and hugs all,

                          love, Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            WTE I will miss your posts over the next weeks but Im glad the cost of the flood is covered.

                            Play I am looking forward to meeting your family and so glad your daughters op has been a success. I do look forward to going with you and your grandson to the aquarium it will be good to help your daughter if I can and no I dont mind at all.

                            Sun you are wonderful mum spending your day off cleaning in your daughters flat, how kind of you.

                            I have never heard of the med you had been taking Dizzy and Im wondering if the topa is adding to the anxiety, I do get some valium off my doc but not that many which I am glad about as I would hate to get a problem with them.

                            I saw the doctor at the hospital today who confirmed fibromyalgia and is sending me for a six week course of physio, I am not looking forward to that but at least I have a doctor for it now which is good. He is just going to change my pain meds and stay on other meds and then thats about it but I already knew that. So thats been my day really, for some reason I was very nervous about going to the hospital but the doc was really nice and I was ok once I was in the room with him. I need to do the physio because with the pain I am in I do avoid excercise because of it hurting so much and as he said that could leave me very unfit very soon as it already is doing. but apart form all that which is good and bad I am ok today


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi, guys:

                              Been missing a few days because got obsessed w watching Glee and love this kid Chris Colfer! He's so cute and smart, witty and funny! Only 22 and got selected to be one of the most influential people in Time magazine.

                              About fixing and assembling stuff, can definitely relate to your feelings....

                              HRT increases risks of DVT more w smoking too, I think.

                              Space: I hope you find a cure for your anxiety ... There's gotta be something out there for you!!!

                              Sun: send some of your energy my way, please! Or actually, just come to MY house and clean it for me! I can't even walk my bedroom floor without stepping on clothes. My husband says at least the clothes protect stains from the carpet.

                              WTE: yea!!!! I'm glad you got the domain name!!!! Are you going to tell that guy you offered him much more before and ha! Now he only gets $10?

                              Play: you posted all those gorgeous pictures?! Wow!! London looks beautiful! I want to go visit!

                              Diz/Brun: that's one good thing about being a native English speaker. Even if you can't find a job here this or your country, you would definitely be able to work in a foreign country like China either as an editor for these poorly written instructions or teach English.

                              Ok. I'm going to get back to my Chris Colfer obsession. This kid is a great natural comedian!
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Hi Ally and space - Ally, I have never seen Glee - but isn't it lovely when you find something that you really like to watch and enioy watching? I am glad that you are enjoying it so much!

                                Laughed at your hubs saying your clothes protect the carpet from stains - LOL. I have just got back from my daughters flat and cleaned the cooker, the fridge and the microwave !! She has a weird way of packing - all of the kitchen cupboards were empty - except for one shelf which was totally full still - Go Figure !! Then under the sink had a few bits that she didn't know where still there. One room had one picture still on the wall....... went to the store to buy those drip pan thingies for her cooker and they came in a pack or 2 x 6" and 2 x 8" - when I got back - she has THREE 6" rings and ONE 8" ring on her cooker - darn it !! She will have to go and get a single - I have done my work for the day.

                                Hi there Space - hope you are feeling a little better today? Are you keeping to the 1-2 cans of lager still? I wasn't doing so well, then when I looked back at the supps I was taking, found that I was NOW only taking half of what I was taking when they worked - DUH ! SO, yesterday, took all my supps, all day long at the correct amounts - when i got home from work, I poured a guinness, then poured a second - did NOT want it, and ended up tipping it down the sink. So, for me, the supps work. And I really tried to want the second one - ROTFLMBO !!!!!! First time I have had just one Guinness in a long time. I felt good this morning - all bright eyed and bushy tailed - all was right with the world ! just as well, seeing as I was attacking a cooker, fridge and yucky microwave !!

                                Anyway - back later everyone, love, sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

