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New here and starting Topa and with a question

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    New here and starting Topa and with a question

    Hi there LoOp - welcome to the thread - I saw that you were back and pleased that everything is going SO well for you. Not being a bac user, i haven't read all of what you have written since you have been back, but it certainly looks as if you are busy!! And enjoying what you are doing.....

    Houtx - Hi there. I had forgotten that I worked Sunday so actually have today off which is great! I have a list a mile long of stuff to do. I am so pleased to have today off - had a mini melt down at work yesterday - most customers are great but you got those that aren't - and I had one too many yesterday. Just finally lost it and went in the office and cried !! I try to be happy with them all, but some there are just no pleasing and I hate when they take their anger and frustrations out on me simply because they can. Okay - vent over..... I am just so happy I am off today !!!

    Dizzy - yes, it is hard to imagine being hot - when I have to scrape the ice off the car before i can go anywhere LOL. I am sure it will only take a day or two for you to get your equilibrium back as to where you are - poor soul - horrid waking and having no idea which country you are in etc. !! Oh - did you not drive when you were in UK? Why not?

    The ex bf sounds as if you have doubts - anyway - hope you enjoy the welcome home do they are having for you. Please tell us all about it - this thread needs livening up.

    Hallo there jan - so nice to see you over here - hope all is going well for you? I might just pop over and say hi back!!

    WTE - you need to pop in and catch us up on you and your doings. Play - hope all is going well in Spain - Ally is in taiwan and where is Bruun? Bruun - haven't seen you for a while - hope things are going as well as they can...... how is your puppy dog ?

    And Space...... well, I know you will come back when you are ready - I hope it is soon - I miss you. :l:l

    And I need to get started on my day - love and hugs to all,

    sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      New here and starting Topa and with a question

      Hello LoOp, I don't know you but welcome back from wherever you have been I take it you are a Bac person who had great success with it, so glad for you, I'll try to read some of your thread and get to know you a bit.

      Oh Sun, the public can be so difficult to deal with on a daily basis, I can relate. I think mostly the stressed out and/unhappy ones just take it out on anyone in their path, and then again some people are just downright rude and nasty all the time to everyone, the spoiled ones, I call them. Try to put up your invisible energy field so they can't get thru to hurt you:h

      Dear Dizz, your post just now made me think of wanting to visit sunny South Africa some day, maybe to visit you, but who knows where you and BF will be by that time, I'll track you down

      WTE.and Charlie, I'm feeling happy that your business is thriving this holiday season, tough to get thru but that is the goal for a business and you are SUPER good at yours, looking forward to hearing from you when all is more calm.

      Hi Al, are you feeling better yet from the stress of the trip, really hope so, good luck with everything there and remember that we are here for you, talk soon.:h

      Houtx, you said you are thinking of trying Topa again, can you remind me of what you are taking now? Sorry I can't recall. What age kids do you teach? I think the little ones are more fun because they still love school and learning but I just love little kids in general.

      Things are busy here as usual. My daughter is coming along although she is still using two crutches and so can't carry anything or do much really. I am her hands, cook, chief bottle washer, nanny, market shopper, and I'm so tired every day, I'm used to having some down time as I live by myself, but after all it is only temporary.

      I get tired though of hiding some of my drinking, what a pain in the butt, it makes me want to quit again, you know I've been pretty much totally un motivated for some time, but probably nothing will change anytime soon. And how do I hide it? Well, every time I go out on any kind of errand I stop at the first outdoor cafe (and they are everywhere) that i see and have a Copa Vino Blanco, that's one way.

      In one more week she might be able to go with one crutch and then she can start to carry some things and just have a free hand. I think the biggest hardship for her recovery is having a young family and having to do the things that go along with that.

      Dear Space, missing you and hope you are ok, hope to see you here very soon, love you.

      I will close for now, tired, tired, tired, and see you all tomorrow.

      Love, play


        New here and starting Topa and with a question

        Helloes to you Miss Sunshinedaisies!
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          New here and starting Topa and with a question

          I HEARD FROM SPACE !!!! And she is okay. She will come back when she is ready to and is sorry about all the upset she caused but she is okay........... I am SO relieved !!!!

          Love and hugs to all, Sun XX
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            New here and starting Topa and with a question

            Merry Merry To Everyone! (well, kind of)

            Before I start going backwards and re-reading, Sun THANKS for the update on Space! So happy to hear she is OK! I suppose we all need to take breaks at times ?..

            I feel SO incredible fractured by what happened yesterday to the children and adults. I dreamt about it so much last night. Without getting into too much politics, I don?t own a gun but I am active at a gun range and very comfortable with handguns. I remain in the belief that we have the right to bear arms, but I pull the plug at assault weapons. Sadly, this whole thing was a case of handguns. UGH. Where does it stop and if I ever get the dang time, WHAT are the laws there in getting a gun???

            I bought a rifle with bird shot years ago here in CA. It had I think a 2 week waiting period before I could pick it up. I thought about it and re-thought about it. I enjoy the range, and while I suppose I SHOULD (maybe) own a handgun at home, and a rifle for rattlesnakes and the such ? it just went all against my being. I drink wine. I can see a mistake in the happening! Almost a year later, instead of picking up my purchased gun ? I went back for a refund. At least there was a waiting period here, but no background check ever done (as far as I know) Okay ? nuff said on that topic. *sigh* Makes me ill ?

            LOOP! So great to see you about! How goes the war??? Are you all still studly after Bac and working out??? I bought it ? but never got the nerve to even try it after what a few others told me stories. Houtx was one ? it was a no go. And after my nightmare with Topa of reent, I am afraid to try anything anymore!

            OK ? Going to scroll back to my last post! HA!

            ALLY: Hope you had fun in Vegas! Love that L-Glut is seeming to work for you (?) May work for me if it took it like I should! HA!

            I have I think 7-8 episodes of GLEE taped and have not had the time to watch them. Loved that show last season!

            I am SO SORRY to hear about your Mom. Tough stuff even if you had been part for a bit. I hope your trip is going easy for you ?.

            BRUNN: Where are you? Headed to the (local) doggie park in a bit. Poor Charlie has been working as hard as me at the shop meeting and greeting ? and then the rain ? then my toes ?.. so I feel he has been a bit neglected of late! Call me! Hope Fletcher is doing better!

            DIZZ!: Well, I see you are home and getting back to ?normal life? ? whatever that is for any of us! I hope you have/had a wonderful welcome home BBQ and all was fine with the Ex BF. O find it hard to imagine it so warm right now. We have been having awful cold nights (well, not compared to back East!) but we are spoiled brats in San Diego. Anything below 60 has be putting thermals on! HA!

            PLAY ? I hope your trip is going well ? sounds good so far??? How is the baby??? My! You have your hands full!

            And Play ? There are upsides and downsides to having your own business! No one else to blame for anything! LOL Everyone thinks you have lots of freedom - in reality, your job NEVER ends. Yes, I can take days away from the shop, but I am still working and even on vacations I have my laptop and am constantly connected to work. And I often work at my desk from 430 AM ? 800 PM on my ?days off? with a few Charlie breaks.

            The problem with being a florist is ? you HAVE NO holidays! Or not much anyways. Just the nature of the beast I guess ?

            Houtx!: Right there with ya ? UGH. Some days better than others. Promising myself again this morning that I WILL control more. I think trying Topa again may be a good idea. Heck ? it made a world of diff for me and I would still be on it if there had not been other complications. Poop. Try again!

            SUN: Always great to connect with you ?.sorry for my delays in returning mail or posting! Tis the season for sure! We?ll catch up soon!

            And sorry about your melt down at work and the customers. I KNOW how it can be at times in retail! I have wanted to strangle a certain client for the past two weeks if she does not STOP changing her mind about everything! Hang in there!

            Thanks ALL for the compliments on the pictures. Play ? Ask Sun ? I am NOT Glam! LOL But I do a mean Christmas d?cor! HA!

            And yes, I normally do my home as well. To be totally honest, this year I am in a funk. I have just NOT been able to get over losing Buddy in my life, even tho it was me who had to call it. Last Christmas and New Years was so special with him and now he just gone. I feel it too much each day and just decided to not do a party this year, not with anyone so why the work of d?cor? It?s a lot to do and fun when you have someone fun in your life. So no ? this year ? I only have outdoor lights. Besides, at about this point ? I don?t even want to THINK about decorating any more Christmas after all my clients! HA!

            OK ? I have gone back as far as I can for now and STILL havenot caught up! Yikes! Charlie needs to come first right now ? and hopefully I will be back later!

            Hi to All I missed ! Stuck! Eva! Others ??

            Love and hugs all ?.

            WTE & C


              New here and starting Topa and with a question

              Hallo - home from work....... I am so happy that Space contacted me..... SO relieved too!!! Makes me feel much happier - I hadn't realised how much it was worrying me until she did get in touch.

              WTE - lovely to hear from you. yes, you must be really busy - I hadn't got round to putting anything up at home either - a few years I haven't done anything until the day before christmas which is so bad seeing as my M-I-L comes over plus this year my eldest and family is coming here for Christmas too. But when I got home from work tonight, my youngest had put up the tree and the decs - I gave her a HUGE hug - I was so pleased !!! I have to admit, it is not my favourite thing to do. But hubs never even thinks about it......

              Tomorrow I am off and will wrap some pressies to put under the tree. Also need to go through a ton of paperwork - oh yeh what fun. But it will be good to be off - as long as I get to sleep at a reasonable time. I have been reading on my Nook - found a new author and been downloading his books as soon as I finish one - reading until silly hours of the night!! Should be reading more sensible stuff really instead of crime mystery - but I think as with most other things in my life i tend to put off what is important to me. WHY do I do that?

              LOL WTE - if Play asks me I will tell her you ARE glam !!!!! I think you are and you definitely are compared to me...... ya !!!!

              I am going to go and settle down with my book for an hour or so before heading off to bed where I will read my book again. It is nice to relax after the craziness of work. i only have a couple of Guinness so that is good too - I will wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow :H:H

              Much love and many hugs to everyone, love, sun XXX
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                Hey there everyone. Have only had a chance to read the last few but am not caught up by any means. So I just want to pop in quickly, say hi and happy holidays, f*ck crazy people with guns I swear to the Almighty, and I am so happy and thankful that Space is OK.

                Much love to all. :l


                  New here and starting Topa and with a question

                  Hi All,
                  Ys, I heard from Space also and yes thank goodness she is ok, I'll be happy when she comes back to us.

                  And another tragedy of the shooting of the children and teachers. I started crying when I saw it and it is just beyond my understanding that these things just seem to be an acceptable part of life in the United States, what is wrong with people to let this carnage go on. Guns, guns, people are idiots who think only of their own selfish need to "play with guns"

                  Well, nothing new going on here. Yesterday we (daughter, baby and 4 yr old walked to the beach which is three blocks away, it's the first time I've been there during this trip, lots of people were jogging, bicycling and laying on the beach. Really, it feels like I could be in any country in the world and wouldn't really know it because I've been confined to the house with my daughter so much of the time, but oh we'll, that is why I'm here this time.

                  Hope you are all well, and wish some missing ones would come say hi. Bruun, I'm going to PM you soon, have meant to and just been so busy.

                  Love to All,


                    New here and starting Topa and with a question

                    Morning Everyone …. Or whatever time of day it is!

                    I’ve just decided I can’t catch up on all – so I am starting from scratch! HA!

                    SUN: You are like our Earthly Mom here! If we don’t check in – look out! LOL I hope you know I am kidding you and your very gentle and loving soul is what makes you SO special!

                    I hope you are surviving the season at work and glad you have a day off. Mine yesterday was not as productive as it should have been – but oh well. Today is a new one. Right? And here I am at my desk again since about 4:30 AM with spreadsheets EVERYWHERE for pre-books on orders. I feel like I am doing a homework project. HA!

                    Normally, come Monday morning it would be just about the last “run” of the season. BUT, I have a big client that has decided his ENTIRE family will be arriving for New Years and that mean two BIG houses. So on Christmas Eve, which we normally close early, will be a late one as guests start to arrive on Thursday and we close on Christmas AND the day after (or try to!). Then “HE” arrives on Saturday the 29th so that house needs to be installed and we have to “re-fresh” the whole dang thing at the first house so it all looks perfect for New Year’s Eve.

                    Don’t get me wrong! I am SO grateful for the business when so many other shops are dropping like flies and many going out of business. It’s just that the week AFTER Christmas is normally really slow and so TWO of my people are taking vacations – and now we are on with this. Yikes! And this new PA is making me GOOFY for this client! If she sends me one more picture of a design with mirror balls and “masks” I am going to lose it!

                    Sanity will return when I close early on New Year’s Eve. Well, at least for a day. Then we get to start all the UN-Installs on the 2nd. LOL

                    Sun: Oh yeah – was looking REAL “glam” when we were in my garden and we hadn’t showered! HA! HA!

                    And forget about feeling guilty about reading “fun stuff”. Heck – I was watching really stupid TV last night – it’s how we escape for a bit ….

                    Stuck: A Hello back again! Hope you are doing well .. don’t forget you will have a visit from us soon !!!

                    Play: You are such a champion and your family is SO lucky to have you!! I hope you get some time to enjoy a bit … the sea and all. =) Ocean? LOL

                    Bruun: Hope all is well for you. Missing you and was really hoping we could connect this weekend. Call me if possible – Charlie is asking to go to the doggie park here again and I know you would love it!

                    Space: If you are reading this – just sending HUGS your way. We’ll be here when you are up to posting again. I KNOW the feeling ….

                    Hello to everyone else and I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season!

                    Back to desk work until the sun gets it’s butt up here and Charlie and I can get on with our day as well ….

                    Go safe … with a smile. =)


                      New here and starting Topa and with a question

                      Good Morning everyone!

                      WTE - your job exhausts me !!! :H:H I do not know how you keep up with it and totally understand why you can't be here around this time - so thanks for catching up. Good that you have the new job coming up but also a shame that you won't have a down time sooner than expected.

                      Yes, I am enjoying my day off - the dogs let me sleep in until I woke up which was nice and I have chatted with my mum on skype, had my cup of tea, played on the computer and am now posting - all in aid of putting off attacking my pile of paperwork. the sooner I get it done though, the sooner I will be pleased !

                      LOL re being in the garden - with the slugs - it was a fun day !!

                      Play - so pleased that you got to the beach - how lovely for you. I am glad that your daughter is recovering well. they will miss you when you leave though....

                      Hi there stuck - good to see you here - hope you are enjoying your day !

                      Hello to the missing folk here - missing you !! :l

                      Off to do the pile of paperwork - YUCK !!

                      love and hugs, Sun XXX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        New here and starting Topa and with a question

                        Hi everyone - just back from several days of biz travel and am pooped. Nothing as tiring as all -day and evening staff meetings and training. My poor pup is so fed up with lying around... he is just happy I'm home finally so not fussing g thankfully.

                        Ally, where are you? Hope you're still seeing the doc to talk about the abyss you're in - you need to help yourself and we can help if you open up a bit here, if you feel it could help.

                        WTE, sorry I have been away and not checked for phone messages since Tuesday which it sounds like you must have left one. Hunkered down here with heat pack on my crushed disc which is acting up. Will do later or tomorrow when the workweek starts again. I'm not up for getting together with anyone this weekend. Your business is booming so congrats to you! At the bank we see company financials for retail and service industry and I know the reason you, Sun and others are so busy this time of year is bkz those SIC make 80% of revenue fourth quarter of the year.

                        Play, what a great nurturer you are. Inspirational. Hope your patients are visibly improving each week or even daily.

                        Catch up with you all later!


                          New here and starting Topa and with a question

                          Hi everyone - well, my week already is all sorts of pear shaped. I was asked to switch shifts tonight so I did an earlier shift instead of my usual close on a Monday - that is going to throw me out for the week! but it is GREAT to be home on a Monday evening instead of working - AND there was NO catch either - LOL.

                          Bruun - so sorry about your back - it sounds awful. I cannot imagine the pain of a crushed disc - can't you have surgery on it to alleviate it? My F-I-L did some years ago and it really helped him.....

                          I would hate to travel the way that you have to - I am such a homebody and love just being at home. This year is the first time I have actually been leaving the safety of my home to visit friends on MWO. Hubs always says he needs a crowbar to get me to go anywhere.

                          DAY OFF TOMORROW. Got lots of stuff planned that I wanted to do Sunday but decided would wait til tomorrow when the public wasn't so crowded - LOL. we are so busy at work and yes, I am sure that you can see that Bruun - we have been crazy busy! But it is all good....... Oh - what is SIC ???

                          Going to go and read for a little while then go to bed and read - :H:H

                          love and hugs to all,

                          love, Sun XX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            New here and starting Topa and with a question

                            SIC = standard industrial code. I was just lazy and should have said service and other consumer driven industries. Restaurants for example, retailers....

                            I know what you mean about the crowbar. I did extensive ridiculous biz travel for20 years and upon coming home could not gear to see nor speak to anyone for a day or two. Still doing the isolation but not as much travel thankfully.

                            Sweet dreams and sugarplums to all tonite!


                              New here and starting Topa and with a question

                              Congratulations, Airam.

                              Your thread just had over 100,000 views.:thumbs:
                              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                                New here and starting Topa and with a question

                                WOW Xadrian - that is amazing! I wish Airam was still around to see it - she pops in VERY rarely and as far as I know, is still struggling. Maybe she needs to come back to her thread........

                                Morning everyone else. Got up early this morning full of it !! Got lots to do and thought I would make an early start - just drinking my morning cuppa and feeling good.....

                                Hugs, sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

