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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hello Lovlies, broadcasting from dogfartland this Sunday eve. Put holiday lights up today after a dogfish morning. Dogfish. DOGGIE. Gees. Its obviously a Kindle kind of evening, hope it brings a smile.

    Got my pup a fabulous new dogbed at Costco- WTE you might check it out for Charlie. I now have three e trad dog beds to donate.


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Sun, you know you cannot even contemplate illness. There is still much left for you to do, with us, now.:l


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Good Morning to all !! got up and fed the dogs then went back to bed seeing as I close tonight so won't be in bed until gone midnight. feeling good today - had three Guinness yesterday but only the one dose - why am I doing this to me? However, three Guinness with one dose is good - and my last drink was at 4.00 in the afternoon. today, being at work, all three doses will be there so I shall only have the one when I get home.

        Thanks Bruun - you are a sweetie and no, I have no plans on getting ill - not on the cards for me !!

        WHERE IS SPACE ?????? Pop in please my friend...... we miss you so much when you aren't here..

        I have to wrap stuff to get it ready to send off tomorrow from the P.O. as I finally got my stuff bought yesterday that is going to UK. For once I am early with it - well, as early as I can be - LOL. That feels really good.... In fact, I am just about sorted for things being shipped. I think.......

        off for a cup of tea. Hugs to all, Love, Sun XXX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          Hi, brunn, sun, play, space, WTE, stuck, dizzy, whoever I may be missing...

          How is everyone this gorgeous Monday?

          I didn't abstain this weekend. Had a few drinks over the weekend in Vegas. Probably the most I ever had since joining MWO. But partly because I didn't take kudzu! Got too busy with the rushed schedule since I had to work on Saturday until afternoon and it was 4.5 hour drive there to Vegas, and my friend who wanted to celebrate her 40th birthday wanted to go clubbing!!! (Gosh! At our age?! But I'll have to admit, we had a great time! Prob more fun than when we were in our 20's!). So needless to say alcohol was involved and I did drink more than I should have.

          But Sunday, back on the wagon. And of course gonna stay on track and take my supps more religiously now.

          Now back at work sipping my glut. Have you noticed that glut improves mood and concentration as well? It's my new addictive drink! I love it!
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Off to work - Hi Ally - so glad that you had a good time in Vegas. Good for you taking the supps more religiously - that is my major problem - TAKING them !! That little voice in my head that tells me 'take it later' has to be stopped!! Today it will be easy as I will be at work.

            And talking of work - I need to get going.

            love and hugs to all, Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Sun: I hope your glut is fruit punch flavored because it is truly yummy! Maybe it'll make you want it more than a Guinness!
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey Ally, glad you're back on the wagon, I'm not so much. Going to Vegas overnight on business but don't expect much excitement at the non-gambling hotel I go to.

                Sun, around 3am when I think WTE usually rises in the AM, I woke and couldn't get back to sleep (again) and for a couple hours tossed and turned. One of the ideas I had was that you have to add the glutamine into your first Guinness. I would try in a glass with just a little Guinness first because it may froth up, but maybe that's a compromise between not taking it and having your G. Have both. Then you'll be less inclined to have too many.

                Hugs to all.


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Gosh, morning does come early when you have dogs. A rainy one here too - the temp here yesterday was nearly 80 - 80 in the midwest in december !!! Crazy.

                  I have never thought of putting the L-glut IN my drink Bruun..... I know it wouldn't make it taste any different and is food for thought..... HHmmmm.

                  Have to go to the P.O. today and get stuff sent to England. Also doing some baking later and then a mountain (again) of ironing.

                  I am going to try and be a good sun and take my L-Glut - no Ally, mine is not a flavoured variety - I don't mind taking it - it has no flavour - I think I don't want to take it 'cos I want to enjoy my Guinness - oh, aren't I silly!!

                  SPACE COME BACK - WHERE ARE YOU????

                  Off to do some final UK wrapping and filling in of customs forms !!

                  Back later, Hugs all,

                  Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Hey everyone

                    Its been a bit quiet around here. I'm just counting the days before I can go home (next Tuesday) My anxiety is playing up, I have a broken tooth and I have run out of Valium so I'm NOT in the best states of minds. It kills me that its so expensive to go to the psychiatrist here because I'm not a resident so I'm going to try and just push through for a week but that means I am shaky most of the time and I'm drinking more to try and keep the edge off.

                    Of course I've not been without some sort of anxiety help in case I need it for the last two years so this is scary. Part of the anxiety is just going back home and seeing everyone again, my mom is still not well, etc. On the other hand I have a crap load of chores to do and I just feel like slinking back to bed.

                    Yes, where has our Space run off to again? And WTE is busy with the shop and Play with the family.

                    I wish I could take L-Glut but it gives me a terrible headache, so its a no-no for me. I could try the Kudzu from here because the other one I tried did nothing really.

                    Sun - positive thoughts! And good on you for posting now, it's probably just about right, the postal service goes ballistic this time of here. Had to pick up a parcel on Saturday and there were ten people in the queue!

                    Bruun, laughed at dogfartland, hope doggie is OK. Does the Kindle's internet work OK other than the typing? I have a Sony ereader and I look up words but the internet's not that great. I chose it for exactly that reason though - so that I don't get distracted while reading

                    , your trip sounds like fun and all thats important is that you're back on track. Your L-glut sounds cute, much nicer than the nasty boldy building stuff I had. Then again if it wasnt for the headaches I wouldve stuck with it.

                    Hugs to all.



                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Good Morning Dizzy ! So lovely to see you. Sorry you aren't feeling so chipper though. Are you waiting until you get home to go to the dentist as well as the Psych.? I know the dentists in UK take forever to get into..... Gosh - just a week until you go home. The time will fly by I am sure. What will the weather be like there when you get back? How long will you be back for?

                      Yes, the queues here are about the same in the P.O. right now but they go down pretty quickly so it is okay - plus I usually take a book or my Nook with me. I find if I do that, then they are even faster !!

                      Anyway - so happy to see you. Yes, it is quiet here - Bruun, Ally and I are sort of keeping it afloat right now !! I just wish Space would pop in.

                      Lorry loads of love and hugs to you, hang in there, love sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi Sun

                        Yes, I have to drag myself simply to go to the hairdresser so I really don't see myself going to see a new Psych at this point. I'm also very scared of dentists so I don't see making it there without a valium! Sometimes I just hate being so far away from everything I know and a lot of people I love and trust, its hard especially when I'm feeling down and anxious and not myself.

                        I'm not sure bf always understands, he's supportive but he always wants to practically solve the situation, instead what I need is to find a pdoc in the area and I just dont feel I can ask that much money of him at the moment. Also, I just want to speak to my doctor, who understands me, if you know what I mean, instead of someone new, especially when I'm feeling unstable like this.

                        I guess I'm just anxious and that makes me paranoid, another week and all will be good. I'll be there for about six weeks in blissful sunshine around people who don't really drink, so that should all do me a world of good right now!



                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          OH MY GOSH. SUCH an awful thing happened this morning....... we had....... A POWER CUT !!!! I got back from running my errands, put some milk in the microwave for a coffee and POOF ! Everything went quiet! NO electricity. It was TERRIBLE! I couldn't come on the computer - check here, check my e-mail - NOTHING. it was just awful !!!!! I called the electric company's automated system to report it and they knew - said 194 homes were without power and hopefully it would be back in within 5 hours. :upset::upset:

                          It came back on within the hour - but in the meantime I had cleaned out my cutlery drawer, my pantry, so daughter who has moved back in could have some room, and my baking shelves! so it was a good thing really. It is terrible how much we rely on electricity - especially when one is an all electric house!

                          anyway - lovely to be back - did you all miss me? LOL.

                          Dizzy - so sorry about the way you are feeling. I too used to be scared stiff of the dentist - memories of UK dentists i am afraid. I have a wonderful one here who I never worry about going to - I needed THREE root canals and he was going to do them in two different sessions but I told him to go ahead and do them all in one. He is wonderful! I trust him implicitly and would never go anywhere else.

                          I also understand about bf just wanting to solve everything but think that is a man thing - hubs is the same if I have a problem - he doesn't understand sometimes that I just need to talk - I don't need a solution !! Will you be able to get in with your old doc back in SA?

                          if you want to skype, I am around - WITH electricity !!! PM me okay??

                          Love and hugs my dear Dizzy, Love, Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Sun, isn't it amazing how much we rely on the electrical? And its so QUIET with the humming of all the machines and the high pitch whine of the wifi (bothers only me and the dog I think). Computers whirrings, printers pausing, microwaves and toaster ovens and need I say CFLs? I really don't like them and they make a high pitched noise that just drove me crazy at first (compact fluorescent bulbs). The peace when the power goes out would be more enjoyable if you knew it would come back on in an hour, though. haha. I would like you to visit and I'll shut the power off Sun, so you can clean out my kitchen spaces. Much needed and embarrassing spaces.

                            Space, space, where are you? Sun, isn't Space with Play in Spain? Or was that already done? Here's hoping they're having an enlightening and heartfelt time enjoying new experiences.

                            Diz, Kindle works well on the internet - at first I couldn't get it to auto connect but then something happened and its smooth as silk most of the time. I can watch TV shows like the first season of Glee for free since I'm a Prime member, which also gets me free two shipping on fun Amazon stuff. I just purchased three cake pans. One makes the cake look like a bunch of castles, and one makes the cake look like round art, sort of like the Australian opera house or the Disney Hall in LA. That waving sloping movement. I'll have to do a little more baking now, I'm planning on practically no presents this year but plenty of gift cakes.

                            Ciao all. :l


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Hi, sun: hope your electricity is back! How awful not having it! When I was little I thought it was fun because we could have candles and flashlights etc, but now in our computer age, it's just a hassle!

                              Brunn: what do you think of Glee? I didn't think I d like it bit it's quite funny and there good talents in there!!!! I watched all the episodes on Netflix and the gay kid Chris colfer (Kurt ) is very smart in real life. He won debates in high school and interviews well on jay Leno, Ellen, etc for such a young person. He's very funny. You can watch his interviews on YouTube.

                              Dizzy: I hate seeing dentists!! I have to get my overbite corrected and I'm just dreading it... I'd like a Valium too!!!

                              My mom passed away yesterday. I'm flying to Taiwan for her funeral next week. I'm ok because we lived very far apart and we didn't always get along but it is still sad of course. I last saw her last year and she cried as we drove away from her.... Didn't know that was going to be the last time I would see her alive.... Treasure our love ones, guys!!! That's why I tell my son I love him about 1000 times a day (he is absolutely annoyed by it but I don't care!)
                              Alcoholic (or Ally)

                              "Only a fool knows everything.
                              A wise man knows how little he knows."

                              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                ALLY !!!!! I am so sorry about your mum...... it doesn't matter that you lived far apart or that you didn't always get on - it has to be devastating for you, even though you might not realise it yet. Please know that we are here for you - you can always PM me if you need to. My heart goes out to you - it is SO hard to lose a parent no matter how we try and pretend it isn't !!

                                Please take care and hang in there - love and hugs go with you, you will be in my prayers,

                                Love from Sun XXX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

