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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    I really believe in the supplements.

    Ok. I just want to vent. Sometimes I really have no patience for my husband. Tonight, he said: "ummmm... I want to ask you something..... I just got an email from someone about something...." Huh?!!!! My immediate response was :". What? That tells me nothing! That's the vaguest sentence I've ever heard! " then he said, "why are you in such a bad mood? Can't I just finish my sentence?"

    I'm sorry, but if you are going to open a sentence by being so vague "I just got an email from someone about something...." You pretty much lose your audience right there and then! And he's a lawyer!!!! Urgggg!!!
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Go you sun with noticing the supps making a difference, I have never really noticed anything much except with the L glut but not with the othe one I take so Im really glad you have found what works for you, well done.

      Hi Ally good to see you back again, I also have never watched Glee but do like when I find something good to watch and really get into it.

      My daughter is staying again, she has no electricity so I am stuck with htem both here so that will keep my drinking right down as you know, so last nigh I had no drinks but didnt really think about it but did feel it if you know what I mean.


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi all

        Oh, what I wouldn't do for some sunshine around here. The cold I can take but these miserable clouds are driving me crazy. That and part of my own filling fell out last night so goodness knows what that's going to cost. I have travel insurance that says it will cover "Provisional pain-stilling dental expenses" but we all know these guys can be quite sneaky with their terms and conditions.

        Yeah, I think they write the manuals like that on purpose to entertain themselves. Ikea's can be just as bad. The only manual's I've ever written are for computer programs so I swear I'm innocent in this regard.

        Good on you for taking the supps Sun, and yeah, did laugh when someone asked why the Queen built her castle (Windsor) so close to the airport There isn't a train and the taxis are a right rip-off especially at night but the buses can be OK. Perhaps you should ship in your brother for WTE

        Hi Ally, no, I'm the one that took the pics I must say I'm also very relaxed when it comes to housekeeping and I miss being able to afford some help every now and again but help in Windsor is bloody expensive!

        Sorry about the fibromyalgia Space. And too many Valium is bad news, I actually just take half at night to help me sleep and only have one half left so I guess it will be interesting times! Rivotril is another word for Klonopin/Clonazepam, its similar to Ripsperdal but cheaper and it makes me less sleepy (when I do take it but I've stopped). Good luck for the doctor tomorrow.

        Gotta run. Hugs to all.



          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Dizzy those were beautiful pics!!!! Is writing manuals boring?

          Risperdal is actually an antipsychotic/mood stabilizer. It's frequently confused w restoril (they sound the sane) which is an anti anxiety med. I don't know if we have rivotril in United States, it may be like restoril?
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Yeah, London is prettier at night this time of year when you can't see the looming grey clouds I'll shut up before I upset Sun. :P

            Yeah, you're right. I guess the two meds had the same effect on me but it was silly to say that they are therefore similar as they aren't. Rivitoril is simply called Klonopin/Clonazepam there but don't go near it if you have another choice, it has a short life span which means it works instantly for anxiety is HIGHLY addictive and is a nightmare to come off of. Like anything else, most people can probably control it, and I don't think I was ever addicted to it but I do think that it made my anxiety and my ability to cope with anxiety on my own worse during the year I took it. Everyone's different though.

            The manuals I did was for Microsoft and I had to explain to blind people how to use Word etc. so no, I wouldn't say it was boring The other one was for a new business that linked all the DVD stores in South Africa and I had to explain to users how to use the site. I guess some are boring but its better than the stupid online casino tripe I have to write when there is nothing else to do. I much prefer doing my radio ads, writing educational courses and doing translations.



              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hi All, just checking in for a minute, I'm pretty exhausted, too many dishes Just want to say hi and I'm keeping up with you guys by reading, maybe I can post tomorrow, I remember Sun asking how my drinking is going while here so far, so I need to address that little problem.

              Bye for now and Love you.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi all, energy here but need to express support for Space fibrous. My sister has it and I will share as much info as u ask for.

                Windows and door closed due to cold but dog keeps Farting biz gave a hard boiled egg with his pain pill. He is like a puppy this week!


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hey y'all -
                  Just catching up & again, too numerous posts to comment on. Sounds like everyone is doing fairly well, things going on, etc. i wish you all well!

                  Me too. Holidays w/ kids were great. I tried really hard not to drink too much in front of them & succeeded, I think. HA! Some nights better than others. I haven't had them living with me full-time in 5 yrs., so having them here full-time is hard on my alcoholic level, but great on my mom level. Of course, I want the mom level to win out. It will! I am so determined when they are here!

                  UGH - but otherwise, I have not been doing too great. I know and acknowledge I am drinking more. Weekdays not as bad, but BAD! Weekends - whoosh!! To explain, on weekdays, I drink 5-6 glasses of wine, which is not too much different from years hence. But I'm remembering less. I often take a nightcap to bed while I read...not good. But it comforts me. I am finding my brain losing its snap...THAT"S what worries me and motivates me to do something.

                  Weekends I don't have curfew, but I do try to get to bed by midnight. I worry about me the next day. I hate my alcoholism, then make excuses. I'm confused and mad at myself and making promises all the time. Hate it. Must I end up in rehab? What is to become of me?? When will I make those changes that make a difference before I get some kind of life or death diagnosis?!

                  I dunno - Will reassess after the new year & seriously consider meds again. Hope everyone is well. Holiday season - hope it's merry & bright for everyone. I LOVE the days leading up to it sooooooooo much.



                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    DITTO Houtx - but just too tired to write much right now, Houtx - LOVE YOU and lets chat about a plan after this holoday stuff is over ...

                    I just discovered in a PM that an old friend here, lives close to me. I am thrilled about meeting them soon I hope.

                    I am dog DEAD tired and just finally ate some dinner (at almost 9PM) and need to get my arse to bed. This is the most INSANE 2 weeks of the year I will go through.

                    Just felt I needed to say hello - and send hugs to all in this battle.

                    Oh my - wish I could write more but my head blowing up again already with the thoughts of the next 3 days and much work to do. I woke at midnight last night and took FOREVR to get back to sleep. I am trying hard to stay up a bit so I can a least sleep until 5 AM! HA!

                    With love and hugs TO ALL ... primise to write more soon!

                    WTE & Charlie


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Brunn : Eggs / Dogs = Ewwwww LOL

                      Sorry - had to laugh about it!

                      OK - now I am REALLY off to bed!


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        I am off to see the doc soon, dont know why but Im really nervous about this, so I will let you all know what happened when I get back


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          I have a few minutes to take a nap but I'm thinking of you all instead, but must lay my head Dow for 15 minutes. Lots that I want to respond to.

                          Houtx, so sad you are struggling, I know even tho some of us probably sound pretty good, we are struggling also, talk soon.

                          WTE, know its gotta be busy for you, hang in.

                          Space, oh my, what is sending you to the doc? So hope it goes well.

                          Love, play


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Space: good luck at the docs!!! Find something for your depression! Risperdal can cause weight gain and I don't remember if you we're the one who complained about weight?
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi everyone - Space, good luck at the docs - let us know how it goes please...... I am curious to what he/she will say about the anxiety and see if he thinks one of your meds is to blame - I hope he can do something to help...... :l:l to you.....

                              Hi there Play - you must be so busy right now that it was really good to see you popping in. Laughed at the too many dishes !!!!

                              WTE - you sound exhausted - but how exciting that you might get to meet an old friend here, and that they live close to you...... Sending some energy and healing vibes your way....... thinking of you XXX

                              Houtx - oh gosh - you do sound as if you are a tad stressed, to say the least - I have been having a lot of success with taking the supps - my consumption has gone down. I am fidning I just don't WANT the AL - last night I practically forced a Guinness down me - LOL. But I have to take them - RELIGIOUSLY !! I just sent BOB some as he is in need of some help too..... also sent him my Kudzu from here so have ordered more and hope it doesn't take too long to get here.

                              Bruun - is the pain pill helping your dog? Is it rimadyl? (Spelling). Maggie was on that and it really helped her. I think that is what she was on anyway. Have you come to any decisions yet about the surgery? if the pain pills help, maybe you should hold back on the surgery?

                              Hi Ally - I saw on another post that you too take the Kudzu and the l-Glut - I didn't know you could take it when you were drinking - I thought it had to be before - does it help if you have already had a drink then?

                              Hi Dizzy - I won't say anything about the clouds, but I know that it can get depressing when it is cloudy all the time in UK. Have you been okay with the floods? Near my mum there have been landslides on the railways lines and the stuff under the lines in other places has moved so she has no trains right now...... it is really bad !!

                              Anyway, I need to go and get ready for work...... clopen tonight and tomorrow,

                              love and hugs to all, Sun XX
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Just a quickey to say the docs appointment went ok, he has changed the risperadal to epilim so I will see how that goes. Ally weight gain is just one of those things, I have to take the meds for bipolar, but yes it is me who was trying and not succeding to loose weight. I was on quetiepine before and the weight gain with that was the worst, thats the weight I still cant loose.

