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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi Bruun - no, space isn't in Spain yet - she goes in a week or two. I can't remember the exact date.

    yes, it is odd how one finds other things to do when the power goes out. in fact it would have been better really if it had stayed off just a little longer - I had written a few more things down on my list -LOL.

    Oh well - off to clear out the airing cupboard so my daughter can have it and then baking a cake for work tomorrow.

    love and hugs all, Sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hi all my dear friends,
      I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know that you are all here, it is really giving me a great feeling knowing that I have friends to talk to at the end of the day, Im not posting every day right now, but just knowing you are here is giving me a lot of comfort. I took a nap today and so have some energy to write, will need to get to sleep by 11:30pm.

      Sun, I'm trying to take the LGlut while here but it is a challenge for me. I increased the dose to two tsps like you said, I notice that it gives me a wonderful rush of energy, today I mixed it with orange juice and bubbly water and loved it, but I also don't mind taking it plain. I'm not regular enough with it at the moment to notice any chane in cravings. When I return home I will start on your schedule of supps and will post about my results.

      Hi Al, it seems like you are really in a good place regarding the alcohol, I'm happy for you I don't know your history and by your number of posts it looks like you have been here on MWO for some time, Good Going!

      Sun, I'm like you in the respect of just not taking the supps, you are way better at it though than me, I just seem to resist pills, except for my Zoloft. I stopped taking the gabapentin again, I don't know why, it sure helps my pain in my hands, etc., but I just stopped taking it. I still have a supply in case I want to start again, it was RXed by my PCP.

      Bruun, maybe I'll put my LGlut in my wine:H

      Sun, 80 degrees, well, the Midwest does things like that, very strange:h

      Dear Dizz, it's wonderful to see you as always, but I'm so very concerned that you are having such anxiety and not able t see someone before you leave. It sounds like you have been taking Valium pretty regularly and that is a concern in itself. It's so addictive and difficult to come off, I wish you would try to stay away from taking it on a regular basis if that is what you have been doing. Please don't take offense, you know that I just love you and am concerned.

      And Dizz I sure do understand how it feels to be away from your own culture and friends and family, I'm happy you will be returning home for awhile. I know from experience how trying it can be in a relationship/marriage for one of the partners to have to live in a different culture, I have watched my daughter and her husband who is from Spain and it has not been easy for them.

      Dizz, I also had a lifelong fear of the dentist from my childhood but now have one that I love and no fear to go to her. I searched thru friends and co-workers and reviews online to find a super gentle and compassionate one, and just as important to me was having a hygienist that was gentle as well, good luck with that, the good dentists are out there.

      Sun, feel for you with the power cut and not being to check email, I've not been able also to check emails while at the hospital staying with my daughter, I really can't live without my computer, especially as I don't have a TV, my computer is my whole form of connection and entertainment when I am at home.

      Bruun, I like the idea of the cakes for presents, and fun for you also, I want to start cooking more when I get home but after all these dishes I'm doing I probably won't cook at all:H

      Dear Al,
      So sorry about your mom passing away, and I have to agree with Sun, even tho you were not so close, it will affect you more than you might think right now. You may even find that you need to do some work on clearing things between you and her even tho she is gone now, and whatever you work thru will bring both of you closer. I'm happy you are making the trip for her funeral, it will give you a sense of closure:h. And yes, we do need to tell our loved ones just how much we love them every single day!!!

      Bruun and Sun, Space will arrive on the 12th and leave on the16th. I have a couple of activities planned for us, the Flemenco Dance, The Ramblas, shopping at El Corte Englse, also we will be spending some time with my daughter to help out and on Sat will take my grandson to the beautiful Barcelona Aquarium, I love it and hope Space will too. I'm a little worried right now because she seems to be missing here, hopefully all is well.

      So here, finally my little grandaughter is in the hospital for 3 days starting on the growth hormone and being monitored during that time for apnea spells and low oxygen. They will also teach the parents how to do the daily injections and also put them thru a CPR training. We have waited along time for the doctors to agree to let her start the GH, they are not so progressive here in Spain but finally relented after talking with the specialist doctors in the U.S. There are of course risks but the family has decided that the benefits are more important than the risks.

      Well you guys, it is almost 12pm here and I will close for now. Love you all,


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Hi Play,

        I hope Space comes out soon, and feels up to making the trip because I know it will be good for her. Hopefully if she feels scared, she can talk to you about it before leaving so you can work out a way to make it easier for her.

        L-Glut gives me ADD, funny it gives you energy! And it may sweeten your wine or lay at the bottom of the glass, at which point you'll have to gulp it down and think of all of us and smile at it.

        Diz, the dentist never bothered me until lately - got a filling/cap and now it hurts all the time and food keeps getting stuck between and so I'm constantly picking at it with floss or a paperclip. The gum is always swollen so going to the dentist he'll just blame the tenderness on the swelling but it hurt even before that happened. Ugh. I am losing faith. Just make sure they juice you up good on the novocaine - we alkies need alot more than the average bear. We metabolize it faster.

        And Play, you really have your hands full, don't you? I'm glad your baby is getting the growth hormone, I had a friend in my twenties who was 4'10" and he used to accuse me of being 'superficial' for not being interested in dating him. In fact, he was the size of a ten year old and he was in his late twenties - I always felt for him. It isn't as bad for a girl being small but if it could be avoided, by all means. My advice is to distract her so she doesn't realize she's being poked because she'll develop a resistance to having shots - pair the GH time with a treat after, and make her look at the treat not the needle. But why am I telling you this? I'm no momma, and you're one twice over and more.

        Guess I should be putting the glutamine in my martini. I am a perfect example of why naltrexone doesn't work for everyone: I am getting no 'high' or relief from it, like I did a few weeks ago. Yet still I drink compulsively. I canceled the Pdoc appt today - was seeing him for depression, but with the synthroid I'm no longer depressed. I'm hoping the endo lets me stay on it, it's the solution to my being tired and depressed and I've only been asking for it for TWENTY YEARS. Now if only it would stop my drinking but the glut martini may help. A new fad! No dirty martinis for me, I want the L-glut please!

        Hugs to you all, especially Space.


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I think I agree, l glutamine seems to to give me energy so maybe it gives me ADD too, so replacing the energy alcohol gave me.

          Thanks, everyone. I'm sure I'll be a mess when I see my mom at her hasn't really hit hard yet.

          Play: may I ask how old your granddaughter is and why she is on GH? You might have already discussed it, so I apologize in advance if you have to repeat yourself.

          Brunn: sounds like your thyroid hormone really helps you. Maybe you can convince your psych doc to prescribe if for your depression if your endo refuses to continue. It's a waste to stop it if its worked so well for you!

          Getting late... Should try to go to bed
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Aly - I am soooo sorry for the loss and pain. Praying that you find your personal strength and purpose through this difficult process and I hope I don't sound trite, my intentions are anything but.


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              I'm a bit better today, bf is working from home and just having someone else here is forcing me to get up and get some work done. I think a lot of the anxiety and depression just sprouts from me not getting out and socialising enough. Its snowing in London but it missed us!

              Ally, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Was she ill or did you at least expect it was possible? My thoughts are with you and I hope you take some time out to deal with this. :l

              Sun, power cuts do catch us by surprise nowadays don't they? I find during them absentmindedly turning on the kettle or the TV and then feeling stupid... I mean I realise the electricity is gone but for the moment you forget that EVERYTHING is connected to it.

              Yeah, I have my old doc and my old dentist, who I'm not scared of at all back at home. Well I just heard my dentist is on leave but my brother's one is available, so that will do. I just don't trust UK dentists! Sorry but I've heard too many horror stories AND I've been unlucky enough to have had a string of bad dentists as a child so I'm very picky about who I go see.

              , you should post a pic of the cakes, the pans sound really cool. I also like giving food gifts, I feel at least its something you can use and its not going to take up space for long and someone's going to enjoy it.

              Laughed at your 'more than the average bear' Novocaine description. My bf and I sometimes have silly who is Yogi and who is Booboo fights, Lol. In rehab they tell you you cant ever have Novocaine again as it can lead to relapse. As if I'm going to sit through that with some paracetamol!

              , thanks for your kind comments, and I know you are right about the Valium, I was actually tapering down from the Klonopin so its not like I was being irresponsible with it. Its just the first time I'm 'out' and its scary but I'm going to have to deal with it, I followed the titration schedule and my doctor worked with me. I don't actually like Valium, it just makes me sleepy, the only time I do like it is if I can't sleep at all, like last night would have been nice, but I can't really see how people can take it during the day if they want to function.

              I hope your granddaughter and family are doing well :l and I really hope Space will pop in soon to reconfirm her visit to you.

              Hugs to all :l


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hi there everyone - just a quick dash in and out as I am leaving for work. Seems odd to be working the closing shift on a wednesday - it will totally throw me off for the week!! but someone asked me to switch so they got my Friday night close - sounded like a good deal to me !!

                Anyway - good to see you here dizzy and ally and Bruun, I don't find that the L-Glut either gives me energy, nor makes me ADD or anything - I never notice anything different when I take it apart from not wanting the Guinness. Maybe I should try and be more aware?

                Anyway - sorry about the tooth Bruun - I hate when I have been to the dentist and the tooth is worse than before. It feels as if it is too tight for the space type of thing !! I didn't know that we metabolize novocaine faster than most? hmm, something to watch when I go to the dentist next.....

                Well, off to let the dogs out one last time then leaving for work. love and hugs to all, sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Thank you, dizzy and brun!
                  Brun: hope you re not offended but its funny how you say that UK dentists are bad. In US I've seen movies and shows that make references about British people having bad teeth and I never knew what that was about. I have a really close British friend and her teeth are perfect so I really didn't know why they make that reference. Maybe it's because of the bad UK dentists?

                  Sun: I took a picture of my fruit punch L glutamine drink in martini glass and wanted to show it to you to prove how appetizing it can look, maybe more appetizing than your Guinness! But I don't know how to load the picture from my Iphone! Darn! Maybe one day I will figure it out...
                  Alcoholic (or Ally)

                  "Only a fool knows everything.
                  A wise man knows how little he knows."

                  Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Evening all !! Just in from work..... Ally - British peoples teeth are pretty bad as a rule - hate to say it, but when I was young, it was all about just pulling them out - I hadn't even heard of flossing until I got here !! I had never had my teeth 'cleaned' either. The first time I did over here I almost died !!!! I am sure that things have changed over there since, but no-one in my school ever had braces that I can remember - maybe one girl did...... I had horrendous experiences with the UK dentists and it took a lot of trust to find one here. I go every 6 months now for a cleaning and check up and look after what teeth I have left - very sad.

                    Everyone over here seems to have lovely teeth and I envy them. but when you are small and no-one tells you to brush and go to the dentist, obviously you don't. The dentist would come to our school once a year and check everyone and I always had to go and either have teeth pulled or fillings. I would dread it. There was no preventative care suggested - not to me anyway.

                    Anyway enough of that. I am wiped. Work was crazy and I didn't have enough staff and I feel drained. And I am worried yet again about Space....... SPACE please check in !!!!

                    Love and hugs to all, love, sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      I was raised in Taiwan and didn't have much dental care when I was little too. So now I want correct this overbite I have but don't want wire braces! Didn't hear of flossing then either. in fact I think I only have 2/3 of the normal number of teeth one should have. They never grew in.
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Ally my thoughts are with you

                        I havent been on here I have flu and am ill and also have been back on the bloody vodka


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Space: thank you. how's that depakote or is it epilum coming along? Did you try lamictal? Someone recently asked about lamictal in one thread. I hope you are careful with the depakote and vodka because they can both cause liver problems, Space.... Hugs....

                          Last night I only slept 4 hrs. Thought about mom alot. My older sister is having a tough time because they fought before she died. My family is just falling apart. I'm gonna be so sad when I'm there because it will be the last time I see my dad, I'm sure.
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            Hello all. Just a quick note to say I'm sorry things are pretty rough all around. My condolences, Ally. Hang in there, and hopefully you can enjoy the time you do have with your dad? And Space, sorry you're not feeling well. Thinking about you guys. :l


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Oh, Space, I'm glad to see you here but so sorry that you have been ill and having trouble with the vodka again. Do you have an idea of what really triggers you to drink the vodka rather than beer or wine? Is it the anxiety which is just too much? And do you have any feeling about the new med that you are on? So, I just hope you will be feeling better tomorrow and our holiday is coming up soon, I hope you are getting ready

                              Hi ally, thanks for asking about my grandaughter, she is 9 months old or 7 if you adjust for her being two months premature. She was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition of which Hypotonia is a Major part. She weighed only 3 lbs at birth and because she basically makes almost zero growth harmone, she is still very small. She has physical therapy everyday, either at the hospital or at home and goes to a swimming class every Monday, all of this is due to the low muscle tone.

                              So the standard of care for these children is Human Growth Harmone and they start about 4 months old. Because the GH is not covered by insurance for the first two years some parents cannot start it until two years old. In the U.S. most people find a way to start it but here in Spain the doctors are not specialists for this condition and would not agree to start the GH until two years because of the risks involved and they were really unaware of the newest research regarding it. My daughter took the baby to Florida a month ago to see the top specialist in this field and that doctor got in touch with the doctors in Spain and persuaded them to agree to the GH. So we have been pushing for this treatment for months because the sooner the better regarding the rest of her life. Thankfully she has no eye or hearing problems and is cognitively normal, so this is a Hugh event for our family. Now we will live with an apnea monitor at night and daily injections of the GH and it will be so worth it.

                              Well, I didn't mean to go on so much about that but you can see that it is on my mind. And I came this time to help my daughter thru her hip replacement surgery and she is doing well.

                              I haven't said much about my drinking while here, but it is pretty much the same with definite cravings that start before lunch. I'm trying hard to stay low key with my drinking and of course we have wine in the evening with dinner, but I also have a bottle in my suitcase for when I finally go to bed, that last one is a great comfort to me. I also have found myself stopping at the corner bar/cafe/bakery every time that I go to the market a block away for groceries, and have a glass. In general though I am under control because I'm helping with the kids and all, I'm sure the minute I return home it will be a bottle a night again, I'm really not making any headway at all, and the more I drink rather than moderate, the more I want to totally quit again.

                              Well, I hope everyone is ok, I am busy from morning until night but think of you and check the thread several times a day to see what is going on.

                              Bye for now and hugs.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                Bruun, I forgot to ask about how your doggie is doing and have you made any decision yet about the surgery, I hope it is going well.

                                Love, play

